Package libimobiledevice-utils

Utilities for libimobiledevice

Utilities for use with libimobiledevice.

Version: 1.3.0^20240916gited9703d

General Commands

afcclient Interact with AFC/HouseArrest service on a connected device.
idevice_id List attached devices or print device name of given device.
idevicebackup Create or restore backup for devices.
idevicebackup2 Create or restore backups for devices running iOS 4 or later.
idevicebtlogger Capture HCI traffic of a connected device.
idevicecrashreport Retrieve crash reports from a device.
idevicedate Display the current date or set it on a device.
idevicedebug Interact with the debugserver service of a device.
idevicedebugserverproxy Remote debugging proxy.
idevicedevmodectl Enable Developer Mode on iOS 16+ devices or print the current status.
idevicediagnostics Interact with the diagnostics interface of a device.
ideviceenterrecovery Make a device enter recovery mode.
ideviceimagemounter Mount, list, or unmount a disk image on the device.
ideviceinfo Show information about the first connected device.
idevicename Display the device name or set it to NAME if specified.
idevicenotificationproxy Post or observe notifications on a device.
idevicepair Manage host pairings with devices and usbmuxd.
ideviceprovision Manage provisioning profiles on a device.
idevicescreenshot Gets a screenshot from the connected device.
idevicesetlocation Simulate location on iOS device.
idevicesyslog Relay syslog of a connected device.