General Commands
KERNEL_PMDAS | operating system kernel performance metrics domain agents |
PCPCompat | backward-compatibility in the Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) |
PCPIntro | introduction to the Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) |
PCP_KUBE_PODS | list Kubernetes pods to scan for running PCP services |
chkhelp | check performance metrics help text files |
clustervis | visualize cpu and network performance on a cluster |
collectl2pcp | import collectl data to a PCP archive |
dbpmda | debugger for Performance Co-Pilot PMDAs |
dbprobe | database response time and availability information |
dkvis | visualize disk I/O activity and performance |
dstat | alias for pcp-dstat |
find-filter | fine-grained file selection based on time attributes |
ganglia2pcp | import ganglia data and create a PCP archive |
genload | alias for pmdatxmon |
genpmda | Performance Co-Pilot PMDA Generator |
indomcachectl | manage instance domain cache files |
iostat2pcp | import iostat data and create a PCP archive |
mkaf | create a Performance Co-Pilot archive folio |
mpvis | visualize cpu utilization/performance |
mrtg2pcp | import MRTG data and create a PCP archive |
newhelp | generate a performance metrics help database |
nfsvis | visualize performance of NFS statistics |
osvis | visualize high-level system activity |
pcp | run a command or summarize an installation |
pcp-atop | Advanced System and Process Monitor |
pcp-atopsar | Advanced System Activity Report (pcp-atop related) |
pcp-buddyinfo | report Linux kernel buddy algorithm statistics |
pcp-check | manage the configuration of optional PCP components |
pcp-collectl | alias for PCPCompat |
pcp-dmcache | report on logical storage device caches |
pcp-dstat | versatile tool for generating system resource statistics |
pcp-free | report on free and used memory in the system |
pcp-geolocate | discover collector system geographical labels |
pcp-htop | interactive process viewer |
pcp-iostat | alias for pmiostat |
pcp-ipcs | provide information on IPC facilities |
pcp-kube-pods | alias for PCP_KUBE_PODS |
pcp-lvmcache | alias for pcp-dmcache |
pcp-meminfo | Report statistics for System Memory. |
pcp-mpstat | Report CPU and interrupt related statistics. |
pcp-netstat | Report statistics for different network protocols and network interfaces. |
pcp-numastat | report on NUMA memory allocation |
pcp-pidstat | Report statistics for Linux tasks. |
pcp-ps | Report statistics for Linux Process. |
pcp-python | run a python script using a preferred python variant |
pcp-reboot-init | Performance Co-Pilot helper script after system reboot |
pcp-shping | report on shell service availability and response |
pcp-slabinfo | Report statistics for kernel slab allocator |
pcp-ss | report socket statistics |
pcp-summary | alias for pcp |
pcp-tapestat | report tape I/O statistics |
pcp-uptime | tell how long the system has been running |
pcp-verify | verify aspects of a PCP installation |
pcp-vmstat | high-level system performance overview |
pcp-xsos | high-level summary reports for a system |
pcp-zoneinfo | Report NUMA zone statistics |
pcp2arrow | pcp-to-arrow metrics exporter |
pcp2elasticsearch | pcp-to-elasticsearch metrics exporter |
pcp2graphite | pcp-to-graphite metrics exporter |
pcp2influxdb | pcp-to-influxdb metrics exporter |
pcp2json | pcp-to-json metrics exporter |
pcp2openmetrics | pcp-to-openmetrics exporter |
pcp2spark | pcp-to-spark metrics exporter |
pcp2xlsx | pcp-to-xlsx metrics exporter |
pcp2xml | pcp-to-xml metrics exporter |
pcp2zabbix | pcp-to-zabbix metrics exporter |
perfalloc | notify pmdaperfevent(1) to disable hardware counter allocation. |
pmafm | Performance Co-Pilot archive folio manager |
pmcd | performance metrics collector daemon |
pmcd_wait | wait for PMCD to accept client connections |
pmchart | strip chart tool for Performance Co-Pilot |
pmclient | a simple performance metrics client |
pmclient_fg | alias for pmclient |
pmconfig | Performance Co-Pilot configuration parameters |
pmconfirm | general purpose dialog box |
pmcpp | simple preprocessor for the Performance Co-Pilot |
pmdaactivemq | ActiveMQ performance metrics domain agent (PMDA) |
pmdaaix | alias for KERNEL_PMDAS |
pmdaamdgpu | AMD GPU metrics domain agent (PMDA) |
pmdaapache | Apache2 web server performance metrics domain agent (PMDA) |
pmdabash | Bourne-Again SHell trace performance metrics domain agent |
pmdabcc | BCC PMDA |
pmdabind2 | BIND performance metrics domain agent (PMDA) |
pmdabonding | Linux bonded interface performance metrics domain agent (PMDA) |
pmdabpf | eBPF PMDA |
pmdabpftrace | bpftrace PMDA |
pmdacifs | Common Internet Filesystem (CIFS) PMDA |
pmdacisco | Cisco router performance metrics domain agent (PMDA) |
pmdadarwin | alias for KERNEL_PMDAS |
pmdadbping | database response time and availability PMDA |
