Package x2gokdriveclient

X2Go KDrive Client application

X2Go is a server-based computing environment with
    - session resuming
    - low bandwidth support
    - session brokerage support
    - client-side mass storage mounting support
    - client-side printing support
    - audio support
    - authentication by smartcard and USB stick

X2Go KDrive Client is the KDrive graphical backend (Qt5)
for X2Go Client that provides support for running modern desktop
environments like GNOME, KDE Plasma, Cinnamon, etc. in X2Go Sessions.

The X2Go KDrive graphical backend is not suitable for low bandwidth
WAN connections between X2Go Client and X2Go Server. It is supposed
for X2Go being used on the local area network.


General Commands

x2gokdriveclient Graphical client-side backend for X2Go Server's KDrive-based X-Server backend