Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL) is a cross-platform multimedia library designed
to provide fast access to the graphics frame buffer and audio device. This
package provides the libraries, include files, and other resources needed for
developing SDL applications.
Version: 3.2.4
Library Functions | |
SDLCALL | A macro to set a function's calling conventions. |
SDL_ACQUIRE | Wrapper around Clang thread safety analysis annotations. |
SDL_ACQUIRED_AFTER | Wrapper around Clang thread safety analysis annotations. |
SDL_ACQUIRED_BEFORE | Wrapper around Clang thread safety analysis annotations. |
SDL_ACQUIRE_SHARED | Wrapper around Clang thread safety analysis annotations. |
SDL_ALLOC_SIZE | A macro to tag a function as returning a certain allocation. |
SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE | A fully opaque 8-bit alpha value. |
SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE_FLOAT | A fully opaque floating point alpha value. |
SDL_ALPHA_TRANSPARENT | A fully transparent 8-bit alpha value. |
SDL_ALPHA_TRANSPARENT_FLOAT | A fully transparent floating point alpha value. |
SDL_ALTIVEC_INTRINSICS | Defined if (and only if) the compiler supports PowerPC Altivec intrinsics. |
SDL_ANALYZER_NORETURN | A macro to tag a function as never-returning (for analysis purposes). |
SDL_ANDROID_EXTERNAL_STORAGE_READ | See the official Android developer guide for more information: |
SDL_ANDROID_EXTERNAL_STORAGE_WRITE | See the official Android developer guide for more information: |
SDL_ASSERT_CAPABILITY | Wrapper around Clang thread safety analysis annotations. |
SDL_ASSERT_LEVEL | The level of assertion aggressiveness. |
SDL_ASSERT_SHARED_CAPABILITY | Wrapper around Clang thread safety analysis annotations. |
SDL_AUDIO_BITSIZE | Retrieve the size, in bits, from an SDL_AudioFormat . |
SDL_AUDIO_BYTESIZE | Retrieve the size, in bytes, from an SDL_AudioFormat . |
SDL_AUDIO_DEVICE_DEFAULT_PLAYBACK | A value used to request a default playback audio device. |
SDL_AUDIO_DEVICE_DEFAULT_RECORDING | A value used to request a default recording audio device. |
SDL_AUDIO_FRAMESIZE | Calculate the size of each audio frame (in bytes) from an SDL_AudioSpec . |
SDL_AVX2_INTRINSICS | Defined if (and only if) the compiler supports Intel AVX2 intrinsics. |
SDL_AVX512F_INTRINSICS | Defined if (and only if) the compiler supports Intel AVX-512F intrinsics. |
SDL_AVX_INTRINSICS | Defined if (and only if) the compiler supports Intel AVX intrinsics. |
SDL_AcquireCameraFrame | Acquire a frame. |
SDL_AcquireGPUCommandBuffer | Acquire a command buffer. |
SDL_AcquireGPUSwapchainTexture | Acquire a texture to use in presentation. |
SDL_AddAtomicInt | Add to an atomic variable. |
SDL_AddEventWatch | Add a callback to be triggered when an event is added to the event queue. |
SDL_AddGamepadMapping | Add support for gamepads that SDL is unaware of or change the binding of an existing gamepad. |
SDL_AddGamepadMappingsFromFile | Load a set of gamepad mappings from a file. |
SDL_AddGamepadMappingsFromIO | Load a set of gamepad mappings from an SDL_IOStream . |
SDL_AddHintCallback | Add a function to watch a particular hint. |
SDL_AddSurfaceAlternateImage | Add an alternate version of a surface. |
SDL_AddTimer | Call a callback function at a future time. |
SDL_AddTimerNS | Call a callback function at a future time. |
SDL_AddVulkanRenderSemaphores | Add a set of synchronization semaphores for the current frame. |
SDL_AppEvent | |
SDL_AppEvent_func.3type | Function pointer typedef for SDL_AppEvent . |
SDL_AppInit | |
SDL_AppInit_func.3type | Function pointer typedef for SDL_AppInit . |
SDL_AppIterate | |
SDL_AppIterate_func.3type | Function pointer typedef for SDL_AppIterate . |
SDL_AppQuit | |
SDL_AppQuit_func.3type | Function pointer typedef for SDL_AppQuit . |
SDL_AppResult.3type | Return values for optional main callbacks. |
SDL_ArrayOrder.3type | Array component order, low byte -> high byte. |
SDL_AssertBreakpoint | The macro used when an assertion triggers a breakpoint. |
SDL_AssertData.3type | Information about an assertion failure. |
SDL_AssertState.3type | Possible outcomes from a triggered assertion. |
SDL_AssertionHandler.3type | A callback that fires when an SDL assertion fails. |
SDL_AsyncIO.3type | The asynchronous I/O operation structure. |
SDL_AsyncIOFromFile | |
SDL_AsyncIOOutcome.3type | Information about a completed asynchronous I/O request. |
SDL_AsyncIOQueue.3type | A queue of completed asynchronous I/O tasks. |
SDL_AsyncIOResult.3type | Possible outcomes of an asynchronous I/O task. |
SDL_AsyncIOTaskType.3type | Types of asynchronous I/O tasks. |
SDL_AtomicDecRef | Decrement an atomic variable used as a reference count. |
SDL_AtomicIncRef | Increment an atomic variable used as a reference count. |
SDL_AtomicInt.3type | A type representing an atomic integer value. |
SDL_AtomicU32.3type | A type representing an atomic unsigned 32-bit value. |
SDL_AttachVirtualJoystick | Attach a new virtual joystick. |
SDL_AudioDeviceEvent.3type | Audio device event structure (event.adevice.*) |
SDL_AudioDeviceID.3type | SDL Audio Device instance IDs. |
SDL_AudioDevicePaused | Use this function to query if an audio device is paused. |
SDL_AudioFormat.3type | Audio format. |
SDL_AudioPostmixCallback.3type | A callback that fires when data is about to be fed to an audio device. |
SDL_AudioSpec.3type | Format specifier for audio data. |
SDL_AudioStream.3type | The opaque handle that represents an audio stream. |
SDL_AudioStreamCallback.3type | A callback that fires when data passes through an SDL_AudioStream . |
SDL_AudioStreamDevicePaused | Use this function to query if an audio device associated with a stream is paused. |
SDL_BIG_ENDIAN | A value to represent bigendian byteorder. |
SDL_BITSPERPIXEL | A macro to determine an SDL_PixelFormat |
SDL_BYTEORDER | A macro that reports the target system's byte order. |
SDL_BYTESPERPIXEL | A macro to determine an SDL_PixelFormat |
SDL_BeginGPUComputePass | Begins a compute pass on a command buffer. |
SDL_BeginGPUCopyPass | Begins a copy pass on a command buffer. |
SDL_BeginGPURenderPass | Begins a render pass on a command buffer. |
SDL_BindAudioStream | Bind a single audio stream to an audio device. |
SDL_BindAudioStreams | Bind a list of audio streams to an audio device. |
SDL_BindGPUComputePipeline | Binds a compute pipeline on a command buffer for use in compute dispatch. |
SDL_BindGPUComputeSamplers | Binds texture-sampler pairs for use on the compute shader. |
SDL_BindGPUComputeStorageBuffers | Binds storage buffers as readonly for use on the compute pipeline. |
SDL_BindGPUComputeStorageTextures | Binds storage textures as readonly for use on the compute pipeline. |
SDL_BindGPUFragmentSamplers | Binds texture-sampler pairs for use on the fragment shader. |
SDL_BindGPUFragmentStorageBuffers | Binds storage buffers for use on the fragment shader. |
SDL_BindGPUFragmentStorageTextures | Binds storage textures for use on the fragment shader. |
SDL_BindGPUGraphicsPipeline | Binds a graphics pipeline on a render pass to be used in rendering. |
SDL_BindGPUIndexBuffer | Binds an index buffer on a command buffer for use with subsequent draw calls. |
SDL_BindGPUVertexBuffers | Binds vertex buffers on a command buffer for use with subsequent draw calls. |
SDL_BindGPUVertexSamplers | Binds texture-sampler pairs for use on the vertex shader. |
SDL_BindGPUVertexStorageBuffers | Binds storage buffers for use on the vertex shader. |
SDL_BindGPUVertexStorageTextures | Binds storage textures for use on the vertex shader. |
SDL_BitmapOrder.3type | Bitmap pixel order, high bit -> low bit. |
SDL_BlendFactor.3type | The normalized factor used to multiply pixel components. |
SDL_BlendMode.3type | A set of blend modes used in drawing operations. |
SDL_BlendOperation.3type | The blend operation used when combining source and destination pixel components. |
SDL_BlitGPUTexture | Blits from a source texture region to a destination texture region. |
SDL_BlitSurface | Performs a fast blit from the source surface to the destination surface with clipping. |
SDL_BlitSurface9Grid | Perform a scaled blit using the 9-grid algorithm to a destination surface, which may be of a different format. |
SDL_BlitSurfaceScaled | Perform a scaled blit to a destination surface, which may be of a different format. |
SDL_BlitSurfaceTiled | Perform a tiled blit to a destination surface, which may be of a different format. |
SDL_BlitSurfaceTiledWithScale | Perform a scaled and tiled blit to a destination surface, which may be of a different format. |
SDL_BlitSurfaceUnchecked | Perform low-level surface blitting only. |
SDL_BlitSurfaceUncheckedScaled | Perform low-level surface scaled blitting only. |
SDL_BroadcastCondition | Restart all threads that are waiting on the condition variable. |
SDL_CACHELINE_SIZE | A guess for the cacheline size used for padding. |
SDL_CAPABILITY | Wrapper around Clang thread safety analysis annotations. |
SDL_COLORSPACECHROMA | A macro to retrieve the chroma sample location of an SDL_Colorspace . |
SDL_COLORSPACEMATRIX | A macro to retrieve the matrix coefficients of an SDL_Colorspace . |
SDL_COLORSPACEPRIMARIES | A macro to retrieve the primaries of an SDL_Colorspace . |
SDL_COLORSPACERANGE | A macro to retrieve the range of an SDL_Colorspace . |
SDL_COLORSPACETRANSFER | A macro to retrieve the transfer characteristics of an SDL_Colorspace . |
SDL_COLORSPACETYPE | A macro to retrieve the type of an SDL_Colorspace . |
SDL_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT | A compile-time assertion. |
SDL_CPUPauseInstruction | A macro to insert a CPU-specific "pause" instruction into the program. |
SDL_CalculateGPUTextureFormatSize | Calculate the size in bytes of a texture format with dimensions. |
SDL_Camera.3type | The opaque structure used to identify an opened SDL camera. |
SDL_CameraDeviceEvent.3type | Camera device event structure (event.cdevice.*) |
SDL_CameraID.3type | This is a unique ID for a camera device for the time it is connected to the system, and is never reused for the lifetime of the application. |
SDL_CameraPosition.3type | The position of camera in relation to system device. |
SDL_CameraSpec.3type | The details of an output format for a camera device. |
SDL_CancelGPUCommandBuffer | Cancels a command buffer. |
SDL_Capitalization.3type | Auto capitalization type. |
SDL_CaptureMouse | Capture the mouse and to track input outside an SDL window. |
SDL_ChromaLocation.3type | Colorspace chroma sample location. |
SDL_ClaimWindowForGPUDevice | Claims a window, creating a swapchain structure for it. |
SDL_CleanupPropertyCallback.3type | A callback used to free resources when a property is deleted. |
SDL_CleanupTLS | Cleanup all TLS data for this thread. |
SDL_ClearAudioStream | Clear any pending data in the stream. |
SDL_ClearClipboardData | Clear the clipboard data. |
SDL_ClearComposition | Dismiss the composition window/IME without disabling the subsystem. |
SDL_ClearError | Clear any previous error message for this thread. |
SDL_ClearProperty | Clear a property from a group of properties. |
SDL_ClearSurface | Clear a surface with a specific color, with floating point precision. |
SDL_ClickTrayEntry | Simulate a click on a tray entry. |
SDL_ClipboardCleanupCallback.3type | Callback function that will be called when the clipboard is cleared, or new data is set. |
SDL_ClipboardDataCallback.3type | Callback function that will be called when data for the specified mime-type is requested by the OS. |
SDL_ClipboardEvent.3type | An event triggered when the clipboard contents have changed (event.clipboard.*) |
SDL_CloseAsyncIO | Close and free any allocated resources for an async I/O object. |
SDL_CloseAudioDevice | Close a previously-opened audio device. |
SDL_CloseCamera | Use this function to shut down camera processing and close the camera device. |
SDL_CloseGamepad | Close a gamepad previously opened with SDL_OpenGamepad (). |
SDL_CloseHaptic | Close a haptic device previously opened with SDL_OpenHaptic (). |
SDL_CloseIO | |
SDL_CloseJoystick | Close a joystick previously opened with SDL_OpenJoystick (). |
SDL_CloseSensor | Close a sensor previously opened with SDL_OpenSensor (). |
SDL_CloseStorage | Closes and frees a storage container. |
SDL_Color.3type | A structure that represents a color as RGBA components. |
SDL_ColorPrimaries.3type | Colorspace color primaries, as described by |
SDL_ColorRange.3type | Colorspace color range, as described by |
SDL_ColorType.3type | Colorspace color type. |
SDL_Colorspace.3type | Colorspace definitions. |
SDL_CommonEvent.3type | Fields shared by every event |
SDL_CompareAndSwapAtomicInt | Set an atomic variable to a new value if it is currently an old value. |
SDL_CompareAndSwapAtomicPointer | Set a pointer to a new value if it is currently an old value. |
SDL_CompareAndSwapAtomicU32 | Set an atomic variable to a new value if it is currently an old value. |
SDL_CompareCallback.3type | A callback used with SDL sorting and binary search functions. |
SDL_CompareCallback_r.3type | A callback used with SDL sorting and binary search functions. |
SDL_CompilerBarrier | Mark a compiler barrier. |
SDL_ComposeCustomBlendMode | Compose a custom blend mode for renderers. |
SDL_Condition.3type | A means to block multiple threads until a condition is satisfied. |
SDL_ConvertAudioSamples | Convert some audio data of one format to another format. |
SDL_ConvertEventToRenderCoordinates | Convert the coordinates in an event to render coordinates. |
SDL_ConvertPixels | Copy a block of pixels of one format to another format. |
SDL_ConvertPixelsAndColorspace | Copy a block of pixels of one format and colorspace to another format and colorspace. |
SDL_ConvertSurface | Copy an existing surface to a new surface of the specified format. |
SDL_ConvertSurfaceAndColorspace | Copy an existing surface to a new surface of the specified format and colorspace. |
SDL_CopyFile | Copy a file. |
SDL_CopyGPUBufferToBuffer | Performs a buffer-to-buffer copy. |
SDL_CopyGPUTextureToTexture | Performs a texture-to-texture copy. |
SDL_CopyProperties | Copy a group of properties. |
SDL_CopyStorageFile | Copy a file in a writable storage container. |
SDL_CreateAsyncIOQueue | Create a task queue for tracking multiple I/O operations. |
SDL_CreateAudioStream | Create a new audio stream. |
SDL_CreateColorCursor | Create a color cursor. |
SDL_CreateCondition | Create a condition variable. |
SDL_CreateCursor | Create a cursor using the specified bitmap data and mask (in MSB format). |
SDL_CreateDirectory | Create a directory, and any missing parent directories. |
SDL_CreateEnvironment | Create a set of environment variables |
SDL_CreateGPUBuffer | Creates a buffer object to be used in graphics or compute workflows. |
SDL_CreateGPUComputePipeline | Creates a pipeline object to be used in a compute workflow. |
SDL_CreateGPUDevice | Creates a GPU context. |
SDL_CreateGPUDeviceWithProperties | Creates a GPU context. |
SDL_CreateGPUGraphicsPipeline | Creates a pipeline object to be used in a graphics workflow. |
SDL_CreateGPUSampler | Creates a sampler object to be used when binding textures in a graphics workflow. |
SDL_CreateGPUShader | Creates a shader to be used when creating a graphics pipeline. |
SDL_CreateGPUTexture | Creates a texture object to be used in graphics or compute workflows. |
SDL_CreateGPUTransferBuffer | Creates a transfer buffer to be used when uploading to or downloading from graphics resources. |
SDL_CreateHapticEffect | Create a new haptic effect on a specified device. |
SDL_CreateMutex | Create a new mutex. |
SDL_CreatePalette | Create a palette structure with the specified number of color entries. |
SDL_CreatePopupWindow | Create a child popup window of the specified parent window. |
SDL_CreateProcess | Create a new process. |
SDL_CreateProcessWithProperties | Create a new process with the specified properties. |
SDL_CreateProperties | Create a group of properties. |
SDL_CreateRWLock | Create a new read/write lock. |
SDL_CreateRenderer | Create a 2D rendering context for a window. |
SDL_CreateRendererWithProperties | Create a 2D rendering context for a window, with the specified properties. |
SDL_CreateSemaphore | Create a semaphore. |
SDL_CreateSoftwareRenderer | Create a 2D software rendering context for a surface. |
SDL_CreateStorageDirectory | Create a directory in a writable storage container. |
SDL_CreateSurface | Allocate a new surface with a specific pixel format. |
SDL_CreateSurfaceFrom | Allocate a new surface with a specific pixel format and existing pixel data. |
SDL_CreateSurfacePalette | Create a palette and associate it with a surface. |
SDL_CreateSystemCursor | Create a system cursor. |
SDL_CreateTexture | Create a texture for a rendering context. |
SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface | Create a texture from an existing surface. |
SDL_CreateTextureWithProperties | Create a texture for a rendering context with the specified properties. |
SDL_CreateThread | Create a new thread with a default stack size. |
SDL_CreateThreadWithProperties | Create a new thread with with the specified properties. |
SDL_CreateTray | Create an icon to be placed in the operating system's tray, or equivalent. |
SDL_CreateTrayMenu | Create a menu for a system tray. |
SDL_CreateTraySubmenu | Create a submenu for a system tray entry. |
SDL_CreateWindow | Create a window with the specified dimensions and flags. |
SDL_CreateWindowAndRenderer | Create a window and default renderer. |
SDL_CreateWindowWithProperties | Create a window with the specified properties. |
SDL_Cursor.3type | The structure used to identify an SDL cursor. |
SDL_CursorVisible | Return whether the cursor is currently being shown. |
SDL_DEBUG_TEXT_FONT_CHARACTER_SIZE | The size, in pixels, of a single SDL_RenderDebugText () character. |
SDL_DECLSPEC | A macro to tag a symbol as a public API. |
SDL_DEFINE_PIXELFORMAT | A macro for defining custom non-FourCC pixel formats. |
SDL_DEFINE_PIXELFOURCC | A macro for defining custom FourCC pixel formats. |
SDL_DEPRECATED | A macro to tag a symbol as deprecated. |
SDL_DateFormat.3type | The preferred date format of the current system locale. |
SDL_DateTime.3type | A structure holding a calendar date and time broken down into its components. |
SDL_DateTimeToTime | |
SDL_Delay | Wait a specified number of milliseconds before returning. |
SDL_DelayNS | Wait a specified number of nanoseconds before returning. |
SDL_DelayPrecise | Wait a specified number of nanoseconds before returning. |
SDL_DestroyAsyncIOQueue | Destroy a previously-created async I/O task queue. |
SDL_DestroyAudioStream | Free an audio stream. |
SDL_DestroyCondition | Destroy a condition variable. |
SDL_DestroyCursor | Free a previously-created cursor. |
SDL_DestroyEnvironment | Destroy a set of environment variables. |
SDL_DestroyGPUDevice | Destroys a GPU context previously returned by SDL_CreateGPUDevice . |
SDL_DestroyHapticEffect | Destroy a haptic effect on the device. |
SDL_DestroyMutex | Destroy a mutex created with SDL_CreateMutex (). |
SDL_DestroyPalette | Free a palette created with SDL_CreatePalette (). |
SDL_DestroyProcess | Destroy a previously created process object. |
SDL_DestroyProperties | Destroy a group of properties. |
SDL_DestroyRWLock | Destroy a read/write lock created with SDL_CreateRWLock (). |
SDL_DestroyRenderer | Destroy the rendering context for a window and free all associated textures. |
SDL_DestroySemaphore | Destroy a semaphore. |
SDL_DestroySurface | Free a surface. |
SDL_DestroyTexture | Destroy the specified texture. |
SDL_DestroyTray | Destroys a tray object. |
SDL_DestroyWindow | Destroy a window. |
SDL_DestroyWindowSurface | Destroy the surface associated with the window. |
SDL_DetachThread | Let a thread clean up on exit without intervention. |
SDL_DetachVirtualJoystick | Detach a virtual joystick. |
SDL_DialogFileCallback.3type | Callback used by file dialog functions. |
SDL_DialogFileFilter.3type | An entry for filters for file dialogs. |
SDL_DisableScreenSaver | Prevent the screen from being blanked by a screen saver. |
SDL_DispatchGPUCompute | Dispatches compute work. |
SDL_DispatchGPUComputeIndirect | Dispatches compute work with parameters set from a buffer. |
SDL_DisplayEvent.3type | Display state change event data (event.display.*) |
SDL_DisplayID.3type | This is a unique ID for a display for the time it is connected to the system, and is never reused for the lifetime of the application. |
SDL_DisplayMode.3type | The structure that defines a display mode. |
SDL_DisplayModeData.3type | Internal display mode data. |
SDL_DisplayOrientation.3type | Display orientation values; the way a display is rotated. |
SDL_DownloadFromGPUBuffer | Copies data from a buffer to a transfer buffer on the GPU timeline. |
SDL_DownloadFromGPUTexture | Copies data from a texture to a transfer buffer on the GPU timeline. |
SDL_DrawGPUIndexedPrimitives | Draws data using bound graphics state with an index buffer and instancing enabled. |