pmdadenki | metrics related to the systems electrical consumption |
pmdadm | Device Mapper PMDA |
pmdadocker | docker performance metrics domain agent (PMDA) |
pmdads389 | 389 Directory Server PMDA |
pmdads389log | 389 Directory Server Log PMDA |
pmdaelasticsearch | elasticsearch performance metrics domain agent (PMDA) |
pmdafarm | Seagate FARM Log PMDA |
pmdafreebsd | alias for KERNEL_PMDAS |
pmdagfs2 | Global Filesystem v2 (GFS2) PMDA |
pmdagluster | Gluster Filesystem PMDA |
pmdagpfs | gpfs filesystem statistics performance metrics domain agent (PMDA) |
pmdagpsd | gpsd performance metrics domain agent (PMDA) |
pmdahacluster | High Availability Cluster PMDA |
pmdahaproxy | HAProxy PMDA |
pmdaib | Infiniband performance metrics domain agent (PMDA) |
pmdajbd2 | journal block device (JBD) performance metrics domain agent (PMDA) |
pmdajson | JSON PMDA |
pmdakvm | Linux virtualization performance metrics domain agent (PMDA) |
pmdalibvirt | libvirt PMDA |
pmdalinux | alias for KERNEL_PMDAS |
pmdalio | Linux LIO subsystem PMDA |
pmdalmsensors | Linux hardware monitoring performance metrics domain agent (PMDA) |
pmdalogger | log file performance metrics domain agent (PMDA) |
pmdalustre | lustre filesystem statistics performance metrics domain agent (PMDA) |
pmdalustrecomm | Lustre filesystem comms performance metrics domain agent (PMDA) |
pmdamailq | mail queue performance metrics domain agent (PMDA) |
pmdamemcache | memcached performance metrics domain agent (PMDA) |
pmdamic | MIC card PMDA |
pmdammv | memory mapped values performance metrics domain agent (PMDA) |
pmdamongodb | MongoDB database metrics |
pmdamounts | filesystem mounts performance metrics domain agent (PMDA) |
pmdamssql | Microsoft SQL Server database PMDA |
pmdamysql | MySQL and MariaDB database PMDA |
pmdanamed | BIND (named) PMDA |
pmdanetbsd | alias for KERNEL_PMDAS |
pmdanetcheck | netcheck PMDA |
pmdanetfilter | Linux netfilter IP connection tracking performance metrics domain agent (PMDA) |
pmdanews | sample Usenet news performance metrics domain agent (PMDA) |
pmdanfsclient | NFS client statistics performance metrics domain agent (PMDA) |
pmdanginx | nginx performance metrics domain agent (PMDA) |
pmdanutcracker | NutCracker performance metrics domain agent (PMDA) |
pmdanvidia | nvidia gpu metrics domain agent (PMDA) |
pmdaopenmetrics | OpenMetrics PMDA |
pmdaopenvswitch | OpenvSwitch PMDA |
pmdaoracle | Oracle database PMDA |
pmdaoverhead | performance metrics domain agent (PMDA) exporting resource consumption metrics for groups of processes |
pmdapdns | PowerDNS performance metrics domain agent (PMDA) |
pmdaperfevent | hardware performance counter performance metrics domain agent (PMDA) |
pmdapipe | command output capture performance metrics domain agent (PMDA) |
pmdapodman | podman container performance metrics domain agent (PMDA) |
pmdapostfix | Postfix performance metrics domain agent (PMDA) |
pmdapostgresql | PostgreSQL database PMDA |
pmdaproc | process performance metrics domain agent (PMDA) |
pmdarabbitmq | Rabbit Message Queue subsystem PMDA |
pmdaredis | Redis performance metrics domain agent (PMDA) |
pmdaresctrl | resctrl performance metrics domain agent (PMDA) |
pmdaroomtemp | room temperature performance metrics domain agent (PMDA) |
pmdaroot | a privileged PMCD helper performance metrics domain agent |
pmdarsyslog | rsyslog (reliable and extended syslog) PMDA |
pmdasamba | Samba performance metrics domain agent (PMDA) |
pmdasample | sample performance metrics domain agent (PMDA) |
pmdasendmail | sendmail performance metrics domain agent (PMDA) |
pmdashping | "shell-ping" performance metrics domain agent |
pmdasimple | simple performance metrics domain agent (PMDA) |
pmdaslurm | SLURM statistics performance metrics domain agent (PMDA) |
pmdasmart | S.M.A.R.T Data PMDA |
pmdasnmp | Gateway from SNMP to PCP (PMDA) |
pmdasockets | sockets statistics PMDA |
pmdasolaris | alias for KERNEL_PMDAS |
pmdastatsd | StatsD protocol performance metric domain agent (PMDA) |
pmdasummary | summary performance metrics domain agent (PMDA) |
pmdasystemd | systemd performance metrics domain agent (PMDA) |
pmdate | display an offset date |
pmdatrace | application-level transaction performance metrics domain agent |
pmdatrivial | trivial performance metrics domain agent (PMDA) |
pmdatxmon | txmon performance metrics domain agent (PMDA) |
pmdaunbound | Unbound resolver PMDA |
pmdauwsgi | uwsgi performance metrics domain agent (PMDA) |
pmdaweblog | performance metrics domain agent (PMDA) for Web server logs |
pmdawindows | alias for KERNEL_PMDAS |
pmdaxfs | XFS filesystem performance metrics domain agent (PMDA) |
pmdazfs | ZFS filesystem performance metrics domain agent (PMDA) for Linux |
pmdazimbra | Zimbra Collaboration Suite (ZCS) PMDA |
pmdazswap | zswap (compressed swap) PMDA |
