Package valkey-doc

Documentation and extra man pages for valkey

Version: 8.0.0

See also: valkey.

Library Functions

acl-cat.3valkey Lists the ACL categories, or the commands inside a category.
acl-deluser.3valkey Deletes ACL users, and terminates their connections.
acl-dryrun.3valkey Simulates the execution of a command by a user, without executing the command.
acl-genpass.3valkey Generates a pseudorandom, secure password that can be used to identify ACL users.
acl-getuser.3valkey Lists the ACL rules of a user.
acl-help.3valkey Returns helpful text about the different subcommands.
acl-list.3valkey Dumps the effective rules in ACL file format.
acl-load.3valkey Reloads the rules from the configured ACL file.
acl-log.3valkey Lists recent security events generated due to ACL rules.
acl-save.3valkey Saves the effective ACL rules in the configured ACL file.
acl-setuser.3valkey Creates and modifies an ACL user and its rules.
acl-users.3valkey Lists all ACL users.
acl-whoami.3valkey Returns the authenticated username of the current connection.
acl.3valkey A container for Access List Control commands.
append.3valkey Appends a string to the value of a key. Creates the key if it doesn’t exist.
asking.3valkey Signals that a cluster client is following an -ASK redirect.
auth.3valkey Authenticates the connection.
bgrewriteaof.3valkey Asynchronously rewrites the append-only file to disk.
bgsave.3valkey Asynchronously saves the database(s) to disk.
bitcount.3valkey Counts the number of set bits (population counting) in a string.
bitfield.3valkey Performs arbitrary bitfield integer operations on strings.
bitfield_ro.3valkey Performs arbitrary read-only bitfield integer operations on strings.
bitop.3valkey Performs bitwise operations on multiple strings, and stores the result.
bitpos.3valkey Finds the first set (1) or clear (0) bit in a string.
blmove.3valkey Pops an element from a list, pushes it to another list and returns it. Blocks until an element is available otherwise. Deletes the list if the last element was…
blmpop.3valkey Pops the first element from one of multiple lists. Blocks until an element is available otherwise. Deletes the list if the last element was popped.
blpop.3valkey Removes and returns the first element in a list. Blocks until an element is available otherwise. Deletes the list if the last element was popped.
brpop.3valkey Removes and returns the last element in a list. Blocks until an element is available otherwise. Deletes the list if the last element was popped.
brpoplpush.3valkey Pops an element from a list, pushes it to another list and returns it. Block until an element is available otherwise. Deletes the list if the last element was…
bzmpop.3valkey Removes and returns a member by score from one or more sorted sets. Blocks until a member is available otherwise. Deletes the sorted set if the last element was…
bzpopmax.3valkey Removes and returns the member with the highest score from one or more sorted sets. Blocks until a member available otherwise. Deletes the sorted set if the…
bzpopmin.3valkey Removes and returns the member with the lowest score from one or more sorted sets. Blocks until a member is available otherwise. Deletes the sorted set if the…
client-caching.3valkey Instructs the server whether to track the keys in the next request.
client-capa.3valkey A client claims its capability.
client-getname.3valkey Returns the name of the connection.
client-getredir.3valkey Returns the client ID to which the connection’s tracking notifications are redirected.
client-help.3valkey Returns helpful text about the different subcommands.
client-id.3valkey Returns the unique client ID of the connection.
client-info.3valkey Returns information about the connection.
client-kill.3valkey Terminates open connections.
client-list.3valkey Lists open connections.
client-no-evict.3valkey Sets the client eviction mode of the connection.
client-no-touch.3valkey Controls whether commands sent by the client affect the LRU/LFU of accessed keys.
client-pause.3valkey Suspends commands processing.
client-reply.3valkey Instructs the server whether to reply to commands.
client-setinfo.3valkey Sets information specific to the client or connection.
client-setname.3valkey Sets the connection name.
client-tracking.3valkey Controls server-assisted client-side caching for the connection.
client-trackinginfo.3valkey Returns information about server-assisted client-side caching for the connection.
client-unblock.3valkey Unblocks a client blocked by a blocking command from a different connection.
