Package nordugrid-arc-client

ARC command line clients

NorduGrid is a collaboration aiming at development, maintenance and
support of the middleware, known as the Advanced Resource
Connector (ARC).

This client package contains all the CLI tools that are needed to
operate with x509 proxies, submit and manage jobs and handle data

Version: 6.21.1

General Commands

arccat ARC Catenate
arcclean ARC Clean
arccp copy files
arcget ARC Get
arcinfo ARC Info
arckill ARC Kill
arcls list files or directories
arcmkdir create directories
arcproxy ARC Credentials Proxy generation utility
arcrename rename file or directory
arcrenew ARC Proxy Renewal
arcresub ARC Resubmission
arcresume ARC Resume
arcrm delete files
arcstat ARC Status
arcsub ARC Submission
arcsync ARC Synchronize
arctest ARC Test Suite