PyMCA provides a graphical interface for multi-channel analyzer spectra
visualization and analysis. PyMca can display spectra from a file or directly
from SPEC during acquisitions.
Version: 5.9.3
General Commands | |
edfviewer | Simple EDF file viewer |
elementsinfo | Periodic table with Atomic Constants used by PyMca |
mca2edf | Convert SPEC file format files to EDF format |
peakidentifier | Given a photon energy, list the possible elements. |
pymca | PyMca X-Ray Fluorescence Toolkit main application |
pymcabatch | Batch fitting of X-ray Fluorescence Spectra |
pymcapostbatch | PyMca batch result analysis application |
pymcaroitool | PyMca region-of-interest imaging X application |
rgbcorrelator | PyMca image correlation analysis application |