Package libnbd-devel

Development headers for libnbd

This package contains development headers for libnbd.

Version: 1.22.1

See also: libnbd.

General Commands

libnbd-release-notes-1.10 release notes for libnbd 1.10
libnbd-release-notes-1.12 release notes for libnbd 1.12
libnbd-release-notes-1.14 release notes for libnbd 1.14
libnbd-release-notes-1.16 release notes for libnbd 1.16
libnbd-release-notes-1.18 release notes for libnbd 1.18
libnbd-release-notes-1.2 release notes for libnbd 1.2
libnbd-release-notes-1.20 release notes for libnbd 1.20
libnbd-release-notes-1.22 release notes for libnbd 1.22
libnbd-release-notes-1.4 release notes for libnbd 1.4
libnbd-release-notes-1.6 release notes for libnbd 1.6
libnbd-release-notes-1.8 release notes for libnbd 1.8

Library Functions

libnbd network block device (NBD) client library in userspace
libnbd-security information about past security issues in libnbd
nbd_add_meta_context ask server to negotiate metadata context
nbd_aio_block_status send block status command, with 32-bit callback
nbd_aio_block_status_64 send block status command, with 64-bit callback
nbd_aio_block_status_filter send filtered block status command to the NBD server
nbd_aio_cache send cache (prefetch) command to the NBD server
nbd_aio_command_completed check if the command completed
nbd_aio_connect connect to the NBD server
nbd_aio_connect_command connect to the NBD server
nbd_aio_connect_socket connect directly to a connected socket
nbd_aio_connect_systemd_socket_activation connect using systemd socket activation
nbd_aio_connect_tcp connect to the NBD server over a TCP port
nbd_aio_connect_unix connect to the NBD server over a Unix domain socket
nbd_aio_connect_uri connect to an NBD URI
nbd_aio_connect_vsock connect to the NBD server over AF_VSOCK socket
nbd_aio_disconnect disconnect from the NBD server
nbd_aio_flush send flush command to the NBD server
nbd_aio_get_direction return the read or write direction
nbd_aio_get_fd return file descriptor associated with this connection
nbd_aio_in_flight check how many aio commands are still in flight
nbd_aio_is_closed check if the connection is closed
nbd_aio_is_connecting check if the connection is connecting or handshaking
nbd_aio_is_created check if the connection has just been created
nbd_aio_is_dead check if the connection is dead
nbd_aio_is_negotiating check if connection is ready to send handshake option
nbd_aio_is_processing check if the connection is processing a command
nbd_aio_is_ready check if the connection is in the ready state
nbd_aio_notify_read notify that the connection is readable
nbd_aio_notify_write notify that the connection is writable
nbd_aio_opt_abort end negotiation and close the connection
nbd_aio_opt_extended_headers request the server to enable extended headers
nbd_aio_opt_go end negotiation and move on to using an export
nbd_aio_opt_info request the server for information about an export
nbd_aio_opt_list request the server to list all exports during negotiation
nbd_aio_opt_list_meta_context request list of available meta contexts, using implicit query
nbd_aio_opt_list_meta_context_queries request list of available meta contexts, using explicit query
nbd_aio_opt_set_meta_context select specific meta contexts, with implicit query list
nbd_aio_opt_set_meta_context_queries select specific meta contexts, with explicit query list
nbd_aio_opt_starttls request the server to initiate TLS
nbd_aio_opt_structured_reply request the server to enable structured replies
nbd_aio_peek_command_completed check if any command has completed
nbd_aio_pread read from the NBD server
nbd_aio_pread_structured read from the NBD server
nbd_aio_pwrite write to the NBD server
nbd_aio_trim send trim command to the NBD server
nbd_aio_zero send write zeroes command to the NBD server
nbd_block_status send block status command, with 32-bit callback
nbd_block_status_64 send block status command, with 64-bit callback
nbd_block_status_filter send filtered block status command, with 64-bit callback
nbd_cache send cache (prefetch) command to the NBD server
nbd_can_block_status_payload does the server support the block status payload flag?
nbd_can_cache does the server support the cache command?
nbd_can_df does the server support the don't fragment flag to pread?
nbd_can_fast_zero does the server support the fast zero flag?
nbd_can_flush does the server support the flush command?
nbd_can_fua does the server support the FUA flag?
nbd_can_meta_context does the server support a specific meta context?
nbd_can_multi_conn does the server support multi-conn?
nbd_can_trim does the server support the trim command?
nbd_can_zero does the server support the zero command?
nbd_clear_debug_callback clear the debug callback
nbd_clear_meta_contexts reset the list of requested meta contexts
nbd_close alias for nbd_create
nbd_connect_command connect to NBD server command
nbd_connect_socket connect directly to a connected socket
nbd_connect_systemd_socket_activation connect using systemd socket activation
nbd_connect_tcp connect to NBD server over a TCP port
nbd_connect_unix connect to NBD server over a Unix domain socket
nbd_connect_uri connect to NBD URI
nbd_connect_vsock connect to NBD server over AF_VSOCK protocol
nbd_connection_state return string describing the state of the connection
nbd_create create libnbd handles and fetch errors
