General Commands
cgps | curses terminal client for gpsd |
gegps | Google Earth client for gpsd |
gps | Overview of gpsd clients and helpers |
gps2udp | feed the take from gpsd to one or more aggregation sites |
gpscat | dump the output from a GPS |
gpscsv | dump the JSON output from gpsd as CSV |
gpsdebuginfo | Generate a gpsd debug dump of your host. |
gpsdecode | decode GPS, RTCM or AIS streams into a readable format |
gpsfake | test harness for gpsd, simulating a GNSS receiver |
gpspipe | tool to connect to gpsd and retrieve sentences |
gpsplot | tool to dynamically dump plot data from gpsd |
gpsprof | profile a GPS and gpsd, plotting latency information |
gpsrinex | Read data from gpsd convert to RINEX3 and save to a file. |
gpssnmp | SNMP helper client for gpsd |
gpssubframe | tool to dump subframe sentences from gpsd |
gpxlogger | Tool to connect to gpsd and generate a GPX file |
lcdgps | LCD client for gpsd |
ubxtool | u-blox tool |
zerk | All purpose GREIS fitting |