Package k2hash

NoSQL Key Value Store(KVS) tools and library

K2HASH provides a NoSQL(key value store) tools and a library under
MIT license. K2HASH tools create/write/read files or memory which
is allocated by K2HASH library. K2HASH library stores its data in
three ways: on-memory, fully mapping file and partially mapping
file and directly accessing a file.

Please visit the website and get more details at:

Version: 1.0.98

General Commands

k2hash NoSQL Key Value Store(KVS) library
k2hbench Bench mark Tool for K2HASH
k2hcompress Utility Tool for K2HASH
k2hedit Utility Tool for K2HASH
k2himport Utility Tool for K2HASH
k2hlinetool Interactive Command Line Tool for K2HASH
k2hreplace Utility Tool for K2HASH
k2htouch Utility Tool for K2HASH