pmdbg | report Performance Co-Pilot debug options |
pmdiff | compares archives and report significant differences |
pmdumplog | alias for pmlogdump |
pmdumptext | dump performance metrics to an ASCII table |
pmerr | translate Performance Co-Pilot error codes into error messages |
pmevent | alias for pmval |
pmfind | find PCP services on the network |
pmfind_check | administration of Performance Co-Pilot discovery |
pmgenmap | generate C code to simplify handling of performance metrics |
pmgetopt | Performance Co-Pilot shell script option parser |
pmhostname | report hostname |
pmie | inference engine for performance metrics |
pmie2col | convert pmie output to multi-column format |
pmie_check | administration of the Performance Co-Pilot inference engine |
pmie_daily | alias for pmie_check |
pmie_dump_stats | dump the contents of pmie stats files |
pmieconf | display and set configurable pmie rule variables |
pmiectl | manage and control Performance Co-Pilot inference engines |
pmiestatus | display information from pmie stats file |
pminfo | display information about performance metrics |
pmiostat | report block I/O statistics |
pmjson | Performance Co-Pilot JSON dumping utility |
pmlc | configure active Performance Co-Pilot pmlogger(s) interactively |
pmlock | simple file-based mutex |
pmlogbasename | basename of a PCP archive |
pmlogcheck | checks for invalid data in a PCP archive |
pmlogcompress | compress and decompress PCP archive files |
pmlogconf | create/edit a pmlogger configuration file |
pmlogctl | manage and control Performance Co-Pilot archivers |
pmlogdump | dump internal details of a performance metrics archive |
pmlogextract | reduce, extract, concatenate and merge Performance Co-Pilot archives |
pmlogger | create an archive for performance metrics |
pmlogger_check | administration of Performance Co-Pilot archive files |
pmlogger_daily | administration of Performance Co-Pilot archive files |
pmlogger_daily_report | write Performance Co-Pilot daily summary reports |
pmlogger_merge | helper script to merge Performance Co-Pilot archives |
pmlogger_rewrite | helper script to rewrite Performance Co-Pilot archives |
pmloglabel | check and repair a performance metrics archive label |
pmlogmv | move (rename) Performance Co-Pilot archive files |
pmlogpaste | paste text into a metric in a PCP archive |
pmlogredact | remove sensitive information from PCP archives |
pmlogreduce | temporal reduction of Performance Co-Pilot archives |
pmlogrewrite | rewrite Performance Co-Pilot archives |
pmlogsize | report sizes for parts of PCP archive(s) |
pmlogsummary | calculate averages of metrics stored in a set of PCP archives |
pmmessage | alias for pmconfirm |
pmmgr | alias for PCPCompat |
pmnsadd | add new names to the Performance Co-Pilot PMNS |
pmnsdel | delete a subtree of names from the Performance Co-Pilot PMNS |
pmnsmerge | merge multiple versions of a Performance Co-Pilot PMNS |
pmpause | portable subsecond-capable sleep |
pmpost | append messages to the Performance Co-Pilot notice board |
pmprobe | lightweight probe for performance metrics |
pmproxy | proxy for performance metrics collector and querying |
pmpython | run a python script using a preferred python variant |
pmquery | alias for pmconfirm |
pmrep | performance metrics reporter |
pmrepconf | create/edit a pmrep configuration file |
pmsearch | help text and names search for metrics, instances and instance domains |
pmseries | display information about performance metric timeseries |
pmsignal | send a signal to one or more processes |
pmsleep | alias for pmpause |
pmsnap | generate performance summary snapshot images |
pmsocks | shell wrapper for performance monitoring across firewalls |
pmstat | alias for pcp-vmstat |
pmstore | modify performance metric values |
pmtime | time control server for Performance Co-Pilot |
pmtrace | command line performance instrumentation |
pmval | arbitrary performance metrics value dumper |
pmview | performance metrics 3D visualization back-end |
pmwebd | alias for PCPCompat |
runaspcp | execute a shell command as the user “pcp” |
sar2pcp | import sar data and create a PCP archive |
telnet-probe | lightweight telnet-like port probe |
txrecord | alias for pmdatxmon |
weblogvis | visualize activity and performance from Web server logs |
webpingvis | visualize Web server response time |
webvis | visualize system-level Web server activity |
Library Functions |
LOGIMPORT | introduction to the library for importing data and creating a PCP archive |
PCPIntro | introduction to the Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) libraries |
PMAPI | introduction to the Performance Metrics Application Programming Interface |
PMAPI_INTERNAL | internal details for the Performance Metrics Application Programming Interface |
PMDA | introduction to the Performance Metrics Domain Agent support library |
