Package pfstmo

PFS tone mapping operators

The pfstmo package contains the implementation of state-of-the-art tone
mapping operators. The motivation here is to provide an implementation of
tone mapping operators suitable for convenient processing of both static
images and animations.

Version: 2.2.0

General Commands

pfstmo_drago03 Adaptive logarithmic tone mapping operator
pfstmo_durand02 Fast bilateral filtering for the display of HDR images
pfstmo_fattal02 Gradient domain high dynamic range compression
pfstmo_ferradans11 Tone mapping operator with visual adaptation and local contrast enhancement
pfstmo_mai11 Tone-mapping for backward-compatible compression
pfstmo_mantiuk06 Tone mapping in the contrast domain
pfstmo_mantiuk08 Display adaptive tone mapping
pfstmo_pattanaik00 Time-dependent Visual Adaptation Model
pfstmo_reinhard02 Photographic Tone Reproduction for Digital Images
pfstmo_reinhard05 Photoreceptor based dynamic range reduction