Package tor

Anonymizing overlay network for TCP

The Tor network is a group of volunteer-operated servers that allows people to
improve their privacy and security on the Internet. Tor's users employ this
network by connecting through a series of virtual tunnels rather than making a
direct connection, thus allowing both organizations and individuals to share
information over public networks without compromising their privacy. Along the
same line, Tor is an effective censorship circumvention tool, allowing its
users to reach otherwise blocked destinations or content. Tor can also be used
as a building block for software developers to create new communication tools
with built-in privacy features.

This package contains the Tor software that can act as either a server on the
Tor network, or as a client to connect to the Tor network.


General Commands

tor The second-generation onion router
tor-gencert Generate certs and keys for Tor directory authorities
tor-print-ed-signing-cert print expiration date of ed25519 signing certificate
tor-resolve resolve a hostname to an IP address via tor
torify wrapper for torsocks and tor