Package tboot

Performs a verified launch using Intel TXT

Trusted Boot (tboot) is an open source, pre-kernel/VMM module that uses
Intel Trusted Execution Technology (Intel TXT) to perform a measured
and verified launch of an OS kernel/VMM.

Version: 1.11.7

System Administration

lcp2_crtpol create an Intel TXT Launch Control Policy
lcp2_crtpolelt create an Intel(R) TXT policy element of specified type.
lcp2_crtpollist create an Intel(R) TXT policy list
lcp2_mlehash generate a hash of a TXT MLE binary file and print it to STDOUT as text.
tb_polgen manage tboot verified launch policy
txt-acminfo display the header info of a TXT ACM
txt-parse_err parse TXT.ERRORCODE value
txt-stat display the status of TXT