Package lvm2
Userland logical volume management tools
LVM2 includes all of the support for handling read/write operations on physical volumes (hard disks, RAID-Systems, magneto optical, etc., multiple devices (MD), see mdadm(8) or even loop devices, see losetup(8)), creating volume groups (kind of virtual disks) from one or more physical volumes and creating one or more logical volumes (kind of logical partitions) in volume groups.
Version: 2.03.31
See also: lvm2-dbusd, lvm2-lockd.
File Formats | |
lvm.conf | Configuration file for LVM2 |
Miscellanea | |
lvmautoactivation | LVM autoactivation |
lvmcache | LVM caching |
lvmraid | LVM RAID |
lvmreport | LVM reporting and related features |
lvmsystemid | LVM system ID |
lvmthin | LVM thin provisioning |
lvmvdo | Support for Virtual Data Optimizer in LVM |
System Administration | |
fsadm | utility to resize or check filesystem on a device |
lvchange | Change the attributes of logical volume(s) |
lvconvert | Change logical volume layout |
lvcreate | Create a logical volume |
lvdisplay | Display information about a logical volume |
lvextend | Add space to a logical volume |
lvm | LVM tools |
lvm-config | alias for lvmconfig |
lvm-dumpconfig | alias for lvmconfig |
lvm-fullreport | Display full report |
lvm-lvpoll | Continue already initiated poll operation on a logical volume |
lvm_import_vdo | utility to import VDO volumes into a new volume group. |
lvmconfig | Display and manipulate configuration information |
lvmdevices | Manage the devices file |
lvmdiskscan | List devices that may be used as physical volumes |
lvmdump | create lvm2 information dumps for diagnostic purposes |
lvmpolld | LVM poll daemon |
lvmsadc | LVM system activity data collector |
lvmsar | LVM system activity reporter |
lvreduce | Reduce the size of a logical volume |
lvremove | Remove logical volume(s) from the system |
lvrename | Rename a logical volume |
lvresize | Resize a logical volume |
lvs | Display information about logical volumes |
lvscan | List all logical volumes in all volume groups |
pvchange | Change attributes of physical volume(s) |
pvck | Check metadata on physical volumes |
pvcreate | Initialize physical volume(s) for use by LVM |
pvdisplay | Display various attributes of physical volume(s) |
pvmove | Move extents from one physical volume to another |
pvremove | Remove LVM label(s) from physical volume(s) |
pvresize | Resize physical volume(s) |
pvs | Display information about physical volumes |
pvscan | List all physical volumes |
vgcfgbackup | Backup volume group configuration(s) |
vgcfgrestore | Restore volume group configuration |
vgchange | Change volume group attributes |
vgck | Check the consistency of volume group(s) |
vgconvert | Change volume group metadata format |
vgcreate | Create a volume group |
vgdisplay | Display volume group information |
vgexport | Unregister volume group(s) from the system |
vgextend | Add physical volumes to a volume group |
vgimport | Register exported volume group with system |
vgimportclone | Import a VG from cloned PVs |
vgimportdevices | Add devices for a VG to the devices file. |
vgmerge | Merge volume groups |
vgmknodes | Create the special files for volume group devices in /dev |
vgreduce | Remove physical volume(s) from a volume group |
vgremove | Remove volume group(s) |
vgrename | Rename a volume group |
vgs | Display information about volume groups |
vgscan | Search for all volume groups |
vgsplit | Move physical volumes into a new or existing volume group |