General Commands
cubic2erect | Utility to convert six cube faces to equirectangular |
enblend-mask | Wrapper around enblend for managing external masks |
enblend-svg | Wrapper around enblend for blending SVG layers |
enfuse-mask | Wrapper around enfuse for managing external masks |
entile | create a tiled image pyramid |
erect2cubic | creates a hugin .pto file for converting equirectangular to cubic |
erect2mercator | Extract a mercator projection from an equirectangular image |
erect2planet | Extract a stereographic 'little planet' from an equirectangular image |
erect2qtvr | Assemble a Quicktime QTVR file from an equirectangular image |
gigastart | assemble multi-row panoramas |
gigatile | stitch a Hugin project as multi-resolution tiles |
gmaptemplate | HTML template for viewing tiled images with the Google Map API |
gpano2pto | Insert a Google photosphere into a Hugin project |
jpeg2qtvr | Assemble Quicktime QTVR files from JPEG cubefaces |
lens-submit | collect lens and EXIF data |
match-n-shift | generate a Hugin .pto project from a list of photos |
nona-deshake | |
nona-mask | Wrapper around nona for managing external masks |
nona-svg | stitch a vector panorama image |
pafextract | render panoglview .paf projects |
panostart | identify likely panorama sequences |
process-masks | Preprocessor for enblend masks |
pto2gpano | set XMP GPano metadata in a JPEG panorama |
pto2mk | Create a Makefile for stitching |
ptoanchor | add control points to a Hugin project |
ptobind | Join the ends of linked photos in a Hugin project |
ptocentre | centre images in a panorama |
ptochain | add control points to a Hugin project between consecutive photos |
ptoclean | prune improbable control points |
ptodouble | rescale a panorama project |
ptodummy | create missing input photos |
ptofill | add control points to a Hugin project between likely overlapping photos |
ptoget | query a pto project |
ptohalve | rescale a panorama project |
ptoinfo | Prints human readable reports for .pto files |
ptomerge | merges pto projects |
ptomorph | Distort photos before stitching |
ptopath | removes absolute paths from .pto projects |
ptoreset | reset photometric parameters in a .pto file |
ptoset | change settings in a pto project |
ptosort | sort pto files with variable criteria |
ptosplit | extracts a subset pto project |
ptovariable | prepare a pto project for typical optimisation tasks |
qtvr2erect | Utility to convert a QTVR file to equirectangular |
tif2svg | generates an SVG file from hugin 'multiple TIFF' output |
transform-pano | Apply a numerical rotational translation to a hugin pto file |