SDL_DrawGPUIndexedPrimitivesIndirect | Draws data using bound graphics state with an index buffer enabled and with draw parameters set from a buffer. |
SDL_DrawGPUPrimitives | Draws data using bound graphics state. |
SDL_DrawGPUPrimitivesIndirect | Draws data using bound graphics state and with draw parameters set from a buffer. |
SDL_DropEvent.3type | An event used to drop text or request a file open by the system (event.drop.*) |
SDL_DuplicateSurface | Creates a new surface identical to the existing surface. |
SDL_EGLAttrib.3type | An EGL attribute, used when creating an EGL context. |
SDL_EGLAttribArrayCallback.3type | EGL platform attribute initialization callback. |
SDL_EGLConfig.3type | Opaque type for an EGL config. |
SDL_EGLDisplay.3type | Opaque type for an EGL display. |
SDL_EGLIntArrayCallback.3type | EGL surface/context attribute initialization callback types. |
SDL_EGLSurface.3type | Opaque type for an EGL surface. |
SDL_EGL_GetCurrentConfig | Get the currently active EGL config. |
SDL_EGL_GetCurrentDisplay | Get the currently active EGL display. |
SDL_EGL_GetProcAddress | Get an EGL library function by name. |
SDL_EGL_GetWindowSurface | Get the EGL surface associated with the window. |
SDL_EGL_SetAttributeCallbacks | Sets the callbacks for defining custom EGLAttrib arrays for EGL initialization. |
SDL_EGLint.3type | An EGL integer attribute, used when creating an EGL surface. |
SDL_EXCLUDES | Wrapper around Clang thread safety analysis annotations. |
SDL_EnableScreenSaver | Allow the screen to be blanked by a screen saver. |
SDL_EndGPUComputePass | Ends the current compute pass. |
SDL_EndGPUCopyPass | Ends the current copy pass. |
SDL_EndGPURenderPass | Ends the given render pass. |
SDL_EnterAppMainCallbacks | An entry point for SDL's use in SDL_MAIN_USE_CALLBACKS . |
SDL_EnumerateDirectory | Enumerate a directory through a callback function. |
SDL_EnumerateDirectoryCallback.3type | Callback for directory enumeration. |
SDL_EnumerateProperties | Enumerate the properties contained in a group of properties. |
SDL_EnumeratePropertiesCallback.3type | A callback used to enumerate all the properties in a group of properties. |
SDL_EnumerateStorageDirectory | Enumerate a directory in a storage container through a callback function. |
SDL_EnumerationResult.3type | Possible results from an enumeration callback. |
SDL_Environment.3type | A thread-safe set of environment variables |
SDL_Event.3type | The structure for all events in SDL. |
SDL_EventAction.3type | The type of action to request from SDL_PeepEvents (). |
SDL_EventEnabled | Query the state of processing events by type. |
SDL_EventFilter.3type | A function pointer used for callbacks that watch the event queue. |
SDL_EventType.3type | The types of events that can be delivered. |
SDL_FALLTHROUGH | A macro to signal that a case statement without a break is intentional. |
SDL_FColor.3type | |
SDL_FILE | A macro that reports the current file being compiled. |
SDL_FLOATWORDORDER | A macro that reports the target system's floating point word order. |
SDL_FLT_EPSILON | Epsilon constant, used for comparing floating-point numbers. |
SDL_FORCE_INLINE | A macro to demand a function be inlined. |
SDL_FOURCC | Define a four character code as a Uint32 . |
SDL_FPoint.3type | The structure that defines a point (using floating point values). |
SDL_FRect.3type | A rectangle, with the origin at the upper left (using floating point values). |
SDL_FUNCTION | A macro that reports the current function being compiled. |
SDL_FileDialogType.3type | Various types of file dialogs. |
SDL_FillSurfaceRect | Perform a fast fill of a rectangle with a specific color. |
SDL_FillSurfaceRects | Perform a fast fill of a set of rectangles with a specific color. |
SDL_FilterEvents | Run a specific filter function on the current event queue, removing any events for which the filter returns false. |
SDL_Finger.3type | Data about a single finger in a multitouch event. |
SDL_FingerID.3type | A unique ID for a single finger on a touch device. |
SDL_FlashOperation.3type | Window flash operation. |
SDL_FlashWindow | Request a window to demand attention from the user. |
SDL_FlipMode.3type | The flip mode. |
SDL_FlipSurface | Flip a surface vertically or horizontally. |
SDL_FlushAudioStream | Tell the stream that you're done sending data, and anything being buffered should be converted/resampled and made available immediately. |
SDL_FlushEvent | Clear events of a specific type from the event queue. |
SDL_FlushEvents | Clear events of a range of types from the event queue. |
SDL_FlushIO | Flush any buffered data in the stream. |
SDL_FlushRenderer | Force the rendering context to flush any pending commands and state. |
SDL_Folder.3type | The type of the OS-provided default folder for a specific purpose. |
SDL_FunctionPointer.3type | A generic function pointer. |
SDL_GDKResumeGPU | |
SDL_GDKSuspendComplete | Callback from the application to let the suspend continue. |
SDL_GDKSuspendGPU | |
SDL_GLAttr.3type | An enumeration of OpenGL configuration attributes. |
SDL_GLContext.3type | An opaque handle to an OpenGL context. |
SDL_GLContextFlag.3type | |
SDL_GLContextReleaseFlag.3type | |
SDL_GLContextResetNotification.3type | |
SDL_GLProfile.3type | |
SDL_GL_CreateContext | Create an OpenGL context for an OpenGL window, and make it current. |
SDL_GL_DestroyContext | Delete an OpenGL context. |
SDL_GL_ExtensionSupported | Check if an OpenGL extension is supported for the current context. |
SDL_GL_GetAttribute | Get the actual value for an attribute from the current context. |
SDL_GL_GetCurrentContext | Get the currently active OpenGL context. |
SDL_GL_GetCurrentWindow | Get the currently active OpenGL window. |
SDL_GL_GetProcAddress | Get an OpenGL function by name. |
SDL_GL_GetSwapInterval | Get the swap interval for the current OpenGL context. |
SDL_GL_LoadLibrary | Dynamically load an OpenGL library. |
SDL_GL_MakeCurrent | Set up an OpenGL context for rendering into an OpenGL window. |
SDL_GL_ResetAttributes | Reset all previously set OpenGL context attributes to their default values. |
SDL_GL_SetAttribute | Set an OpenGL window attribute before window creation. |
SDL_GL_SetSwapInterval | Set the swap interval for the current OpenGL context. |
SDL_GL_SwapWindow | Update a window with OpenGL rendering. |
SDL_GL_UnloadLibrary | Unload the OpenGL library previously loaded by SDL_GL_LoadLibrary (). |
SDL_GPUBlendFactor.3type | Specifies a blending factor to be used when pixels in a render target are blended with existing pixels in the texture. |
SDL_GPUBlendOp.3type | Specifies the operator to be used when pixels in a render target are blended with existing pixels in the texture. |
SDL_GPUBlitInfo.3type | A structure containing parameters for a blit command. |
SDL_GPUBlitRegion.3type | A structure specifying a region of a texture used in the blit operation. |
SDL_GPUBuffer.3type | An opaque handle representing a buffer. |
SDL_GPUBufferBinding.3type | A structure specifying parameters in a buffer binding call. |
SDL_GPUBufferCreateInfo.3type | A structure specifying the parameters of a buffer. |
SDL_GPUBufferLocation.3type | A structure specifying a location in a buffer. |
SDL_GPUBufferRegion.3type | A structure specifying a region of a buffer. |
SDL_GPUBufferUsageFlags.3type | Specifies how a buffer is intended to be used by the client. |
SDL_GPUColorComponentFlags.3type | Specifies which color components are written in a graphics pipeline. |
SDL_GPUColorTargetBlendState.3type | A structure specifying the blend state of a color target. |
SDL_GPUColorTargetDescription.3type | A structure specifying the parameters of color targets used in a graphics pipeline. |
SDL_GPUColorTargetInfo.3type | A structure specifying the parameters of a color target used by a render pass. |
SDL_GPUCommandBuffer.3type | An opaque handle representing a command buffer. |
SDL_GPUCompareOp.3type | Specifies a comparison operator for depth, stencil and sampler operations. |
SDL_GPUComputePass.3type | An opaque handle representing a compute pass. |
SDL_GPUComputePipeline.3type | An opaque handle representing a compute pipeline. |
SDL_GPUComputePipelineCreateInfo.3type | A structure specifying the parameters of a compute pipeline state. |
SDL_GPUCopyPass.3type | An opaque handle representing a copy pass. |
SDL_GPUCubeMapFace.3type | Specifies the face of a cube map. |
SDL_GPUCullMode.3type | Specifies the facing direction in which triangle faces will be culled. |
SDL_GPUDepthStencilState.3type | A structure specifying the parameters of the graphics pipeline depth stencil state. |
SDL_GPUDepthStencilTargetInfo.3type | A structure specifying the parameters of a depth-stencil target used by a render pass. |
SDL_GPUDevice.3type | |
SDL_GPUFence.3type | An opaque handle representing a fence. |
SDL_GPUFillMode.3type | Specifies the fill mode of the graphics pipeline. |
SDL_GPUFilter.3type | Specifies a filter operation used by a sampler. |
SDL_GPUFrontFace.3type | Specifies the vertex winding that will cause a triangle to be determined to be front-facing. |
SDL_GPUGraphicsPipeline.3type | An opaque handle representing a graphics pipeline. |
SDL_GPUGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo.3type | A structure specifying the parameters of a graphics pipeline state. |
SDL_GPUGraphicsPipelineTargetInfo.3type | A structure specifying the descriptions of render targets used in a graphics pipeline. |
SDL_GPUIndexElementSize.3type | Specifies the size of elements in an index buffer. |
SDL_GPUIndexedIndirectDrawCommand.3type | A structure specifying the parameters of an indexed indirect draw command. |
SDL_GPUIndirectDispatchCommand.3type | A structure specifying the parameters of an indexed dispatch command. |
SDL_GPUIndirectDrawCommand.3type | A structure specifying the parameters of an indirect draw command. |
SDL_GPULoadOp.3type | Specifies how the contents of a texture attached to a render pass are treated at the beginning of the render pass. |
SDL_GPUMultisampleState.3type | A structure specifying the parameters of the graphics pipeline multisample state. |
SDL_GPUPresentMode.3type | Specifies the timing that will be used to present swapchain textures to the OS. |
SDL_GPUPrimitiveType.3type | Specifies the primitive topology of a graphics pipeline. |
SDL_GPURasterizerState.3type | A structure specifying the parameters of the graphics pipeline rasterizer state. |
SDL_GPURenderPass.3type | An opaque handle representing a render pass. |
SDL_GPUSampleCount.3type | Specifies the sample count of a texture. |
SDL_GPUSampler.3type | An opaque handle representing a sampler. |
SDL_GPUSamplerAddressMode.3type | Specifies behavior of texture sampling when the coordinates exceed the 0-1 range. |
SDL_GPUSamplerCreateInfo.3type | A structure specifying the parameters of a sampler. |
SDL_GPUSamplerMipmapMode.3type | Specifies a mipmap mode used by a sampler. |
SDL_GPUShader.3type | An opaque handle representing a compiled shader object. |
SDL_GPUShaderCreateInfo.3type | A structure specifying code and metadata for creating a shader object. |
SDL_GPUShaderFormat.3type | Specifies the format of shader code. |
SDL_GPUShaderStage.3type | Specifies which stage a shader program corresponds to. |
SDL_GPUStencilOp.3type | Specifies what happens to a stored stencil value if stencil tests fail or pass. |
SDL_GPUStencilOpState.3type | A structure specifying the stencil operation state of a graphics pipeline. |
SDL_GPUStorageBufferReadWriteBinding.3type | A structure specifying parameters related to binding buffers in a compute pass. |
SDL_GPUStorageTextureReadWriteBinding.3type | A structure specifying parameters related to binding textures in a compute pass. |
SDL_GPUStoreOp.3type | Specifies how the contents of a texture attached to a render pass are treated at the end of the render pass. |
SDL_GPUSupportsProperties | Checks for GPU runtime support. |
SDL_GPUSupportsShaderFormats | Checks for GPU runtime support. |
SDL_GPUSwapchainComposition.3type | Specifies the texture format and colorspace of the swapchain textures. |
SDL_GPUTexture.3type | An opaque handle representing a texture. |
SDL_GPUTextureCreateInfo.3type | A structure specifying the parameters of a texture. |
SDL_GPUTextureFormat.3type | Specifies the pixel format of a texture. |
SDL_GPUTextureFormatTexelBlockSize | Obtains the texel block size for a texture format. |
SDL_GPUTextureLocation.3type | A structure specifying a location in a texture. |
SDL_GPUTextureRegion.3type | A structure specifying a region of a texture. |
SDL_GPUTextureSamplerBinding.3type | A structure specifying parameters in a sampler binding call. |
SDL_GPUTextureSupportsFormat | Determines whether a texture format is supported for a given type and usage. |
SDL_GPUTextureSupportsSampleCount | Determines if a sample count for a texture format is supported. |
SDL_GPUTextureTransferInfo.3type | A structure specifying parameters related to transferring data to or from a texture. |
SDL_GPUTextureType.3type | Specifies the type of a texture. |
SDL_GPUTextureUsageFlags.3type | Specifies how a texture is intended to be used by the client. |
SDL_GPUTransferBuffer.3type | An opaque handle representing a transfer buffer. |
SDL_GPUTransferBufferCreateInfo.3type | A structure specifying the parameters of a transfer buffer. |
SDL_GPUTransferBufferLocation.3type | A structure specifying a location in a transfer buffer. |
SDL_GPUTransferBufferUsage.3type | Specifies how a transfer buffer is intended to be used by the client. |
SDL_GPUVertexAttribute.3type | A structure specifying a vertex attribute. |
SDL_GPUVertexBufferDescription.3type | A structure specifying the parameters of vertex buffers used in a graphics pipeline. |
SDL_GPUVertexElementFormat.3type | Specifies the format of a vertex attribute. |
SDL_GPUVertexInputRate.3type | Specifies the rate at which vertex attributes are pulled from buffers. |
SDL_GPUVertexInputState.3type | A structure specifying the parameters of a graphics pipeline vertex input state. |
SDL_GPUViewport.3type | A structure specifying a viewport. |
SDL_GUARDED_BY | Wrapper around Clang thread safety analysis annotations. |
SDL_GUID.3type | |
SDL_GUIDToString | Get an ASCII string representation for a given SDL_GUID . |
SDL_Gamepad.3type | The structure used to identify an SDL gamepad |
SDL_GamepadAxis.3type | The list of axes available on a gamepad |
SDL_GamepadAxisEvent.3type | Gamepad axis motion event structure (event.gaxis.*) |
SDL_GamepadBinding.3type | A mapping between one joystick input to a gamepad control. |
SDL_GamepadBindingType.3type | Types of gamepad control bindings. |
SDL_GamepadButton.3type | The list of buttons available on a gamepad |
SDL_GamepadButtonEvent.3type | Gamepad button event structure (event.gbutton.*) |
SDL_GamepadButtonLabel.3type | The set of gamepad button labels |
SDL_GamepadConnected | Check if a gamepad has been opened and is currently connected. |
SDL_GamepadDeviceEvent.3type | Gamepad device event structure (event.gdevice.*) |
SDL_GamepadEventsEnabled | Query the state of gamepad event processing. |
SDL_GamepadHasAxis | Query whether a gamepad has a given axis. |
SDL_GamepadHasButton | Query whether a gamepad has a given button. |
SDL_GamepadHasSensor | Return whether a gamepad has a particular sensor. |
SDL_GamepadSensorEnabled | Query whether sensor data reporting is enabled for a gamepad. |
SDL_GamepadSensorEvent.3type | Gamepad sensor event structure (event.gsensor.*) |
SDL_GamepadTouchpadEvent.3type | Gamepad touchpad event structure (event.gtouchpad.*) |
SDL_GamepadType.3type | Standard gamepad types. |
SDL_GenerateMipmapsForGPUTexture | Generates mipmaps for the given texture. |
SDL_GetAndroidActivity | Retrieve the Java instance of the Android activity class. |
SDL_GetAndroidCachePath | Get the path used for caching data for this Android application. |
SDL_GetAndroidExternalStoragePath | Get the path used for external storage for this Android application. |
SDL_GetAndroidExternalStorageState | Get the current state of external storage for this Android application. |
SDL_GetAndroidInternalStoragePath | Get the path used for internal storage for this Android application. |
SDL_GetAndroidJNIEnv | Get the Android Java Native Interface Environment of the current thread. |
SDL_GetAndroidSDKVersion | Query Android API level of the current device. |
SDL_GetAppMetadataProperty | Get metadata about your app. |
SDL_GetAssertionHandler | Get the current assertion handler. |
SDL_GetAssertionReport | Get a list of all assertion failures. |
SDL_GetAsyncIOResult | Query an async I/O task queue for completed tasks. |
SDL_GetAsyncIOSize | Use this function to get the size of the data stream in an SDL_AsyncIO . |
SDL_GetAtomicInt | Get the value of an atomic variable. |
SDL_GetAtomicPointer | Get the value of a pointer atomically. |
SDL_GetAtomicU32 | Get the value of an atomic variable. |
SDL_GetAudioDeviceChannelMap | Get the current channel map of an audio device. |
SDL_GetAudioDeviceFormat | Get the current audio format of a specific audio device. |
SDL_GetAudioDeviceGain | Get the gain of an audio device. |
SDL_GetAudioDeviceName | Get the human-readable name of a specific audio device. |
SDL_GetAudioDriver | Use this function to get the name of a built in audio driver. |
SDL_GetAudioFormatName | Get the human readable name of an audio format. |
SDL_GetAudioPlaybackDevices | Get a list of currently-connected audio playback devices. |
SDL_GetAudioRecordingDevices | Get a list of currently-connected audio recording devices. |
SDL_GetAudioStreamAvailable | Get the number of converted/resampled bytes available. |
SDL_GetAudioStreamData | Get converted/resampled data from the stream. |
SDL_GetAudioStreamDevice | Query an audio stream for its currently-bound device. |
SDL_GetAudioStreamFormat | Query the current format of an audio stream. |
SDL_GetAudioStreamFrequencyRatio | Get the frequency ratio of an audio stream. |
SDL_GetAudioStreamGain | Get the gain of an audio stream. |
SDL_GetAudioStreamInputChannelMap | Get the current input channel map of an audio stream. |
SDL_GetAudioStreamOutputChannelMap | Get the current output channel map of an audio stream. |
SDL_GetAudioStreamProperties | Get the properties associated with an audio stream. |
SDL_GetAudioStreamQueued | Get the number of bytes currently queued. |
SDL_GetBasePath | Get the directory where the application was run from. |
SDL_GetBooleanProperty | Get a boolean property from a group of properties. |
SDL_GetCPUCacheLineSize | Determine the L1 cache line size of the CPU. |
SDL_GetCameraDriver | Use this function to get the name of a built in camera driver. |
SDL_GetCameraFormat | Get the spec that a camera is using when generating images. |
SDL_GetCameraID | Get the instance ID of an opened camera. |
SDL_GetCameraName | Get the human-readable device name for a camera. |
SDL_GetCameraPermissionState | Query if camera access has been approved by the user. |
SDL_GetCameraPosition | Get the position of the camera in relation to the system. |
SDL_GetCameraProperties | Get the properties associated with an opened camera. |
SDL_GetCameraSupportedFormats | Get the list of native formats/sizes a camera supports. |
SDL_GetCameras | Get a list of currently connected camera devices. |
SDL_GetClipboardData | Get the data from clipboard for a given mime type. |
SDL_GetClipboardMimeTypes | Retrieve the list of mime types available in the clipboard. |
SDL_GetClipboardText | Get UTF-8 text from the clipboard. |
SDL_GetClosestFullscreenDisplayMode | Get the closest match to the requested display mode. |
SDL_GetCurrentAudioDriver | Get the name of the current audio driver. |
SDL_GetCurrentCameraDriver | Get the name of the current camera driver. |
SDL_GetCurrentDirectory | Get what the system believes is the "current working directory." |
SDL_GetCurrentDisplayMode | Get information about the current display mode. |
SDL_GetCurrentDisplayOrientation | Get the orientation of a display. |
SDL_GetCurrentRenderOutputSize | Get the current output size in pixels of a rendering context. |
SDL_GetCurrentThreadID | Get the thread identifier for the current thread. |
SDL_GetCurrentTime | Gets the current value of the system realtime clock in nanoseconds since Jan 1, 1970 in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). |
SDL_GetCurrentVideoDriver | Get the name of the currently initialized video driver. |
SDL_GetCursor | Get the active cursor. |
SDL_GetDXGIOutputInfo | Get the DXGI Adapter and Output indices for the specified display. |
SDL_GetDateTimeLocalePreferences | Gets the current preferred date and time format for the system locale. |
SDL_GetDayOfWeek | Get the day of week for a calendar date. |
SDL_GetDayOfYear | Get the day of year for a calendar date. |
SDL_GetDaysInMonth | Get the number of days in a month for a given year. |
SDL_GetDefaultAssertionHandler | Get the default assertion handler. |
