Package nvme-cli

NVMe management command line interface

nvme-cli provides NVM-Express user space tooling for Linux.

Version: 2.12

General Commands

nvme the NVMe storage command line interface utility (nvme-cli)
nvme-admin-passthru Submit an arbitrary admin command, return results
nvme-ana-log Send NVMe ANA log page request, returns result and log
nvme-attach-ns Send NVMe attach namespace, return result.
nvme-boot-part-log Retrieves a Boot Partition log page from an NVMe device
nvme-capacity-mgmt Send capacity management command to configure/create/delete Endurance Groups or NVM Sets, returns results.
nvme-changed-ns-list-log Send NVMe Changed Namespace List log page request, returns result and log.
nvme-cmdset-ind-id-ns Send NVMe I/O Command Set Independent Identify Namespace, return result and structure.
nvme-compare Send an NVMe Compare command, provide results
nvme-connect Connect to a Fabrics controller.
nvme-connect-all Discover and Connect to Fabrics controllers.
nvme-copy Send an NVMe Simple Copy command, provide results
nvme-create-ns Send NVMe Namespace management command to create namespace, returns results.
nvme-dapustor-smart-log-add Send NVMe DapuStor Additional SMART log page request, returns result and log
nvme-delete-ns Send NVMe Namespace Management delete namespace command, return result.
nvme-dera-stat Send NVMe Dera Device status and Additional SMART log page request, returns result and log
nvme-detach-ns Send NVMe detach namespace, return result.
nvme-device-self-test Perform the necessary tests to observe the performance and the parameters
nvme-dim Send Discovery Information Management command to one or more Discovery Controllers.
nvme-dir-receive Send a directive receive command, returns applicable results
nvme-dir-send Issue a directive send command, returns applicable results
nvme-disconnect Disconnect one or more Fabrics controller(s).
nvme-disconnect-all Disconnect from all connected Fabrics controllers.
nvme-discover Send Get Log Page request to Discovery Controller.
nvme-dsm Send NVMe Data Set Management, return results
nvme-effects-log Send NVMe Command Effects log page request, returns result and log
nvme-endurance-event-agg-log Send NVMe Endurance log page request, returns result and log
nvme-endurance-log Send NVMe Endurance log page request, returns result and log
nvme-error-log Send NVME Error log page request, return result and log
nvme-fdp-configs Get Flexible Data Placement Configurations
nvme-fdp-events Get Flexible Data Placement Events
nvme-fdp-feature Show or change Flexible Data Placement (FDP) Feature
nvme-fdp-set-events Enable or disable FDP events
nvme-fdp-stats Get Flexible Data Placement Statistics
nvme-fdp-status Get Reclaim Unit Handle Status
nvme-fdp-update Reclaim Unit Handle Update
nvme-fdp-usage Get Reclaim Unit Handle Usage
nvme-fid-support-effects-log Send NVMe FID Support and Effects log, return result and structure
nvme-flush Flush command.
nvme-format Format an NVMe device
nvme-fw-commit Used to verify and commit a firmware image.
nvme-fw-download Download all or a portion of an nvme firmware image.
nvme-fw-log Send NVMe Firmware log page request, returns result and log
nvme-gen-hostnqn Generate a host NVMe Qualified Name
nvme-get-feature Gets an NVMe feature, returns applicable results
nvme-get-lba-status Get LBA Status from NVMe device
nvme-get-log Retrieves a log page from an NVMe device
nvme-get-ns-id Retrieves the namespace ID for an NVMe block device
nvme-get-property Reads and shows the defined NVMe controller property for NVMe over Fabric
nvme-help Help information.
nvme-huawei-id-ctrl Send NVMe Identify Controller, return result and structure
nvme-huawei-list List all recognized Huawei NVMe devices
nvme-id-ctrl Send NVMe Identify Controller, return result and structure
nvme-id-domain Send NVMe Identify Domain List, return result and structure
nvme-id-iocs Send NVMe Identify I/O Command Set, return result and structure
nvme-id-ns Send NVMe Identify Namespace, return result and structure
nvme-id-nvmset Send NVMe Identify NVM Set List, return result and structure
nvme-inspur-nvme-vendor-log Send NVMe Inspur Device Vendor log page request, returns result
nvme-intel-id-ctrl Send NVMe Identify Controller, return result and structure
nvme-intel-internal-log Retrieve Intel device's internal log and save to file.
