Package python3-meshio

I/O for many mesh formats

There are various mesh formats available for representing unstructured
meshes. meshio can read and write all of the following and smoothly
converts between them:

  Abaqus (.inp), ANSYS msh (.msh), AVS-UCD (.avs), CGNS (.cgns),
  DOLFIN XML (.xml), Exodus (.e, .exo), FLAC3D (.f3grid), H5M (.h5m),
  Kratos/MDPA (.mdpa), Medit (.mesh, .meshb), MED/Salome (.med),
  Nastran (bulk data, .bdf, .fem, .nas), Netgen (.vol, .vol.gz),
  Neuroglancer precomputed format,
  Gmsh (format versions 2.2, 4.0, and 4.1, .msh), OBJ(.obj), OFF (.off),
  PERMAS (.post, .post.gz, .dato, .dato.gz),
  PLY (.ply), STL (.stl), Tecplot .dat, TetGen .node/.ele,
  SVG (2D output only) (.svg), SU2 (.su2), UGRID (.ugrid),
  VTK (.vtk), VTU (.vtu), WKT (TIN) (.wkt), XDMF (.xdmf, .xmf).

Version: 5.3.5

General Commands

meshio manual page for meshio 5.3.5
meshio-ascii manual page for meshio 5.3.5
meshio-binary manual page for meshio 5.3.5
meshio-compress manual page for meshio 5.3.5
meshio-convert manual page for meshio 5.3.5
meshio-decompress manual page for meshio 5.3.5
meshio-info manual page for meshio 5.3.5