PMWEBAPI | introduction to the Performance Metrics Web Application Programming Interface |
PM_FAULT_CHECK | alias for pmfault |
PM_FAULT_CLEAR | alias for pmfault |
PM_FAULT_POINT | alias for pmfault |
PM_FAULT_RETURN | alias for pmfault |
QMC | library for managing groups of Performance Co-Pilot metrics |
QmcContext | container for a PMAPI context and its metrics |
QmcDesc | container for a metric description |
QmcGroup | container representing a single fetch group of metrics from multiple sources |
QmcIndom | container for a instance domain description |
QmcMetric | container for a metric and all its values |
QmcSource | manages contexts created by all groups |
__pmAFblock | alias for pmAF |
__pmAFisempty | alias for pmAF |
__pmAFregister | alias for pmAF |
__pmAFsetup | alias for pmAF |
__pmAFunblock | alias for pmAF |
__pmAFunregister | alias for pmAF |
__pmCheckAttribute | check value for a client connection attribute |
__pmCleanMapDir | remove old files from a map directory |
__pmConnectLogger | connect to a performance metrics logger control port |
__pmControlLog | enable, disable or enquire about logging of performance metrics |
__pmConvertHighResTime | alias for __pmConvertTime |
__pmConvertTime | convert tm structure into seconds |
__pmDiscoverServicesWithOptions | alias for pmDiscoverServices |
__pmEquivInDom | check if two instance domains are equivalent |
__pmFaultInject | alias for pmfault |
__pmFaultSummary | alias for pmfault |
__pmFreeAttrsSpec | alias for __pmParseHostAttrsSpec |
__pmFreeHostAttrsSpec | alias for __pmParseHostAttrsSpec |
__pmFreeHostSpec | alias for __pmParseHostSpec |
__pmFreeProfile | free a PMAPI instance profile |
__pmHashAdd | alias for pmhash |
__pmHashClear | alias for pmhash |
__pmHashDel | alias for pmhash |
__pmHashFree | alias for pmhash |
__pmHashInit | alias for pmhash |
__pmHashPreAlloc | alias for pmhash |
__pmHashSearch | alias for pmhash |
__pmHashWalk | alias for pmhash |
__pmHashWalkCB | alias for pmhash |
__pmLocalPMDA | change the table of DSO PMDAs for PM_CONTEXT_LOCAL contexts |
__pmLogMetaTypeStr | convert an archive metadata record type into a string |
__pmLogMetaTypeStr_r | alias for __pmLogMetaTypeStr |
__pmLogWriteMark | append a <mark> record to a PCP archive |
__pmMktime | convert a tm structure to a calendar time |
__pmNotifyThrottle | control diagnostic output message `flooding'' |
__pmOverrideLastFd | IPC version infrastructure support |
__pmParseCtime | convert ctime(3) string to tm structure |
__pmParseDebug | alias for pmParseDebug |
__pmParseHighResTime | alias for __pmParseTime |
__pmParseHostAttrsSpec | host and attributes specification parser |
__pmParseHostSpec | uniform host specification parser |
__pmParseTime | parse time point specification |
__pmPrintIPC | alias for __pmOverrideLastFd |
__pmProcessAddArg | process execution support |
__pmProcessExec | alias for __pmProcessAddArg |
__pmProcessPipe | support for process execution at the end of a pipe |
__pmProcessPipeClose | alias for __pmProcessPipe |
__pmProcessUnpickArgs | alias for __pmProcessAddArg |
__pmResetIPC | alias for __pmOverrideLastFd |
__pmResetNotifyThrottle | alias for __pmNotifyThrottle |
__pmServerNotifyServiceManagerReady | notify service start and stop |
__pmServerNotifyServiceManagerStopping | alias for __pmServerNotifyServiceManagerReady |
__pmSetDebugBits | alias for pmParseDebug |
__pmUnparseHostAttrsSpec | alias for __pmParseHostAttrsSpec |
__pmUnparseHostSpec | alias for __pmParseHostSpec |
mmv_inc | update a value in a Memory Mapped Value file |
mmv_inc_atomvalue | alias for mmv_inc |
mmv_inc_value | alias for mmv_inc |
mmv_lookup_value_desc | find a value in the Memory Mapped Value file |
mmv_set | set a value in a Memory Mapped Value file |
mmv_set_atomvalue | alias for mmv_set |
mmv_set_value | alias for mmv_set |
mmv_stats2_init | alias for mmv_stats_init |
mmv_stats_init | create and initialize Memory Mapped Value file |
mmv_stats_registry | Initialize the Memory Mapped Value file |
mmv_stats_start | alias for mmv_stats_registry |
mmv_stats_stop | alias for mmv_stats_registry |
pmAF | event queue services for periodic asynchronous callbacks |
pmAddDerived | register a per-context derived metric name and definition |
pmAddDerivedMetric | alias for pmAddDerived |
pmAddDerivedText | add help text for a derived metric |
pmAddProfile | add instance(s) to the current PMAPI instance profile |
pmAtomStr | convert a performance metric value into a string |
pmAtomStr_r | alias for pmAtomStr |
pmClearDebug | alias for pmSetDebug |
pmClearFetchGroup | alias for pmCreateFetchGroup |
pmConvScale | rescale a performance metric value |
pmCreateFetchGroup | simplified performance metrics value fetch and conversion |
pmCtime | format the date and time for a reporting timezone |