nbd_flush send flush command to the NBD server
nbd_get_block_size return a specific server block size constraint
nbd_get_canonical_export_name return the canonical export name, if the server has one
nbd_get_debug return the state of the debug flag
nbd_get_errno alias for nbd_create
nbd_get_error alias for nbd_create
nbd_get_export_description return the export description, if the server has one
nbd_get_export_name get the export name
nbd_get_extended_headers_negotiated see if extended headers are in use
nbd_get_full_info see if NBD_OPT_GO requests extra details
nbd_get_handle_name get the handle name
nbd_get_handshake_flags see which handshake flags are supported
nbd_get_meta_context return the i'th meta context request
nbd_get_nr_meta_contexts return the current number of requested meta contexts
nbd_get_opt_mode return whether option mode was enabled
nbd_get_package_name return the name of the library
nbd_get_pread_initialize see whether libnbd pre-initializes read buffers
nbd_get_private_data get the per-handle private data
nbd_get_protocol return the NBD protocol variant
nbd_get_request_block_size see if NBD_OPT_GO requests block size
nbd_get_request_extended_headers see if extended headers are attempted
nbd_get_request_meta_context see if connect automatically requests meta contexts
nbd_get_request_structured_replies see if structured replies are attempted
nbd_get_size return the export size
nbd_get_socket_activation_name get the socket activation name
nbd_get_strict_mode see which strictness flags are in effect
nbd_get_structured_replies_negotiated see if structured replies are in use
nbd_get_subprocess_pid get the process ID of the subprocess
nbd_get_tls get the TLS request setting
nbd_get_tls_hostname get the effective TLS hostname
nbd_get_tls_negotiated find out if TLS was negotiated on a connection
nbd_get_tls_username get the current TLS username
nbd_get_tls_verify_peer get whether we verify the identity of the server
nbd_get_uri construct an NBD URI for a connection
nbd_get_version return the version of the library
nbd_is_read_only is the NBD export read-only?
nbd_is_rotational is the NBD disk rotational (like a disk)?
nbd_is_uri detect if a string could be an NBD URI
nbd_kill_subprocess kill server running as a subprocess
nbd_opt_abort end negotiation and close the connection
nbd_opt_extended_headers request the server to enable extended headers
nbd_opt_go end negotiation and move on to using an export
nbd_opt_info request the server for information about an export
nbd_opt_list request the server to list all exports during negotiation
nbd_opt_list_meta_context list available meta contexts, using implicit query list
nbd_opt_list_meta_context_queries list available meta contexts, using explicit query list
nbd_opt_set_meta_context select specific meta contexts, using implicit query list
nbd_opt_set_meta_context_queries select specific meta contexts, using explicit query list
nbd_opt_starttls request the server to initiate TLS
nbd_opt_structured_reply request the server to enable structured replies
nbd_poll poll the handle once
nbd_poll2 poll the handle once, with fd
nbd_pread read from the NBD server
nbd_pread_structured read from the NBD server
nbd_pwrite write to the NBD server
nbd_set_debug set or clear the debug flag
nbd_set_debug_callback set the debug callback
nbd_set_export_name set the export name
nbd_set_full_info control whether NBD_OPT_GO requests extra details
nbd_set_handle_name set the handle name
nbd_set_handshake_flags control use of handshake flags
nbd_set_opt_mode control option mode, for pausing during option negotiation
nbd_set_pread_initialize control whether libnbd pre-initializes read buffers
nbd_set_private_data set the per-handle private data
nbd_set_request_block_size control whether NBD_OPT_GO requests block size
nbd_set_request_extended_headers control use of extended headers
nbd_set_request_meta_context control whether connect automatically requests meta contexts
nbd_set_request_structured_replies control use of structured replies
nbd_set_socket_activation_name set the socket activation name
nbd_set_strict_mode control how strictly to follow NBD protocol
nbd_set_tls enable or require TLS (authentication and encryption)
nbd_set_tls_certificates set the path to the TLS certificates directory
nbd_set_tls_hostname set the TLS hostname
nbd_set_tls_psk_file set the TLS Pre-Shared Keys (PSK) filename
nbd_set_tls_username set the TLS username
nbd_set_tls_verify_peer set whether we verify the identity of the server
nbd_set_uri_allow_local_file set the allowed transports in NBD URIs
nbd_set_uri_allow_tls set the allowed TLS settings in NBD URIs
nbd_set_uri_allow_transports set the allowed transports in NBD URIs
nbd_shutdown disconnect from the NBD server
nbd_stats_bytes_received statistics of bytes received over connection so far
nbd_stats_bytes_sent statistics of bytes sent over connection so far
nbd_stats_chunks_received statistics of chunks received over connection so far
nbd_stats_chunks_sent statistics of chunks sent over connection so far
nbd_supports_tls true if libnbd was compiled with support for TLS
nbd_supports_uri true if libnbd was compiled with support for NBD URIs
nbd_supports_vsock true if libnbd was compiled with support for AF_VSOCK
nbd_trim send trim command to the NBD server
nbd_zero send write zeroes command to the NBD server