Package pocketsphinx

Real-time speech recognition

PocketSphinx is a version of the open-source Sphinx-II speech recognition
system which is able to recognize speech in real-time. While it may be
somewhat less accurate than the offline speech recognizers, it is lightweight
enough to run on handheld and embedded devices.

Version: 5.0.3

General Commands

pocketsphinx Run speech recognition on audio data
pocketsphinx_batch Run speech recognition in batch mode
pocketsphinx_mdef_convert Convert text-format model definition files to and from PocketSphinx format
sphinx_lm_convert Convert and manipulate language model files
sphinx_lm_eval Evaluate perplexity of a transcription
sphinx_lm_sort Order N-Grams in a language model for Sphinx
sphinx_pitch Extract pitch from audio files