pmDelProfile | delete instance(s) from the current PMAPI instance profile |
pmDerivedControl | get and set controls for derived metrics |
pmDerivedErrStr | return error message from failure to parse derived metric definition |
pmDestroyContext | destroy a PMAPI context |
pmDestroyFetchGroup | alias for pmCreateFetchGroup |
pmDiscoverClose | alias for pmDiscoverSetup |
pmDiscoverServices | discover PCP services on the network |
pmDiscoverSetConfiguration | alias for pmDiscoverSetup |
pmDiscoverSetEventLoop | alias for pmDiscoverSetup |
pmDiscoverSetMetricRegistry | alias for pmDiscoverSetup |
pmDiscoverSetSlots | alias for pmDiscoverSetup |
pmDiscoverSetup | asynchronous archive location and contents discovery services |
pmDupContext | duplicate a PMAPI context |
pmErrStr | convert a PMAPI error code into a string |
pmErrStr_r | alias for pmErrStr |
pmEventFlagsStr | convert an event record flags value into a string |
pmEventFlagsStr_r | alias for pmEventFlagsStr |
pmExtendFetchGroup_event | alias for pmCreateFetchGroup |
pmExtendFetchGroup_indom | alias for pmCreateFetchGroup |
pmExtendFetchGroup_item | alias for pmCreateFetchGroup |
pmExtendFetchGroup_timespec | alias for pmCreateFetchGroup |
pmExtendFetchGroup_timestamp | alias for pmCreateFetchGroup |
pmExtendFetchGroup_timeval | alias for pmCreateFetchGroup |
pmExtractValue | extract a performance metric value from a pmResult structure |
pmFetch | get performance metric values |
pmFetchArchive | get performance metric values directly from archives |
pmFetchGroup | alias for pmCreateFetchGroup |
pmFetchHighRes | alias for pmFetch |
pmFetchHighResArchive | alias for pmFetchArchive |
pmFreeEventResult | release storage allocated for unpacked event records |
pmFreeHighResEventResult | alias for pmFreeEventResult |
pmFreeHighResResult | alias for pmFreeResult |
pmFreeLabelSets | release storage allocated for performance metric labels |
pmFreeMetricSpec | alias for pmParseMetricSpec |
pmFreeOptions | alias for pmgetopt_r |
pmFreeResult | release storage allocated for performance metrics values |
pmGetAPIConfig | alias for pmGetConfig |
pmGetArchiveEnd | locate logical end of file for a set of archives |
pmGetArchiveLabel | fetch the label record from a set of performance metrics archives |
pmGetChildren | return the descendent nodes of a PMNS node |
pmGetChildrenStatus | return the descendent nodes of a PMNS node and their respective status |
pmGetClusterLabels | alias for pmLookupLabels |
pmGetConfig | return values for Performance Co-Pilot configuration variables |
pmGetContextHostName | alias for pmGetHostName |
pmGetContextHostName_r | alias for pmGetHostName |
pmGetContextLabels | alias for pmLookupLabels |
pmGetContextOptions | alias for pmgetopt_r |
pmGetDerivedControl | alias for pmDerivedControl |
pmGetDomainLabels | alias for pmLookupLabels |
pmGetFetchGroupContext | alias for pmCreateFetchGroup |
pmGetHighResArchiveEnd | alias for pmGetArchiveEnd |
pmGetHighResArchiveLabel | alias for pmGetArchiveLabel |
pmGetHostName | return the hostname associated with a Performance Co-Pilot context |
pmGetInDom | get instance identifiers for a performance metrics instance domain |
pmGetInDomArchive | get instance identifiers for a performance metrics instance domain |
pmGetInDomLabels | alias for pmLookupLabels |
pmGetInstancesLabels | alias for pmLookupLabels |
pmGetItemLabels | alias for pmLookupLabels |
pmGetOptionalConfig | alias for pmGetConfig |
pmGetOptions | alias for pmgetopt_r |
pmGetPMNSLocation | determine the location of the currently used PMNS |
pmGetProgname | alias for pmSetProgname |
pmGetUsername | fetch special PCP username |
pmGetVersion | fetch installed PCP version number |
pmHighResFetch | alias for pmFetch |
pmIDStr | convert a performance metric identifier into a string |
pmIDStr_r | alias for pmIDStr |
pmID_build | helper methods for manipulating PMIDs |
pmID_cluster | alias for pmID_build |
pmID_domain | alias for pmID_build |
pmID_item | alias for pmID_build |
pmInDomStr | convert a performance metric instance domain identifier into a string |
pmInDomStr_r | alias for pmInDomStr |
pmInDom_build | helper methods for manipulating instance domain identifiers |
pmInDom_domain | alias for pmInDom_build |
pmInDom_serial | alias for pmInDom_build |
pmLoadASCIINameSpace | establish a local PMNS for an application |
pmLoadDerivedConfig | load derived metric definitions from files |
pmLoadNameSpace | load a local PMNS for an application |
pmLocaltime | convert the date and time for a reporting timezone |
pmLookupDesc | obtain descriptions for performance metrics |
pmLookupDescs | alias for pmLookupDesc |
pmLookupInDom | translate an instance name into an instance identifier |
pmLookupInDomArchive | translate an instance name into an instance identifier |
pmLookupInDomText | return text describing a performance metrics instance domain |