SDL_GetDefaultCursor | Get the default cursor. |
SDL_GetDefaultLogOutputFunction | Get the default log output function. |
SDL_GetDesktopDisplayMode | Get information about the desktop's display mode. |
SDL_GetDirect3D9AdapterIndex | Get the D3D9 adapter index that matches the specified display. |
SDL_GetDisplayBounds | Get the desktop area represented by a display. |
SDL_GetDisplayContentScale | Get the content scale of a display. |
SDL_GetDisplayForPoint | Get the display containing a point. |
SDL_GetDisplayForRect | Get the display primarily containing a rect. |
SDL_GetDisplayForWindow | Get the display associated with a window. |
SDL_GetDisplayName | Get the name of a display in UTF-8 encoding. |
SDL_GetDisplayProperties | Get the properties associated with a display. |
SDL_GetDisplayUsableBounds | Get the usable desktop area represented by a display, in screen coordinates. |
SDL_GetDisplays | Get a list of currently connected displays. |
SDL_GetEnvironment | Get the process environment. |
SDL_GetEnvironmentVariable | Get the value of a variable in the environment. |
SDL_GetEnvironmentVariables | Get all variables in the environment. |
SDL_GetError | Retrieve a message about the last error that occurred on the current thread. |
SDL_GetEventFilter | Query the current event filter. |
SDL_GetFloatProperty | Get a floating point property from a group of properties. |
SDL_GetFullscreenDisplayModes | Get a list of fullscreen display modes available on a display. |
SDL_GetGDKDefaultUser | Gets a reference to the default user handle for GDK. |
SDL_GetGDKTaskQueue | Gets a reference to the global async task queue handle for GDK, initializing if needed. |
SDL_GetGPUDeviceDriver | Returns the name of the backend used to create this GPU context. |
SDL_GetGPUDriver | Get the name of a built in GPU driver. |
SDL_GetGPUShaderFormats | Returns the supported shader formats for this GPU context. |
SDL_GetGPUSwapchainTextureFormat | Obtains the texture format of the swapchain for the given window. |
SDL_GetGamepadAppleSFSymbolsNameForAxis | Return the sfSymbolsName for a given axis on a gamepad on Apple platforms. |
SDL_GetGamepadAppleSFSymbolsNameForButton | Return the sfSymbolsName for a given button on a gamepad on Apple platforms. |
SDL_GetGamepadAxis | Get the current state of an axis control on a gamepad. |
SDL_GetGamepadAxisFromString | |
SDL_GetGamepadBindings | Get the SDL joystick layer bindings for a gamepad. |
SDL_GetGamepadButton | Get the current state of a button on a gamepad. |
SDL_GetGamepadButtonFromString | |
SDL_GetGamepadButtonLabel | Get the label of a button on a gamepad. |
SDL_GetGamepadButtonLabelForType | Get the label of a button on a gamepad. |
SDL_GetGamepadConnectionState | Get the connection state of a gamepad. |
SDL_GetGamepadFirmwareVersion | Get the firmware version of an opened gamepad, if available. |
SDL_GetGamepadFromID | |
SDL_GetGamepadFromPlayerIndex | |
SDL_GetGamepadGUIDForID | Get the implementation-dependent GUID of a gamepad. |
SDL_GetGamepadID | Get the instance ID of an opened gamepad. |
SDL_GetGamepadJoystick | Get the underlying joystick from a gamepad. |
SDL_GetGamepadMapping | Get the current mapping of a gamepad. |
SDL_GetGamepadMappingForGUID | Get the gamepad mapping string for a given GUID. |
SDL_GetGamepadMappingForID | Get the mapping of a gamepad. |
SDL_GetGamepadMappings | Get the current gamepad mappings. |
SDL_GetGamepadName | Get the implementation-dependent name for an opened gamepad. |
SDL_GetGamepadNameForID | Get the implementation dependent name of a gamepad. |
SDL_GetGamepadPath | Get the implementation-dependent path for an opened gamepad. |
SDL_GetGamepadPathForID | Get the implementation dependent path of a gamepad. |
SDL_GetGamepadPlayerIndex | Get the player index of an opened gamepad. |
SDL_GetGamepadPlayerIndexForID | Get the player index of a gamepad. |
SDL_GetGamepadPowerInfo | Get the battery state of a gamepad. |
SDL_GetGamepadProduct | Get the USB product ID of an opened gamepad, if available. |
SDL_GetGamepadProductForID | Get the USB product ID of a gamepad, if available. |
SDL_GetGamepadProductVersion | Get the product version of an opened gamepad, if available. |
SDL_GetGamepadProductVersionForID | Get the product version of a gamepad, if available. |
SDL_GetGamepadProperties | Get the properties associated with an opened gamepad. |
SDL_GetGamepadSensorData | Get the current state of a gamepad sensor. |
SDL_GetGamepadSensorDataRate | Get the data rate (number of events per second) of a gamepad sensor. |
SDL_GetGamepadSerial | Get the serial number of an opened gamepad, if available. |
SDL_GetGamepadSteamHandle | Get the Steam Input handle of an opened gamepad, if available. |
SDL_GetGamepadStringForAxis | |
SDL_GetGamepadStringForButton | |
SDL_GetGamepadStringForType | |
SDL_GetGamepadTouchpadFinger | Get the current state of a finger on a touchpad on a gamepad. |
SDL_GetGamepadType | Get the type of an opened gamepad. |
SDL_GetGamepadTypeForID | Get the type of a gamepad. |
SDL_GetGamepadTypeFromString | |
SDL_GetGamepadVendor | Get the USB vendor ID of an opened gamepad, if available. |
SDL_GetGamepadVendorForID | Get the USB vendor ID of a gamepad, if available. |
SDL_GetGamepads | Get a list of currently connected gamepads. |
SDL_GetGlobalMouseState | Query the platform for the asynchronous mouse button state and the desktop-relative platform-cursor position. |
SDL_GetGlobalProperties | Get the global SDL properties. |
SDL_GetGrabbedWindow | Get the window that currently has an input grab enabled. |
SDL_GetHapticEffectStatus | Get the status of the current effect on the specified haptic device. |
SDL_GetHapticFeatures | Get the haptic device's supported features in bitwise manner. |
SDL_GetHapticFromID | |
SDL_GetHapticID | Get the instance ID of an opened haptic device. |
SDL_GetHapticName | Get the implementation dependent name of a haptic device. |
SDL_GetHapticNameForID | Get the implementation dependent name of a haptic device. |
SDL_GetHaptics | Get a list of currently connected haptic devices. |
SDL_GetHint | Get the value of a hint. |
SDL_GetHintBoolean | Get the boolean value of a hint variable. |
SDL_GetIOProperties | Get the properties associated with an SDL_IOStream . |
SDL_GetIOSize | Use this function to get the size of the data stream in an SDL_IOStream . |
SDL_GetIOStatus | Query the stream status of an SDL_IOStream . |
SDL_GetJoystickAxis | Get the current state of an axis control on a joystick. |
SDL_GetJoystickAxisInitialState | Get the initial state of an axis control on a joystick. |
SDL_GetJoystickBall | Get the ball axis change since the last poll. |
SDL_GetJoystickButton | Get the current state of a button on a joystick. |
SDL_GetJoystickConnectionState | Get the connection state of a joystick. |
SDL_GetJoystickFirmwareVersion | Get the firmware version of an opened joystick, if available. |
SDL_GetJoystickFromID | |
SDL_GetJoystickFromPlayerIndex | |
SDL_GetJoystickGUID | Get the implementation-dependent GUID for the joystick. |
SDL_GetJoystickGUIDForID | Get the implementation-dependent GUID of a joystick. |
SDL_GetJoystickGUIDInfo | |
SDL_GetJoystickHat | Get the current state of a POV hat on a joystick. |
SDL_GetJoystickID | Get the instance ID of an opened joystick. |
SDL_GetJoystickName | Get the implementation dependent name of a joystick. |
SDL_GetJoystickNameForID | Get the implementation dependent name of a joystick. |
SDL_GetJoystickPath | Get the implementation dependent path of a joystick. |
SDL_GetJoystickPathForID | Get the implementation dependent path of a joystick. |
SDL_GetJoystickPlayerIndex | Get the player index of an opened joystick. |
SDL_GetJoystickPlayerIndexForID | Get the player index of a joystick. |
SDL_GetJoystickPowerInfo | Get the battery state of a joystick. |
SDL_GetJoystickProduct | Get the USB product ID of an opened joystick, if available. |
SDL_GetJoystickProductForID | Get the USB product ID of a joystick, if available. |
SDL_GetJoystickProductVersion | Get the product version of an opened joystick, if available. |
SDL_GetJoystickProductVersionForID | Get the product version of a joystick, if available. |
SDL_GetJoystickProperties | Get the properties associated with a joystick. |
SDL_GetJoystickSerial | Get the serial number of an opened joystick, if available. |
SDL_GetJoystickType | Get the type of an opened joystick. |
SDL_GetJoystickTypeForID | Get the type of a joystick, if available. |
SDL_GetJoystickVendor | Get the USB vendor ID of an opened joystick, if available. |
SDL_GetJoystickVendorForID | Get the USB vendor ID of a joystick, if available. |
SDL_GetJoysticks | Get a list of currently connected joysticks. |
SDL_GetKeyFromName | Get a key code from a human-readable name. |
SDL_GetKeyFromScancode | Get the key code corresponding to the given scancode according to the current keyboard layout. |
SDL_GetKeyName | Get a human-readable name for a key. |
SDL_GetKeyboardFocus | Query the window which currently has keyboard focus. |
SDL_GetKeyboardNameForID | Get the name of a keyboard. |
SDL_GetKeyboardState | Get a snapshot of the current state of the keyboard. |
SDL_GetKeyboards | Get a list of currently connected keyboards. |
SDL_GetLogOutputFunction | Get the current log output function. |
SDL_GetLogPriority | Get the priority of a particular log category. |
SDL_GetMasksForPixelFormat | Convert one of the enumerated pixel formats to a bpp value and RGBA masks. |
SDL_GetMaxHapticEffects | Get the number of effects a haptic device can store. |
SDL_GetMaxHapticEffectsPlaying | Get the number of effects a haptic device can play at the same time. |
SDL_GetMemoryFunctions | Get the current set of SDL memory functions. |
SDL_GetMice | Get a list of currently connected mice. |
SDL_GetModState | Get the current key modifier state for the keyboard. |
SDL_GetMouseFocus | Get the window which currently has mouse focus. |
SDL_GetMouseNameForID | Get the name of a mouse. |
SDL_GetMouseState | Query SDL's cache for the synchronous mouse button state and the window-relative SDL-cursor position. |
SDL_GetNaturalDisplayOrientation | Get the orientation of a display when it is unrotated. |
SDL_GetNumAllocations | Get the number of outstanding (unfreed) allocations. |
SDL_GetNumAudioDrivers | Use this function to get the number of built-in audio drivers. |
SDL_GetNumCameraDrivers | Use this function to get the number of built-in camera drivers. |
SDL_GetNumGPUDrivers | Get the number of GPU drivers compiled into SDL. |
SDL_GetNumGamepadTouchpadFingers | Get the number of supported simultaneous fingers on a touchpad on a game gamepad. |
SDL_GetNumGamepadTouchpads | Get the number of touchpads on a gamepad. |
SDL_GetNumHapticAxes | Get the number of haptic axes the device has. |
SDL_GetNumJoystickAxes | Get the number of general axis controls on a joystick. |
SDL_GetNumJoystickBalls | Get the number of trackballs on a joystick. |
SDL_GetNumJoystickButtons | Get the number of buttons on a joystick. |
SDL_GetNumJoystickHats | Get the number of POV hats on a joystick. |
SDL_GetNumLogicalCPUCores | Get the number of logical CPU cores available. |
SDL_GetNumRenderDrivers | Get the number of 2D rendering drivers available for the current display. |
SDL_GetNumVideoDrivers | Get the number of video drivers compiled into SDL. |
SDL_GetNumberProperty | Get a number property from a group of properties. |
SDL_GetOriginalMemoryFunctions | Get the original set of SDL memory functions. |
SDL_GetPathInfo | Get information about a filesystem path. |
SDL_GetPerformanceCounter | Get the current value of the high resolution counter. |
SDL_GetPerformanceFrequency | Get the count per second of the high resolution counter. |
SDL_GetPixelFormatDetails | |
SDL_GetPixelFormatForMasks | Convert a bpp value and RGBA masks to an enumerated pixel format. |
SDL_GetPixelFormatName | Get the human readable name of a pixel format. |
SDL_GetPlatform | Get the name of the platform. |
SDL_GetPointerProperty | Get a pointer property from a group of properties. |
SDL_GetPowerInfo | Get the current power supply details. |
SDL_GetPrefPath | Get the user-and-app-specific path where files can be written. |
SDL_GetPreferredLocales | Report the user's preferred locale. |
SDL_GetPrimaryDisplay | Return the primary display. |
SDL_GetPrimarySelectionText | Get UTF-8 text from the primary selection. |
SDL_GetProcessInput | |
SDL_GetProcessOutput | |
SDL_GetProcessProperties | Get the properties associated with a process. |
SDL_GetPropertyType | Get the type of a property in a group of properties. |
SDL_GetRGB | Get RGB values from a pixel in the specified format. |
SDL_GetRGBA | Get RGBA values from a pixel in the specified format. |
SDL_GetRealGamepadType | Get the type of an opened gamepad, ignoring any mapping override. |
SDL_GetRealGamepadTypeForID | Get the type of a gamepad, ignoring any mapping override. |
SDL_GetRectAndLineIntersection | Calculate the intersection of a rectangle and line segment. |
SDL_GetRectAndLineIntersectionFloat | Calculate the intersection of a rectangle and line segment with float precision. |
SDL_GetRectEnclosingPoints | Calculate a minimal rectangle enclosing a set of points. |
SDL_GetRectEnclosingPointsFloat | Calculate a minimal rectangle enclosing a set of points with float precision. |
SDL_GetRectIntersection | Calculate the intersection of two rectangles. |
SDL_GetRectIntersectionFloat | Calculate the intersection of two rectangles with float precision. |
SDL_GetRectUnion | Calculate the union of two rectangles. |
SDL_GetRectUnionFloat | Calculate the union of two rectangles with float precision. |
SDL_GetRelativeMouseState | Query SDL's cache for the synchronous mouse button state and accumulated mouse delta since last call. |
SDL_GetRenderClipRect | Get the clip rectangle for the current target. |
SDL_GetRenderColorScale | Get the color scale used for render operations. |
SDL_GetRenderDrawBlendMode | Get the blend mode used for drawing operations. |
SDL_GetRenderDrawColor | Get the color used for drawing operations (Rect, Line and Clear). |
SDL_GetRenderDrawColorFloat | Get the color used for drawing operations (Rect, Line and Clear). |
SDL_GetRenderDriver | Use this function to get the name of a built in 2D rendering driver. |
SDL_GetRenderLogicalPresentation | Get device independent resolution and presentation mode for rendering. |
SDL_GetRenderLogicalPresentationRect | Get the final presentation rectangle for rendering. |
SDL_GetRenderMetalCommandEncoder | Get the Metal command encoder for the current frame. |
SDL_GetRenderMetalLayer | Get the CAMetalLayer associated with the given Metal renderer. |
SDL_GetRenderOutputSize | Get the output size in pixels of a rendering context. |
SDL_GetRenderSafeArea | Get the safe area for rendering within the current viewport. |
SDL_GetRenderScale | Get the drawing scale for the current target. |
SDL_GetRenderTarget | Get the current render target. |
SDL_GetRenderVSync | Get VSync of the given renderer. |
SDL_GetRenderViewport | Get the drawing area for the current target. |
SDL_GetRenderWindow | Get the window associated with a renderer. |
SDL_GetRenderer | Get the renderer associated with a window. |
SDL_GetRendererFromTexture | Get the renderer that created an SDL_Texture . |
SDL_GetRendererName | Get the name of a renderer. |
SDL_GetRendererProperties | Get the properties associated with a renderer. |
SDL_GetRevision | Get the code revision of SDL that is linked against your program. |
SDL_GetSIMDAlignment | Report the alignment this system needs for SIMD allocations. |
SDL_GetSandbox | Get the application sandbox environment, if any. |
SDL_GetScancodeFromKey | Get the scancode corresponding to the given key code according to the current keyboard layout. |
SDL_GetScancodeFromName | Get a scancode from a human-readable name. |
SDL_GetScancodeName | Get a human-readable name for a scancode. |
SDL_GetSemaphoreValue | Get the current value of a semaphore. |
SDL_GetSensorData | Get the current state of an opened sensor. |
SDL_GetSensorFromID | |
SDL_GetSensorID | Get the instance ID of a sensor. |
SDL_GetSensorName | Get the implementation dependent name of a sensor. |
SDL_GetSensorNameForID | Get the implementation dependent name of a sensor. |
SDL_GetSensorNonPortableType | Get the platform dependent type of a sensor. |
SDL_GetSensorNonPortableTypeForID | Get the platform dependent type of a sensor. |
SDL_GetSensorProperties | Get the properties associated with a sensor. |
SDL_GetSensorType | Get the type of a sensor. |
SDL_GetSensorTypeForID | Get the type of a sensor. |
SDL_GetSensors | Get a list of currently connected sensors. |
SDL_GetSilenceValueForFormat | Get the appropriate memset value for silencing an audio format. |
SDL_GetStorageFileSize | Query the size of a file within a storage container. |
SDL_GetStoragePathInfo | Get information about a filesystem path in a storage container. |
SDL_GetStorageSpaceRemaining | Queries the remaining space in a storage container. |
SDL_GetStringProperty | Get a string property from a group of properties. |
SDL_GetSurfaceAlphaMod | Get the additional alpha value used in blit operations. |
SDL_GetSurfaceBlendMode | Get the blend mode used for blit operations. |
SDL_GetSurfaceClipRect | Get the clipping rectangle for a surface. |
SDL_GetSurfaceColorKey | Get the color key (transparent pixel) for a surface. |
SDL_GetSurfaceColorMod | Get the additional color value multiplied into blit operations. |
SDL_GetSurfaceColorspace | Get the colorspace used by a surface. |
SDL_GetSurfaceImages | Get an array including all versions of a surface. |
SDL_GetSurfacePalette | Get the palette used by a surface. |
SDL_GetSurfaceProperties | Get the properties associated with a surface. |
SDL_GetSystemRAM | Get the amount of RAM configured in the system. |
SDL_GetSystemTheme | Get the current system theme. |
SDL_GetTLS | Get the current thread's value associated with a thread local storage ID. |
SDL_GetTextInputArea | Get the area used to type Unicode text input. |
SDL_GetTextureAlphaMod | Get the additional alpha value multiplied into render copy operations. |
SDL_GetTextureAlphaModFloat | Get the additional alpha value multiplied into render copy operations. |
SDL_GetTextureBlendMode | Get the blend mode used for texture copy operations. |
SDL_GetTextureColorMod | Get the additional color value multiplied into render copy operations. |
SDL_GetTextureColorModFloat | Get the additional color value multiplied into render copy operations. |
SDL_GetTextureProperties | Get the properties associated with a texture. |
SDL_GetTextureScaleMode | Get the scale mode used for texture scale operations. |
SDL_GetTextureSize | Get the size of a texture, as floating point values. |
SDL_GetThreadID | Get the thread identifier for the specified thread. |
SDL_GetThreadName | Get the thread name as it was specified in SDL_CreateThread (). |
SDL_GetThreadState | Get the current state of a thread. |
SDL_GetTicks | Get the number of milliseconds since SDL library initialization. |
SDL_GetTicksNS | Get the number of nanoseconds since SDL library initialization. |
SDL_GetTouchDeviceName | Get the touch device name as reported from the driver. |
SDL_GetTouchDeviceType | Get the type of the given touch device. |
SDL_GetTouchDevices | Get a list of registered touch devices. |
SDL_GetTouchFingers | Get a list of active fingers for a given touch device. |
SDL_GetTrayEntries | Returns a list of entries in the menu, in order. |
SDL_GetTrayEntryChecked | Gets whether or not an entry is checked. |
SDL_GetTrayEntryEnabled | Gets whether or not an entry is enabled. |
SDL_GetTrayEntryLabel | Gets the label of an entry. |
SDL_GetTrayEntryParent | Gets the menu containing a certain tray entry. |
SDL_GetTrayMenu | Gets a previously created tray menu. |
SDL_GetTrayMenuParentEntry | Gets the entry for which the menu is a submenu, if the current menu is a submenu. |
SDL_GetTrayMenuParentTray | Gets the tray for which this menu is the first-level menu, if the current menu isn't a submenu. |
SDL_GetTraySubmenu | Gets a previously created tray entry submenu. |
SDL_GetUserFolder | Finds the most suitable user folder for a specific purpose. |
SDL_GetVersion | Get the version of SDL that is linked against your program. |
SDL_GetVideoDriver | Get the name of a built in video driver. |
SDL_GetWindowAspectRatio | Get the size of a window's client area. |
SDL_GetWindowBordersSize | Get the size of a window's borders (decorations) around the client area. |
SDL_GetWindowDisplayScale | Get the content display scale relative to a window's pixel size. |
SDL_GetWindowFlags | Get the window flags. |
SDL_GetWindowFromEvent | Get window associated with an event. |
SDL_GetWindowFromID | Get a window from a stored ID. |
SDL_GetWindowFullscreenMode | Query the display mode to use when a window is visible at fullscreen. |
SDL_GetWindowICCProfile | Get the raw ICC profile data for the screen the window is currently on. |
