Package python3-bpython

Fancy curses interface to the Python 3 interactive interpreter

bpython is a fancy interface to the Python interpreter for Unix-like
operating systems. It has the following features:
 o in-line syntax highlighting
 o readline-like autocomplete with suggestions displayed as you type
 o expected parameter list for any Python function.
 o eewind function to pop the last line of code from memory and
 o send the code you've entered off to a pastebin and display the
   pastebin URL for copying, etc.
 o save the code you've entered to a file
 o auto indentation

This is the Python 3 build of bpython.

Version: 0.25

General Commands

bpython a fancy {curtsies, curses, urwid} interface to the Python interactive interpreter

File Formats

bpython-config user configuration file for bpython