pmLookupLabels | retrieve labels associated with performance metric values |
pmLookupName | translate performance metric names into PMIDs |
pmLookupText | return text describing a performance metric |
pmMergeLabelSets | alias for pmMergeLabels |
pmMergeLabels | merge sets of performance metric labels |
pmNameAll | translate a PMID to a set of performance metric names |
pmNameID | translate a PMID to a performance metric name |
pmNameInDom | translate an instance identifier into an instance name |
pmNameInDomArchive | translate an instance identifier into an instance name |
pmNewContext | establish a new PMAPI context |
pmNewContextZone | establish a reporting timezone based on a PMAPI context |
pmNewZone | establish a reporting timezone |
pmNoMem | report out of memory conditions |
pmNotifyErr | standard handling of error messages |
pmNumberStr | fixed width output format for numbers |
pmNumberStr_r | alias for pmNumberStr |
pmOpenLog | create a log file for diagnostics and debug output |
pmParseDebug | manipulate old-style PCP debugging control bit-fields |
pmParseHighResInterval | alias for pmParseInterval |
pmParseHighResTimeWindow | alias for pmParseTimeWindow |
pmParseInterval | convert interval string to binary time structure |
pmParseMetricSpec | uniform metric specification parser |
pmParseTimeWindow | parse time window command line arguments |
pmParseUnitsStr | parse units specification |
pmPathSeparator | return the filesystem path separator character |
pmPrintDesc | print a metric descriptor |
pmPrintHighResStamp | alias for pmtimespecNow |
pmPrintLabelSets | print an array of label sets |
pmPrintStamp | alias for pmtimevalNow |
pmPrintValue | print a performance metric value |
pmReconnectContext | reconnect to a PMAPI context |
pmRecord | record mode support for PMAPI clients |
pmRecordAddHost | alias for pmRecord |
pmRecordControl | alias for pmRecord |
pmRecordSetup | alias for pmRecord |
pmRegisterDerived | register a global derived metric name and definition |
pmRegisterDerivedMetric | alias for pmRegisterDerived |
pmSearchClose | alias for pmSearchSetup |
pmSearchInfo | diagnostic metrics of PCP search services |
pmSearchSetConfiguration | alias for pmSearchSetup |
pmSearchSetEventLoop | alias for pmSearchSetup |
pmSearchSetMetricRegistry | alias for pmSearchSetup |
pmSearchSetSlots | alias for pmSearchSetup |
pmSearchSetup | fast, scalable and full-text capable search services |
pmSearchTextInDom | search for all entities related to given instance domain |
pmSearchTextQuery | full-text search for metrics, instances and instance domains provided by PCP search services |
pmSearchTextSuggest | search for suggestions of metric or instance names using PCP search services |
pmSemStr | convert a performance metric semantic into a string |
pmSemStr_r | alias for pmSemStr |
pmSeriesClose | alias for pmSeriesSetup |
pmSeriesDescs | fast, scalable time series metadata |
pmSeriesInstances | alias for pmSeriesDescs |
pmSeriesLabelValues | alias for pmSeriesDescs |
pmSeriesLabels | alias for pmSeriesDescs |
pmSeriesLoad | alias for pmSeriesQuery |
pmSeriesMetrics | alias for pmSeriesDescs |
pmSeriesQuery | fast, scalable time series querying |
pmSeriesSetConfiguration | alias for pmSeriesSetup |
pmSeriesSetEventLoop | alias for pmSeriesSetup |
pmSeriesSetMetricRegistry | alias for pmSeriesSetup |
pmSeriesSetSlots | alias for pmSeriesSetup |
pmSeriesSetup | fast, scalable time series services |
pmSeriesSources | alias for pmSeriesDescs |
pmSeriesValues | alias for pmSeriesQuery |
pmSeriesWindow | alias for pmSeriesQuery |
pmSetDebug | manipulate PCP debugging control options |
pmSetDerivedControl | alias for pmDerivedControl |
pmSetMode | set collection time and mode parameters for the current PMAPI context |
pmSetModeHighRes | alias for pmSetMode |
pmSetProcessIdentity | set process user and group id |
pmSetProgname | application name services |
pmSortHighResInstances | alias for pmSortInstances |
pmSortInstances | sort performance metric values on instance identifier |
pmSpecLocalPMDA | process command-line argument for the table of DSO PMDAs |
pmStore | modify values of performance metrics |
pmStoreHighRes | alias for pmStore |
pmSyslog | alias for pmNotifyErr |
pmTimeConnect | alias for pmtime |
pmTimeDisconnect | alias for pmtime |
pmTimeRecv | alias for pmtime |
pmTimeSendAck | alias for pmtime |
pmTimeShowDialog | alias for pmtime |
pmTraversePMNS | traverse the performance metrics name space |
pmTraversePMNS_r | alias for pmTraversePMNS |
pmTrimNameSpace | prune a performance metrics name space |
pmTypeStr | convert a performance metric type into a string |
pmTypeStr_r | alias for pmTypeStr |
pmUnitsStr | convert a performance metric's units into a string |
pmUnitsStr_r | alias for pmUnitsStr |