SDL_GetWindowID | Get the numeric ID of a window. |
SDL_GetWindowKeyboardGrab | Get a window's keyboard grab mode. |
SDL_GetWindowMaximumSize | Get the maximum size of a window's client area. |
SDL_GetWindowMinimumSize | Get the minimum size of a window's client area. |
SDL_GetWindowMouseGrab | Get a window's mouse grab mode. |
SDL_GetWindowMouseRect | Get the mouse confinement rectangle of a window. |
SDL_GetWindowOpacity | Get the opacity of a window. |
SDL_GetWindowParent | Get parent of a window. |
SDL_GetWindowPixelDensity | Get the pixel density of a window. |
SDL_GetWindowPixelFormat | Get the pixel format associated with the window. |
SDL_GetWindowPosition | Get the position of a window. |
SDL_GetWindowProperties | Get the properties associated with a window. |
SDL_GetWindowRelativeMouseMode | Query whether relative mouse mode is enabled for a window. |
SDL_GetWindowSafeArea | Get the safe area for this window. |
SDL_GetWindowSize | Get the size of a window's client area. |
SDL_GetWindowSizeInPixels | Get the size of a window's client area, in pixels. |
SDL_GetWindowSurface | Get the SDL surface associated with the window. |
SDL_GetWindowSurfaceVSync | Get VSync for the window surface. |
SDL_GetWindowTitle | Get the title of a window. |
SDL_GetWindows | Get a list of valid windows. |
SDL_GlobDirectory | Enumerate a directory tree, filtered by pattern, and return a list. |
SDL_GlobFlags.3type | Flags for path matching. |
SDL_GlobStorageDirectory | Enumerate a directory tree, filtered by pattern, and return a list. |
SDL_HAPTIC_AUTOCENTER | Device can set autocenter. |
SDL_HAPTIC_CARTESIAN | Uses cartesian coordinates for the direction. |
SDL_HAPTIC_CONSTANT | Constant effect supported. |
SDL_HAPTIC_CUSTOM | Custom effect is supported. |
SDL_HAPTIC_DAMPER | Damper effect supported — uses axes velocity. |
SDL_HAPTIC_FRICTION | Friction effect supported — uses axes movement. |
SDL_HAPTIC_GAIN | Device can set global gain. |
SDL_HAPTIC_INERTIA | Inertia effect supported — uses axes acceleration. |
SDL_HAPTIC_INFINITY | Used to play a device an infinite number of times. |
SDL_HAPTIC_LEFTRIGHT | Left/Right effect supported. |
SDL_HAPTIC_PAUSE | Device can be paused. |
SDL_HAPTIC_POLAR | Uses polar coordinates for the direction. |
SDL_HAPTIC_RAMP | Ramp effect supported. |
SDL_HAPTIC_RESERVED1 | Reserved for future use. |
SDL_HAPTIC_RESERVED2 | Reserved for future use. |
SDL_HAPTIC_RESERVED3 | Reserved for future use. |
SDL_HAPTIC_SAWTOOTHDOWN | Sawtoothdown wave effect supported. |
SDL_HAPTIC_SAWTOOTHUP | Sawtoothup wave effect supported. |
SDL_HAPTIC_SINE | Sine wave effect supported. |
SDL_HAPTIC_SPHERICAL | Uses spherical coordinates for the direction. |
SDL_HAPTIC_SPRING | Spring effect supported — uses axes position. |
SDL_HAPTIC_SQUARE | Square wave effect supported. |
SDL_HAPTIC_STATUS | Device can be queried for effect status. |
SDL_HAPTIC_STEERING_AXIS | Use this value to play an effect on the steering wheel axis. |
SDL_HAPTIC_TRIANGLE | Triangle wave effect supported. |
SDL_HAS_BUILTIN | Check if the compiler supports a given builtin functionality. |
SDL_HINT_ALLOW_ALT_TAB_WHILE_GRABBED | Specify the behavior of Alt+Tab while the keyboard is grabbed. |
SDL_HINT_ANDROID_ALLOW_RECREATE_ACTIVITY | A variable to control whether the SDL activity is allowed to be re-created. |
SDL_HINT_ANDROID_BLOCK_ON_PAUSE | A variable to control whether the event loop will block itself when the app is paused. |
SDL_HINT_ANDROID_LOW_LATENCY_AUDIO | A variable to control whether low latency audio should be enabled. |
SDL_HINT_ANDROID_TRAP_BACK_BUTTON | A variable to control whether we trap the Android back button to handle it manually. |
SDL_HINT_APPLE_TV_CONTROLLER_UI_EVENTS | A variable controlling whether controllers used with the Apple TV generate UI events. |
SDL_HINT_APPLE_TV_REMOTE_ALLOW_ROTATION | A variable controlling whether the Apple TV remote's joystick axes will automatically match the rotation of the remote. |
SDL_HINT_APP_ID | A variable setting the app ID string. |
SDL_HINT_APP_NAME | A variable setting the application name. |
SDL_HINT_AUDIO_ALSA_DEFAULT_DEVICE | Specify the default ALSA audio device name. |
SDL_HINT_AUDIO_ALSA_DEFAULT_PLAYBACK_DEVICE | Specify the default ALSA audio playback device name. |
SDL_HINT_AUDIO_ALSA_DEFAULT_RECORDING_DEVICE | Specify the default ALSA audio recording device name. |
SDL_HINT_AUDIO_CATEGORY | A variable controlling the audio category on iOS and macOS. |
SDL_HINT_AUDIO_CHANNELS | A variable controlling the default audio channel count. |
SDL_HINT_AUDIO_DEVICE_APP_ICON_NAME | Specify an application icon name for an audio device. |
SDL_HINT_AUDIO_DEVICE_SAMPLE_FRAMES | A variable controlling device buffer size. |
SDL_HINT_AUDIO_DEVICE_STREAM_NAME | Specify an audio stream name for an audio device. |
SDL_HINT_AUDIO_DEVICE_STREAM_ROLE | Specify an application role for an audio device. |
SDL_HINT_AUDIO_DISK_INPUT_FILE | Specify the input file when recording audio using the disk audio driver. |
SDL_HINT_AUDIO_DISK_OUTPUT_FILE | Specify the output file when playing audio using the disk audio driver. |
SDL_HINT_AUDIO_DISK_TIMESCALE | A variable controlling the audio rate when using the disk audio driver. |
SDL_HINT_AUDIO_DRIVER | A variable that specifies an audio backend to use. |
SDL_HINT_AUDIO_DUMMY_TIMESCALE | A variable controlling the audio rate when using the dummy audio driver. |
SDL_HINT_AUDIO_FORMAT | A variable controlling the default audio format. |
SDL_HINT_AUDIO_FREQUENCY | A variable controlling the default audio frequency. |
SDL_HINT_AUDIO_INCLUDE_MONITORS | A variable that causes SDL to not ignore audio "monitors". |
SDL_HINT_AUTO_UPDATE_JOYSTICKS | A variable controlling whether SDL updates joystick state when getting input events. |
SDL_HINT_AUTO_UPDATE_SENSORS | A variable controlling whether SDL updates sensor state when getting input events. |
SDL_HINT_BMP_SAVE_LEGACY_FORMAT | Prevent SDL from using version 4 of the bitmap header when saving BMPs. |
SDL_HINT_CAMERA_DRIVER | A variable that decides what camera backend to use. |
SDL_HINT_CPU_FEATURE_MASK | A variable that limits what CPU features are available. |
SDL_HINT_DISPLAY_USABLE_BOUNDS | Override for SDL_GetDisplayUsableBounds (). |
SDL_HINT_EGL_LIBRARY | Specify the EGL library to load. |
SDL_HINT_EMSCRIPTEN_ASYNCIFY | Disable giving back control to the browser automatically when running with asyncify. |
SDL_HINT_EMSCRIPTEN_CANVAS_SELECTOR | Specify the CSS selector used for the "default" window/canvas. |
SDL_HINT_EMSCRIPTEN_KEYBOARD_ELEMENT | Override the binding element for keyboard inputs for Emscripten builds. |
SDL_HINT_ENABLE_SCREEN_KEYBOARD | A variable that controls whether the on-screen keyboard should be shown when text input is active. |
SDL_HINT_EVDEV_DEVICES | A variable containing a list of evdev devices to use if udev is not available. |
SDL_HINT_EVENT_LOGGING | A variable controlling verbosity of the logging of SDL events pushed onto the internal queue. |
SDL_HINT_FILE_DIALOG_DRIVER | A variable that specifies a dialog backend to use. |
SDL_HINT_FORCE_RAISEWINDOW | A variable controlling whether raising the window should be done more forcefully. |
SDL_HINT_FRAMEBUFFER_ACCELERATION | A variable controlling how 3D acceleration is used to accelerate the SDL screen surface. |
SDL_HINT_GAMECONTROLLERCONFIG | A variable that lets you manually hint extra gamecontroller db entries. |
SDL_HINT_GAMECONTROLLERCONFIG_FILE | A variable that lets you provide a file with extra gamecontroller db entries. |
SDL_HINT_GAMECONTROLLERTYPE | A variable that overrides the automatic controller type detection. |
SDL_HINT_GAMECONTROLLER_IGNORE_DEVICES | A variable containing a list of devices to skip when scanning for game controllers. |
SDL_HINT_GAMECONTROLLER_IGNORE_DEVICES_EXCEPT | If set, all devices will be skipped when scanning for game controllers except for the ones listed in this variable. |
SDL_HINT_GAMECONTROLLER_SENSOR_FUSION | A variable that controls whether the device's built-in accelerometer and gyro should be used as sensors for gamepads. |
SDL_HINT_GDK_TEXTINPUT_DEFAULT_TEXT | This variable sets the default text of the TextInput window on GDK platforms. |
SDL_HINT_GDK_TEXTINPUT_DESCRIPTION | This variable sets the description of the TextInput window on GDK platforms. |
SDL_HINT_GDK_TEXTINPUT_MAX_LENGTH | This variable sets the maximum input length of the TextInput window on GDK platforms. |
SDL_HINT_GDK_TEXTINPUT_SCOPE | This variable sets the input scope of the TextInput window on GDK platforms. |
SDL_HINT_GDK_TEXTINPUT_TITLE | This variable sets the title of the TextInput window on GDK platforms. |
SDL_HINT_GPU_DRIVER | A variable that specifies a GPU backend to use. |
SDL_HINT_HIDAPI_ENUMERATE_ONLY_CONTROLLERS | A variable to control whether SDL_hid_enumerate () enumerates all HID devices or only controllers. |
SDL_HINT_HIDAPI_IGNORE_DEVICES | A variable containing a list of devices to ignore in SDL_hid_enumerate (). |
SDL_HINT_HIDAPI_LIBUSB | A variable to control whether HIDAPI uses libusb for device access. |
SDL_HINT_HIDAPI_LIBUSB_WHITELIST | A variable to control whether HIDAPI uses libusb only for whitelisted devices. |
SDL_HINT_HIDAPI_UDEV | A variable to control whether HIDAPI uses udev for device detection. |
SDL_HINT_IME_IMPLEMENTED_UI | A variable describing what IME UI elements the application can display. |
SDL_HINT_IOS_HIDE_HOME_INDICATOR | A variable controlling whether the home indicator bar on iPhone X should be hidden. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_ALLOW_BACKGROUND_EVENTS | A variable that lets you enable joystick (and gamecontroller) events even when your app is in the background. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_ARCADESTICK_DEVICES | A variable containing a list of arcade stick style controllers. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_ARCADESTICK_DEVICES_EXCLUDED | A variable containing a list of devices that are not arcade stick style controllers. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_BLACKLIST_DEVICES | A variable containing a list of devices that should not be considered joysticks. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_BLACKLIST_DEVICES_EXCLUDED | A variable containing a list of devices that should be considered joysticks. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_DEVICE | A variable containing a comma separated list of devices to open as joysticks. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_DIRECTINPUT | A variable controlling whether DirectInput should be used for controllers. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_ENHANCED_REPORTS | A variable controlling whether enhanced reports should be used for controllers when using the HIDAPI driver. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_FLIGHTSTICK_DEVICES | A variable containing a list of flightstick style controllers. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_FLIGHTSTICK_DEVICES_EXCLUDED | A variable containing a list of devices that are not flightstick style controllers. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_GAMECUBE_DEVICES | A variable containing a list of devices known to have a GameCube form factor. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_GAMECUBE_DEVICES_EXCLUDED | A variable containing a list of devices known not to have a GameCube form factor. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_GAMEINPUT | A variable controlling whether GameInput should be used for controller handling on Windows. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_HIDAPI | A variable controlling whether the HIDAPI joystick drivers should be used. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_HIDAPI_COMBINE_JOY_CONS | A variable controlling whether Nintendo Switch Joy-Con controllers will be combined into a single Pro-like controller when using the HIDAPI driver. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_HIDAPI_GAMECUBE | A variable controlling whether the HIDAPI driver for Nintendo GameCube controllers should be used. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_HIDAPI_GAMECUBE_RUMBLE_BRAKE | A variable controlling whether rumble is used to implement the GameCube controller's 3 rumble modes, Stop(0), Rumble(1), and StopHard(2). |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_HIDAPI_JOYCON_HOME_LED | A variable controlling whether the Home button LED should be turned on when a Nintendo Switch Joy-Con controller is opened. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_HIDAPI_JOY_CONS | A variable controlling whether the HIDAPI driver for Nintendo Switch Joy-Cons should be used. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_HIDAPI_LUNA | A variable controlling whether the HIDAPI driver for Amazon Luna controllers connected via Bluetooth should be used. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_HIDAPI_NINTENDO_CLASSIC | A variable controlling whether the HIDAPI driver for Nintendo Online classic controllers should be used. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_HIDAPI_PS3 | A variable controlling whether the HIDAPI driver for PS3 controllers should be used. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_HIDAPI_PS3_SIXAXIS_DRIVER | A variable controlling whether the Sony driver (sixaxis.sys) for PS3 controllers (Sixaxis/DualShock 3) should be used. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_HIDAPI_PS4 | A variable controlling whether the HIDAPI driver for PS4 controllers should be used. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_HIDAPI_PS4_REPORT_INTERVAL | A variable controlling the update rate of the PS4 controller over Bluetooth when using the HIDAPI driver. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_HIDAPI_PS5 | A variable controlling whether the HIDAPI driver for PS5 controllers should be used. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_HIDAPI_PS5_PLAYER_LED | A variable controlling whether the player LEDs should be lit to indicate which player is associated with a PS5 controller. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_HIDAPI_SHIELD | A variable controlling whether the HIDAPI driver for NVIDIA SHIELD controllers should be used. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_HIDAPI_STADIA | A variable controlling whether the HIDAPI driver for Google Stadia controllers should be used. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_HIDAPI_STEAM | A variable controlling whether the HIDAPI driver for Bluetooth Steam Controllers should be used. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_HIDAPI_STEAMDECK | A variable controlling whether the HIDAPI driver for the Steam Deck builtin controller should be used. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_HIDAPI_STEAM_HOME_LED | A variable controlling whether the Steam button LED should be turned on when a Steam controller is opened. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_HIDAPI_STEAM_HORI | A variable controlling whether the HIDAPI driver for HORI licensed Steam controllers should be used. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_HIDAPI_SWITCH | A variable controlling whether the HIDAPI driver for Nintendo Switch controllers should be used. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_HIDAPI_SWITCH_HOME_LED | A variable controlling whether the Home button LED should be turned on when a Nintendo Switch Pro controller is opened. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_HIDAPI_SWITCH_PLAYER_LED | A variable controlling whether the player LEDs should be lit to indicate which player is associated with a Nintendo Switch controller. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_HIDAPI_VERTICAL_JOY_CONS | A variable controlling whether Nintendo Switch Joy-Con controllers will be in vertical mode when using the HIDAPI driver. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_HIDAPI_WII | A variable controlling whether the HIDAPI driver for Nintendo Wii and Wii U controllers should be used. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_HIDAPI_WII_PLAYER_LED | A variable controlling whether the player LEDs should be lit to indicate which player is associated with a Wii controller. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_HIDAPI_XBOX | A variable controlling whether the HIDAPI driver for XBox controllers should be used. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_HIDAPI_XBOX_360 | A variable controlling whether the HIDAPI driver for XBox 360 controllers should be used. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_HIDAPI_XBOX_360_PLAYER_LED | A variable controlling whether the player LEDs should be lit to indicate which player is associated with an Xbox 360 controller. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_HIDAPI_XBOX_360_WIRELESS | A variable controlling whether the HIDAPI driver for XBox 360 wireless controllers should be used. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_HIDAPI_XBOX_ONE | A variable controlling whether the HIDAPI driver for XBox One controllers should be used. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_HIDAPI_XBOX_ONE_HOME_LED | A variable controlling whether the Home button LED should be turned on when an Xbox One controller is opened. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_IOKIT | A variable controlling whether IOKit should be used for controller handling. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_LINUX_CLASSIC | A variable controlling whether to use the classic /dev/input/js joystick interface or the newer /dev/input/event joystick interface on Linux. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_LINUX_DEADZONES | A variable controlling whether joysticks on Linux adhere to their HID-defined deadzones or return unfiltered values. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_LINUX_DIGITAL_HATS | A variable controlling whether joysticks on Linux will always treat 'hat' axis inputs (ABS_HAT0X — ABS_HAT3Y) as 8-way digital hats without checking whether… |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_LINUX_HAT_DEADZONES | A variable controlling whether digital hats on Linux will apply deadzones to their underlying input axes or use unfiltered values. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_MFI | A variable controlling whether GCController should be used for controller handling. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_RAWINPUT | A variable controlling whether the RAWINPUT joystick drivers should be used for better handling XInput-capable devices. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_RAWINPUT_CORRELATE_XINPUT | A variable controlling whether the RAWINPUT driver should pull correlated data from XInput. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_ROG_CHAKRAM | A variable controlling whether the ROG Chakram mice should show up as joysticks. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_THREAD | A variable controlling whether a separate thread should be used for handling joystick detection and raw input messages on Windows. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_THROTTLE_DEVICES | A variable containing a list of throttle style controllers. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_THROTTLE_DEVICES_EXCLUDED | A variable containing a list of devices that are not throttle style controllers. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_WGI | A variable controlling whether Windows.Gaming.Input should be used for controller handling. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_WHEEL_DEVICES | A variable containing a list of wheel style controllers. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_WHEEL_DEVICES_EXCLUDED | A variable containing a list of devices that are not wheel style controllers. |
SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_ZERO_CENTERED_DEVICES | A variable containing a list of devices known to have all axes centered at zero. |
SDL_HINT_KEYCODE_OPTIONS | A variable that controls keycode representation in keyboard events. |
SDL_HINT_KMSDRM_DEVICE_INDEX | A variable that controls what KMSDRM device to use. |
SDL_HINT_KMSDRM_REQUIRE_DRM_MASTER | A variable that controls whether SDL requires DRM master access in order to initialize the KMSDRM video backend. |
SDL_HINT_LOGGING | A variable controlling the default SDL log levels. |
SDL_HINT_MAC_BACKGROUND_APP | A variable controlling whether to force the application to become the foreground process when launched on macOS. |
SDL_HINT_MAC_CTRL_CLICK_EMULATE_RIGHT_CLICK | A variable that determines whether Ctrl+Click should generate a right-click event on macOS. |
SDL_HINT_MAC_OPENGL_ASYNC_DISPATCH | A variable controlling whether dispatching OpenGL context updates should block the dispatching thread until the main thread finishes processing on macOS. |
SDL_HINT_MAC_OPTION_AS_ALT | A variable controlling whether the Option key on macOS should be remapped to act as the Alt key. |
