Package tvlsim

Travel Market Simulator

The Travel Market Simulator project aims at providing reference implementation,
mainly in C++, of a travel market simulator, focusing on revenue management (RM)
for airlines. It is intended to be used for applied research activities only:
it is by no way intended to be used by production systems. It is a new breed of
software and aims to become the new generation PODS (,
which was instrumental in the inception of the Travel Market Simulator project.

Over a dozen components have been implemented and are fully functional,
encompassing for instance (but not limited to) traveler demand generation
(booking requests), travel distribution (GDS/CRS), low fare search (LFS),
price calculation and inventory availability calculation), customer choice
modeling (CCM), revenue management (RM), schedule and inventory management,
revenue accounting (RA).

The Travel Market Simulator can be used in either batch or hosted mode.
It is the main component of the Travel Market Simulator:

tvlsim makes an extensive use of existing open-source libraries for
increased functionality, speed and accuracy. In particular the
Boost (C++ Standard Extensions: libraries are used.

The tvlsim component itself aims at providing a clean API and a simple
implementation, as a C++ library, of a full travel market simulator,
focusing on revenue management (RM) for airlines. That library uses
the Standard Airline IT C++ object model (

Install the tvlsim package if you need a library of basic C++ objects
for airline-related travel market simulation.

Version: 1.01.8

See also: tvlsim-devel.

General Commands

TvlSimServer C++ Interactive Travel Market Simulator
tvlsim C++ Interactive Travel Market Simulator
tvlsim_simulate C++ Batch Travel Market Simulator