Version: 2.2
Library Functions | |
HPL_abort | halts execution. |
HPL_all_reduce | All reduce operation. |
HPL_barrier | Barrier operation. |
HPL_bcast | Perform the row broadcast. |
HPL_binit | Initialize the row broadcast. |
HPL_broadcast | Broadcast operation. |
HPL_bwait | Finalize the row broadcast. |
HPL_copyL | Copy the current panel into a contiguous workspace. |
HPL_daxpy | y := y + alpha * x. |
HPL_dcopy | y := x. |
HPL_dgemm | C := alpha * op(A) * op(B) + beta * C. |
HPL_dgemv | y := beta * y + alpha * op(A) * x. |
HPL_dger | A := alpha * x * y^T + A. |
HPL_dlacpy | B := A. |
HPL_dlamch | determines machine-specific arithmetic constants. |
HPL_dlange | Compute ||A||. |
HPL_dlaprnt | Print the matrix A. |
HPL_dlaswp00N | performs a series of row interchanges. |
HPL_dlaswp01N | copies rows of A into itself and into U. |
HPL_dlaswp01T | copies rows of A into itself and into U. |
HPL_dlaswp02N | pack rows of A into columns of W. |
HPL_dlaswp03N | copy rows of W into U. |
HPL_dlaswp03T | copy columns of W into U. |
HPL_dlaswp04N | copy rows of U in A and replace them with columns of W. |
HPL_dlaswp04T | copy columns of U in rows of A and replace them with columns of W. |
HPL_dlaswp05N | copy rows of U into A. |
HPL_dlaswp05T | copy rows of U into A. |
HPL_dlaswp06N | swap rows of U with rows of A. |
HPL_dlaswp06T | swap rows or columns of U with rows of A. |
HPL_dlaswp10N | performs a series column interchanges. |
HPL_dlatcpy | B := A^T |
HPL_dlocmax | finds the maximum entry in matrix column. |
HPL_dlocswpN | locally swaps rows within panel. |
HPL_dlocswpT | locally swaps rows within panel. |
HPL_dmatgen | random matrix generator. |
HPL_dscal | x = alpha * x. |
HPL_dswap | y <-> x. |
HPL_dtrsm | B := A^{-1} * B or B := B * A^{-1}. |
HPL_dtrsv | x := A^{-1} x. |
HPL_equil | Equilibrate U and forward the column panel L. |
HPL_fprintf | fprintf + fflush wrapper. |
HPL_grid_exit | Exit process grid. |
HPL_grid_info | Retrieve grid information. |
HPL_grid_init | Create a process grid. |
HPL_idamax | 1st k s.t. |x_k| = max_i(|x_i|). |
HPL_indxg2l | Map a global index into a local one. |
HPL_indxg2lp | Map a local index into a global one. |
HPL_indxg2p | Map a global index into a process coordinate. |
HPL_indxl2g | Map a index-process pair into a global index. |
HPL_infog2l | global to local index translation. |
HPL_jumpit | jump into the random sequence. |
HPL_ladd | Adds two long positive integers. |
HPL_lmul | multiplies 2 long positive integers. |
HPL_logsort | Sort the processes in logarithmic order. |
HPL_max | Combine (max) two buffers. |
HPL_min | Combine (min) two buffers. |
HPL_numroc | Compute the local number of row/columns. |
HPL_numrocI | Compute the local number of row/columns. |
HPL_pabort | halts execution. |
HPL_packL | Form the MPI structure for the row ring broadcasts. |
HPL_pddriver | HPL main timing program. |
HPL_pdfact | recursive panel factorization. |
HPL_pdgesv | Solve A x = b. |
HPL_pdgesv0 | Factor an N x N+1 matrix. |
HPL_pdgesvK1 | Factor an N x N+1 matrix. |
HPL_pdgesvK2 | Factor an N x N+1 matrix. |
HPL_pdinfo | Read input parameter file. |
HPL_pdlamch | determines machine-specific arithmetic constants. |
HPL_pdlange | Compute ||A||. |
HPL_pdlaprnt | Print a distributed matrix A. |
HPL_pdlaswp00N | Broadcast a column panel L and swap the row panel U. |
HPL_pdlaswp00T | Broadcast a column panel L and swap the row panel U. |
HPL_pdlaswp01N | Broadcast a column panel L and swap the row panel U. |
HPL_pdlaswp01T | Broadcast a column panel L and swap the row panel U. |
HPL_pdmatgen | Parallel random matrix generator. |
HPL_pdmxswp | swaps and broacast the pivot row. |
HPL_pdpancrN | Crout panel factorization. |
HPL_pdpancrT | Crout panel factorization. |
HPL_pdpanel_disp | Deallocate a panel data structure. |
HPL_pdpanel_free | Deallocate the panel ressources. |
HPL_pdpanel_init | Initialize the panel resources. |
HPL_pdpanel_new | Create a panel data structure. |
HPL_pdpanllN | Left-looking panel factorization. |
HPL_pdpanllT | Left-looking panel factorization. |
HPL_pdpanrlN | Right-looking panel factorization. |
HPL_pdpanrlT | Right-looking panel factorization. |
HPL_pdrpancrN | Crout recursive panel factorization. |
HPL_pdrpancrT | Crout recursive panel factorization. |
HPL_pdrpanllN | Left-looking recursive panel factorization. |
HPL_pdrpanllT | Left-looking recursive panel factorization. |
HPL_pdrpanrlN | Right-looking recursive panel factorization. |
HPL_pdrpanrlT | Right-looking recursive panel factorization. |
HPL_pdtest | Perform one test. |
HPL_pdtrsv | Solve triu( A ) x = b. |
HPL_pdupdateNN | Broadcast a panel and update the trailing submatrix. |
HPL_pdupdateNT | Broadcast a panel and update the trailing submatrix. |
HPL_pdupdateTN | Broadcast a panel and update the trailing submatrix. |
HPL_pdupdateTT | Broadcast a panel and update the trailing submatrix. |
HPL_perm | Combine 2 index arrays — Generate the permutation. |
HPL_pipid | Simplify the pivot vector. |
HPL_plindx0 | Compute local swapping index arrays. |
HPL_plindx1 | Compute local swapping index arrays. |
HPL_plindx10 | Compute the logarithmic maps for the spreading. |
HPL_pnum | Rank determination. |
HPL_ptimer | Timer facility. |
HPL_ptimer_cputime | Return the CPU time. |
HPL_ptimer_walltime | Return the elapsed (wall-clock) time. |
HPL_pwarn | displays an error message. |
HPL_rand | random number generator. |
HPL_recv | Receive a message. |
HPL_reduce | Reduce operation. |
HPL_rollN | Roll U and forward the column panel. |
HPL_rollT | Roll U and forward the column panel. |
HPL_sdrv | Send and receive a message. |
HPL_send | Send a message. |
HPL_setran | Manage the random number generator. |
HPL_spreadN | Spread row panel U and forward current column panel. |
HPL_spreadT | Spread row panel U and forward current column panel. |
HPL_sum | Combine (sum) two buffers. |
HPL_timer | Timer facility. |
HPL_timer_cputime | Return the CPU time. |
HPL_timer_walltime | Return the elapsed (wall-clock) time. |
HPL_warn | displays an error message. |
HPL_xjumpm | Compute constants to jump in the random sequence. |