SDL_HINT_MAIN_CALLBACK_RATE | Request SDL_AppIterate () be called at a specific rate. |
SDL_HINT_MOUSE_AUTO_CAPTURE | A variable controlling whether the mouse is captured while mouse buttons are pressed. |
SDL_HINT_MOUSE_DEFAULT_SYSTEM_CURSOR | A variable setting which system cursor to use as the default cursor. |
SDL_HINT_MOUSE_DOUBLE_CLICK_RADIUS | A variable setting the double click radius, in pixels. |
SDL_HINT_MOUSE_DOUBLE_CLICK_TIME | A variable setting the double click time, in milliseconds. |
SDL_HINT_MOUSE_EMULATE_WARP_WITH_RELATIVE | A variable controlling whether warping a hidden mouse cursor will activate relative mouse mode. |
SDL_HINT_MOUSE_FOCUS_CLICKTHROUGH | Allow mouse click events when clicking to focus an SDL window. |
SDL_HINT_MOUSE_NORMAL_SPEED_SCALE | A variable setting the speed scale for mouse motion, in floating point, when the mouse is not in relative mode. |
SDL_HINT_MOUSE_RELATIVE_CURSOR_VISIBLE | A variable controlling whether the hardware cursor stays visible when relative mode is active. |
SDL_HINT_MOUSE_RELATIVE_MODE_CENTER | A variable controlling whether relative mouse mode constrains the mouse to the center of the window. |
SDL_HINT_MOUSE_RELATIVE_SPEED_SCALE | A variable setting the scale for mouse motion, in floating point, when the mouse is in relative mode. |
SDL_HINT_MOUSE_RELATIVE_SYSTEM_SCALE | A variable controlling whether the system mouse acceleration curve is used for relative mouse motion. |
SDL_HINT_MOUSE_RELATIVE_WARP_MOTION | A variable controlling whether a motion event should be generated for mouse warping in relative mode. |
SDL_HINT_MOUSE_TOUCH_EVENTS | A variable controlling whether mouse events should generate synthetic touch events. |
SDL_HINT_MUTE_CONSOLE_KEYBOARD | A variable controlling whether the keyboard should be muted on the console. |
SDL_HINT_NO_SIGNAL_HANDLERS | Tell SDL not to catch the SIGINT or SIGTERM signals on POSIX platforms. |
SDL_HINT_OPENGL_ES_DRIVER | A variable controlling what driver to use for OpenGL ES contexts. |
SDL_HINT_OPENGL_LIBRARY | Specify the OpenGL library to load. |
SDL_HINT_OPENVR_LIBRARY | Mechanism to specify openvr_api library location |
SDL_HINT_ORIENTATIONS | A variable controlling which orientations are allowed on iOS/Android. |
SDL_HINT_PEN_MOUSE_EVENTS | A variable controlling whether pen events should generate synthetic mouse events. |
SDL_HINT_PEN_TOUCH_EVENTS | A variable controlling whether pen events should generate synthetic touch events. |
SDL_HINT_POLL_SENTINEL | A variable controlling the use of a sentinel event when polling the event queue. |
SDL_HINT_PREFERRED_LOCALES | Override for SDL_GetPreferredLocales (). |
SDL_HINT_RENDER_DIRECT3D11_DEBUG | A variable controlling whether to enable Direct3D 11+'s Debug Layer. |
SDL_HINT_RENDER_DIRECT3D_THREADSAFE | A variable controlling whether the Direct3D device is initialized for thread-safe operations. |
SDL_HINT_RENDER_DRIVER | A variable specifying which render driver to use. |
SDL_HINT_RENDER_GPU_DEBUG | A variable controlling whether to create the GPU device in debug mode. |
SDL_HINT_RENDER_GPU_LOW_POWER | A variable controlling whether to prefer a low-power GPU on multi-GPU systems. |
SDL_HINT_RENDER_LINE_METHOD | A variable controlling how the 2D render API renders lines. |
SDL_HINT_RENDER_METAL_PREFER_LOW_POWER_DEVICE | A variable controlling whether the Metal render driver select low power device over default one. |
SDL_HINT_RENDER_VSYNC | A variable controlling whether updates to the SDL screen surface should be synchronized with the vertical refresh, to avoid tearing. |
SDL_HINT_RENDER_VULKAN_DEBUG | A variable controlling whether to enable Vulkan Validation Layers. |
SDL_HINT_RETURN_KEY_HIDES_IME | A variable to control whether the return key on the soft keyboard should hide the soft keyboard on Android and iOS. |
SDL_HINT_ROG_GAMEPAD_MICE | A variable containing a list of ROG gamepad capable mice. |
SDL_HINT_ROG_GAMEPAD_MICE_EXCLUDED | A variable containing a list of devices that are not ROG gamepad capable mice. |
SDL_HINT_RPI_VIDEO_LAYER | A variable controlling which Dispmanx layer to use on a Raspberry PI. |
SDL_HINT_SCREENSAVER_INHIBIT_ACTIVITY_NAME | Specify an "activity name" for screensaver inhibition. |
SDL_HINT_SHUTDOWN_DBUS_ON_QUIT | A variable controlling whether SDL calls dbus_shutdown() on quit. |
SDL_HINT_STORAGE_TITLE_DRIVER | A variable that specifies a backend to use for title storage. |
SDL_HINT_STORAGE_USER_DRIVER | A variable that specifies a backend to use for user storage. |
SDL_HINT_THREAD_PRIORITY_POLICY | A string specifying additional information to use with SDL_SetCurrentThreadPriority . |
SDL_HINT_TIMER_RESOLUTION | A variable that controls the timer resolution, in milliseconds. |
SDL_HINT_TOUCH_MOUSE_EVENTS | A variable controlling whether touch events should generate synthetic mouse events. |
SDL_HINT_TRACKPAD_IS_TOUCH_ONLY | A variable controlling whether trackpads should be treated as touch devices. |
SDL_HINT_TV_REMOTE_AS_JOYSTICK | A variable controlling whether the Android / tvOS remotes should be listed as joystick devices, instead of sending keyboard events. |
SDL_HINT_VIDEO_ALLOW_SCREENSAVER | A variable controlling whether the screensaver is enabled. |
SDL_HINT_VIDEO_DISPLAY_PRIORITY | A comma separated list containing the names of the displays that SDL should sort to the front of the display list. |
SDL_HINT_VIDEO_DOUBLE_BUFFER | Tell the video driver that we only want a double buffer. |
SDL_HINT_VIDEO_DRIVER | A variable that specifies a video backend to use. |
SDL_HINT_VIDEO_DUMMY_SAVE_FRAMES | A variable controlling whether the dummy video driver saves output frames. |
SDL_HINT_VIDEO_EGL_ALLOW_GETDISPLAY_FALLBACK | If eglGetPlatformDisplay fails, fall back to calling eglGetDisplay. |
SDL_HINT_VIDEO_FORCE_EGL | A variable controlling whether the OpenGL context should be created with EGL. |
SDL_HINT_VIDEO_MAC_FULLSCREEN_MENU_VISIBILITY | A variable that specifies the menu visibility when a window is fullscreen in Spaces on macOS. |
SDL_HINT_VIDEO_MAC_FULLSCREEN_SPACES | A variable that specifies the policy for fullscreen Spaces on macOS. |
SDL_HINT_VIDEO_MINIMIZE_ON_FOCUS_LOSS | A variable controlling whether fullscreen windows are minimized when they lose focus. |
SDL_HINT_VIDEO_OFFSCREEN_SAVE_FRAMES | A variable controlling whether the offscreen video driver saves output frames. |
SDL_HINT_VIDEO_SYNC_WINDOW_OPERATIONS | A variable controlling whether all window operations will block until complete. |
SDL_HINT_VIDEO_WAYLAND_ALLOW_LIBDECOR | A variable controlling whether the libdecor Wayland backend is allowed to be used. |
SDL_HINT_VIDEO_WAYLAND_MODE_EMULATION | A variable controlling whether video mode emulation is enabled under Wayland. |
SDL_HINT_VIDEO_WAYLAND_MODE_SCALING | A variable controlling how modes with a non-native aspect ratio are displayed under Wayland. |
SDL_HINT_VIDEO_WAYLAND_PREFER_LIBDECOR | A variable controlling whether the libdecor Wayland backend is preferred over native decorations. |
SDL_HINT_VIDEO_WAYLAND_SCALE_TO_DISPLAY | A variable forcing non-DPI-aware Wayland windows to output at 1:1 scaling. |
SDL_HINT_VIDEO_WIN_D3DCOMPILER | A variable specifying which shader compiler to preload when using the Chrome ANGLE binaries. |
SDL_HINT_VIDEO_X11_NET_WM_BYPASS_COMPOSITOR | A variable controlling whether the X11 _NET_WM_BYPASS_COMPOSITOR hint should be used. |
SDL_HINT_VIDEO_X11_NET_WM_PING | A variable controlling whether the X11 _NET_WM_PING protocol should be supported. |
SDL_HINT_VIDEO_X11_NODIRECTCOLOR | A variable controlling whether SDL uses DirectColor visuals. |
SDL_HINT_VIDEO_X11_SCALING_FACTOR | A variable forcing the content scaling factor for X11 displays. |
SDL_HINT_VIDEO_X11_VISUALID | A variable forcing the visual ID used for X11 display modes. |
SDL_HINT_VIDEO_X11_WINDOW_VISUALID | A variable forcing the visual ID chosen for new X11 windows. |
SDL_HINT_VIDEO_X11_XRANDR | A variable controlling whether the X11 XRandR extension should be used. |
SDL_HINT_VITA_ENABLE_BACK_TOUCH | A variable controlling whether touch should be enabled on the back panel of the PlayStation Vita. |
SDL_HINT_VITA_ENABLE_FRONT_TOUCH | A variable controlling whether touch should be enabled on the front panel of the PlayStation Vita. |
SDL_HINT_VITA_MODULE_PATH | A variable controlling the module path on the PlayStation Vita. |
SDL_HINT_VITA_PVR_INIT | A variable controlling whether to perform PVR initialization on the PlayStation Vita. |
SDL_HINT_VITA_PVR_OPENGL | A variable controlling whether OpenGL should be used instead of OpenGL ES on the PlayStation Vita. |
SDL_HINT_VITA_RESOLUTION | A variable overriding the resolution reported on the PlayStation Vita. |
SDL_HINT_VITA_TOUCH_MOUSE_DEVICE | A variable controlling which touchpad should generate synthetic mouse events. |
SDL_HINT_VULKAN_DISPLAY | A variable overriding the display index used in SDL_Vulkan_CreateSurface () |
SDL_HINT_VULKAN_LIBRARY | Specify the Vulkan library to load. |
SDL_HINT_WAVE_CHUNK_LIMIT | A variable controlling the maximum number of chunks in a WAVE file. |
SDL_HINT_WAVE_FACT_CHUNK | A variable controlling how the fact chunk affects the loading of a WAVE file. |
SDL_HINT_WAVE_RIFF_CHUNK_SIZE | A variable controlling how the size of the RIFF chunk affects the loading of a WAVE file. |
SDL_HINT_WAVE_TRUNCATION | A variable controlling how a truncated WAVE file is handled. |
SDL_HINT_WINDOWS_CLOSE_ON_ALT_F4 | A variable controlling whether SDL generates window-close events for Alt+F4 on Windows. |
SDL_HINT_WINDOWS_ENABLE_MENU_MNEMONICS | A variable controlling whether menus can be opened with their keyboard shortcut (Alt+mnemonic). |
SDL_HINT_WINDOWS_ENABLE_MESSAGELOOP | A variable controlling whether the windows message loop is processed by SDL. |
SDL_HINT_WINDOWS_ERASE_BACKGROUND_MODE | A variable controlling whether SDL will clear the window contents when the WM_ERASEBKGND message is received. |
SDL_HINT_WINDOWS_FORCE_SEMAPHORE_KERNEL | A variable controlling whether SDL uses Kernel Semaphores on Windows. |
SDL_HINT_WINDOWS_GAMEINPUT | A variable controlling whether GameInput is used for raw keyboard and mouse on Windows. |
SDL_HINT_WINDOWS_INTRESOURCE_ICON | A variable to specify custom icon resource id from RC file on Windows platform. |
SDL_HINT_WINDOWS_INTRESOURCE_ICON_SMALL | A variable to specify custom icon resource id from RC file on Windows platform. |
SDL_HINT_WINDOWS_RAW_KEYBOARD | A variable controlling whether raw keyboard events are used on Windows. |
SDL_HINT_WINDOWS_USE_D3D9EX | A variable controlling whether SDL uses the D3D9Ex API introduced in Windows Vista, instead of normal D3D9. |
SDL_HINT_WINDOW_ALLOW_TOPMOST | If set to "0" then never set the top-most flag on an SDL Window even if the application requests it. |
SDL_HINT_WINDOW_FRAME_USABLE_WHILE_CURSOR_HIDDEN | A variable controlling whether the window frame and title bar are interactive when the cursor is hidden. |
SDL_HINT_X11_FORCE_OVERRIDE_REDIRECT | A variable controlling whether X11 windows are marked as override-redirect. |
SDL_HINT_X11_WINDOW_TYPE | A variable specifying the type of an X11 window. |
SDL_HINT_X11_XCB_LIBRARY | Specify the XCB library to load for the X11 driver. |
SDL_HINT_XINPUT_ENABLED | A variable controlling whether XInput should be used for controller handling. |
SDL_Haptic.3type | The haptic structure used to identify an SDL haptic. |
SDL_HapticCondition.3type | A structure containing a template for a Condition effect. |
SDL_HapticConstant.3type | A structure containing a template for a Constant effect. |
SDL_HapticCustom.3type | |
SDL_HapticDirection.3type | Structure that represents a haptic direction. |
SDL_HapticEffect.3type | The generic template for any haptic effect. |
SDL_HapticEffectSupported | Check to see if an effect is supported by a haptic device. |
SDL_HapticID.3type | This is a unique ID for a haptic device for the time it is connected to the system, and is never reused for the lifetime of the application. |
SDL_HapticLeftRight.3type | A structure containing a template for a Left/Right effect. |
SDL_HapticPeriodic.3type | A structure containing a template for a Periodic effect. |
SDL_HapticRamp.3type | A structure containing a template for a Ramp effect. |
SDL_HapticRumbleSupported | Check whether rumble is supported on a haptic device. |
SDL_HasARMSIMD | Determine whether the CPU has ARM SIMD (ARMv6) features. |
SDL_HasAVX | Determine whether the CPU has AVX features. |
SDL_HasAVX2 | Determine whether the CPU has AVX2 features. |
SDL_HasAVX512F | Determine whether the CPU has AVX-512F (foundation) features. |
SDL_HasAltiVec | Determine whether the CPU has AltiVec features. |
SDL_HasClipboardData | Query whether there is data in the clipboard for the provided mime type. |
SDL_HasClipboardText | Query whether the clipboard exists and contains a non-empty text string. |
SDL_HasEvent | Check for the existence of a certain event type in the event queue. |
SDL_HasEvents | Check for the existence of certain event types in the event queue. |
SDL_HasExactlyOneBitSet32 | Determine if a unsigned 32-bit value has exactly one bit set. |
SDL_HasGamepad | Return whether a gamepad is currently connected. |
SDL_HasJoystick | Return whether a joystick is currently connected. |
SDL_HasKeyboard | Return whether a keyboard is currently connected. |
SDL_HasLASX | Determine whether the CPU has LASX (LOONGARCH SIMD) features. |
SDL_HasLSX | Determine whether the CPU has LSX (LOONGARCH SIMD) features. |
SDL_HasMMX | Determine whether the CPU has MMX features. |
SDL_HasMouse | Return whether a mouse is currently connected. |
SDL_HasNEON | Determine whether the CPU has NEON (ARM SIMD) features. |
SDL_HasPrimarySelectionText | Query whether the primary selection exists and contains a non-empty text string. |
SDL_HasProperty | Return whether a property exists in a group of properties. |
SDL_HasRectIntersection | Determine whether two rectangles intersect. |
SDL_HasRectIntersectionFloat | Determine whether two rectangles intersect with float precision. |
SDL_HasSSE | Determine whether the CPU has SSE features. |
SDL_HasSSE2 | Determine whether the CPU has SSE2 features. |
SDL_HasSSE3 | Determine whether the CPU has SSE3 features. |
SDL_HasSSE41 | Determine whether the CPU has SSE4.1 features. |
SDL_HasSSE42 | Determine whether the CPU has SSE4.2 features. |
SDL_HasScreenKeyboardSupport | Check whether the platform has screen keyboard support. |
SDL_HideCursor | Hide the cursor. |
SDL_HideWindow | Hide a window. |
SDL_HintCallback.3type | A callback used to send notifications of hint value changes. |
SDL_HintPriority.3type | An enumeration of hint priorities. |
SDL_HitTest.3type | Callback used for hit-testing. |
SDL_HitTestResult.3type | |
SDL_INIT_INTERFACE | A macro to initialize an SDL interface. |
SDL_INLINE | A macro to request a function be inlined. |
SDL_INOUT_Z_CAP | Macro that annotates function params with input/output string buffer size. |
SDL_IN_BYTECAP | Macro that annotates function params with input buffer size. |
SDL_IOFromConstMem | Use this function to prepare a read-only memory buffer for use with SDL_IOStream . |
SDL_IOFromDynamicMem | |
SDL_IOFromFile | |
SDL_IOFromMem | Use this function to prepare a read-write memory buffer for use with SDL_IOStream . |
SDL_IOStatus.3type | |
SDL_IOStream.3type | The read/write operation structure. |
SDL_IOStreamInterface.3type | The function pointers that drive an SDL_IOStream . |
SDL_IOWhence.3type | |
SDL_IOprintf | |
SDL_IOvprintf | |
SDL_Init | Initialize the SDL library. |
SDL_InitFlags.3type | |
SDL_InitHapticRumble | Initialize a haptic device for simple rumble playback. |
SDL_InitState.3type | A structure used for thread-safe initialization and shutdown. |
SDL_InitStatus.3type | |
SDL_InitSubSystem | Compatibility function to initialize the SDL library. |
SDL_InsertGPUDebugLabel | Inserts an arbitrary string label into the command buffer callstream. |
SDL_InsertTrayEntryAt | Insert a tray entry at a given position. |
SDL_InvalidParamError | A macro to standardize error reporting on unsupported operations. |
SDL_IsAudioDevicePhysical | Determine if an audio device is physical (instead of logical). |
SDL_IsAudioDevicePlayback | Determine if an audio device is a playback device (instead of recording). |
SDL_IsChromebook | Query if the application is running on a Chromebook. |
SDL_IsDeXMode | Query if the application is running on a Samsung DeX docking station. |
SDL_IsGamepad | Check if the given joystick is supported by the gamepad interface. |
SDL_IsJoystickHaptic | Query if a joystick has haptic features. |
SDL_IsJoystickVirtual | Query whether or not a joystick is virtual. |
SDL_IsMainThread | Return whether this is the main thread. |
SDL_IsMouseHaptic | Query whether or not the current mouse has haptic capabilities. |
SDL_IsTV | Query if the current device is a TV. |
SDL_IsTablet | Query if the current device is a tablet. |
SDL_JOYSTICK_AXIS_MAX | The largest value an SDL_Joystick |
SDL_JOYSTICK_AXIS_MIN | The smallest value an SDL_Joystick |
SDL_JoyAxisEvent.3type | Joystick axis motion event structure (event.jaxis.*) |
SDL_JoyBallEvent.3type | Joystick trackball motion event structure (event.jball.*) |
SDL_JoyBatteryEvent.3type | Joystick battery level change event structure (event.jbattery.*) |
SDL_JoyButtonEvent.3type | Joystick button event structure (event.jbutton.*) |
SDL_JoyDeviceEvent.3type | Joystick device event structure (event.jdevice.*) |
SDL_JoyHatEvent.3type | Joystick hat position change event structure (event.jhat.*) |
SDL_Joystick.3type | The joystick structure used to identify an SDL joystick. |
SDL_JoystickConnected | Get the status of a specified joystick. |
SDL_JoystickConnectionState.3type | Possible connection states for a joystick device. |
SDL_JoystickEventsEnabled | Query the state of joystick event processing. |
SDL_JoystickID.3type | This is a unique ID for a joystick for the time it is connected to the system, and is never reused for the lifetime of the application. |
SDL_JoystickType.3type | An enum of some common joystick types. |
SDL_KeyboardDeviceEvent.3type | Keyboard device event structure (event.kdevice.*) |
SDL_KeyboardEvent.3type | Keyboard button event structure (event.key.*) |
SDL_KeyboardID.3type | This is a unique ID for a keyboard for the time it is connected to the system, and is never reused for the lifetime of the application. |
SDL_Keycode.3type | The SDL virtual key representation. |
SDL_Keymod.3type | Valid key modifiers (possibly OR'd together). |
SDL_KillProcess | Stop a process. |
SDL_LASX_INTRINSICS | Defined if (and only if) the compiler supports Loongarch LSX intrinsics. |
SDL_LIL_ENDIAN | A value to represent littleendian byteorder. |
SDL_LINE | A macro that reports the current line number of the file being compiled. |
SDL_LSX_INTRINSICS | Defined if (and only if) the compiler supports Loongarch LSX intrinsics. |
SDL_LoadBMP | Load a BMP image from a file. |
SDL_LoadBMP_IO | Load a BMP image from a seekable SDL data stream. |
SDL_LoadFile | Load all the data from a file path. |
SDL_LoadFileAsync | Load all the data from a file path, asynchronously. |
SDL_LoadFile_IO | Load all the data from an SDL data stream. |
SDL_LoadFunction | Look up the address of the named function in a shared object. |
SDL_LoadObject | Dynamically load a shared object. |
SDL_LoadWAV | Loads a WAV from a file path. |
SDL_LoadWAV_IO | Load the audio data of a WAVE file into memory. |
SDL_Locale.3type | A struct to provide locale data. |
SDL_LockAudioStream | Lock an audio stream for serialized access. |
SDL_LockJoysticks | Locking for atomic access to the joystick API. |
SDL_LockMutex | Lock the mutex. |
SDL_LockProperties | Lock a group of properties. |
SDL_LockRWLockForReading | Lock the read/write lock for _read only_ operations. |
SDL_LockRWLockForWriting | Lock the read/write lock for _write_ operations. |
SDL_LockSpinlock | Lock a spin lock by setting it to a non-zero value. |
SDL_LockSurface | Set up a surface for directly accessing the pixels. |
SDL_LockTexture | Lock a portion of the texture for write-only pixel access. |
SDL_LockTextureToSurface | Lock a portion of the texture for write-only pixel access, and expose it as a SDL surface. |
SDL_Log | |
SDL_LogCategory.3type | The predefined log categories |
SDL_LogCritical | Log a message with SDL_LOG_PRIORITY_CRITICAL . |
SDL_LogDebug | Log a message with SDL_LOG_PRIORITY_DEBUG . |
SDL_LogError | Log a message with SDL_LOG_PRIORITY_ERROR . |
SDL_LogInfo | Log a message with SDL_LOG_PRIORITY_INFO . |
SDL_LogMessage | Log a message with the specified category and priority. |
SDL_LogMessageV | Log a message with the specified category and priority. |
SDL_LogOutputFunction.3type | The prototype for the log output callback function. |
SDL_LogPriority.3type | The predefined log priorities |
SDL_LogTrace | Log a message with SDL_LOG_PRIORITY_TRACE . |
