Package kubernetes1.32-kubeadm

Kubernetes tool for standing up clusters

Production-Grade Container Scheduling and Management.
Installs kubeadm, a Kubernetes tool for standing up clusters. Not mandatory.
If used, install on each machine in the cluster. Used to initialize
each node, and to join new machines to an existing cluster.

Version: 1.32.1

General Commands

kubeadm-upgrade-apply-phase Use this command to invoke single phase of the "apply" workflow
kubeadm-upgrade-apply-phase-addon Upgrade the default kubeadm addons
kubeadm-upgrade-apply-phase-addon-all Upgrade all the addons
kubeadm-upgrade-apply-phase-addon-coredns Upgrade the CoreDNS addon
kubeadm-upgrade-apply-phase-addon-kube-proxy Upgrade the kube-proxy addon
kubeadm-upgrade-apply-phase-bootstrap-token Configures bootstrap token and cluster-info RBAC rules
kubeadm-upgrade-apply-phase-control-plane Upgrade the control plane
kubeadm-upgrade-apply-phase-kubelet-config Upgrade the kubelet configuration for this node
kubeadm-upgrade-apply-phase-post-upgrade Run post upgrade tasks
kubeadm-upgrade-apply-phase-preflight Run preflight checks before upgrade
kubeadm-upgrade-apply-phase-upload-config Upload the kubeadm and kubelet configurations to ConfigMaps
kubeadm-upgrade-apply-phase-upload-config-all Upload all the configurations to ConfigMaps
kubeadm-upgrade-apply-phase-upload-config-kubeadm Upload the kubeadm ClusterConfiguration to a ConfigMap
kubeadm-upgrade-apply-phase-upload-config-kubelet Upload the kubelet configuration to a ConfigMap
kubeadm-upgrade-node-phase-addon Upgrade the default kubeadm addons
kubeadm-upgrade-node-phase-addon-all Upgrade all the addons
kubeadm-upgrade-node-phase-addon-coredns Upgrade the CoreDNS addon
kubeadm-upgrade-node-phase-addon-kube-proxy Upgrade the kube-proxy addon
kubeadm-upgrade-node-phase-post-upgrade Run post upgrade tasks