client-unpause.3valkey Resumes processing commands from paused clients.
client.3valkey A container for client connection commands.
cluster-addslots.3valkey Assigns new hash slots to a node.
cluster-addslotsrange.3valkey Assigns new hash slot ranges to a node.
cluster-bumpepoch.3valkey Advances the cluster config epoch.
cluster-count-failure-reports.3valkey Returns the number of active failure reports active for a node.
cluster-countkeysinslot.3valkey Returns the number of keys in a hash slot.
cluster-delslots.3valkey Sets hash slots as unbound for a node.
cluster-delslotsrange.3valkey Sets hash slot ranges as unbound for a node.
cluster-failover.3valkey Forces a replica to perform a manual failover of its primary.
cluster-flushslots.3valkey Deletes all slots information from a node.
cluster-forget.3valkey Removes a node from the nodes table.
cluster-getkeysinslot.3valkey Returns the key names in a hash slot.
cluster-help.3valkey Returns helpful text about the different subcommands.
cluster-info.3valkey Returns information about the state of a node.
cluster-keyslot.3valkey Returns the hash slot for a key.
cluster-links.3valkey Returns a list of all TCP links to and from peer nodes.
cluster-meet.3valkey Forces a node to handshake with another node.
cluster-myid.3valkey Returns the ID of a node.
cluster-myshardid.3valkey Returns the shard ID of a node.
cluster-nodes.3valkey Returns the cluster configuration for a node.
cluster-replicas.3valkey Lists the replica nodes of a primary node.
cluster-replicate.3valkey Configure a node as replica of a primary node.
cluster-reset.3valkey Resets a node.
cluster-saveconfig.3valkey Forces a node to save the cluster configuration to disk.
cluster-set-config-epoch.3valkey Sets the configuration epoch for a new node.
cluster-setslot.3valkey Binds a hash slot to a node.
cluster-shards.3valkey Returns the mapping of cluster slots to shards.
cluster-slaves.3valkey Lists the replica nodes of a primary node.
cluster-slots.3valkey Returns the mapping of cluster slots to nodes.
cluster.3valkey A container for Cluster commands.
command-count.3valkey Returns a count of commands.
command-docs.3valkey Returns documentary information about one, multiple or all commands.
command-getkeys.3valkey Extracts the key names from an arbitrary command.
command-getkeysandflags.3valkey Extracts the key names and access flags for an arbitrary command.
command-help.3valkey Returns helpful text about the different subcommands.
command-info.3valkey Returns information about one, multiple or all commands.
command-list.3valkey Returns a list of command names.
command.3valkey Returns detailed information about all commands.
config-get.3valkey Returns the effective values of configuration parameters.
config-help.3valkey Returns helpful text about the different subcommands.
config-resetstat.3valkey Resets the server’s statistics.
config-rewrite.3valkey Persists the effective configuration to file.
config-set.3valkey Sets configuration parameters in-flight.
config.3valkey A container for server configuration commands.
copy.3valkey Copies the value of a key to a new key.
dbsize.3valkey Returns the number of keys in the database.
debug.3valkey A container for debugging commands.
decr.3valkey Decrements the integer value of a key by one. Uses 0 as initial value if the key doesn’t exist.
decrby.3valkey Decrements a number from the integer value of a key. Uses 0 as initial value if the key doesn’t exist.
del.3valkey Deletes one or more keys.
discard.3valkey Discards a transaction.
dump.3valkey Returns a serialized representation of the value stored at a key.
echo.3valkey Returns the given string.
eval.3valkey Executes a server-side Lua script.
eval_ro.3valkey Executes a read-only server-side Lua script.
evalsha.3valkey Executes a server-side Lua script by SHA1 digest.
evalsha_ro.3valkey Executes a read-only server-side Lua script by SHA1 digest.
exec.3valkey Executes all commands in a transaction.
exists.3valkey Determines whether one or more keys exist.
expire.3valkey Sets the expiration time of a key in seconds.
expireat.3valkey Sets the expiration time of a key to a Unix timestamp.
expiretime.3valkey Returns the expiration time of a key as a Unix timestamp.
failover.3valkey Starts a coordinated failover from a server to one of its replicas.
