Package plplot-devel

Development headers and libraries for PLplot

Version: 5.15.0

See also: plplot, plplot-tk.

Library Functions

plGetCursor.3plplot Wait for graphics input event and translate to world coordinates.
pl_setcontlabelformat.3plplot Set format of numerical label for contours
pl_setcontlabelparam.3plplot Set parameters of contour labelling other than format of numerical label
pladv.3plplot Advance the (sub-)page
plarc.3plplot Draw a circular or elliptical arc
plaxes.3plplot Draw a box with axes, etc. with arbitrary origin
plbin.3plplot Plot a histogram from binned data
plbop.3plplot Begin a new page
plbox.3plplot Draw a box with axes, etc
plbox3.3plplot Draw a box with axes, etc, in 3-d
plbtime.3plplot Calculate broken-down time from continuous time for the current stream
plcalc_world.3plplot Calculate world coordinates and corresponding window index from relative device coordinates
plclear.3plplot Clear current (sub)page
plcol0.3plplot Set color, cmap0
plcol1.3plplot Set color, cmap1
plcolorbar.3plplot Plot color bar for image, shade or gradient plots
plconfigtime.3plplot Configure the transformation between continuous and broken-down time for the current stream
plcont.3plplot Contour plot
plcpstrm.3plplot Copy state parameters from the reference stream to the current stream
plctime.3plplot Calculate continuous time from broken-down time for the current stream
plend.3plplot End plotting session
plend1.3plplot End plotting session for current stream
plenv.3plplot Set up standard window and draw box
plenv0.3plplot Same as plenv(3plplot) but if in multiplot mode does not advance the subpage, instead clears it
pleop.3plplot Eject current page
plerrx.3plplot Draw error bars in x direction
plerry.3plplot Draw error bars in the y direction
plfamadv.3plplot Advance to the next family file on the next new page
plfill.3plplot Draw filled polygon
plfill3.3plplot Draw filled polygon in 3D
plflush.3plplot Flushes the output stream
plfont.3plplot Set font
plfontld.3plplot Load Hershey fonts
plgchr.3plplot Get character default height and current (scaled) height
plgcmap1_range.3plplot Get the cmap1 argument range for continuous color plots
plgcol0.3plplot Returns 8-bit RGB values for given color index from cmap0
plgcol0a.3plplot Returns 8-bit RGB values and PLFLT alpha transparency value for given color index from cmap0
plgcolbg.3plplot Returns the background color (cmap0[0]) by 8-bit RGB value
plgcolbga.3plplot Returns the background color (cmap0[0]) by 8-bit RGB value and PLFLT alpha transparency value
plgcompression.3plplot Get the current device-compression setting
plgdev.3plplot Get the current device (keyword) name
plgdidev.3plplot Get parameters that define current device-space window
plgdiori.3plplot Get plot orientation
plgdiplt.3plplot Get parameters that define current plot-space window
plgdrawmode.3plplot Get drawing mode (depends on device support!)
plgfam.3plplot Get family file parameters
plgfci.3plplot Get FCI (font characterization integer)
plgfnam.3plplot Get output file name
plgfont.3plplot Get family, style and weight of the current font
plglevel.3plplot Get the (current) run level
plgpage.3plplot Get page parameters
plgra.3plplot Switch to graphics screen
plgradient.3plplot Draw linear gradient inside polygon
plgriddata.3plplot Grid data from irregularly sampled data
plgspa.3plplot Get current subpage parameters
plgstrm.3plplot Get current stream number
plgver.3plplot Get the current library version number
plgvpd.3plplot Get viewport limits in normalized device coordinates
plgvpw.3plplot Get viewport limits in world coordinates
plgxax.3plplot Get x axis parameters
plgyax.3plplot Get y axis parameters
plgzax.3plplot Get z axis parameters
plhist.3plplot Plot a histogram from unbinned data
plhlsrgb.3plplot Convert HLS color to RGB
plimage.3plplot Plot a 2D matrix using cmap1 with automatic color adjustment
plimagefr.3plplot Plot a 2D matrix using cmap1
plinit.3plplot Initialize PLplot
pljoin.3plplot Draw a line between two points
pllab.3plplot Simple routine to write labels
pllegend.3plplot Plot legend using discretely annotated filled boxes, lines, and/or lines of symbols
pllightsource.3plplot Sets the 3D position of the light source
plline.3plplot Draw a line
plline3.3plplot Draw a line in 3 space
pllsty.3plplot Select line style
plmap.3plplot Plot continental outline or shapefile data in world coordinates
plmapfill.3plplot Plot all or a subset of Shapefile data, filling the polygons
plmapline.3plplot Plot all or a subset of Shapefile data using lines in world coordinates
plmapstring.3plplot Plot all or a subset of Shapefile data using strings or points in world coordinates
plmaptex.3plplot Draw text at points defined by Shapefile data in world coordinates
plmeridians.3plplot Plot latitude and longitude lines
plmesh.3plplot Plot surface mesh
plmeshc.3plplot Magnitude colored plot surface mesh with contour
plmkstrm.3plplot Creates a new stream and makes it the default
plmtex.3plplot Write text relative to viewport boundaries
