General Commands
glab | A GitLab CLI tool. |
glab-alias | Create, list, and delete aliases. |
glab-alias-delete | Delete an alias. |
glab-alias-list | List the available aliases. |
glab-alias-set | Set an alias for a longer command. |
glab-api | Make an authenticated request to the GitLab API. |
glab-auth | Manage glab's authentication state. |
glab-auth-login | Authenticate with a GitLab instance. |
glab-auth-status | View authentication status. |
glab-changelog | Interact with the changelog API. |
glab-changelog-generate | Generate a changelog for the repository or project. |
glab-check-update | Check for latest glab releases. |
glab-ci | Work with GitLab CI/CD pipelines and jobs. |
glab-ci-config | Work with GitLab CI/CD configuration. |
glab-ci-config-compile | View the fully expanded CI/CD configuration. |
glab-ci-delete | Delete CI/CD pipelines. |
glab-ci-get | Get JSON of a running CI/CD pipeline on the current or other specified branch. |
glab-ci-lint | Checks if your .gitlab-ci.yml file is valid. |
glab-ci-list | Get the list of CI/CD pipelines. |
glab-ci-retry | Retry a CI/CD job. |
glab-ci-run | Create or run a new CI/CD pipeline. |
glab-ci-run-trig | Run a CI/CD pipeline trigger. |
glab-ci-status | View a running CI/CD pipeline on current or other branch specified. |
glab-ci-trace | Trace a CI/CD job log in real time. |
glab-ci-trigger | Trigger a manual CI/CD job. |
glab-ci-view | View, run, trace, log, and cancel CI/CD job's current pipeline. |
glab-cluster | Manage GitLab Agents for Kubernetes and their clusters. |
glab-cluster-agent | Manage GitLab Agents for Kubernetes. |
glab-cluster-agent-bootstrap | Bootstrap a GitLab Agent for Kubernetes in a project. |
glab-cluster-agent-check_manifest_usage | Check agent configuration files for built-in GitOps manifests usage. (EXPERIMENTAL.) |
glab-cluster-agent-get-token | Create and return a k8s_proxy-scoped personal access token to authenticate with a GitLab Agents for Kubernetes. |
glab-cluster-agent-list | List GitLab Agents for Kubernetes in a project. |
glab-cluster-agent-update-kubeconfig | Update selected kubeconfig. |
glab-completion | Generate shell completion scripts. |
glab-config | Set and get glab settings. |
glab-config-get | Prints the value of a given configuration key. |
glab-config-set | Updates configuration with the value of a given key. |
glab-duo | Generate terminal commands from natural language. |
glab-duo-ask | Generate Git commands from natural language. |
glab-incident | Work with GitLab incidents. |
glab-incident-close | Close an incident. |
glab-incident-list | List project incidents. |
glab-incident-note | Comment on an incident in GitLab. |
glab-incident-reopen | Reopen a resolved incident. |
glab-incident-subscribe | Subscribe to an incident. |
glab-incident-unsubscribe | Unsubscribe from an incident. |
glab-incident-view | Display the title, body, and other information about an incident. |
glab-issue | Work with GitLab issues. |
glab-issue-board | Work with GitLab Issue Boards in the given project. |
glab-issue-board-create | Create a project issue board. |
glab-issue-board-view | View project issue board. |
glab-issue-close | Close an issue. |
glab-issue-create | Create an issue. |
glab-issue-delete | Delete an issue. |
glab-issue-list | List project issues. |
glab-issue-note | Comment on an issue in GitLab. |
glab-issue-reopen | Reopen a closed issue. |
glab-issue-subscribe | Subscribe to an issue. |
glab-issue-unsubscribe | Unsubscribe from an issue. |
glab-issue-update | Update issue |
glab-issue-view | Display the title, body, and other information about an issue. |
glab-job | Work with GitLab CI/CD jobs. |
glab-job-artifact | Download all artifacts from the last pipeline. |
glab-label | Manage labels on remote. |
glab-label-create | Create labels for a repository or project. |
glab-label-list | List labels in the repository. |
glab-mr | Create, view, and manage merge requests. |
glab-mr-approve | Approve merge requests. |
glab-mr-approvers | List eligible approvers for merge requests in any state. |
glab-mr-checkout | Check out an open merge request. |
glab-mr-close | Close a merge request. |
glab-mr-create | Create a new merge request. |
glab-mr-delete | Delete a merge request. |
glab-mr-diff | View changes in a merge request. |
glab-mr-issues | Get issues related to a particular merge request. |