fcall.3valkey Invokes a function.
fcall_ro.3valkey Invokes a read-only function.
flushall.3valkey Removes all keys from all databases.
flushdb.3valkey Remove all keys from the current database.
function-delete.3valkey Deletes a library and its functions.
function-dump.3valkey Dumps all libraries into a serialized binary payload.
function-flush.3valkey Deletes all libraries and functions.
function-help.3valkey Returns helpful text about the different subcommands.
function-kill.3valkey Terminates a function during execution.
function-list.3valkey Returns information about all libraries.
function-load.3valkey Creates a library.
function-restore.3valkey Restores all libraries from a payload.
function-stats.3valkey Returns information about a function during execution.
function.3valkey A container for function commands.
geoadd.3valkey Adds one or more members to a geospatial index. The key is created if it doesn’t exist.
geodist.3valkey Returns the distance between two members of a geospatial index.
geohash.3valkey Returns members from a geospatial index as geohash strings.
geopos.3valkey Returns the longitude and latitude of members from a geospatial index.
georadius.3valkey Queries a geospatial index for members within a distance from a coordinate, optionally stores the result.
georadius_ro.3valkey Returns members from a geospatial index that are within a distance from a coordinate.
georadiusbymember.3valkey Queries a geospatial index for members within a distance from a member, optionally stores the result.
georadiusbymember_ro.3valkey Returns members from a geospatial index that are within a distance from a member.
geosearch.3valkey Queries a geospatial index for members inside an area of a box or a circle.
geosearchstore.3valkey Queries a geospatial index for members inside an area of a box or a circle, optionally stores the result.
get.3valkey Returns the string value of a key.
getbit.3valkey Returns a bit value by offset.
getdel.3valkey Returns the string value of a key after deleting the key.
getex.3valkey Returns the string value of a key after setting its expiration time.
getrange.3valkey Returns a substring of the string stored at a key.
getset.3valkey Returns the previous string value of a key after setting it to a new value.
hdel.3valkey Deletes one or more fields and their values from a hash. Deletes the hash if no fields remain.
hello.3valkey Handshakes with the server.
hexists.3valkey Determines whether a field exists in a hash.
hget.3valkey Returns the value of a field in a hash.
hgetall.3valkey Returns all fields and values in a hash.
hincrby.3valkey Increments the integer value of a field in a hash by a number. Uses 0 as initial value if the field doesn’t exist.
hincrbyfloat.3valkey Increments the floating point value of a field by a number. Uses 0 as initial value if the field doesn’t exist.
hkeys.3valkey Returns all fields in a hash.
hlen.3valkey Returns the number of fields in a hash.
hmget.3valkey Returns the values of all fields in a hash.
hmset.3valkey Sets the values of multiple fields.
hrandfield.3valkey Returns one or more random fields from a hash.
hscan.3valkey Iterates over fields and values of a hash.
hset.3valkey Creates or modifies the value of a field in a hash.
hsetnx.3valkey Sets the value of a field in a hash only when the field doesn’t exist.
hstrlen.3valkey Returns the length of the value of a field.
hvals.3valkey Returns all values in a hash.
incr.3valkey Increments the integer value of a key by one. Uses 0 as initial value if the key doesn’t exist.
incrby.3valkey Increments the integer value of a key by a number. Uses 0 as initial value if the key doesn’t exist.
incrbyfloat.3valkey Increment the floating point value of a key by a number. Uses 0 as initial value if the key doesn’t exist.
info.3valkey Returns information and statistics about the server.
keys.3valkey Returns all key names that match a pattern.
lastsave.3valkey Returns the Unix timestamp of the last successful save to disk.
latency-doctor.3valkey Returns a human-readable latency analysis report.
latency-graph.3valkey Returns a latency graph for an event.
latency-help.3valkey Returns helpful text about the different subcommands.
latency-histogram.3valkey Returns the cumulative distribution of latencies of a subset or all commands.
latency-history.3valkey Returns timestamp-latency samples for an event.
latency-latest.3valkey Returns the latest latency samples for all events.
latency-reset.3valkey Resets the latency data for one or more events.
