Package stdair

C++ Standard Airline IT Object Library

stdair aims at providing a clean API, and the corresponding C++
implementation, for the basis of Airline IT and travel distribution
Business Object Model (BOM), that is, to be used by several other open
source projects, such as AirRAC, RMOL, AirInv, AvlCal, AirSched, SimFQT,
SimLFS, SimCRS, TravelCCM, SEvMgr, TraDemGen, DSim, OpenTREP, etc.

Install the stdair package if you need a library of basic C++ objects
for Airline IT (e.g., schedule management, inventory, revenue management,
revenue accounting), travel distribution, demand generation and customer choice
modeling, mainly for simulation purpose.

Version: 1.00.17

See also: stdair-devel.

General Commands

stdair C++ Standard Airline IT Object Library