Package runc

CLI for running Open Containers

The runc command can be used to start containers which are packaged
in accordance with the Open Container Initiative's specifications,
and to manage containers running under runc.

Version: 1.2.5

System Administration

runc Open Container Initiative runtime
runc-checkpoint checkpoint a running container
runc-create create a container
runc-delete delete any resources held by the container
runc-events display container events and statistics.
runc-exec execute new process inside the container
runc-kill send a specified signal to container
runc-list lists containers
runc-pause suspend all processes inside the container
runc-ps display the processes inside a container
runc-restore restore a container from a previous checkpoint
runc-resume resume all processes that have been previously paused
runc-run create and start a container
runc-spec create a new specification file
runc-start start a previously created container
runc-state show the state of a container
runc-update update running container resource constraints