latency.3valkey A container for latency diagnostics commands.
lcs.3valkey Finds the longest common substring.
lindex.3valkey Returns an element from a list by its index.
linsert.3valkey Inserts an element before or after another element in a list.
llen.3valkey Returns the length of a list.
lmove.3valkey Returns an element after popping it from one list and pushing it to another. Deletes the list if the last element was moved.
lmpop.3valkey Returns multiple elements from a list after removing them. Deletes the list if the last element was popped.
lolwut.3valkey Displays computer art and the server version
lpop.3valkey Returns the first elements in a list after removing it. Deletes the list if the last element was popped.
lpos.3valkey Returns the index of matching elements in a list.
lpush.3valkey Prepends one or more elements to a list. Creates the key if it doesn’t exist.
lpushx.3valkey Prepends one or more elements to a list only when the list exists.
lrange.3valkey Returns a range of elements from a list.
lrem.3valkey Removes elements from a list. Deletes the list if the last element was removed.
lset.3valkey Sets the value of an element in a list by its index.
ltrim.3valkey Removes elements from both ends a list. Deletes the list if all elements were trimmed.
memory-doctor.3valkey Outputs a memory problems report.
memory-help.3valkey Returns helpful text about the different subcommands.
memory-malloc-stats.3valkey Returns the allocator statistics.
memory-purge.3valkey Asks the allocator to release memory.
memory-stats.3valkey Returns details about memory usage.
memory-usage.3valkey Estimates the memory usage of a key.
memory.3valkey A container for memory diagnostics commands.
mget.3valkey Atomically returns the string values of one or more keys.
migrate.3valkey Atomically transfers a key from one instance to another.
module-help.3valkey Returns helpful text about the different subcommands.
module-list.3valkey Returns all loaded modules.
module-load.3valkey Loads a module.
module-loadex.3valkey Loads a module using extended parameters.
module-unload.3valkey Unloads a module.
module.3valkey A container for module commands.
monitor.3valkey Listens for all requests received by the server in real-time.
move.3valkey Moves a key to another database.
mset.3valkey Atomically creates or modifies the string values of one or more keys.
msetnx.3valkey Atomically modifies the string values of one or more keys only when all keys don’t exist.
multi.3valkey Starts a transaction.
object-encoding.3valkey Returns the internal encoding of an object.
object-freq.3valkey Returns the logarithmic access frequency counter of an object.
object-help.3valkey Returns helpful text about the different subcommands.
object-idletime.3valkey Returns the time since the last access to an object.
object-refcount.3valkey Returns the reference count of a value of a key.
object.3valkey A container for object introspection commands.
persist.3valkey Removes the expiration time of a key.
pexpire.3valkey Sets the expiration time of a key in milliseconds.
pexpireat.3valkey Sets the expiration time of a key to a Unix milliseconds timestamp.
pexpiretime.3valkey Returns the expiration time of a key as a Unix milliseconds timestamp.
pfadd.3valkey Adds elements to a HyperLogLog key. Creates the key if it doesn’t exist.
pfcount.3valkey Returns the approximated cardinality of the set(s) observed by the HyperLogLog key(s).
pfdebug.3valkey Internal commands for debugging HyperLogLog values.
pfmerge.3valkey Merges one or more HyperLogLog values into a single key.
pfselftest.3valkey An internal command for testing HyperLogLog values.
ping.3valkey Returns the server’s liveliness response.
psetex.3valkey Sets both string value and expiration time in milliseconds of a key. The key is created if it doesn’t exist.
psubscribe.3valkey Listens for messages published to channels that match one or more patterns.
psync.3valkey An internal command used in replication.
pttl.3valkey Returns the expiration time in milliseconds of a key.
publish.3valkey Posts a message to a channel.
pubsub-channels.3valkey Returns the active channels.
pubsub-help.3valkey Returns helpful text about the different subcommands.
pubsub-numpat.3valkey Returns a count of unique pattern subscriptions.
pubsub-numsub.3valkey Returns a count of subscribers to channels.
pubsub-shardchannels.3valkey Returns the active shard channels.
pubsub-shardnumsub.3valkey Returns the count of subscribers of shard channels.