pmUnloadNameSpace | unload a local performance metrics name space for an application |
pmUnpackEventRecords | unpack event records |
pmUnpackHighResEventRecords | alias for pmUnpackEventRecords |
pmUsageMessage | alias for pmgetopt_r |
pmUseContext | change current PMAPI context |
pmUseZone | re-establish a reporting timezone |
pmWebTimerRegister | thread-safe timer list management |
pmWebTimerRelease | alias for pmWebTimerRegister |
pmWebTimerSetMetricRegistry | alias for pmWebTimerRegister |
pmWhichContext | identify the current PMAPI context |
pmWhichZone | return current reporting timezone |
pmaDeltaInDom | generate a “delta indom” if two observations of an instance domain are different |
pmaGetLog | direct read of the next record from an archive file |
pmaPutLog | direct write of the next record from an archive file |
pmaRewriteData | try to change the version of an archive data record |
pmaRewriteMeta | try to change the version of an archive metadata record |
pmaSameInDom | check if two observations of an instance domain are the same` |
pmaSortInDom | sort an instance domain |
pmaTryDeltaInDom | try to translate a physical indom record from a “full indom” to a “delta indom” |
pmaUndeltaInDom | find “full” instance domain matching a “delta” instance domain |
pmdaAttribute | informs a PMDA about client connection attributes |
pmdaCache | manage a cache of instance domain information for a PMDA |
pmdaCacheLookup | alias for pmdaCache |
pmdaCacheLookupKey | alias for pmdaCache |
pmdaCacheLookupName | alias for pmdaCache |
pmdaCacheOp | alias for pmdaCache |
pmdaCachePurge | alias for pmdaCache |
pmdaCachePurgeCallback | alias for pmdaCache |
pmdaCacheResize | alias for pmdaCache |
pmdaCacheStore | alias for pmdaCache |
pmdaCacheStoreKey | alias for pmdaCache |
pmdaChildren | translate a PMID to a set of dynamic performance metric names |
pmdaCloseHelp | alias for pmdaHelp |
pmdaConnect | establish a connection between a daemon PMDA and PMCD |
pmdaDSO | initialize the PMDA to run as a DSO |
pmdaDaemon | initialize the PMDA to run as a daemon |
pmdaDesc | get the description of a metric from a PMDA |
pmdaEventAddHighResMissedRecord | alias for pmdaEventArray |
pmdaEventAddHighResParam | alias for pmdaEventArray |
pmdaEventAddHighResRecord | alias for pmdaEventArray |
pmdaEventAddMissedRecord | alias for pmdaEventArray |
pmdaEventAddParam | alias for pmdaEventArray |
pmdaEventAddRecord | alias for pmdaEventArray |
pmdaEventArray | utilities for PMDAs to build packed arrays of event records |
pmdaEventClient | client context tracking interfaces for event queues |
pmdaEventClients | alias for pmdaEventClient |
pmdaEventEndClient | alias for pmdaEventClient |
pmdaEventGetAddr | alias for pmdaEventArray |
pmdaEventGetHighResAddr | alias for pmdaEventArray |
pmdaEventHighResAddParam | alias for pmdaEventArray |
pmdaEventHighResGetAddr | alias for pmdaEventArray |
pmdaEventNewActiveQueue | alias for pmdaEventQueue |
pmdaEventNewArray | alias for pmdaEventArray |
pmdaEventNewClient | alias for pmdaEventClient |
pmdaEventNewHighResArray | alias for pmdaEventArray |
pmdaEventNewQueue | alias for pmdaEventQueue |
pmdaEventQueue | utilities for PMDAs managing event queues |
pmdaEventQueueAppend | alias for pmdaEventQueue |
pmdaEventQueueBytes | alias for pmdaEventQueue |
pmdaEventQueueClients | alias for pmdaEventQueue |
pmdaEventQueueCounter | alias for pmdaEventQueue |
pmdaEventQueueHandle | alias for pmdaEventQueue |
pmdaEventQueueMemory | alias for pmdaEventQueue |
pmdaEventQueueRecords | alias for pmdaEventQueue |
pmdaEventQueueShutdown | alias for pmdaEventQueue |
pmdaEventReleaseArray | alias for pmdaEventArray |
pmdaEventReleaseHighResArray | alias for pmdaEventArray |
pmdaEventResetArray | alias for pmdaEventArray |
pmdaEventResetHighResArray | alias for pmdaEventArray |
pmdaExtGetData | alias for pmdaInit |
pmdaExtSetData | alias for pmdaInit |
pmdaExtSetFlags | alias for pmdaInit |
pmdaFetch | fill a pmResult structure with the requested metric values |
pmdaGetContext | alias for pmdaMain |
pmdaGetHelp | alias for pmdaHelp |
pmdaGetInDomHelp | alias for pmdaHelp |
pmdaGetOpt | get options from arguments, parsing generic PMDA options |
pmdaGetOptions | alias for pmdaGetOpt |
pmdaHelp | help text support for a PMDA |
pmdaInit | initialize a PMDA |
pmdaInstance | return instance descriptions for a PMDA |
pmdaInterfaceMoved | reset internal state of a pmdaInterface structure |
pmdaLabel | fill pmLabelSet structures with metric labels |
pmdaMain | generic PDU processing for a PMDA |
pmdaName | translate a PMID to a set of dynamic performance metric names |
pmdaOpenHelp | alias for pmdaHelp |
pmdaOpenLog | redirect stderr to a logfile |
pmdaPMID | translate a dynamic performance metric name into a PMID |
pmdaProfile | update instance profile for PMDA in preparation for the next fetch from PMCD |
