Package hwloc

Portable Hardware Locality - portable abstraction of hierarchical architectures

The Portable Hardware Locality (hwloc) software package provides
a portable abstraction (across OS, versions, architectures, ...)
of the hierarchical topology of modern architectures, including
NUMA memory nodes, shared caches, processor sockets, processor cores
and processing units (logical processors or "threads"). It also gathers
various system attributes such as cache and memory information. It primarily
aims at helping applications with gathering information about modern
computing hardware so as to exploit it accordingly and efficiently.

hwloc may display the topology in multiple convenient formats.
It also offers a powerful programming interface (C API) to gather information
about the hardware, bind processes, and much more.

Version: 2.11.2

See also: hwloc-devel, hwloc-gui, hwloc-libs.

General Commands

hwloc-annotate Modify attributes in a XML topology
hwloc-bind Launch a command that is bound to specific processors and/or memory, or consult the binding of an existing program
hwloc-calc Operate on cpu mask strings and objects
hwloc-compress-dir Compress a directory of XML topologies
hwloc-diff Compute differences between two XML topologies
hwloc-distrib Build a number of cpu masks distributed on the system
hwloc-dump-hwdata Dump topology and locality information from hardware tables
hwloc-gather-cpuid Dumps the relevant x86 cpuid values for later (possibly offline) usage
hwloc-gather-topology Saves the relevant Linux and x86 topology files and the lstopo textual and XML outputs for later (possibly offline) usage
hwloc-info Show some information about some objects, a topology or supported features
hwloc-patch Apply a topology difference to an existing XML topology
hwloc-ps List currently-running processes or threads that are bound
lstopo-no-graphics alias for lstopo