Package rtla

Real-Time Linux Analysis tools

The rtla meta-tool includes a set of commands that aims to analyze
the real-time properties of Linux. Instead of testing Linux as a black box,
rtla leverages kernel tracing capabilities to provide precise information
about the properties and root causes of unexpected results.

Version: 6.14.0

General Commands

rtla Real-time Linux Analysis tool
rtla-hwnoise Detect and quantify hardware-related noise
rtla-osnoise Measure the operating system noise
rtla-osnoise-hist Display a histogram of the osnoise tracer samples
rtla-osnoise-top Display a summary of the operating system noise
rtla-timerlat Measures the operating system timer latency
rtla-timerlat-hist Histograms of the operating system timer latency
rtla-timerlat-top Measures the operating system timer latency