FSDB is a package of commands for manipulating flat-ASCII databases from shell scripts. FSDB is useful to process medium amounts of data (with very little data you'd do it by hand, with megabytes you might want a real database). FSDB is very good at doing things like: - extracting measurements from experimental output - re-examining data to address different hypotheses - joining data from different experiments - eliminating/detecting outliers - computing statistics on data (mean, confidence intervals, correlations, histograms) - reformatting data for graphing programs Rather than hand-code scripts to do each special case, FSDB provides higher-level functions than one gets with raw perl or shell scripts. (Some features: control uses names instead of column numbers, it is self-documenting, and is robust with good error and memory handling.)
Version: 3.9
General Commands | |
cgi_to_db | convert stored CGI files (from to fsdb |
combined_log_format_to_db | convert Apache Combined Log Format to Fsdb |
csv_to_db | convert comma-separated-value data into fsdb |
db_to_csv | convert fsdb to the comma-separated-value file-format |
db_to_html_table | convert db to an HTML table |
dbcol | select columns from an Fsdb file |
dbcolcopylast | create new columns that are copies of prior columns |
dbcolcreate | create new columns |
dbcoldefine | define the columns of a plain text file to make it an Fsdb file |
dbcolhisto | compute a histogram over a column of Fsdb data |
dbcolize | DEPRECATED, now use dbfilealter |
dbcolmerge | merge multiple columns into one |
dbcolmovingstats | compute moving statistics over a window of a column of data |
dbcolneaten | pretty-print columns of Fsdb data (assuming a monospaced font) |
dbcolpercentile | compute percentiles or ranks for an existing numeric column |
dbcolrename | change the names of columns in a fsdb schema |
dbcolscorrelate | find the coefficient of correlation over columns |
dbcolsdecimate | drop rows selectively, keeping large changes and periodic samples |
dbcolsplittocols | split an existing column into multiple new columns |
dbcolsplittorows | split an existing column into multiple new rows |
dbcolsregression | compute linear regression between two columns |
dbcolstats | compute statistics on a fsdb column |
dbcolstatscores | compute z-scores or t-scores for each value in a population |
dbcoltype | define (or redefine) types for columns of an Fsdb file |
dbfilealter | alter the format of an Fsdb file, changing the row/column separator |
dbfilecat | concatenate two files with identical schema |
dbfilediff | compare two fsdb tables |
dbfilepivot | pivot a table, converting multiple rows into single wide row |
dbfilestripcomments | remove comments from a fsdb file |
dbfilevalidate | insure the source input is a well-formed Fsdb file |
dbformmail | write a shell script that will send e-mail to many people |
dbjoin | join two tables on common columns |
dblistize | DEPRECATED, now use dbfilealter |
dbmapreduce | reduce all input rows with the same key |
dbmerge | merge all inputs in sorted order based on the the specified columns |
dbmerge2 | merge exactly two inputs in sorted order based on the the specified columns |
dbmultistats | run dbcolstats over each group of inputs identified by some key |
dbrecolize | DEPRECATED, now use dbfilealter |
dbrow | select rows from an Fsdb file based on arbitrary conditions |
dbrowaccumulate | compute a running sum of a column |
dbrowcount | count the number of rows in an Fsdb stream |
dbrowdiff | compute row-by-row differences of some column |
dbrowenumerate | enumerate rows, starting from zero |
dbroweval | evaluate code for each row of a fsdb file |
dbrowuniq | eliminate adjacent rows with duplicate fields, maybe counting |
dbrvstatdiff | evaluate statistical differences between two random variables |
dbsort | sort rows based on the the specified columns |
dbstats | DEPRICATED, now use dbcolstats |
html_table_to_db | convert HTML tables into fsdb |
kitrace_to_db | convert kitrace output to Fsdb format |
ns_to_db | |
sqlselect_to_db | convert MySQL or MariaDB selected tables to fsdb |
tabdelim_to_db | convert tab-delimited data into fsdb |
tcpdump_to_db | convert tcpdump textual output to fsdb |
xml_to_db | convert a subset of XML into fsdb |
yaml_to_db | convert a subset of YAML into fsdb |