Package uutils-coreutils

coreutils ~ GNU coreutils reimplementation in Rust

coreutils ~ GNU coreutils (updated); implemented as universal (cross-platform) utils, written in Rust.

Version: 0.0.27

General Commands

uu_[ Check file types and compare values.
uu_b2sum Compute and check message digests.
uu_b3sum Compute and check message digests.
uu_base32 encode/decode data and print to standard output With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input.
uu_base64 encode/decode data and print to standard output With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input.
uu_basename Print NAME with any leading directory components removed If specified, also remove a trailing SUFFIX
uu_basenc Encode/decode data and print to standard output With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input.
uu_cat Concatenate FILE(s), or standard input, to standard output With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input.
uu_chcon Change the SELinux security context of each FILE to CONTEXT. With --reference, change the security context of each FILE to that of RFILE.
uu_cksum Print CRC and size for each file
uu_comm Compare two sorted files line by line. When FILE1 or FILE2 (not both) is -, read standard input.
uu_cp Copy SOURCE to DEST, or multiple SOURCE(s) to DIRECTORY.
uu_csplit Split a file into sections determined by context lines
uu_cut Prints specified byte or field columns from each line of stdin or the input files
uu_date Print or set the system date and time
uu_dd Copy, and optionally convert, a file system resource
uu_df Show information about the file system on which each FILE resides, or all file systems by default.
uu_dir List directory contents. Ignore files and directories starting with a '.' by default
uu_dircolors Output commands to set the LS_COLORS environment variable.
uu_dirname Strip last component from file name
uu_du Estimate file space usage
uu_echo Display a line of text
uu_env Set each NAME to VALUE in the environment and run COMMAND
uu_expand Convert tabs in each `FILE` to spaces, writing to standard output. With no `FILE`, or when `FILE` is `-`, read standard input.
uu_expr Print the value of `EXPRESSION` to standard output
uu_factor Print the prime factors of the given NUMBER(s). If none are specified, read from standard input.
uu_false Returns false, an unsuccessful exit status. Immediately returns with the exit status `1`.
uu_fmt Reformat paragraphs from input files (or stdin) to stdout.
uu_fold Writes each file (or standard input if no files are given) to standard output whilst breaking long lines
uu_hashsum Compute and check message digests.
uu_head Print the first 10 lines of each `FILE` to standard output. With more than one `FILE`, precede each with a header giving the file name.
uu_id Print user and group information for each specified `USER`, or (when `USER` omitted) for the current user.
uu_join For each pair of input lines with identical join fields, write a line to standard output. The default join field is the first, delimited by blanks.
uu_link Call the link function to create a link named FILE2 to an existing FILE1.
uu_ln Make links between files.
uu_ls List directory contents. Ignore files and directories starting with a '.' by default
uu_md5sum Compute and check message digests.
uu_mkdir Create the given DIRECTORY(ies) if they do not exist
uu_mktemp Create a temporary file or directory.
uu_more Display the contents of a text file
uu_mv Move `SOURCE` to `DEST`, or multiple `SOURCE`(s) to `DIRECTORY`.
uu_nl Number lines of files
uu_numfmt Convert numbers from/to human-readable strings
uu_od Dump files in octal and other formats
uu_paste Write lines consisting of the sequentially corresponding lines from each `FILE`, separated by `TAB`s, to standard output.
uu_pr Write content of given file or standard input to standard output with pagination filter
uu_printenv Display the values of the specified environment VARIABLE(s), or (with no VARIABLE) display name and value pairs for them all.
uu_printf Print output based off of the format string and proceeding arguments.
uu_ptx Produce a permuted index of file contents Output a permuted index, including context, of the words in the input files. Mandatory arguments to long options are…
uu_pwd Display the full filename of the current working directory.
uu_readlink Print value of a symbolic link or canonical file name.
uu_realpath Print the resolved path
uu_rm Remove (unlink) the FILE(s)
uu_rmdir Remove the DIRECTORY(ies), if they are empty.
uu_runcon Run command with specified security context under SELinux enabled systems.
uu_seq Display numbers from FIRST to LAST, in steps of INCREMENT.
uu_sha1sum Compute and check message digests.
uu_sha224sum Compute and check message digests.
uu_sha256sum Compute and check message digests.
uu_sha3-224sum Compute and check message digests.
uu_sha3-256sum Compute and check message digests.
uu_sha3-384sum Compute and check message digests.
uu_sha3-512sum Compute and check message digests.
uu_sha384sum Compute and check message digests.
uu_sha3sum Compute and check message digests.
uu_sha512sum Compute and check message digests.
uu_shake128sum Compute and check message digests.
uu_shake256sum Compute and check message digests.
uu_shred Overwrite the specified FILE(s) repeatedly, in order to make it harder for even very expensive hardware probing to recover the data.
uu_shuf Shuffle the input by outputting a random permutation of input lines. Each output permutation is equally likely. With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard…
uu_sleep Pause for NUMBER seconds.
uu_sort Display sorted concatenation of all FILE(s). With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input.
uu_split Create output files containing consecutive or interleaved sections of input
uu_sum Checksum and count the blocks in a file. With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input.
uu_tac Write each file to standard output, last line first.
uu_tail Print the last 10 lines of each FILE to standard output. With more than one FILE, precede each with a header giving the file name.
uu_tee Copy standard input to each FILE, and also to standard output.
uu_test Check file types and compare values.
uu_touch Update the access and modification times of each `FILE` to the current time.
uu_tr Translate or delete characters
uu_true Returns true, a successful exit status. Immediately returns with the exit status `0`, except when invoked with one of the recognized options.
uu_truncate Shrink or extend the size of each file to the specified size.
uu_tsort Topological sort the strings in FILE. Strings are defined as any sequence of tokens separated by whitespace (tab, space, or newline), ordering them based on…
uu_unexpand Convert blanks in each `FILE` to tabs, writing to standard output. With no `FILE`, or when `FILE` is `-`, read standard input.
uu_uniq Report or omit repeated lines.
uu_unlink Unlink the file at `FILE`.
uu_vdir List directory contents. Ignore files and directories starting with a '.' by default
uu_wc Display newline, word, and byte counts for each FILE, and a total line if more than one FILE is specified. With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input.
uu_yes Repeatedly display a line with STRING (or 'y')
uutils-coreutils coreutils