nvme-intel-lat-stats Send NVMe Identify Controller, return result and structure
nvme-intel-market-name Send NVMe Identify Controller, return result and structure
nvme-intel-smart-log-add Send NVMe Intel Additional SMART log page request, returns result and log
nvme-intel-temp-stats Send NVMe SMART log page request, returns result and log
nvme-io-mgmt-recv I/O Management Receive command
nvme-io-mgmt-send I/O Management Send command
nvme-io-passthru Submit an arbitrary io command, return results
nvme-lba-status-log Send LBA Status Log Page request returns result and log
nvme-list List all recognized NVMe devices
nvme-list-ctrl Send NVMe Identify List Controllers, return result and structure
nvme-list-endgrp Send NVMe Identify Endurance Group List, return result and structure
nvme-list-ns Send NVMe Identify List Namespaces, return result and structure
nvme-list-subsys List all NVMe subsystems
nvme-lockdown Send an NVMe Lockdown command to prohibit or allow the execution of command
nvme-mi-cmd-support-effects-log Send NVMe MI Command Support and Effects log, returns results and structure
nvme-micron-clear-pcie-errors Clears correctable PCIe correctable errors of given Micron device
nvme-micron-internal-log Retrieve Micron device's internal logs and save to given zip file.
nvme-micron-nand-stats Retrieves NAND statistics of given micron device
nvme-micron-pcie-stats Retrieves pcie error statistics for given micron device
nvme-micron-selective-download Performs selective firmware download that allows user select which firmware binary to update for 9200 devices. This requires power cycle the update completes.
nvme-micron-smart-add-log Retrieves NAND statistics (2200 model drives) or Extended SMART information (OCP complaint models) of given micron device
nvme-micron-temperature-stats Retrieves temperature information of given micron device
nvme-netapp-ontapdevices Display information about ONTAP devices
nvme-netapp-smdevices Display information for each NVMe path to an E-Series volume
nvme-ns-descs Send NVMe Identify for a list of Namespace Identification Descriptor structure, return result and structure
nvme-ns-rescan Rescans the nvme namespaces.
nvme-nvm-id-ctrl Send NVMe Identify Controller, return NVM command set structure
nvme-nvme-mi-recv Send a NVMe-MI Receive command to the specified device
nvme-nvme-mi-send Send a NVMe-MI Send command to the specified device
nvme-ocp-clear-fw-activate-history Clear the OCP Firmware Update History Log
nvme-ocp-clear-pcie-correctable-error-counters Clear PCIe correctable error counters
nvme-ocp-device-capability-log Retrieves OCP Device Capability Log Page
nvme-ocp-eol-plp-failure-mode Define and print EOL or PLP circuitry failure mode
nvme-ocp-error-recovery-log Retrieves OCP Error Recovery Log Page
nvme-ocp-get-dssd-async-event-config Get dssd-async-event-config value
nvme-ocp-get-dssd-power-state-feature Get DSSD Power State
nvme-ocp-get-plp-health-check-interval Define and print plp-health-check-interval value
nvme-ocp-internal-log Conditionally retrieves 07h Telemetry Host-Initiated log, C9h OCP Strings Log from an NVMe device or from user-specified file path. Takes retrieved logs and…
nvme-ocp-latency-monitor-log Display latency monitor log page data in human readable format
nvme-ocp-set-dssd-async-event-config Set DSSD asynchronous event configuration
nvme-ocp-set-dssd-power-state-feature Set DSSD Power State
nvme-ocp-set-plp-health-check-interval Define and set PLP health check interval
nvme-ocp-set-telemetry-profile Set Telemetry Profile
nvme-ocp-smart-add-log Retrieves Extended SMART information of given OCP compliant device
nvme-ocp-telemetry-string-log-page Retrieve OCP Telemetry String Log page
nvme-ocp-unsupported-reqs-log Retrieves unsupported requirements log page of given OCP compliant device
nvme-persistent-event-log Send NVMe persistent event log page request, returns result and log
nvme-pred-lat-event-agg-log Send Predictable Latency Event Aggregate Log Page request, returns result and log
nvme-predictable-lat-log Send Predictable latency per NVM set log page request, returns result and log
nvme-primary-ctrl-caps Send identify Primary Controller Caps, return result and structure
nvme-read Send an NVMe Read command, provide results
nvme-reset Reset the nvme controller.