SDL_LogVerbose | Log a message with SDL_LOG_PRIORITY_VERBOSE . |
SDL_LogWarn | Log a message with SDL_LOG_PRIORITY_WARN . |
SDL_MAIN_HANDLED | Inform SDL that the app is providing an entry point instead of SDL. |
SDL_MAIN_USE_CALLBACKS | Inform SDL to use the main callbacks instead of main. |
SDL_MAJOR_VERSION | The current major version of SDL headers. |
SDL_MALLOC | A macro to tag a function as an allocator. |
SDL_MICRO_VERSION | The current micro (or patchlevel) version of the SDL headers. |
SDL_MINOR_VERSION | The current minor version of the SDL headers. |
SDL_MMX_INTRINSICS | Defined if (and only if) the compiler supports Intel MMX intrinsics. |
SDL_MS_PER_SECOND | Number of milliseconds in a second. |
SDL_MS_TO_NS | Convert milliseconds to nanoseconds. |
SDL_MUSTLOCK | Evaluates to true if the surface needs to be locked before access. |
SDL_MainThreadCallback.3type | Callback run on the main thread. |
SDL_MapGPUTransferBuffer | Maps a transfer buffer into application address space. |
SDL_MapRGB | Map an RGB triple to an opaque pixel value for a given pixel format. |
SDL_MapRGBA | Map an RGBA quadruple to a pixel value for a given pixel format. |
SDL_MapSurfaceRGB | Map an RGB triple to an opaque pixel value for a surface. |
SDL_MapSurfaceRGBA | Map an RGBA quadruple to a pixel value for a surface. |
SDL_MatrixCoefficients.3type | Colorspace matrix coefficients. |
SDL_MaximizeWindow | Request that the window be made as large as possible. |
SDL_MemoryBarrierAcquire | Insert a memory acquire barrier (macro version). |
SDL_MemoryBarrierAcquireFunction | Insert a memory acquire barrier (function version). |
SDL_MemoryBarrierRelease | Insert a memory release barrier (macro version). |
SDL_MemoryBarrierReleaseFunction | Insert a memory release barrier (function version). |
SDL_MessageBoxButtonData.3type | Individual button data. |
SDL_MessageBoxButtonFlags.3type | |
SDL_MessageBoxColor.3type | RGB value used in a message box color scheme |
SDL_MessageBoxColorScheme.3type | A set of colors to use for message box dialogs |
SDL_MessageBoxColorType.3type | An enumeration of indices inside the colors array of SDL_MessageBoxColorScheme . |
SDL_MessageBoxData.3type | MessageBox structure containing title, text, window, etc. |
SDL_MessageBoxFlags.3type | Message box flags. |
SDL_MetalView.3type | A handle to a CAMetalLayer-backed NSView (macOS) or UIView (iOS/tvOS). |
SDL_Metal_CreateView | Create a CAMetalLayer-backed NSView/UIView and attach it to the specified window. |
SDL_Metal_DestroyView | |
SDL_Metal_GetLayer | Get a pointer to the backing CAMetalLayer for the given view. |
SDL_MinimizeWindow | Request that the window be minimized to an iconic representation. |
SDL_MixAudio | Mix audio data in a specified format. |
SDL_MostSignificantBitIndex32 | Get the index of the most significant (set) bit in a 32-bit number. |
SDL_MouseButtonEvent.3type | Mouse button event structure (event.button.*) |
SDL_MouseButtonFlags.3type | A bitmask of pressed mouse buttons, as reported by SDL_GetMouseState , etc. |
SDL_MouseDeviceEvent.3type | Mouse device event structure (event.mdevice.*) |
SDL_MouseID.3type | This is a unique ID for a mouse for the time it is connected to the system, and is never reused for the lifetime of the application. |
SDL_MouseMotionEvent.3type | Mouse motion event structure (event.motion.*) |
SDL_MouseWheelDirection.3type | Scroll direction types for the Scroll event |
SDL_MouseWheelEvent.3type | Mouse wheel event structure (event.wheel.*) |
SDL_Mutex.3type | A means to serialize access to a resource between threads. |
SDL_NEON_INTRINSICS | Defined if (and only if) the compiler supports ARM NEON intrinsics. |
SDL_NODISCARD | A macro to tag a function's return value as critical. |
SDL_NOLONGLONG | Don't let SDL use "long long" C types. |
SDL_NORETURN | A macro to tag a function as never-returning. |
SDL_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS | Wrapper around Clang thread safety analysis annotations. |
SDL_NSTimerCallback.3type | Function prototype for the nanosecond timer callback function. |
SDL_NS_PER_MS | Number of nanoseconds in a millisecond. |
SDL_NS_PER_SECOND | Number of nanoseconds in a second. |
SDL_NS_PER_US | Number of nanoseconds in a microsecond. |
SDL_NS_TO_MS | Convert nanoseconds to milliseconds. |
SDL_NS_TO_SECONDS | Convert nanoseconds to seconds. |
SDL_NS_TO_US | Convert nanoseconds to microseconds. |
SDL_NULL_WHILE_LOOP_CONDITION | A macro for wrapping code in do{}while(0); without compiler warnings. |
SDL_OUT_BYTECAP | Macro that annotates function params with output buffer size. |
SDL_OUT_CAP | Macro that annotates function params with output buffer size. |
SDL_OUT_Z_BYTECAP | Macro that annotates function params with output buffer string size. |
SDL_OUT_Z_CAP | Macro that annotates function params with output string buffer size. |
SDL_OnApplicationDidChangeStatusBarOrientation | Let iOS apps with external event handling report onApplicationDidChangeStatusBarOrientation. |
SDL_OnApplicationDidEnterBackground | Let iOS apps with external event handling report onApplicationDidEnterBackground. |
SDL_OnApplicationDidEnterForeground | Let iOS apps with external event handling report onApplicationDidBecomeActive. |
SDL_OnApplicationDidReceiveMemoryWarning | Let iOS apps with external event handling report onApplicationDidReceiveMemoryWarning. |
SDL_OnApplicationWillEnterBackground | Let iOS apps with external event handling report onApplicationWillResignActive. |
SDL_OnApplicationWillEnterForeground | Let iOS apps with external event handling report onApplicationWillEnterForeground. |
SDL_OnApplicationWillTerminate | Let iOS apps with external event handling report onApplicationWillTerminate. |
SDL_OpenAudioDevice | Open a specific audio device. |
SDL_OpenAudioDeviceStream | Convenience function for straightforward audio init for the common case. |
SDL_OpenCamera | Open a video recording device (a "camera"). |
SDL_OpenFileStorage | Opens up a container for local filesystem storage. |
SDL_OpenGamepad | Open a gamepad for use. |
SDL_OpenHaptic | Open a haptic device for use. |
SDL_OpenHapticFromJoystick | Open a haptic device for use from a joystick device. |
SDL_OpenHapticFromMouse | Try to open a haptic device from the current mouse. |
SDL_OpenIO | Create a custom SDL_IOStream . |
SDL_OpenJoystick | Open a joystick for use. |
SDL_OpenSensor | Open a sensor for use. |
SDL_OpenStorage | Opens up a container using a client-provided storage interface. |
SDL_OpenTitleStorage | Opens up a read-only container for the application's filesystem. |
SDL_OpenURL | Open a URL/URI in the browser or other appropriate external application. |
SDL_OpenUserStorage | Opens up a container for a user's unique read/write filesystem. |
SDL_OutOfMemory | Set an error indicating that memory allocation failed. |
SDL_PIXELFLAG | A macro to retrieve the flags of an SDL_PixelFormat . |
SDL_PIXELLAYOUT | A macro to retrieve the layout of an SDL_PixelFormat . |
SDL_PIXELORDER | A macro to retrieve the order of an SDL_PixelFormat . |
SDL_PIXELTYPE | A macro to retrieve the type of an SDL_PixelFormat . |
SDL_PI_D | The value of Pi, as a double-precision floating point literal. |
SDL_PI_F | The value of Pi, as a single-precision floating point literal. |
SDL_PLATFORM_3DS | A preprocessor macro that is only defined if compiling for Nintendo 3DS. |
SDL_PLATFORM_AIX | A preprocessor macro that is only defined if compiling for AIX. |
SDL_PLATFORM_ANDROID | A preprocessor macro that is only defined if compiling for Android. |
SDL_PLATFORM_APPLE | A preprocessor macro that is only defined if compiling for Apple platforms. |
SDL_PLATFORM_BSDI | A preprocessor macro that is only defined if compiling for BSDi |
SDL_PLATFORM_CYGWIN | A preprocessor macro that is only defined if compiling for Cygwin. |
SDL_PLATFORM_EMSCRIPTEN | A preprocessor macro that is only defined if compiling for Emscripten. |
SDL_PLATFORM_FREEBSD | A preprocessor macro that is only defined if compiling for FreeBSD. |
SDL_PLATFORM_GDK | A preprocessor macro that is only defined if compiling for Microsoft GDK on any platform. |
SDL_PLATFORM_HAIKU | A preprocessor macro that is only defined if compiling for Haiku OS. |
SDL_PLATFORM_HPUX | A preprocessor macro that is only defined if compiling for HP-UX. |
SDL_PLATFORM_IOS | A preprocessor macro that is only defined if compiling for iOS. |
SDL_PLATFORM_IRIX | A preprocessor macro that is only defined if compiling for IRIX. |
SDL_PLATFORM_LINUX | A preprocessor macro that is only defined if compiling for Linux. |
SDL_PLATFORM_MACOS | A preprocessor macro that is only defined if compiling for macOS. |
SDL_PLATFORM_NETBSD | A preprocessor macro that is only defined if compiling for NetBSD. |
SDL_PLATFORM_OPENBSD | A preprocessor macro that is only defined if compiling for OpenBSD. |
SDL_PLATFORM_OS2 | A preprocessor macro that is only defined if compiling for OS/2. |
SDL_PLATFORM_OSF | A preprocessor macro that is only defined if compiling for Tru64 (OSF/1). |
SDL_PLATFORM_PS2 | A preprocessor macro that is only defined if compiling for Sony PlayStation 2. |
SDL_PLATFORM_PSP | A preprocessor macro that is only defined if compiling for Sony PSP. |
SDL_PLATFORM_QNXNTO | A preprocessor macro that is only defined if compiling for QNX Neutrino. |
SDL_PLATFORM_RISCOS | A preprocessor macro that is only defined if compiling for RISC OS. |
SDL_PLATFORM_SOLARIS | A preprocessor macro that is only defined if compiling for SunOS/Solaris. |
SDL_PLATFORM_TVOS | A preprocessor macro that is only defined if compiling for tvOS. |
SDL_PLATFORM_UNIX | A preprocessor macro that is only defined if compiling for a Unix-like system. |
SDL_PLATFORM_VISIONOS | A preprocessor macro that is only defined if compiling for VisionOS. |
SDL_PLATFORM_VITA | A preprocessor macro that is only defined if compiling for Sony Vita. |
SDL_PLATFORM_WIN32 | A preprocessor macro that is only defined if compiling for desktop Windows. |
SDL_PLATFORM_WINDOWS | A preprocessor macro that is only defined if compiling for Windows. |
SDL_PLATFORM_WINGDK | A preprocessor macro that is only defined if compiling for Microsoft GDK for Windows. |
SDL_PLATFORM_XBOXONE | A preprocessor macro that is only defined if compiling for Xbox One. |
SDL_PLATFORM_XBOXSERIES | A preprocessor macro that is only defined if compiling for Xbox Series. |
SDL_PRILLX | A printf-formatting string for an unsignedlonglong value as upper-case hexadecimal. |
SDL_PRILL_PREFIX | A printf-formatting string prefix for a longlong value. |
SDL_PRILLd | A printf-formatting string for a longlong value. |
SDL_PRILLu | A printf-formatting string for a unsignedlonglong value. |
SDL_PRILLx | A printf-formatting string for an unsignedlonglong value as lower-case hexadecimal. |
SDL_PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING | Macro that annotates function params as printf-style format strings. |
SDL_PRINTF_VARARG_FUNC | Macro that annotates a vararg function that operates like printf. |
SDL_PRINTF_VARARG_FUNCV | Macro that annotates a va_list function that operates like printf. |
SDL_PRIX32 | |
SDL_PRIX64 | |
SDL_PRIs32 | |
SDL_PRIs64 | |
SDL_PRIu32 | |
SDL_PRIu64 | |
SDL_PRIx32 | |
SDL_PRIx64 | |
SDL_PROP_GLOBAL_VIDEO_WAYLAND_WL_DISPLAY_POINTER | The pointer to the global wl_display object used by the Wayland video backend. |
SDL_PT_GUARDED_BY | Wrapper around Clang thread safety analysis annotations. |
SDL_PackedLayout.3type | Packed component layout. |
SDL_PackedOrder.3type | Packed component order, high bit -> low bit. |
SDL_Palette.3type | A set of indexed colors representing a palette. |
SDL_PathInfo.3type | Information about a path on the filesystem. |
SDL_PathType.3type | Types of filesystem entries. |
SDL_PauseAudioDevice | Use this function to pause audio playback on a specified device. |
SDL_PauseAudioStreamDevice | Use this function to pause audio playback on the audio device associated with an audio stream. |
SDL_PauseHaptic | Pause a haptic device. |
SDL_PeepEvents | Check the event queue for messages and optionally return them. |
SDL_PenAxis.3type | Pen axis indices. |
SDL_PenAxisEvent.3type | Pressure-sensitive pen pressure / angle event structure (event.paxis.*) |
SDL_PenButtonEvent.3type | Pressure-sensitive pen button event structure (event.pbutton.*) |
SDL_PenID.3type | SDL pen instance IDs. |
SDL_PenInputFlags.3type | Pen input flags, as reported by various pen events' pen_state field. |
SDL_PenMotionEvent.3type | Pressure-sensitive pen motion event structure (event.pmotion.*) |
SDL_PenProximityEvent.3type | Pressure-sensitive pen proximity event structure (event.pmotion.*) |
SDL_PenTouchEvent.3type | Pressure-sensitive pen touched event structure (event.ptouch.*) |
SDL_PixelFormat.3type | Pixel format. |
SDL_PixelFormatDetails.3type | Details about the format of a pixel. |
SDL_PixelType.3type | Pixel type. |
SDL_PlayHapticRumble | Run a simple rumble effect on a haptic device. |
SDL_Point.3type | The structure that defines a point (using integers). |
SDL_PointInRect | Determine whether a point resides inside a rectangle. |
SDL_PointInRectFloat | Determine whether a point resides inside a floating point rectangle. |
SDL_PollEvent | Poll for currently pending events. |
SDL_PopGPUDebugGroup | Ends the most-recently pushed debug group. |
SDL_PowerState.3type | The basic state for the system's power supply. |
SDL_PremultiplyAlpha | Premultiply the alpha on a block of pixels. |
SDL_PremultiplySurfaceAlpha | Premultiply the alpha in a surface. |
SDL_Process.3type | An opaque handle representing a system process. |
SDL_ProcessIO.3type | Description of where standard I/O should be directed when creating a process. |
SDL_PropertiesID.3type | SDL properties ID |
SDL_PropertyType.3type | SDL property type |
SDL_PumpEvents | Pump the event loop, gathering events from the input devices. |
SDL_PushEvent | Add an event to the event queue. |
SDL_PushGPUComputeUniformData | Pushes data to a uniform slot on the command buffer. |
SDL_PushGPUDebugGroup | Begins a debug group with an arbitary name. |
SDL_PushGPUFragmentUniformData | Pushes data to a fragment uniform slot on the command buffer. |
SDL_PushGPUVertexUniformData | Pushes data to a vertex uniform slot on the command buffer. |
SDL_PutAudioStreamData | Add data to the stream. |
SDL_QueryGPUFence | Checks the status of a fence. |
SDL_Quit | Clean up all initialized subsystems. |
SDL_QuitEvent.3type | The "quit requested" event |
SDL_QuitSubSystem | Shut down specific SDL subsystems. |
SDL_RELEASE | Wrapper around Clang thread safety analysis annotations. |
SDL_RELEASE_GENERIC | Wrapper around Clang thread safety analysis annotations. |
SDL_RELEASE_SHARED | Wrapper around Clang thread safety analysis annotations. |
SDL_REQUIRES | Wrapper around Clang thread safety analysis annotations. |
SDL_REQUIRES_SHARED | Wrapper around Clang thread safety analysis annotations. |
SDL_RESTRICT | A macro to tag a pointer variable, to help with pointer aliasing. |
SDL_RETURN_CAPABILITY | Wrapper around Clang thread safety analysis annotations. |
SDL_REVISION | This macro is a string describing the source at a particular point in development. |
SDL_RWLock.3type | A mutex that allows read-only threads to run in parallel. |
SDL_RaiseWindow | Request that a window be raised above other windows and gain the input focus. |
SDL_ReadAsyncIO | Start an async read. |
SDL_ReadIO | Read from a data source. |
SDL_ReadProcess | Read all the output from a process. |
SDL_ReadS16BE | |
SDL_ReadS16LE | |
SDL_ReadS32BE | |
SDL_ReadS32LE | |
SDL_ReadS64BE | |
SDL_ReadS64LE | |
SDL_ReadS8 | Use this function to read a signed byte from an SDL_IOStream . |
SDL_ReadStorageFile | Synchronously read a file from a storage container into a client-provided buffer. |
SDL_ReadSurfacePixel | Retrieves a single pixel from a surface. |
SDL_ReadSurfacePixelFloat | Retrieves a single pixel from a surface. |
SDL_ReadU16BE | |
SDL_ReadU16LE | |
SDL_ReadU32BE | |
SDL_ReadU32LE | |
SDL_ReadU64BE | |
SDL_ReadU64LE | |
SDL_ReadU8 | Use this function to read a byte from an SDL_IOStream . |
SDL_Rect.3type | A rectangle, with the origin at the upper left (using integers). |
SDL_RectEmpty | Determine whether a rectangle has no area. |
SDL_RectEmptyFloat | Determine whether a floating point rectangle can contain any point. |
SDL_RectToFRect | |
SDL_RectsEqual | Determine whether two rectangles are equal. |
SDL_RectsEqualEpsilon | Determine whether two floating point rectangles are equal, within some given epsilon. |
SDL_RectsEqualFloat | Determine whether two floating point rectangles are equal, within a default epsilon. |
SDL_RegisterApp | Register a win32 window class for SDL's use. |
SDL_RegisterEvents | Allocate a set of user-defined events, and return the beginning event number for that set of events. |
SDL_ReleaseCameraFrame | Release a frame of video acquired from a camera. |
SDL_ReleaseGPUBuffer | Frees the given buffer as soon as it is safe to do so. |
SDL_ReleaseGPUComputePipeline | Frees the given compute pipeline as soon as it is safe to do so. |
SDL_ReleaseGPUFence | Releases a fence obtained from SDL_SubmitGPUCommandBufferAndAcquireFence . |
SDL_ReleaseGPUGraphicsPipeline | Frees the given graphics pipeline as soon as it is safe to do so. |
SDL_ReleaseGPUSampler | Frees the given sampler as soon as it is safe to do so. |
SDL_ReleaseGPUShader | Frees the given shader as soon as it is safe to do so. |
SDL_ReleaseGPUTexture | Frees the given texture as soon as it is safe to do so. |
SDL_ReleaseGPUTransferBuffer | Frees the given transfer buffer as soon as it is safe to do so. |
SDL_ReleaseWindowFromGPUDevice | Unclaims a window, destroying its swapchain structure. |
SDL_ReloadGamepadMappings | Reinitialize the SDL mapping database to its initial state. |
SDL_RemoveEventWatch | Remove an event watch callback added with SDL_AddEventWatch (). |
SDL_RemoveHintCallback | Remove a function watching a particular hint. |
SDL_RemovePath | Remove a file or an empty directory. |
SDL_RemoveStoragePath | Remove a file or an empty directory in a writable storage container. |
SDL_RemoveSurfaceAlternateImages | Remove all alternate versions of a surface. |
SDL_RemoveTimer | Remove a timer created with SDL_AddTimer (). |
SDL_RemoveTrayEntry | Removes a tray entry. |
SDL_RenamePath | Rename a file or directory. |
SDL_RenameStoragePath | Rename a file or directory in a writable storage container. |
SDL_RenderClear | Clear the current rendering target with the drawing color. |
SDL_RenderClipEnabled | Get whether clipping is enabled on the given renderer. |
SDL_RenderCoordinatesFromWindow | Get a point in render coordinates when given a point in window coordinates. |
SDL_RenderCoordinatesToWindow | Get a point in window coordinates when given a point in render coordinates. |
SDL_RenderDebugText | Draw debug text to an SDL_Renderer . |
SDL_RenderDebugTextFormat | Draw debug text to an SDL_Renderer . |
SDL_RenderEvent.3type | Renderer event structure (event.render.*) |
SDL_RenderFillRect | Fill a rectangle on the current rendering target with the drawing color at subpixel precision. |
SDL_RenderFillRects | Fill some number of rectangles on the current rendering target with the drawing color at subpixel precision. |
SDL_RenderGeometry | |
SDL_RenderGeometryRaw | |
SDL_RenderLine | Draw a line on the current rendering target at subpixel precision. |
SDL_RenderLines | Draw a series of connected lines on the current rendering target at subpixel precision. |
SDL_RenderPoint | Draw a point on the current rendering target at subpixel precision. |
SDL_RenderPoints | Draw multiple points on the current rendering target at subpixel precision. |
SDL_RenderPresent | Update the screen with any rendering performed since the previous call. |
SDL_RenderReadPixels | Read pixels from the current rendering target. |
SDL_RenderRect | Draw a rectangle on the current rendering target at subpixel precision. |
SDL_RenderRects | Draw some number of rectangles on the current rendering target at subpixel precision. |
SDL_RenderTexture | Copy a portion of the texture to the current rendering target at subpixel precision. |
SDL_RenderTexture9Grid | Perform a scaled copy using the 9-grid algorithm to the current rendering target at subpixel precision. |
SDL_RenderTextureAffine | Copy a portion of the source texture to the current rendering target, with affine transform, at subpixel precision. |
SDL_RenderTextureRotated | Copy a portion of the source texture to the current rendering target, with rotation and flipping, at subpixel precision. |
SDL_RenderTextureTiled | Tile a portion of the texture to the current rendering target at subpixel precision. |
SDL_RenderViewportSet | Return whether an explicit rectangle was set as the viewport. |
SDL_Renderer.3type | A structure representing rendering state |
SDL_RendererLogicalPresentation.3type | How the logical size is mapped to the output. |
SDL_ReportAssertion | Never call this directly. |
