SAM (Sequence Alignment/Map) is a flexible generic format for storing
nucleotide sequence alignment.
SAM Tools provide various utilities for manipulating alignments in the
SAM format, including sorting, merging, indexing and generating
alignments in a per-position format.
Version: 1.15.1
General Commands | |
samtools | Utilities for the Sequence Alignment/Map (SAM) format |
samtools-addreplacerg | adds or replaces read group tags |
samtools-ampliconclip | clip reads using a BED file |
samtools-ampliconstats | produces statistics from amplicon sequencing alignment file |
samtools-bedcov | reports coverage over regions in a supplied BED file |
samtools-calmd | calculates MD and NM tags |
samtools-cat | concatenate files together |
samtools-collate | shuffles and groups reads together by their names |
samtools-consensus | produces produce a consensus FASTA/FASTQ/PILEUP |
samtools-coverage | produces a histogram or table of coverage per chromosome |
samtools-depad | convert padded BAM to unpadded BAM |
samtools-depth | computes the read depth at each position or region |
samtools-dict | create a sequence dictionary file from a fasta file |
samtools-faidx | indexes or queries regions from a fasta file |
samtools-fasta | converts a SAM/BAM/CRAM file to FASTA or FASTQ |
samtools-fastq | alias for samtools-fasta |
samtools-fixmate | fills in mate coordinates and insert size fields. |
samtools-flags | convert between textual and numeric flag representation. |
samtools-flagstat | counts the number of alignments for each FLAG type |
samtools-fqidx | Indexes or queries regions from a fastq file |
samtools-head | view SAM/BAM/CRAM file headers |
samtools-idxstats | reports alignment summary statistics |
samtools-import | converts FASTQ files to unmapped SAM/BAM/CRAM |
samtools-index | indexes SAM/BAM/CRAM files |
samtools-markdup | mark duplicate alignments in a coordinate sorted file |
samtools-merge | merges multiple sorted files into a single file |
samtools-mpileup | produces "pileup" textual format from an alignment |
samtools-phase | call and phase heterozygous SNPs |
samtools-quickcheck | a rapid sanity check on input files |
samtools-reheader | replaces the header in the input file |
samtools-rmdup | removes duplicate reads (obsolete) |
samtools-samples | prints the samples from an alignment file |
samtools-sort | sorts SAM/BAM/CRAM files |
samtools-split | splits a file by read group. |
samtools-stats | produces comprehensive statistics from alignment file |
samtools-targetcut | cut fosmid regions (for fosmid pool only) |
samtools-tview | display alignments in a curses-based interactive viewer. |
samtools-view | views and converts SAM/BAM/CRAM files |
wgsim | Whole-genome sequencing read simulator |