Package zeromq

Software library for fast, message-based applications

The 0MQ lightweight messaging kernel is a library which extends the
standard socket interfaces with features traditionally provided by
specialized messaging middle-ware products. 0MQ sockets provide an
abstraction of asynchronous message queues, multiple messaging
patterns, message filtering (subscriptions), seamless access to
multiple transport protocols and more.

This package contains the ZeroMQ shared library.

Version: 4.3.5

Library Functions

zmq_atomic_counter_dec decrement an atomic counter
zmq_atomic_counter_destroy destroy an atomic counter
zmq_atomic_counter_inc increment an atomic counter
zmq_atomic_counter_new create a new atomic counter
zmq_atomic_counter_set set atomic counter to new value
zmq_atomic_counter_value return value of atomic counter
zmq_bind accept incoming connections on a socket
zmq_close close 0MQ socket
zmq_connect create outgoing connection from socket
zmq_connect_peer create outgoing connection from socket and return the connection routing id in thread-safe and atomic way.
zmq_ctx_get get context options
zmq_ctx_new create new 0MQ context
zmq_ctx_set set context options
zmq_ctx_shutdown shutdown a 0MQ context
zmq_ctx_term terminate a 0MQ context
zmq_curve_keypair generate a new CURVE keypair
zmq_curve_public derive the public key from a private key
zmq_disconnect Disconnect a socket from an endpoint
zmq_errno retrieve value of errno for the calling thread
zmq_getsockopt get 0MQ socket options
zmq_has check a ZMQ capability
zmq_msg_close release 0MQ message
zmq_msg_copy copy content of a message to another message
zmq_msg_data retrieve pointer to message content
zmq_msg_get get message property
zmq_msg_gets get message metadata property
zmq_msg_init initialise empty 0MQ message
zmq_msg_init_buffer initialise 0MQ message with buffer copy
zmq_msg_init_data initialise 0MQ message from a supplied buffer
zmq_msg_init_size initialise 0MQ message of a specified size
zmq_msg_more indicate if there are more message parts to receive
zmq_msg_move move content of a message to another message
zmq_msg_recv receive a message part from a socket
zmq_msg_routing_id return routing ID for message, if any
zmq_msg_send send a message part on a socket
zmq_msg_set set message property
zmq_msg_set_routing_id set routing ID property on message
zmq_msg_size retrieve message content size in bytes
zmq_poll input/output multiplexing
zmq_poller input/output multiplexing
zmq_ppoll input/output multiplexing with signal mask
zmq_proxy start built-in 0MQ proxy
zmq_proxy_steerable built-in 0MQ proxy with control flow
zmq_recv receive a message part from a socket
zmq_recvmsg receive a message part from a socket
zmq_send send a message part on a socket
zmq_send_const send a constant-memory message part on a socket
zmq_sendmsg send a message part on a socket
zmq_setsockopt set 0MQ socket options
zmq_socket create 0MQ socket
zmq_socket_monitor monitor socket events
zmq_socket_monitor_versioned monitor socket events
zmq_strerror get 0MQ error message string
zmq_timers helper functions for cross-platform timers callbacks
zmq_unbind Stop accepting connections on a socket
zmq_version report 0MQ library version
zmq_z85_decode decode a binary key from Z85 printable text
zmq_z85_encode encode a binary key as Z85 printable text


zmq 0MQ lightweight messaging kernel
zmq_curve secure authentication and confidentiality
zmq_gssapi secure authentication and confidentiality
zmq_inproc 0MQ local in-process (inter-thread) communication transport
zmq_ipc 0MQ local inter-process communication transport
zmq_null no security or confidentiality
zmq_pgm 0MQ reliable multicast transport using PGM
zmq_plain clear-text authentication
zmq_tcp 0MQ unicast transport using TCP
zmq_tipc 0MQ unicast transport using TIPC
zmq_udp 0MQ UDP multicast and unicast transport
zmq_vmci 0MQ transport over virtual machine communicatios interface (VMCI) sockets