plmtex3.3plplot Write text relative to viewport boundaries in 3D plots
plot3d.3plplot Plot 3-d surface plot
plot3dc.3plplot Magnitude colored plot surface with contour
plot3dcl.3plplot Magnitude colored plot surface with contour for z[x][y] with y index limits
plparseopts.3plplot Parse command-line arguments
plpat.3plplot Set area line fill pattern
plpath.3plplot Draw a line between two points, accounting for coordinate transforms
plplot.3plplot Advanced 2D and 3D scientific plotting library
plpoin.3plplot Plot a glyph at the specified points
plpoin3.3plplot Plot a glyph at the specified 3D points
plpoly3.3plplot Draw a polygon in 3 space
plprec.3plplot Set precision in numeric labels
plpsty.3plplot Select area fill pattern
plptex.3plplot Write text inside the viewport
plptex3.3plplot Write text inside the viewport of a 3D plot
plrandd.3plplot Random number generator returning a real random number in the range [0,1]
plreplot.3plplot Replays contents of plot buffer to current device/file
plrgbhls.3plplot Convert RGB color to HLS
plschr.3plplot Set character size
plscmap0.3plplot Set cmap0 colors by 8-bit RGB values
plscmap0a.3plplot Set cmap0 colors by 8-bit RGB values and PLFLT alpha transparency value
plscmap0n.3plplot Set number of colors in cmap0
plscmap1.3plplot Set opaque RGB cmap1 colors values
plscmap1_range.3plplot Set the cmap1 argument range for continuous color plots
plscmap1a.3plplot Set semitransparent cmap1 RGBA colors.
plscmap1l.3plplot Set cmap1 colors using a piece-wise linear relationship
plscmap1la.3plplot Set cmap1 colors and alpha transparency using a piece-wise linear relationship
plscmap1n.3plplot Set number of colors in cmap1
plscol0.3plplot Set 8-bit RGB values for given cmap0 color index
plscol0a.3plplot Set 8-bit RGB values and PLFLT alpha transparency value for given cmap0 color index
plscolbg.3plplot Set the background color by 8-bit RGB value
plscolbga.3plplot Set the background color by 8-bit RGB value and PLFLT alpha transparency value.
plscolor.3plplot Used to globally turn color output on/off
plscompression.3plplot Set device-compression level
plsdev.3plplot Set the device (keyword) name
plsdidev.3plplot Set parameters that define current device-space window
plsdimap.3plplot Set up transformation from metafile coordinates
plsdiori.3plplot Set plot orientation
plsdiplt.3plplot Set parameters that define current plot-space window
plsdiplz.3plplot Set parameters incrementally (zoom mode) that define current plot-space window
plsdrawmode.3plplot Set drawing mode (depends on device support!)
plseed.3plplot Set seed for internal random number generator.
plsesc.3plplot Set the escape character for text strings
plsetopt.3plplot Set any command-line option
plsfam.3plplot Set family file parameters
plsfci.3plplot Set FCI (font characterization integer)
plsfnam.3plplot Set output file name
plsfont.3plplot Set family, style and weight of the current font
plshade.3plplot Shade individual region on the basis of value
plshades.3plplot Shade regions on the basis of value
plslabelfunc.3plplot Assign a function to use for generating custom axis labels
plsmaj.3plplot Set length of major ticks
plsmem.3plplot Set the memory area to be plotted (RGB)
plsmema.3plplot Set the memory area to be plotted (RGBA)
plsmin.3plplot Set length of minor ticks
plsori.3plplot Set orientation
plspage.3plplot Set page parameters
plspal0.3plplot Set the cmap0 palette using the specified cmap0*.pal format file
plspal1.3plplot Set the cmap1 palette using the specified cmap1*.pal format file
plspause.3plplot Set the pause (on end-of-page) status
plsstrm.3plplot Set current output stream
plssub.3plplot Set the number of subpages in x and y
plssym.3plplot Set symbol size
plstar.3plplot Initialization
plstart.3plplot Initialization
plstransform.3plplot Set a global coordinate transform function
plstring.3plplot Plot a glyph at the specified points
plstring3.3plplot Plot a glyph at the specified 3D points
plstripa.3plplot Add a point to a strip chart
plstripc.3plplot Create a 4-pen strip chart
plstripd.3plplot Deletes and releases memory used by a strip chart
plstyl.3plplot Set line style
plsurf3d.3plplot Plot shaded 3-d surface plot
plsurf3dl.3plplot Plot shaded 3-d surface plot for z[x][y] with y index limits
plsvect.3plplot Set arrow style for vector plots
plsvpa.3plplot Specify viewport in absolute coordinates
plsxax.3plplot Set x axis parameters
plsyax.3plplot Set y axis parameters
plsym.3plplot Plot a glyph at the specified points
plszax.3plplot Set z axis parameters
pltext.3plplot Switch to text screen
pltimefmt.3plplot Set format for date / time labels
plvasp.3plplot Specify viewport using aspect ratio only
plvect.3plplot Vector plot
plvpas.3plplot Specify viewport using coordinates and aspect ratio
plvpor.3plplot Specify viewport using normalized subpage coordinates
plvsta.3plplot Select standard viewport
plw3d.3plplot Configure the transformations required for projecting a 3D surface on a 2D window
plwidth.3plplot Set pen width
plwind.3plplot Specify window
plxormod.3plplot Enter or leave xor mode