glab-mr-list | List merge requests. |
glab-mr-merge | Merge or accept a merge request. |
glab-mr-note | Add a comment or note to a merge request. |
glab-mr-rebase | Rebase the source branch of a merge request against its target branch. |
glab-mr-reopen | Reopen a merge request. |
glab-mr-revoke | Revoke approval on a merge request. |
glab-mr-subscribe | Subscribe to a merge request. |
glab-mr-todo | Add a to-do item to merge request. |
glab-mr-unsubscribe | Unsubscribe from a merge request. |
glab-mr-update | Update a merge request. |
glab-mr-view | Display the title, body, and other information about a merge request. |
glab-release | Manage GitLab releases. |
glab-release-create | Create a new GitLab release, or update an existing one. |
glab-release-delete | Delete a GitLab release. |
glab-release-download | Download asset files from a GitLab release. |
glab-release-list | List releases in a repository. |
glab-release-upload | Upload release asset files or links to a GitLab release. |
glab-release-view | View information about a GitLab release. |
glab-repo | Work with GitLab repositories and projects. |
glab-repo-archive | Get an archive of the repository. |
glab-repo-clone | Clone a GitLab repository or project. |
glab-repo-contributors | Get repository contributors list. |
glab-repo-create | Create a new GitLab project/repository. |
glab-repo-delete | Delete an existing repository on GitLab. |
glab-repo-fork | Fork a GitLab repository. |
glab-repo-list | Get list of repositories. |
glab-repo-mirror | Mirror a project or repository to the specified location, using pull or push methods. |
glab-repo-search | Search for GitLab repositories and projects by name. |
glab-repo-transfer | Transfer a repository to a new namespace. |
glab-repo-view | View a project or repository. |
glab-schedule | Work with GitLab CI/CD schedules. |
glab-schedule-create | Schedule a new pipeline. |
glab-schedule-delete | Delete the schedule with the specified ID. |
glab-schedule-list | Get the list of schedules. |
glab-schedule-run | Run the specified scheduled pipeline. |
glab-snippet | Create, view and manage snippets. |
glab-snippet-create | Create a new snippet. |
glab-ssh-key | Manage SSH keys registered with your GitLab account. |
glab-ssh-key-add | Add an SSH key to your GitLab account. |
glab-ssh-key-delete | Deletes a single SSH key specified by the ID. |
glab-ssh-key-get | Returns a single SSH key specified by the ID. |
glab-ssh-key-list | Get a list of SSH keys for the currently authenticated user. |
glab-stack | Create, manage, and work with stacked diffs. (EXPERIMENTAL.) |
glab-stack-amend | Save more changes to a stacked diff. (EXPERIMENTAL.) |
glab-stack-create | Create a new stacked diff. (EXPERIMENTAL.) |
glab-stack-first | Moves to the first diff in the stack. (EXPERIMENTAL.) |
glab-stack-last | Moves to the last diff in the stack. (EXPERIMENTAL.) |
glab-stack-list | Lists all entries in the stack. (EXPERIMENTAL.) |
glab-stack-move | Moves to any selected entry in the stack. (EXPERIMENTAL.) |
glab-stack-next | Moves to the next diff in the stack. (EXPERIMENTAL.) |
glab-stack-prev | Moves to the previous diff in the stack. (EXPERIMENTAL.) |
glab-stack-save | Save your progress within a stacked diff. (EXPERIMENTAL.) |
glab-stack-switch | Switch between stacks. (EXPERIMENTAL.) |
glab-stack-sync | Sync and submit progress on a stacked diff. (EXPERIMENTAL.) |
glab-token | Manage personal, project, or group tokens |
glab-token-create | Creates user, group, or project access tokens. |
glab-token-list | List user, group, or project access tokens. |
glab-token-revoke | Revoke user, group or project access tokens |
glab-token-rotate | Rotate user, group, or project access tokens |
glab-user | Interact with a GitLab user account. |
glab-user-events | View user events. |
glab-variable | Manage variables for a GitLab project or group. |
glab-variable-delete | Delete a variable for a project or group. |
glab-variable-export | Export variables from a project or group. |
glab-variable-get | Get a variable for a project or group. |
glab-variable-list | List variables for a project or group. |
glab-variable-set | Create a new variable for a project or group. |
glab-variable-update | Update an existing variable for a project or group. |
glab-version | Show version information for glab. |