SDL_RequestAndroidPermission | Request permissions at runtime, asynchronously. |
SDL_RequestAndroidPermissionCallback.3type | |
SDL_ResetAssertionReport | Clear the list of all assertion failures. |
SDL_ResetHint | Reset a hint to the default value. |
SDL_ResetHints | Reset all hints to the default values. |
SDL_ResetKeyboard | Clear the state of the keyboard. |
SDL_ResetLogPriorities | Reset all priorities to default. |
SDL_RestoreWindow | Request that the size and position of a minimized or maximized window be restored. |
SDL_ResumeAudioDevice | Use this function to unpause audio playback on a specified device. |
SDL_ResumeAudioStreamDevice | Use this function to unpause audio playback on the audio device associated with an audio stream. |
SDL_ResumeHaptic | Resume a haptic device. |
SDL_RumbleGamepad | Start a rumble effect on a gamepad. |
SDL_RumbleGamepadTriggers | Start a rumble effect in the gamepad's triggers. |
SDL_RumbleJoystick | Start a rumble effect. |
SDL_RumbleJoystickTriggers | Start a rumble effect in the joystick's triggers. |
SDL_RunApp | Initializes and launches an SDL application, by doing platform-specific initialization before calling your mainFunction and cleanups after it returns, if that… |
SDL_RunHapticEffect | Run the haptic effect on its associated haptic device. |
SDL_RunOnMainThread | Call a function on the main thread during event processing. |
SDL_SCANF_FORMAT_STRING | Macro that annotates function params as scanf-style format strings. |
SDL_SCANF_VARARG_FUNC | Macro that annotates a vararg function that operates like scanf. |
SDL_SCANF_VARARG_FUNCV | Macro that annotates a va_list function that operates like scanf. |
SDL_SCOPED_CAPABILITY | Wrapper around Clang thread safety analysis annotations. |
SDL_SECONDS_TO_NS | Convert seconds to nanoseconds. |
SDL_SINT64_C | Append the 64 bit integer suffix to a signed integer literal. |
SDL_SIZE_MAX | The largest value that a size_t can hold for the target platform. |
SDL_SOFTWARE_RENDERER | The name of the software renderer. |
SDL_SSE2_INTRINSICS | Defined if (and only if) the compiler supports Intel SSE2 intrinsics. |
SDL_SSE3_INTRINSICS | Defined if (and only if) the compiler supports Intel SSE3 intrinsics. |
SDL_SSE4_1_INTRINSICS | Defined if (and only if) the compiler supports Intel SSE4.1 intrinsics. |
SDL_SSE4_2_INTRINSICS | Defined if (and only if) the compiler supports Intel SSE4.2 intrinsics. |
SDL_SSE_INTRINSICS | Defined if (and only if) the compiler supports Intel SSE intrinsics. |
SDL_STANDARD_GRAVITY | A constant to represent standard gravity for accelerometer sensors. |
SDL_STRINGIFY_ARG | Macro useful for building other macros with strings in them. |
SDL_Sandbox.3type | Application sandbox environment. |
SDL_SaveBMP | Save a surface to a file. |
SDL_SaveBMP_IO | Save a surface to a seekable SDL data stream in BMP format. |
SDL_SaveFile | Save all the data into a file path. |
SDL_SaveFile_IO | Save all the data into an SDL data stream. |
SDL_ScaleMode.3type | The scaling mode. |
SDL_ScaleSurface | Creates a new surface identical to the existing surface, scaled to the desired size. |
SDL_Scancode.3type | The SDL keyboard scancode representation. |
SDL_ScreenKeyboardShown | Check whether the screen keyboard is shown for given window. |
SDL_ScreenSaverEnabled | Check whether the screensaver is currently enabled. |
SDL_SeekIO | |
SDL_Semaphore.3type | A means to manage access to a resource, by count, between threads. |
SDL_SendAndroidBackButton | Trigger the Android system back button behavior. |
SDL_SendAndroidMessage | Send a user command to SDLActivity. |
SDL_SendGamepadEffect | Send a gamepad specific effect packet. |
SDL_SendJoystickEffect | Send a joystick specific effect packet. |
SDL_SendJoystickVirtualSensorData | Send a sensor update for an opened virtual joystick. |
SDL_Sensor.3type | The opaque structure used to identify an opened SDL sensor. |
SDL_SensorEvent.3type | Sensor event structure (event.sensor.*) |
SDL_SensorID.3type | This is a unique ID for a sensor for the time it is connected to the system, and is never reused for the lifetime of the application. |
SDL_SensorType.3type | The different sensors defined by SDL. |
SDL_SetAppMetadata | Specify basic metadata about your app. |
SDL_SetAppMetadataProperty | Specify metadata about your app through a set of properties. |
SDL_SetAssertionHandler | Set an application-defined assertion handler. |
SDL_SetAtomicInt | Set an atomic variable to a value. |
SDL_SetAtomicPointer | Set a pointer to a value atomically. |
SDL_SetAtomicU32 | Set an atomic variable to a value. |
SDL_SetAudioDeviceGain | Change the gain of an audio device. |
SDL_SetAudioPostmixCallback | Set a callback that fires when data is about to be fed to an audio device. |
SDL_SetAudioStreamFormat | Change the input and output formats of an audio stream. |
SDL_SetAudioStreamFrequencyRatio | Change the frequency ratio of an audio stream. |
SDL_SetAudioStreamGain | Change the gain of an audio stream. |
SDL_SetAudioStreamGetCallback | Set a callback that runs when data is requested from an audio stream. |
SDL_SetAudioStreamInputChannelMap | Set the current input channel map of an audio stream. |
SDL_SetAudioStreamOutputChannelMap | Set the current output channel map of an audio stream. |
SDL_SetAudioStreamPutCallback | Set a callback that runs when data is added to an audio stream. |
SDL_SetBooleanProperty | Set a boolean property in a group of properties. |
SDL_SetClipboardData | Offer clipboard data to the OS. |
SDL_SetClipboardText | Put UTF-8 text into the clipboard. |
SDL_SetCurrentThreadPriority | Set the priority for the current thread. |
SDL_SetCursor | Set the active cursor. |
SDL_SetEnvironmentVariable | Set the value of a variable in the environment. |
SDL_SetError | Set the SDL error message for the current thread. |
SDL_SetErrorV | Set the SDL error message for the current thread. |
SDL_SetEventEnabled | Set the state of processing events by type. |
SDL_SetEventFilter | Set up a filter to process all events before they are added to the internal event queue. |
SDL_SetFloatProperty | Set a floating point property in a group of properties. |
SDL_SetGPUAllowedFramesInFlight | Configures the maximum allowed number of frames in flight. |
SDL_SetGPUBlendConstants | Sets the current blend constants on a command buffer. |
SDL_SetGPUBufferName | Sets an arbitrary string constant to label a buffer. |
SDL_SetGPUScissor | Sets the current scissor state on a command buffer. |
SDL_SetGPUStencilReference | Sets the current stencil reference value on a command buffer. |
SDL_SetGPUSwapchainParameters | Changes the swapchain parameters for the given claimed window. |
SDL_SetGPUTextureName | Sets an arbitrary string constant to label a texture. |
SDL_SetGPUViewport | Sets the current viewport state on a command buffer. |
SDL_SetGamepadEventsEnabled | Set the state of gamepad event processing. |
SDL_SetGamepadLED | Update a gamepad's LED color. |
SDL_SetGamepadMapping | Set the current mapping of a joystick or gamepad. |
SDL_SetGamepadPlayerIndex | Set the player index of an opened gamepad. |
SDL_SetGamepadSensorEnabled | Set whether data reporting for a gamepad sensor is enabled. |
SDL_SetHapticAutocenter | Set the global autocenter of the device. |
SDL_SetHapticGain | Set the global gain of the specified haptic device. |
SDL_SetHint | Set a hint with normal priority. |
SDL_SetHintWithPriority | Set a hint with a specific priority. |
SDL_SetInitialized | Finish an initialization state transition. |
SDL_SetJoystickEventsEnabled | Set the state of joystick event processing. |
SDL_SetJoystickLED | Update a joystick's LED color. |
SDL_SetJoystickPlayerIndex | Set the player index of an opened joystick. |
SDL_SetJoystickVirtualAxis | Set the state of an axis on an opened virtual joystick. |
SDL_SetJoystickVirtualBall | Generate ball motion on an opened virtual joystick. |
SDL_SetJoystickVirtualButton | Set the state of a button on an opened virtual joystick. |
SDL_SetJoystickVirtualHat | Set the state of a hat on an opened virtual joystick. |
SDL_SetJoystickVirtualTouchpad | Set touchpad finger state on an opened virtual joystick. |
SDL_SetLinuxThreadPriority | Sets the UNIX nice value for a thread. |
SDL_SetLinuxThreadPriorityAndPolicy | Sets the priority (not nice level) and scheduling policy for a thread. |
SDL_SetLogOutputFunction | Replace the default log output function with one of your own. |
SDL_SetLogPriorities | Set the priority of all log categories. |
SDL_SetLogPriority | Set the priority of a particular log category. |
SDL_SetLogPriorityPrefix | Set the text prepended to log messages of a given priority. |
SDL_SetMainReady | Circumvent failure of SDL_Init () when not using SDL_main () as an entry point. |
SDL_SetMemoryFunctions | Replace SDL's memory allocation functions with a custom set. |
SDL_SetModState | Set the current key modifier state for the keyboard. |
SDL_SetNumberProperty | Set an integer property in a group of properties. |
SDL_SetPaletteColors | Set a range of colors in a palette. |
SDL_SetPointerProperty | Set a pointer property in a group of properties. |
SDL_SetPointerPropertyWithCleanup | Set a pointer property in a group of properties with a cleanup function that is called when the property is deleted. |
SDL_SetPrimarySelectionText | Put UTF-8 text into the primary selection. |
SDL_SetRenderClipRect | Set the clip rectangle for rendering on the specified target. |
SDL_SetRenderColorScale | Set the color scale used for render operations. |
SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode | Set the blend mode used for drawing operations (Fill and Line). |
SDL_SetRenderDrawColor | Set the color used for drawing operations. |
SDL_SetRenderDrawColorFloat | Set the color used for drawing operations (Rect, Line and Clear). |
SDL_SetRenderLogicalPresentation | Set a device independent resolution and presentation mode for rendering. |
SDL_SetRenderScale | Set the drawing scale for rendering on the current target. |
SDL_SetRenderTarget | Set a texture as the current rendering target. |
SDL_SetRenderVSync | Toggle VSync of the given renderer. |
SDL_SetRenderViewport | Set the drawing area for rendering on the current target. |
SDL_SetScancodeName | Set a human-readable name for a scancode. |
SDL_SetStringProperty | Set a string property in a group of properties. |
SDL_SetSurfaceAlphaMod | Set an additional alpha value used in blit operations. |
SDL_SetSurfaceBlendMode | Set the blend mode used for blit operations. |
SDL_SetSurfaceClipRect | Set the clipping rectangle for a surface. |
SDL_SetSurfaceColorKey | Set the color key (transparent pixel) in a surface. |
SDL_SetSurfaceColorMod | Set an additional color value multiplied into blit operations. |
SDL_SetSurfaceColorspace | Set the colorspace used by a surface. |
SDL_SetSurfacePalette | Set the palette used by a surface. |
SDL_SetSurfaceRLE | Set the RLE acceleration hint for a surface. |
SDL_SetTLS | Set the current thread's value associated with a thread local storage ID. |
SDL_SetTextInputArea | Set the area used to type Unicode text input. |
SDL_SetTextureAlphaMod | Set an additional alpha value multiplied into render copy operations. |
SDL_SetTextureAlphaModFloat | Set an additional alpha value multiplied into render copy operations. |
SDL_SetTextureBlendMode | Set the blend mode for a texture, used by SDL_RenderTexture (). |
SDL_SetTextureColorMod | Set an additional color value multiplied into render copy operations. |
SDL_SetTextureColorModFloat | Set an additional color value multiplied into render copy operations. |
SDL_SetTextureScaleMode | Set the scale mode used for texture scale operations. |
SDL_SetTrayEntryCallback | Sets a callback to be invoked when the entry is selected. |
SDL_SetTrayEntryChecked | Sets whether or not an entry is checked. |
SDL_SetTrayEntryEnabled | Sets whether or not an entry is enabled. |
SDL_SetTrayEntryLabel | Sets the label of an entry. |
SDL_SetTrayIcon | Updates the system tray icon's icon. |
SDL_SetTrayTooltip | Updates the system tray icon's tooltip. |
SDL_SetWindowAlwaysOnTop | Set the window to always be above the others. |
SDL_SetWindowAspectRatio | Request that the aspect ratio of a window's client area be set. |
SDL_SetWindowBordered | Set the border state of a window. |
SDL_SetWindowFocusable | Set whether the window may have input focus. |
SDL_SetWindowFullscreen | Request that the window's fullscreen state be changed. |
SDL_SetWindowFullscreenMode | Set the display mode to use when a window is visible and fullscreen. |
SDL_SetWindowHitTest | Provide a callback that decides if a window region has special properties. |
SDL_SetWindowIcon | Set the icon for a window. |
SDL_SetWindowKeyboardGrab | Set a window's keyboard grab mode. |
SDL_SetWindowMaximumSize | Set the maximum size of a window's client area. |
SDL_SetWindowMinimumSize | Set the minimum size of a window's client area. |
SDL_SetWindowModal | Toggle the state of the window as modal. |
SDL_SetWindowMouseGrab | Set a window's mouse grab mode. |
SDL_SetWindowMouseRect | Confines the cursor to the specified area of a window. |
SDL_SetWindowOpacity | Set the opacity for a window. |
SDL_SetWindowParent | Set the window as a child of a parent window. |
SDL_SetWindowPosition | Request that the window's position be set. |
SDL_SetWindowRelativeMouseMode | Set relative mouse mode for a window. |
SDL_SetWindowResizable | Set the user-resizable state of a window. |
SDL_SetWindowShape | Set the shape of a transparent window. |
SDL_SetWindowSize | Request that the size of a window's client area be set. |
SDL_SetWindowSurfaceVSync | Toggle VSync for the window surface. |
SDL_SetWindowTitle | Set the title of a window. |
SDL_SetWindowsMessageHook | Set a callback for every Windows message, run before TranslateMessage(). |
SDL_SetX11EventHook | Set a callback for every X11 event. |
SDL_SetiOSAnimationCallback | Use this function to set the animation callback on Apple iOS. |
SDL_SetiOSEventPump | Use this function to enable or disable the SDL event pump on Apple iOS. |
SDL_SharedObject.3type | An opaque datatype that represents a loaded shared object. |
SDL_ShouldInit | Return whether initialization should be done. |
SDL_ShouldQuit | Return whether cleanup should be done. |
SDL_ShowAndroidToast | Shows an Android toast notification. |
SDL_ShowCursor | Show the cursor. |
SDL_ShowFileDialogWithProperties | Create and launch a file dialog with the specified properties. |
SDL_ShowMessageBox | Create a modal message box. |
SDL_ShowOpenFileDialog | Displays a dialog that lets the user select a file on their filesystem. |
SDL_ShowOpenFolderDialog | Displays a dialog that lets the user select a folder on their filesystem. |
SDL_ShowSaveFileDialog | Displays a dialog that lets the user choose a new or existing file on their filesystem. |
SDL_ShowSimpleMessageBox | Display a simple modal message box. |
SDL_ShowWindow | Show a window. |
SDL_ShowWindowSystemMenu | Display the system-level window menu. |
SDL_SignalAsyncIOQueue | Wake up any threads that are blocking in SDL_WaitAsyncIOResult (). |
SDL_SignalCondition | Restart one of the threads that are waiting on the condition variable. |
SDL_SignalSemaphore | Atomically increment a semaphore's value and wake waiting threads. |
SDL_SpinLock.3type | An atomic spinlock. |
SDL_StartTextInput | Start accepting Unicode text input events in a window. |
SDL_StartTextInputWithProperties | Start accepting Unicode text input events in a window, with properties describing the input. |
SDL_StepBackUTF8 | Decode a UTF-8 string in reverse, one Unicode codepoint at a time. |
SDL_StepUTF8 | Decode a UTF-8 string, one Unicode codepoint at a time. |
SDL_StopHapticEffect | Stop the haptic effect on its associated haptic device. |
SDL_StopHapticEffects | Stop all the currently playing effects on a haptic device. |
SDL_StopHapticRumble | Stop the simple rumble on a haptic device. |
SDL_StopTextInput | Stop receiving any text input events in a window. |
SDL_Storage.3type | An abstract interface for filesystem access. |
SDL_StorageInterface.3type | Function interface for SDL_Storage . |
SDL_StorageReady | Checks if the storage container is ready to use. |
SDL_StretchSurface | Perform a stretched pixel copy from one surface to another. |
SDL_StringToGUID | |
SDL_SubmitGPUCommandBuffer | Submits a command buffer so its commands can be processed on the GPU. |
SDL_SubmitGPUCommandBufferAndAcquireFence | Submits a command buffer so its commands can be processed on the GPU, and acquires a fence associated with the command buffer. |
SDL_Surface.3type | A collection of pixels used in software blitting. |
SDL_SurfaceFlags.3type | The flags on an SDL_Surface . |
SDL_SurfaceHasAlternateImages | Return whether a surface has alternate versions available. |
SDL_SurfaceHasColorKey | Returns whether the surface has a color key. |
SDL_SurfaceHasRLE | Returns whether the surface is RLE enabled. |
SDL_Swap16 | Byte-swap an unsigned 16-bit number. |
SDL_Swap16BE | Swap a 16-bit value from bigendian to native byte order. |
SDL_Swap16LE | Swap a 16-bit value from littleendian to native byte order. |
SDL_Swap32 | Byte-swap an unsigned 32-bit number. |
SDL_Swap32BE | Swap a 32-bit value from bigendian to native byte order. |
SDL_Swap32LE | Swap a 32-bit value from littleendian to native byte order. |
SDL_Swap64 | Byte-swap an unsigned 64-bit number. |
SDL_Swap64BE | Swap a 64-bit value from bigendian to native byte order. |
SDL_Swap64LE | Swap a 64-bit value from littleendian to native byte order. |
SDL_SwapFloat | Byte-swap a floating point number. |
SDL_SwapFloatBE | Swap a floating point value from bigendian to native byte order. |
SDL_SwapFloatLE | Swap a floating point value from littleendian to native byte order. |
SDL_SyncWindow | Block until any pending window state is finalized. |
SDL_SystemCursor.3type | Cursor types for SDL_CreateSystemCursor (). |
SDL_SystemTheme.3type | System theme. |
SDL_TARGETING | A macro to tag a function as targeting a specific CPU architecture. |
SDL_THREAD_ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE__ | Enable thread safety attributes, only with clang. |
SDL_TLSDestructorCallback.3type | The callback used to cleanup data passed to SDL_SetTLS . |
SDL_TLSID.3type | Thread local storage ID. |
SDL_TRY_ACQUIRE | Wrapper around Clang thread safety analysis annotations. |
SDL_TRY_ACQUIRE_SHARED | Wrapper around Clang thread safety analysis annotations. |
SDL_TellIO | |
SDL_TextEditingCandidatesEvent.3type | Keyboard IME candidates event structure (event.edit_candidates.*) |
SDL_TextEditingEvent.3type | Keyboard text editing event structure (event.edit.*) |
SDL_TextInputActive | Check whether or not Unicode text input events are enabled for a window. |
SDL_TextInputEvent.3type | Keyboard text input event structure (event.text.*) |
SDL_TextInputType.3type | Text input type. |
SDL_Texture.3type | An efficient driver-specific representation of pixel data |
SDL_TextureAccess.3type | The access pattern allowed for a texture. |
SDL_Thread.3type | The SDL thread object. |
SDL_ThreadFunction.3type | The function passed to SDL_CreateThread () as the new thread's entry point. |
SDL_ThreadID.3type | A unique numeric ID that identifies a thread. |
SDL_ThreadPriority.3type | The SDL thread priority. |
SDL_ThreadState.3type | The SDL thread state. |
SDL_Time.3type | SDL times are signed, 64-bit integers representing nanoseconds since the Unix epoch (Jan 1, 1970). |
SDL_TimeFormat.3type | The preferred time format of the current system locale. |
SDL_TimeFromWindows | Converts a Windows FILETIME (100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601) to an SDL time. |
SDL_TimeToDateTime | |
SDL_TimeToWindows | Converts an SDL time into a Windows FILETIME (100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601). |
SDL_TimerCallback.3type | Function prototype for the millisecond timer callback function. |
SDL_TimerID.3type | Definition of the timer ID type. |
SDL_TouchDeviceType.3type | An enum that describes the type of a touch device. |
SDL_TouchFingerEvent.3type | Touch finger event structure (event.tfinger.*) |
SDL_TouchID.3type | A unique ID for a touch device. |
SDL_TransferCharacteristics.3type | Colorspace transfer characteristics. |
SDL_Tray.3type | An opaque handle representing a toplevel system tray object. |
SDL_TrayCallback.3type | A callback that is invoked when a tray entry is selected. |
SDL_TrayEntry.3type | An opaque handle representing an entry on a system tray object. |
SDL_TrayEntryFlags.3type | Flags that control the creation of system tray entries. |
SDL_TrayMenu.3type | An opaque handle representing a menu/submenu on a system tray object. |
SDL_TriggerBreakpoint | Attempt to tell an attached debugger to pause. |
SDL_TryLockMutex | Try to lock a mutex without blocking. |
SDL_TryLockRWLockForReading | Try to lock a read/write lock _for reading_ without blocking. |
SDL_TryLockRWLockForWriting | Try to lock a read/write lock _for writing_ without blocking. |
