Package systemd-networkd

System daemon that manages network configurations

systemd-networkd is a system service that manages networks. It detects and
configures network devices as they appear, as well as creating virtual network

Version: 257.4

See also: systemd, systemd-boot-unsigned, systemd-bootchart, systemd-container, systemd-devel, systemd-journal-remote, systemd-pam, systemd-resolved, systemd-swap, systemd-sysusers, systemd-udev, systemd-ukify.

General Commands

networkctl Query or modify the status of network links

File Formats

networkd.conf Global Network configuration files
networkd.conf.d alias for networkd.conf
org.freedesktop.network1 The D-Bus interface of systemd-networkd
systemd.netdev Virtual Network Device configuration Network configuration

System Administration

systemd-network-generator alias for systemd-network-generator.service
systemd-networkd alias for systemd-networkd.service
systemd-networkd-wait-online alias for systemd-networkd-wait-online.service
systemd-networkd-wait-online.service Wait for network to come online
systemd-networkd-wait-online@.service alias for systemd-networkd-wait-online.service
systemd-networkd.service Network manager