Package xmedcon-devel

Libraries files for (X)MedCon development

The xmedcon-devel package contains the header and libraries necessary
for developing programs that make use of the (X)MedCon library (libmdc).

Version: 0.24.1

See also: xmedcon.

Library Functions

medcon MedCon C project for conversion of medical images

Special Files

m-acr ACR/NEMA medical image format (MedCon)
m-anlz Analyze (SPM) medical image format (MedCon)
m-ecat CTI ECAT 6/7 medical image format (MedCon)
m-gif GIF87a and annimated GIF89a format (MedCon)
m-intf InterFile 3.3 medical image format (MedCon)
m-inw RUG INW1.0 medical image format (MedCon)