SDL_TryLockSpinlock | Try to lock a spin lock by setting it to a non-zero value. |
SDL_TryWaitSemaphore | See if a semaphore has a positive value and decrement it if it does. |
SDL_UCS4ToUTF8 | Convert a single Unicode codepoint to UTF-8. |
SDL_UINT64_C | Append the 64 bit integer suffix to an unsigned integer literal. |
SDL_US_PER_SECOND | Number of microseconds in a second. |
SDL_US_TO_NS | Convert microseconds to nanoseconds. |
SDL_UnbindAudioStream | Unbind a single audio stream from its audio device. |
SDL_UnbindAudioStreams | Unbind a list of audio streams from their audio devices. |
SDL_UnloadObject | Unload a shared object from memory. |
SDL_UnlockAudioStream | Unlock an audio stream for serialized access. |
SDL_UnlockJoysticks | Unlocking for atomic access to the joystick API. |
SDL_UnlockMutex | Unlock the mutex. |
SDL_UnlockProperties | Unlock a group of properties. |
SDL_UnlockRWLock | Unlock the read/write lock. |
SDL_UnlockSpinlock | Unlock a spin lock by setting it to 0. |
SDL_UnlockSurface | Release a surface after directly accessing the pixels. |
SDL_UnlockTexture | Unlock a texture, uploading the changes to video memory, if needed. |
SDL_UnmapGPUTransferBuffer | Unmaps a previously mapped transfer buffer. |
SDL_UnregisterApp | |
SDL_UnsetEnvironmentVariable | Clear a variable from the environment. |
SDL_Unsupported | A macro to standardize error reporting on unsupported operations. |
SDL_UpdateGamepads | Manually pump gamepad updates if not using the loop. |
SDL_UpdateHapticEffect | Update the properties of an effect. |
SDL_UpdateJoysticks | Update the current state of the open joysticks. |
SDL_UpdateNVTexture | Update a rectangle within a planar NV12 or NV21 texture with new pixels. |
SDL_UpdateSensors | Update the current state of the open sensors. |
SDL_UpdateTexture | Update the given texture rectangle with new pixel data. |
SDL_UpdateTrays | Update the trays. |
SDL_UpdateWindowSurface | Copy the window surface to the screen. |
SDL_UpdateWindowSurfaceRects | Copy areas of the window surface to the screen. |
SDL_UpdateYUVTexture | Update a rectangle within a planar YV12 or IYUV texture with new pixel data. |
SDL_UploadToGPUBuffer | Uploads data from a transfer buffer to a buffer. |
SDL_UploadToGPUTexture | Uploads data from a transfer buffer to a texture. |
SDL_UserEvent.3type | A user-defined event type (event.user.*) |
SDL_VERSION | This is the version number macro for the current SDL version. |
SDL_VERSIONNUM | This macro turns the version numbers into a numeric value. |
SDL_VERSIONNUM_MAJOR | This macro extracts the major version from a version number |
SDL_VERSIONNUM_MICRO | This macro extracts the micro version from a version number |
SDL_VERSIONNUM_MINOR | This macro extracts the minor version from a version number |
SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST | This macro will evaluate to true if compiled with SDL at least X.Y.Z. |
SDL_Vertex.3type | Vertex structure. |
SDL_VirtualJoystickDesc.3type | The structure that describes a virtual joystick. |
SDL_VirtualJoystickSensorDesc.3type | The structure that describes a virtual joystick sensor. |
SDL_VirtualJoystickTouchpadDesc.3type | The structure that describes a virtual joystick touchpad. |
SDL_Vulkan_CreateSurface | Create a Vulkan rendering surface for a window. |
SDL_Vulkan_DestroySurface | Destroy the Vulkan rendering surface of a window. |
SDL_Vulkan_GetInstanceExtensions | Get the Vulkan instance extensions needed for vkCreateInstance. |
SDL_Vulkan_GetPresentationSupport | Query support for presentation via a given physical device and queue family. |
SDL_Vulkan_GetVkGetInstanceProcAddr | Get the address of the vkGetInstanceProcAddr function. |
SDL_Vulkan_LoadLibrary | Dynamically load the Vulkan loader library. |
SDL_Vulkan_UnloadLibrary | Unload the Vulkan library previously loaded by SDL_Vulkan_LoadLibrary (). |
SDL_WINAPI_FAMILY_PHONE | A preprocessor macro that defined to 1 if compiling for Windows Phone. |
SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED | Used to indicate that the window position should be centered. |
SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED_DISPLAY | Used to indicate that the window position should be centered. |
SDL_WINDOWPOS_ISCENTERED | A macro to test if the window position is marked as "centered." |
SDL_WINDOWPOS_ISUNDEFINED | A macro to test if the window position is marked as "undefined." |
SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED | Used to indicate that you don't care what the window position/display is. |
SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED_DISPLAY | Used to indicate that you don't care what the window position is. |
SDL_WPRINTF_VARARG_FUNC | Macro that annotates a vararg function that operates like wprintf. |
SDL_WPRINTF_VARARG_FUNCV | Macro that annotates a va_list function that operates like wprintf. |
SDL_WaitAndAcquireGPUSwapchainTexture | Blocks the thread until a swapchain texture is available to be acquired, and then acquires it. |
SDL_WaitAsyncIOResult | Block until an async I/O task queue has a completed task. |
SDL_WaitCondition | Wait until a condition variable is signaled. |
SDL_WaitConditionTimeout | Wait until a condition variable is signaled or a certain time has passed. |
SDL_WaitEvent | Wait indefinitely for the next available event. |
SDL_WaitEventTimeout | Wait until the specified timeout (in milliseconds) for the next available event. |
SDL_WaitForGPUFences | Blocks the thread until the given fences are signaled. |
SDL_WaitForGPUIdle | Blocks the thread until the GPU is completely idle. |
SDL_WaitForGPUSwapchain | Blocks the thread until a swapchain texture is available to be acquired. |
SDL_WaitProcess | Wait for a process to finish. |
SDL_WaitSemaphore | Wait until a semaphore has a positive value and then decrements it. |
SDL_WaitSemaphoreTimeout | Wait until a semaphore has a positive value and then decrements it. |
SDL_WaitThread | Wait for a thread to finish. |
SDL_WarpMouseGlobal | Move the mouse to the given position in global screen space. |
SDL_WarpMouseInWindow | Move the mouse cursor to the given position within the window. |
SDL_WasInit | Get a mask of the specified subsystems which are currently initialized. |
SDL_Window.3type | The struct used as an opaque handle to a window. |
SDL_WindowEvent.3type | Window state change event data (event.window.*) |
SDL_WindowFlags.3type | The flags on a window. |
SDL_WindowHasSurface | Return whether the window has a surface associated with it. |
SDL_WindowID.3type | This is a unique ID for a window. |
SDL_WindowSupportsGPUPresentMode | Determines whether a presentation mode is supported by the window. |
SDL_WindowSupportsGPUSwapchainComposition | Determines whether a swapchain composition is supported by the window. |
SDL_WindowsMessageHook.3type | A callback to be used with SDL_SetWindowsMessageHook . |
SDL_WriteAsyncIO | Start an async write. |
SDL_WriteIO | |
SDL_WriteS16BE | |
SDL_WriteS16LE | |
SDL_WriteS32BE | |
SDL_WriteS32LE | |
SDL_WriteS64BE | |
SDL_WriteS64LE | |
SDL_WriteS8 | Use this function to write a signed byte to an SDL_IOStream . |
SDL_WriteStorageFile | Synchronously write a file from client memory into a storage container. |
SDL_WriteSurfacePixel | Writes a single pixel to a surface. |
SDL_WriteSurfacePixelFloat | Writes a single pixel to a surface. |
SDL_WriteU16BE | |
SDL_WriteU16LE | |
SDL_WriteU32BE | |
SDL_WriteU32LE | |
SDL_WriteU64BE | |
SDL_WriteU64LE | |
SDL_WriteU8 | Use this function to write a byte to an SDL_IOStream . |
SDL_X11EventHook.3type | A callback to be used with SDL_SetX11EventHook . |
SDL_abs | Compute the absolute value of x . |
SDL_acos | Compute the arc cosine of x . |
SDL_acosf | Compute the arc cosine of x . |
SDL_aligned_alloc | Allocate memory aligned to a specific alignment. |
SDL_aligned_free | Free memory allocated by SDL_aligned_alloc (). |
SDL_arraysize | The number of elements in a static array. |
SDL_asin | Compute the arc sine of x . |
SDL_asinf | Compute the arc sine of x . |
SDL_asprintf | This works exactly like asprintf() but doesn't require access to a C runtime. |
SDL_assert | An assertion test that is normally performed only in debug builds. |
SDL_assert_always | An assertion test that is always performed. |
SDL_assert_paranoid | An assertion test that is performed only when built with paranoid settings. |
SDL_assert_release | An assertion test that is performed even in release builds. |
SDL_atan | Compute the arc tangent of x . |
SDL_atan2 | Compute the arc tangent of y/x , using the signs of x and y to adjust the result's quadrant. |
SDL_atan2f | Compute the arc tangent of y/x , using the signs of x and y to adjust the result's quadrant. |
SDL_atanf | Compute the arc tangent of x . |
SDL_atof | Parse a double from a string. |
SDL_atoi | Parse an int from a string. |
SDL_bsearch | Perform a binary search on a previously sorted array. |
SDL_bsearch_r | Perform a binary search on a previously sorted array, passing a userdata pointer to the compare function. |
SDL_calloc | Allocate a zero-initialized array. |
SDL_calloc_func.3type | A callback used to implement SDL_calloc (). |
SDL_ceil | Compute the ceiling of x . |
SDL_ceilf | Compute the ceiling of x . |
SDL_clamp | Return a value clamped to a range. |
SDL_const_cast | Handle a Const Cast properly whether using C or C++. |
SDL_copyp | A macro to copy memory between objects, with basic type checking. |
SDL_copysign | Copy the sign of one floating-point value to another. |
SDL_copysignf | Copy the sign of one floating-point value to another. |
SDL_cos | Compute the cosine of x . |
SDL_cosf | Compute the cosine of x . |
SDL_crc16 | Calculate a CRC-16 value. |
SDL_crc32 | Calculate a CRC-32 value. |
SDL_disabled_assert | The macro used when an assertion is disabled. |
SDL_enabled_assert | The macro used when an assertion is enabled. |
SDL_exp | Compute the exponential of x . |
SDL_expf | Compute the exponential of x . |
SDL_fabs | Compute the absolute value of x |
SDL_fabsf | Compute the absolute value of x |
SDL_floor | Compute the floor of x . |
SDL_floorf | Compute the floor of x . |
SDL_fmod | Return the floating-point remainder of x/y |
SDL_fmodf | Return the floating-point remainder of x/y |
SDL_free | Free allocated memory. |
SDL_free_func.3type | A callback used to implement SDL_free (). |
SDL_getenv | Get the value of a variable in the environment. |
SDL_getenv_unsafe | Get the value of a variable in the environment. |
SDL_hid_ble_scan | Start or stop a BLE scan on iOS and tvOS to pair Steam Controllers. |
SDL_hid_bus_type.3type | HID underlying bus types. |
SDL_hid_close | Close a HID device. |
SDL_hid_device.3type | An opaque handle representing an open HID device. |
SDL_hid_device_change_count | Check to see if devices may have been added or removed. |
SDL_hid_device_info.3type | Information about a connected HID device |
SDL_hid_enumerate | Enumerate the HID Devices. |
SDL_hid_exit | Finalize the HIDAPI library. |
SDL_hid_free_enumeration | Free an enumeration linked list. |
SDL_hid_get_device_info | Get the device info from a HID device. |
SDL_hid_get_feature_report | Get a feature report from a HID device. |
SDL_hid_get_indexed_string | Get a string from a HID device, based on its string index. |
SDL_hid_get_input_report | Get an input report from a HID device. |
SDL_hid_get_manufacturer_string | Get The Manufacturer String from a HID device. |
SDL_hid_get_product_string | Get The Product String from a HID device. |
SDL_hid_get_report_descriptor | Get a report descriptor from a HID device. |
SDL_hid_get_serial_number_string | Get The Serial Number String from a HID device. |
SDL_hid_init | Initialize the HIDAPI library. |
SDL_hid_open | Open a HID device using a Vendor ID (VID), Product ID (PID) and optionally a serial number. |
SDL_hid_open_path | Open a HID device by its path name. |
SDL_hid_read | Read an Input report from a HID device. |
SDL_hid_read_timeout | Read an Input report from a HID device with timeout. |
SDL_hid_send_feature_report | Send a Feature report to the device. |
SDL_hid_set_nonblocking | Set the device handle to be non-blocking. |
SDL_hid_write | Write an Output report to a HID device. |
SDL_iOSAnimationCallback.3type | The prototype for an Apple iOS animation callback. |
SDL_iconv | This function converts text between encodings, reading from and writing to a buffer. |
SDL_iconv_close | This function frees a context used for character set conversion. |
SDL_iconv_open | This function allocates a context for the specified character set conversion. |
SDL_iconv_string | Helper function to convert a string's encoding in one call. |
SDL_iconv_t.3type | An opaque handle representing string encoding conversion state. |
SDL_iconv_utf8_locale | Convert a UTF-8 string to the current locale's character encoding. |
SDL_iconv_utf8_ucs2 | Convert a UTF-8 string to UCS-2. |
SDL_iconv_utf8_ucs4 | Convert a UTF-8 string to UCS-4. |
SDL_iconv_wchar_utf8 | Convert a wchar_t string to UTF-8. |
SDL_isalnum | Query if a character is alphabetic (a letter) or a number. |
SDL_isalpha | Query if a character is alphabetic (a letter). |
SDL_isblank | Report if a character is blank (a space or tab). |
SDL_iscntrl | Report if a character is a control character. |
SDL_isdigit | Report if a character is a numeric digit. |
SDL_isgraph | Report if a character is any "printable" except space. |
SDL_isinf | Return whether the value is infinity. |
SDL_isinff | Return whether the value is infinity. |
SDL_islower | Report if a character is lower case. |
SDL_isnan | Return whether the value is NaN. |
SDL_isnanf | Return whether the value is NaN. |
SDL_isprint | Report if a character is "printable". |
SDL_ispunct | Report if a character is a punctuation mark. |
SDL_isspace | Report if a character is whitespace. |
SDL_isupper | Report if a character is upper case. |
SDL_isxdigit | Report if a character is a hexadecimal digit. |
SDL_itoa | Convert an integer into a string. |
SDL_lltoa | Convert a long long integer into a string. |
SDL_log | Compute the natural logarithm of x . |
SDL_log10 | Compute the base-10 logarithm of x . |
SDL_log10f | Compute the base-10 logarithm of x . |
SDL_logf | Compute the natural logarithm of x . |
SDL_lround | Round x to the nearest integer representable as a long |
SDL_lroundf | Round x to the nearest integer representable as a long |
SDL_ltoa | Convert a long integer into a string. |
SDL_main | An app-supplied function for program entry. |
SDL_main_func.3type | The prototype for the application's main() function |
SDL_malloc | Allocate uninitialized memory. |
SDL_malloc_func.3type | A callback used to implement SDL_malloc (). |
SDL_max | Return the greater of two values. |
SDL_memcmp | Compare two buffers of memory. |
SDL_memcpy | Copy non-overlapping memory. |
SDL_memmove | Copy memory ranges that might overlap. |
SDL_memset | Initialize all bytes of buffer of memory to a specific value. |
SDL_memset4 | Initialize all 32-bit words of buffer of memory to a specific value. |
SDL_min | Return the lesser of two values. |
SDL_modf | Split x into integer and fractional parts |
SDL_modff | Split x into integer and fractional parts |
SDL_murmur3_32 | Calculate a 32-bit MurmurHash3 value for a block of data. |
SDL_pow | Raise x to the power y |
SDL_powf | Raise x to the power y |
SDL_qsort | Sort an array. |
SDL_qsort_r | Sort an array, passing a userdata pointer to the compare function. |
SDL_rand | Generate a pseudo-random number less than n for positive n |
SDL_rand_bits | Generate 32 pseudo-random bits. |
SDL_rand_bits_r | Generate 32 pseudo-random bits. |
SDL_rand_r | Generate a pseudo-random number less than n for positive n |
SDL_randf | Generate a uniform pseudo-random floating point number less than 1.0 |
SDL_randf_r | Generate a uniform pseudo-random floating point number less than 1.0 |
SDL_realloc | Change the size of allocated memory. |
SDL_realloc_func.3type | A callback used to implement SDL_realloc (). |
SDL_reinterpret_cast | Handle a Reinterpret Cast properly whether using C or C++. |
SDL_round | Round x to the nearest integer. |
SDL_roundf | Round x to the nearest integer. |
SDL_scalbn | Scale x by an integer power of two. |
SDL_scalbnf | Scale x by an integer power of two. |
SDL_setenv_unsafe | Set the value of a variable in the environment. |
SDL_sin | Compute the sine of x . |
SDL_sinf | Compute the sine of x . |
SDL_size_add_check_overflow | Add two integers, checking for overflow. |
SDL_size_mul_check_overflow | Multiply two integers, checking for overflow. |
SDL_snprintf | This works exactly like snprintf() but doesn't require access to a C runtime. |
SDL_sqrt | Compute the square root of x . |
SDL_sqrtf | Compute the square root of x . |
SDL_srand | Seeds the pseudo-random number generator. |
SDL_sscanf | This works exactly like sscanf() but doesn't require access to a C runtime. |
SDL_stack_alloc | Allocate memory on the stack (maybe). |
SDL_static_cast | Handle a Static Cast properly whether using C or C++. |
SDL_strcasecmp | Compare two null-terminated UTF-8 strings, case-insensitively. |
SDL_strcasestr | Search a UTF-8 string for the first instance of a specific substring, case-insensitively. |
SDL_strchr | Search a string for the first instance of a specific byte. |
SDL_strcmp | Compare two null-terminated UTF-8 strings. |
SDL_strdup | Allocate a copy of a string. |
SDL_strlcat | Concatenate strings. |
SDL_strlcpy | Copy a string. |
SDL_strlen | This works exactly like strlen() but doesn't require access to a C runtime. |
SDL_strlwr | Convert a string to lowercase. |
SDL_strncasecmp | Compare two UTF-8 strings, case-insensitively, up to a number of bytes. |
SDL_strncmp | Compare two UTF-8 strings up to a number of bytes. |
SDL_strndup | Allocate a copy of a string, up to n characters. |
SDL_strnlen | This works exactly like strnlen() but doesn't require access to a C runtime. |
SDL_strnstr | Search a string, up to n bytes, for the first instance of a specific substring. |
SDL_strpbrk | Searches a string for the first occurence of any character contained in a breakset, and returns a pointer from the string to that character. |
SDL_strrchr | Search a string for the last instance of a specific byte. |
SDL_strrev | Reverse a string's contents. |
SDL_strstr | Search a string for the first instance of a specific substring. |
SDL_strtod | Parse a double from a string. |
SDL_strtok_r | This works exactly like strtok_r() but doesn't require access to a C runtime. |
SDL_strtol | Parse a long from a string. |
SDL_strtoll | Parse a longlong from a string. |
SDL_strtoul | Parse an unsignedlong from a string. |
SDL_strtoull | Parse an unsignedlonglong from a string. |
SDL_strupr | Convert a string to uppercase. |
SDL_swprintf | This works exactly like swprintf() but doesn't require access to a C runtime. |
SDL_tan | Compute the tangent of x . |
SDL_tanf | Compute the tangent of x . |
SDL_tolower | Convert low-ASCII English letters to lowercase. |
SDL_toupper | Convert low-ASCII English letters to uppercase. |
SDL_trunc | Truncate x to an integer. |
SDL_truncf | Truncate x to an integer. |
SDL_uitoa | Convert an unsigned integer into a string. |
SDL_ulltoa | Convert an unsigned long long integer into a string. |
SDL_ultoa | Convert an unsigned long integer into a string. |
SDL_unsetenv_unsafe | Clear a variable from the environment. |
SDL_utf8strlcpy | Copy an UTF-8 string. |
SDL_utf8strlen | Count the number of codepoints in a UTF-8 string. |
SDL_utf8strnlen | Count the number of codepoints in a UTF-8 string, up to n bytes. |
SDL_vasprintf | This works exactly like vasprintf() but doesn't require access to a C runtime. |
SDL_vsnprintf | This works exactly like vsnprintf() but doesn't require access to a C runtime. |
SDL_vsscanf | This works exactly like vsscanf() but doesn't require access to a C runtime. |
SDL_vswprintf | This works exactly like vswprintf() but doesn't require access to a C runtime. |
SDL_wcscasecmp | Compare two null-terminated wide strings, case-insensitively. |
SDL_wcscmp | Compare two null-terminated wide strings. |
SDL_wcsdup | Allocate a copy of a wide string. |
SDL_wcslcat | Concatenate wide strings. |
SDL_wcslcpy | Copy a wide string. |
SDL_wcslen | This works exactly like wcslen() but doesn't require access to a C runtime. |
SDL_wcsncasecmp | Compare two wide strings, case-insensitively, up to a number of wchar_t. |
SDL_wcsncmp | Compare two wide strings up to a number of wchar_t values. |
SDL_wcsnlen | This works exactly like wcsnlen() but doesn't require access to a C runtime. |
SDL_wcsnstr | Search a wide string, up to n wide chars, for the first instance of a specific substring. |
SDL_wcsstr | Search a wide string for the first instance of a specific substring. |
SDL_wcstol | Parse a long from a wide string. |
SDL_zero | Clear an object's memory to zero. |
SDL_zeroa | Clear an array's memory to zero. |
SDL_zerop | Clear an object's memory to zero, using a pointer. |