pubsub.3valkey A container for Pub/Sub commands.
punsubscribe.3valkey Stops listening to messages published to channels that match one or more patterns.
quit.3valkey Closes the connection.
randomkey.3valkey Returns a random key name from the database.
readonly.3valkey Enables read-only queries for a connection to a Valkey replica node.
readwrite.3valkey Enables read-write queries for a connection to a Valkey replica node.
rename.3valkey Renames a key and overwrites the destination.
renamenx.3valkey Renames a key only when the target key name doesn’t exist.
replconf.3valkey An internal command for configuring the replication stream.
replicaof.3valkey Configures a server as replica of another, or promotes it to a primary.
reset.3valkey Resets the connection.
restore-asking.3valkey An internal command for migrating keys in a cluster.
restore.3valkey Creates a key from the serialized representation of a value.
role.3valkey Returns the replication role.
rpop.3valkey Returns and removes the last elements of a list. Deletes the list if the last element was popped.
rpoplpush.3valkey Returns the last element of a list after removing and pushing it to another list. Deletes the list if the last element was popped.
rpush.3valkey Appends one or more elements to a list. Creates the key if it doesn’t exist.
rpushx.3valkey Appends an element to a list only when the list exists.
sadd.3valkey Adds one or more members to a set. Creates the key if it doesn’t exist.
save.3valkey Synchronously saves the database(s) to disk.
scan.3valkey Iterates over the key names in the database.
scard.3valkey Returns the number of members in a set.
script-debug.3valkey Sets the debug mode of server-side Lua scripts.
script-exists.3valkey Determines whether server-side Lua scripts exist in the script cache.
script-flush.3valkey Removes all server-side Lua scripts from the script cache.
script-help.3valkey Returns helpful text about the different subcommands.
script-kill.3valkey Terminates a server-side Lua script during execution.
script-load.3valkey Loads a server-side Lua script to the script cache.
script-show.3valkey Show server-side Lua script in the script cache.
script.3valkey A container for Lua scripts management commands.
sdiff.3valkey Returns the difference of multiple sets.
sdiffstore.3valkey Stores the difference of multiple sets in a key.
select.3valkey Changes the selected database.
set.3valkey Sets the string value of a key, ignoring its type. The key is created if it doesn’t exist.
setbit.3valkey Sets or clears the bit at offset of the string value. Creates the key if it doesn’t exist.
setex.3valkey Sets the string value and expiration time of a key. Creates the key if it doesn’t exist.
setnx.3valkey Set the string value of a key only when the key doesn’t exist.
setrange.3valkey Overwrites a part of a string value with another by an offset. Creates the key if it doesn’t exist.
shutdown.3valkey Synchronously saves the database(s) to disk and shuts down the server.
sinter.3valkey Returns the intersect of multiple sets.
sintercard.3valkey Returns the number of members of the intersect of multiple sets.
sinterstore.3valkey Stores the intersect of multiple sets in a key.
sismember.3valkey Determines whether a member belongs to a set.
slaveof.3valkey Sets a server as a replica of another, or promotes it to being a primary.
slowlog-get.3valkey Returns the slow log’s entries.
slowlog-help.3valkey Show helpful text about the different subcommands
slowlog-len.3valkey Returns the number of entries in the slow log.
slowlog-reset.3valkey Clears all entries from the slow log.
slowlog.3valkey A container for slow log commands.
smembers.3valkey Returns all members of a set.
smismember.3valkey Determines whether multiple members belong to a set.
smove.3valkey Moves a member from one set to another.
sort.3valkey Sorts the elements in a list, a set, or a sorted set, optionally storing the result.
sort_ro.3valkey Returns the sorted elements of a list, a set, or a sorted set.
spop.3valkey Returns one or more random members from a set after removing them. Deletes the set if the last member was popped.
spublish.3valkey Post a message to a shard channel
srandmember.3valkey Get one or multiple random members from a set
srem.3valkey Removes one or more members from a set. Deletes the set if the last member was removed.
sscan.3valkey Iterates over members of a set.
ssubscribe.3valkey Listens for messages published to shard channels.