nvme-resv-acquire Acquire an nvme reservation
nvme-resv-notif-log Send NVMe Reservation Notification log page request, return result and log
nvme-resv-register Register an nvme reservation
nvme-resv-release Release an nvme reservation
nvme-resv-report Send NVMe Reservation Report, parse the result
nvme-rpmb Send RPMB commands to an NVMe device
nvme-sanitize Send NVMe Sanitize Command, return result
nvme-sanitize-log Send NVMe sanitize-log Command, return result
nvme-seagate-clear-fw-activate-history Clear the firmware activation history for a given Seagate device.
nvme-seagate-clear-pcie-correctable-errors Clear Seagate PCIe error statistics
nvme-seagate-cloud-SSD-plugin-version Shows OCP Seagate plugin's version information
nvme-seagate-get-ctrl-tele Retrieve Seagate Controller-Initiated Telemetry in either hex-dump (default) or binary format
nvme-seagate-get-host-tele Retrieve Seagate Host-Initiated Telemetry in either hex-dump (default) or binary format
nvme-seagate-help Shows the Seagate plugin's help information
nvme-seagate-plugin-version Shows Seagate plugin's version information
nvme-seagate-version Shows the Seagate version information for nvme-cli
nvme-seagate-vs-fw-activate-history Retrieve Seagate vendor specific Controller-Initiated Telemetry in binary
nvme-seagate-vs-internal-log Retrieve Seagate vendor specific Controller-Initiated Telemetry in binary
nvme-seagate-vs-log-page-sup Retrieve Seagate vendor specific Supported Log-pages Information
nvme-seagate-vs-pcie-stats Retrieve Seagate vendor specific PCIe error statistics
nvme-seagate-vs-smart-add-log Retrieve Seagate vendor specific extended-SMART Information
nvme-seagate-vs-temperature-stats Retrieve Seagate vendor specific temperature statistics
nvme-security-recv Security Recv command
nvme-security-send Security Send command
nvme-self-test-log Retrieve the log information initiated by device-self-test and display it
nvme-set-feature Sets an NVMe feature, returns applicable results
nvme-set-property Writes and shows the defined NVMe controller property for NVMe over Fabric
nvme-show-hostnqn Show the host NQN configured for the system
nvme-show-regs Reads and shows the defined NVMe controller registers for NVMe over PCIe or the controller properties for NVMe over Fabrics.
nvme-show-topology Show topology of all NVMe subsystems
nvme-smart-log Send NVMe SMART log page request, returns result and log
nvme-solidigm-clear-fw-activate-history Clear firmware update history log
nvme-solidigm-clear-pcie-correctable-errors Clear PCIe Correctable Error Counters
nvme-solidigm-cloud-SSDplugin-version Prints plug-in OCP version
nvme-solidigm-garbage-collect-log Retrieve Garbage Collection Log
nvme-solidigm-id-ctrl Send NVMe Identify Controller, return result and structure
nvme-solidigm-latency-tracking-log Enable/Retrieve Latency tracking Log
nvme-solidigm-log-page-directory Retrieve log page directory
nvme-solidigm-market-log Retrieve Market Log
nvme-solidigm-parse-telemetry-log Parse and display Solidigm Telemetry log
nvme-solidigm-smart-log-add Retrieve Solidigm SMART Log
nvme-solidigm-temp-stats Retrieve Temperature Statistics log
nvme-solidigm-vs-drive-info Retrieve drive information
nvme-solidigm-vs-fw-activate-history Get firmware activation history log
nvme-solidigm-vs-internal-log Retrieve Debug log binaries
nvme-solidigm-vs-smart-add-log Get SMART / health extended log
nvme-solidigm-workload-tracker Real-time capture of Workload Tracker samples
nvme-subsystem-reset Reset the nvme subsystem.
nvme-supported-log-pages Send NVMe Supported Log pages request, returns result and log
nvme-telemetry-log Retrieves a Telemetry Host-Initiated log page from an NVMe device
nvme-tls-key Manage NVMe TLS PSKs
nvme-toshiba-clear-pcie-correctable-errors Reset the PCIe correctable errors count to zero.
nvme-toshiba-vs-internal-log Retrieve a Toshiba device's vendor specific internal log and either save to file or dump the contents.
nvme-toshiba-vs-smart-add-log Retrieve a Toshiba device's vendor specific extended SMART log page contents and either save to file or dump the contents.
nvme-transcend-badblock Retrieve Transcend NVMe device's bad blocks.
nvme-transcend-healthvalue Use NVMe SMART table to analyze the health value of Transcend device.
nvme-verify Send an NVMe Verify command, return results
nvme-virtium-save-smart-to-vtview-log Periodically save smart attributes into a log file (csv format).
