Package python3-webdav4

WebDAV client library with an fsspec-based filesystem and a CLI

Webdav API with an (optional) fsspec implementation and a CLI.

Version: 0.10.0

General Commands

dav dav – CLI for working with webdav servers
dav-cat dav cat – Print remote file content
dav-cp dav cp – Copies a local file or remote file to another location locally or in remote
dav-du dav du – Print sizes of directories/files
dav-ls dav ls – List files
dav-mkdir dav mkdir – Creates a directory/collection in the remote server
dav-mv dav mv – Moves a local file or remote file to another location locally or in remote
dav-rm dav rm – Removes a file from the remote server
dav-run dav run – Run multiple commands
dav-sync dav sync – Sync local file/folder to/from the remote file/directories.