strlen.3valkey Returns the length of a string value.
subscribe.3valkey Listens for messages published to channels.
substr.3valkey Returns a substring from a string value.
sunion.3valkey Returns the union of multiple sets.
sunionstore.3valkey Stores the union of multiple sets in a key.
sunsubscribe.3valkey Stops listening to messages posted to shard channels.
swapdb.3valkey Swaps two databases.
sync.3valkey An internal command used in replication.
time.3valkey Returns the server time.
touch.3valkey Returns the number of existing keys out of those specified after updating the time they were last accessed.
ttl.3valkey Returns the expiration time in seconds of a key.
type.3valkey Determines the type of value stored at a key.
unlink.3valkey Asynchronously deletes one or more keys.
unsubscribe.3valkey Stops listening to messages posted to channels.
unwatch.3valkey Forgets about watched keys of a transaction.
wait.3valkey Blocks until the asynchronous replication of all preceding write commands sent by the connection is completed.
waitaof.3valkey Blocks until all of the preceding write commands sent by the connection are written to the append-only file of the primary and/or replicas.
watch.3valkey Monitors changes to keys to determine the execution of a transaction.
xack.3valkey Returns the number of messages that were successfully acknowledged by the consumer group member of a stream.
xadd.3valkey Appends a new message to a stream. Creates the key if it doesn’t exist.
xautoclaim.3valkey Changes, or acquires, ownership of messages in a consumer group, as if the messages were delivered to as consumer group member.
xclaim.3valkey Changes, or acquires, ownership of a message in a consumer group, as if the message was delivered a consumer group member.
xdel.3valkey Returns the number of messages after removing them from a stream.
xgroup-create.3valkey Creates a consumer group.
xgroup-createconsumer.3valkey Creates a consumer in a consumer group.
xgroup-delconsumer.3valkey Deletes a consumer from a consumer group.
xgroup-destroy.3valkey Destroys a consumer group.
xgroup-help.3valkey Returns helpful text about the different subcommands.
xgroup-setid.3valkey Sets the last-delivered ID of a consumer group.
xgroup.3valkey A container for consumer groups commands.
xinfo-consumers.3valkey Returns a list of the consumers in a consumer group.
xinfo-groups.3valkey Returns a list of the consumer groups of a stream.
xinfo-help.3valkey Returns helpful text about the different subcommands.
xinfo-stream.3valkey Returns information about a stream.
xinfo.3valkey A container for stream introspection commands.
xlen.3valkey Return the number of messages in a stream.
xpending.3valkey Returns the information and entries from a stream consumer group’s pending entries list.
xrange.3valkey Returns the messages from a stream within a range of IDs.
xread.3valkey Returns messages from multiple streams with IDs greater than the ones requested. Blocks until a message is available otherwise.
xreadgroup.3valkey Returns new or historical messages from a stream for a consumer in a group. Blocks until a message is available otherwise.
xrevrange.3valkey Returns the messages from a stream within a range of IDs in reverse order.
xsetid.3valkey An internal command for replicating stream values.
xtrim.3valkey Deletes messages from the beginning of a stream.
zadd.3valkey Adds one or more members to a sorted set, or updates their scores. Creates the key if it doesn’t exist.
zcard.3valkey Returns the number of members in a sorted set.
zcount.3valkey Returns the count of members in a sorted set that have scores within a range.
zdiff.3valkey Returns the difference between multiple sorted sets.
zdiffstore.3valkey Stores the difference of multiple sorted sets in a key.
zincrby.3valkey Increments the score of a member in a sorted set.
zinter.3valkey Returns the intersect of multiple sorted sets.
zintercard.3valkey Returns the number of members of the intersect of multiple sorted sets.
zinterstore.3valkey Stores the intersect of multiple sorted sets in a key.
zlexcount.3valkey Returns the number of members in a sorted set within a lexicographical range.
zmpop.3valkey Returns the highest- or lowest-scoring members from one or more sorted sets after removing them. Deletes the sorted set if the last member was popped.
zmscore.3valkey Returns the score of one or more members in a sorted set.
zpopmax.3valkey Returns the highest-scoring members from a sorted set after removing them. Deletes the sorted set if the last member was popped.