nvme-virtium-show-identify Show a complete detail of identify device information in json format.
nvme-wdc-cap-diag Retrieve WDC device's diagnostic log and save to file.
nvme-wdc-capabilities Display WDC plugin command capabilities
nvme-wdc-clear-assert-dump Clears the assert dump (if present).
nvme-wdc-clear-fw-activate-history Clears the firmware activate history table.
nvme-wdc-clear-pcie-correctable-errors Clears the pcie correctable errors field returned in the smart-log-add command.
nvme-wdc-cloud-SSD-plugin-version Display WDC plugin Cloud SSD Plugin Version
nvme-wdc-cloud-boot-SSD-version Display WDC plugin Cloud Boot SSD Version
nvme-wdc-drive-essentials Retrieve WDC device's drive essentials bin files and save to a tar file.
nvme-wdc-drive-log Retrieve WDC device's drive log and save to file.
nvme-wdc-drive-resize Send NVMe WDC Resize Vendor Unique Command, return result.
nvme-wdc-enc-get-log Send NVMe WDC enc-get-log Vendor Unique Command, return result.
nvme-wdc-get-crash-dump Retrieve WDC device's crash dump.
nvme-wdc-get-dev-capabilities-log Send NVMe WDC get-dev-capabilities-log plugin command, return parsed log output
nvme-wdc-get-drive-status Send the NVMe WDC get-drive-status command, return result
nvme-wdc-get-error-recovery-log Send NVMe WDC get-error-recovery-log plugin command, return parsed log output
nvme-wdc-get-latency-monitor-log Display latency monitor log page data in human readable format
nvme-wdc-get-pfail-dump Retrieve WDC device's pfail crash dump.
nvme-wdc-get-unsupported-reqs-log Send NVMe WDC get-unsupported-reqs-log plugin command, return parsed log output
nvme-wdc-id-ctrl Send NVMe Identify Controller, return result and structure
nvme-wdc-log-page-directory Retrieves the list of Log IDs supported by the drive
nvme-wdc-namespace-resize Resizes the device's namespace.
nvme-wdc-purge Send NVMe WDC Purge Vendor Unique Command, return result
nvme-wdc-purge-monitor Send NVMe WDC Purge-Monitor Vendor Unique Command, return result
nvme-wdc-vs-cloud-log Send NVMe WDC vs-cloud-log Vendor Unique Command, return result
nvme-wdc-vs-device-waf Calculates the device write amplification factor and prints both TLC and SLC results
nvme-wdc-vs-drive-info Send the NVMe WDC vs-drive-info command, return result
nvme-wdc-vs-error-reason-identifier Retrieve WDC device's telemetry log error reason identifier field
nvme-wdc-vs-fw-activate-history Execute NVMe WDC vs-fw-activate-history Vendor Unique Command, return result
nvme-wdc-vs-hw-rev-log Send NVMe WDC vs-hw-rev-log Vendor Unique Command, return result
nvme-wdc-vs-internal-log Retrieve WDC device's internal firmware log and save to file.
nvme-wdc-vs-nand-stats Send NVMe WDC vs-nand-stats Vendor Unique Command, return result
nvme-wdc-vs-smart-add-log Send NVMe WDC vs-smart-add-log Vendor Unique Command, return result
nvme-wdc-vs-telemetry-controller-option Disable/Enable the controller initiated option of the telemetry log page.
nvme-wdc-vs-temperature-stats Display temperature-related statistics
nvme-write Send an NVMe write command, provide results
nvme-write-uncor Send an NVMe write uncorrectable command, return results
nvme-write-zeroes Send an NVMe write zeroes command, return results
nvme-zns-changed-zone-list Retrieve Changed Zone log for the given device
nvme-zns-close-zone Closes one or all zones
nvme-zns-finish-zone Finishes one or all zones
nvme-zns-id-ctrl Send NVMe Zoned Command Set Identify Controller, return result and structure
nvme-zns-id-ns Send NVMe Zoned Command Set Identify namespace, return result and structure
nvme-zns-offline-zone Offlines one or all zones
nvme-zns-open-zone Opens one or all zones
nvme-zns-report-zones Retrieve and display the Report Zones data structure
nvme-zns-reset-zone Resets one or all zones
nvme-zns-set-zone-desc Set extended descriptor data for a zone
nvme-zns-zone-append Send an NVMe write command, provide results
nvme-zns-zone-mgmt-recv Zone Management Receive command
nvme-zns-zone-mgmt-send Zone Management Send command