Hercules is an emulator for the IBM System/370, ESA/390, and z/Architecture
series of mainframe computers. It is capable of running any IBM operating
system and applications that a real system will run, as long as the hardware
needed is emulated. Hercules can emulate FBA and CKD DASD, tape, printer,
card reader, card punch, channel-to-channel adapter, LCS Ethernet, and
printer-keyboard, 3270 terminal, and 3287 printer devices.
Version: 3.13
General Commands | |
cckddiag | Hercules CCKD DASD diagnostic tool |
dasdseq | Hercules DSORG=PS retrieval command |
hercules | IBM System/370, ESA/390, and z/Architecture Emulator |
Special Files | |
cckd | Hercules Compressed CKD DASD image file |