zpopmin.3valkey Returns the lowest-scoring members from a sorted set after removing them. Deletes the sorted set if the last member was popped.
zrandmember.3valkey Returns one or more random members from a sorted set.
zrange.3valkey Returns members in a sorted set within a range of indexes.
zrangebylex.3valkey Returns members in a sorted set within a lexicographical range.
zrangebyscore.3valkey Returns members in a sorted set within a range of scores.
zrangestore.3valkey Stores a range of members from sorted set in a key.
zrank.3valkey Returns the index of a member in a sorted set ordered by ascending scores.
zrem.3valkey Removes one or more members from a sorted set. Deletes the sorted set if all members were removed.
zremrangebylex.3valkey Removes members in a sorted set within a lexicographical range. Deletes the sorted set if all members were removed.
zremrangebyrank.3valkey Removes members in a sorted set within a range of indexes. Deletes the sorted set if all members were removed.
zremrangebyscore.3valkey Removes members in a sorted set within a range of scores. Deletes the sorted set if all members were removed.
zrevrange.3valkey Returns members in a sorted set within a range of indexes in reverse order.
zrevrangebylex.3valkey Returns members in a sorted set within a lexicographical range in reverse order.
zrevrangebyscore.3valkey Returns members in a sorted set within a range of scores in reverse order.
zrevrank.3valkey Returns the index of a member in a sorted set ordered by descending scores.
zscan.3valkey Iterates over members and scores of a sorted set.
zscore.3valkey Returns the score of a member in a sorted set.
zunion.3valkey Returns the union of multiple sorted sets.
zunionstore.3valkey Stores the union of multiple sorted sets in a key.


valkey Valkey Documentation
valkey-ARM ARM support
valkey-acl ACL
valkey-bitfields Bitfields
valkey-bitmaps Bitmaps
valkey-client-side-caching Client-side caching in Valkey
valkey-clients Valkey client handling
valkey-cluster-spec Valkey cluster specification
valkey-cluster-tutorial Scale with Valkey Cluster
valkey-command-arguments Valkey command arguments
valkey-command-tips Valkey command tips
valkey-commands The full list of Valkey commands
valkey-data-types Valkey data types
valkey-debugging Debugging
valkey-distlock Distributed Locks with Valkey
valkey-encryption TLS
valkey-eval-intro Scripting with Lua
valkey-functions-intro Valkey functions
valkey-geospatial Valkey geospatial
valkey-get-started Quick starts
valkey-hashes Hashes
valkey-history Valkey history
valkey-hyperloglogs HyperLogLog
valkey-indexing Secondary indexing
valkey-installation Install Valkey
valkey-introduction Introduction to Valkey
valkey-key-specs Command key specifications
valkey-keyspace Keyspace
valkey-latency Diagnosing latency issues
valkey-latency-monitor Valkey latency monitoring
valkey-ldb Debugging Lua scripts in Valkey
valkey-license Valkey license
valkey-lists Lists
valkey-lru-cache Key eviction
valkey-lua-api Valkey Lua API reference
valkey-mass-insertion Bulk loading
valkey-migration Migration from Redis to Valkey
valkey-modules-api-ref Modules API reference
valkey-modules-blocking-ops Valkey modules and blocking commands
valkey-modules-intro Valkey modules API
valkey-modules-native-types Modules API for native types
valkey-notifications Valkey keyspace notifications
valkey-persistence Valkey persistence
valkey-pipelining Valkey pipelining
valkey-problems Troubleshooting Valkey
valkey-programmability Valkey programmability
valkey-protocol Serialization protocol specification
valkey-pubsub Valkey Pub/Sub
valkey-quickstart Valkey as an in-memory data structure store quick start guide
valkey-releases Valkey releases and versioning
valkey-replication Valkey replication
valkey-security Valkey security
valkey-sentinel-clients Sentinel client spec
valkey-sets Sets
valkey-signals Valkey signal handling
valkey-sorted-sets Sorted Sets
valkey-streams-intro Streams
valkey-strings Strings
valkey-transactions Transactions
valkey-twitter-clone Valkey patterns example