pmdaRehash | alias for pmdaInit |
pmdaRootConnect | privileged PCP collector services |
pmdaRootContainerCGroupName | alias for pmdaRootConnect |
pmdaRootContainerHostName | alias for pmdaRootConnect |
pmdaRootContainerProcessID | alias for pmdaRootConnect |
pmdaRootProcessStart | alias for pmdaRootConnect |
pmdaRootProcessTerminate | alias for pmdaRootConnect |
pmdaRootProcessWait | alias for pmdaRootConnect |
pmdaRootShutdown | alias for pmdaRootConnect |
pmdaSendError | send an error PDU to PMCD |
pmdaSetCheckCallBack | alias for pmdaMain |
pmdaSetCommFlags | alias for pmdaInit |
pmdaSetData | alias for pmdaInit |
pmdaSetDoneCallBack | alias for pmdaMain |
pmdaSetEndContextCallBack | alias for pmdaMain |
pmdaSetFetchCallBack | alias for pmdaFetch |
pmdaSetFlags | alias for pmdaInit |
pmdaSetLabelCallBack | alias for pmdaLabel |
pmdaSetResultCallBack | alias for pmdaMain |
pmdaStore | store a value into a metric for a PMDA |
pmdaText | extract metric help text for a PMDA |
pmfault | Fault Injection Infrastructure for QA |
pmflush | alias for pmprintf |
pmfstring | safe string scanning |
pmgetopt_r | command line handling for PMAPI tools |
pmhash | general purpose hashing routines |
pmhttpClientFetch | alias for pmhttpNewClient |
pmhttpFreeClient | alias for pmhttpNewClient |
pmhttpNewClient | simple HTTP client interfaces |
pmiAddInstance | add an element to an instance domain in a LOGIMPORT context |
pmiAddMetric | add a new metric definition to a LOGIMPORT context |
pmiEnd | finish up a LOGIMPORT archive |
pmiErrStr | convert a LOGIMPORT error code into a string |
pmiErrStr_r | alias for pmiErrStr |
pmiGetHandle | define a handle for a metric-instance pair |
pmiID | alias for pmiUnits |
pmiInDom | alias for pmiUnits |
pmiPutLabel | add labels to the output archive |
pmiPutMark | write a <mark> record to a PCP archive |
pmiPutResult | add a data record to a LOGIMPORT archive |
pmiPutText | add help text for an metric or instance domain |
pmiPutValue | add a value for a metric-instance pair |
pmiPutValueHandle | add a value for a metric-instance pair via a handle |
pmiSetHostname | set the source host name for a LOGIMPORT archive |
pmiSetTimezone | set the source timezone for a LOGIMPORT archive |
pmiSetVersion | set the archive version for a LOGIMPORT archive |
pmiStart | establish a new LOGIMPORT context |
pmiUnits | construct core metric data structures |
pmiUseContext | change LOGIMPORT context |
pmiWrite | flush data to a LOGIMPORT archive |
pmjsonGet | JSON string helpers and metrics extraction |
pmjsonInit | alias for pmjsonGet |
pmjsonInitIndom | alias for pmjsonGet |
pmjsonPrint | alias for pmjsonGet |
pmprintf | print formatted output in a window or to standard error |
pmsprintf | formatted string conversion |
pmstrncat | safe string concatenation |
pmstrncpy | safe string copy |
pmtime | time control functions for synchronizing the archive position and update interval between one or more applications |
pmtimespecAdd | alias for pmtimespecNow |
pmtimespecDec | alias for pmtimespecNow |
pmtimespecFromReal | alias for pmtimespecNow |
pmtimespecInc | alias for pmtimespecNow |
pmtimespecNow | helper routines for time stored as a struct timespec |
pmtimespecSub | alias for pmtimespecNow |
pmtimespecToReal | alias for pmtimespecNow |
pmtimevalAdd | alias for pmtimevalNow |
pmtimevalDec | alias for pmtimevalNow |
pmtimevalFromReal | alias for pmtimevalNow |
pmtimevalInc | alias for pmtimevalNow |
pmtimevalNow | helper routines for time stored as a struct timeval |
pmtimevalSub | alias for pmtimevalNow |
pmtimevalToReal | alias for pmtimevalNow |
pmtrace | application-level performance instrumentation services |
pmtraceabort | alias for pmtrace |
pmtracebegin | alias for pmtrace |
pmtracecounter | alias for pmtrace |
pmtraceend | alias for pmtrace |
pmtraceerrstr | alias for pmtrace |
pmtraceobs | alias for pmtrace |
pmtracepoint | alias for pmtrace |
pmtracestate | alias for pmtrace |
zbxpcp | Zabbix Agent Loadable PCP Module |
File Formats |
LOGARCHIVE | Performance Co-Pilot archive formats |
PMNS | the performance metrics name space |
labels.conf | Performance Co-Pilot labels configuration |
mmv | Memory Mapped Values for Performance Co-Pilot |
pcp-atoprc | pcp-atop and pcp-atopsar resource file |
pcp-dstat | pcp-dstat configuration file |
pcp-htop | pcp-htop configuration file |
pcp.conf | the Performance Co-Pilot configuration and environment file |
pcp.env | script to set Performance Co-Pilot run-time environment variables |
perfevent.conf | the Performance Co-Pilot perfevent PMDA configuration file |
pmieconf | generalized pmie rules and customizations |
pmlogger.control | control files for Performance Co-Pilot archiving |
pmrep.conf | pmrep configuration file |
pmview | configuration file format for performance views |