Package python3-poetry-dynamic-versioning

Plugin for Poetry to enable dynamic versioning based on VCS tags

This is a Python 3.7+ plugin for Poetry 1.2.0+ and Poetry Core 1.0.0+ to enable
dynamic versioning based on tags in your version control system, powered by
Dunamai. Many different version control systems are supported, including Git
and Mercurial; please refer to the Dunamai page for the full list (and minimum
supported version where applicable).

poetry-dynamic-versioning provides a build backend that patches Poetry Core to
enable the versioning system in PEP 517 build frontends. When installed with
the plugin feature (i.e., poetry-dynamic-versioning[plugin]), it also
integrates with the Poetry CLI to trigger the versioning in commands like
poetry build.

Version: 1.8.0

General Commands

poetry-dynamic-versioning poetry-dynamic-versioning