Package tslib

Touchscreen Access Library

The idea of tslib is to have a core library that provides standardised
services, and a set of plugins to manage the conversion and filtering as

The plugins for a particular touchscreen are loaded automatically by the
library under the control of a static configuration file, ts.conf.
ts.conf gives the library basic configuration information. Each line
specifies one module, and the parameters for that module. The modules
are loaded in order, with the first one processing the touchscreen data

Version: 1.23

General Commands

ts_calibrate A test program to calibrate a touch screen used by tslib.
ts_conf A test program to test the ts_conf_get() and ts_conf_set() API
ts_finddev Discover touch screen devices.
ts_harvest Harvest hundreds of raw touch screen coordinates.
ts_print A very basic test routine for tslib.
ts_print_mt A very basic multitouch test routine for tslib.
ts_print_raw alias for ts_print
ts_test A basic test routine for tslib.
ts_test_mt A basic multitouch test program for tslib.
ts_uinput A daemon program creating a tslib-filtered and calibrated input event device
ts_verify A basic test routine for tslib's API.

Library Functions

ts_close close a touch screen input device
ts_close_restricted use a custom function for closing the touchscreen's input device file
ts_conf_get get a pointer to struct ts_module_conf holding data from the TSLIB_CONFFILE file.
ts_conf_set write a new TSLIB_CONFFILE config file and reload it.
ts_config read tslib's configuration
ts_error_fn use a custom error function for libts library errors
ts_fd get the file descriptor to a touchscreen device
ts_get_eventpath get the path to the currently opened touchscreen device file
ts_libversion get version information on the currently running tslib
ts_open open a touch screen input device
ts_open_restricted use a custom function for opening the touchscreen's input device file
ts_print_ascii_logo print tslib's logo to stdout
ts_read read tslib touch samples
ts_read_mt alias for ts_read
ts_read_raw alias for ts_read
ts_read_raw_mt alias for ts_read
ts_setup find, open and configure a touch screen input device
tslib_version simply return tslib's version string

File Formats

ts.conf Configuration file for tslib, controlling touch screens for embedded devices.