Package gl-manpages

OpenGL manpages

Version: 1.1

Library Functions

glAccum.3G operate on the accumulation buffer
glActiveShaderProgram.3G set the active program object for a program pipeline object
glActiveTexture.3G select active texture unit
glActiveTextureARB.3G select active texture unit
glAlphaFunc.3G specify the alpha test function
glAreTexturesResident.3G determine if textures are loaded in texture memory
glArrayElement.3G render a vertex using the specified vertex array element
glAttachShader.3G Attaches a shader object to a program object
glBegin.3G delimit the vertices of a primitive or a group of like primitives
glBeginConditionalRender.3G start conditional rendering
glBeginQuery.3G delimit the boundaries of a query object
glBeginQueryIndexed,_glEndQueryIndexed.3G delimit the boundaries of a query object on an indexed target
glBeginTransformFeedback.3G start transform feedback operation
glBindAttribLocation.3G Associates a generic vertex attribute index with a named attribute variable
glBindBuffer.3G bind a named buffer object
glBindBufferBase.3G bind a buffer object to an indexed buffer target
glBindBufferRange.3G bind a range within a buffer object to an indexed buffer target
glBindBuffersBase.3G bind one or more buffer objects to a sequence of indexed buffer targets
glBindBuffersRange.3G bind ranges of one or more buffer objects to a sequence of indexed buffer targets
glBindFragDataLocation.3G bind a user-defined varying out variable to a fragment shader color number
glBindFragDataLocationIndexed.3G bind a user-defined varying out variable to a fragment shader color number and index
glBindFramebuffer.3G bind a framebuffer to a framebuffer target
glBindImageTexture.3G bind a level of a texture to an image unit
glBindImageTextures.3G bind one or more named texture images to a sequence of consecutive image units
glBindProgramPipeline.3G bind a program pipeline to the current context
glBindRenderbuffer.3G bind a renderbuffer to a renderbuffer target
glBindSampler.3G bind a named sampler to a texturing target
glBindSamplers.3G bind one or more named sampler objects to a sequence of consecutive sampler units
glBindTexture.3G bind a named texture to a texturing target
glBindTextureUnit.3G bind an existing texture object to the specified texture unit
glBindTextures.3G bind one or more named textures to a sequence of consecutive texture units
glBindTransformFeedback.3G bind a transform feedback object
glBindVertexArray.3G bind a vertex array object
glBindVertexBuffer.3G bind a buffer to a vertex buffer bind point
glBindVertexBuffers.3G attach multiple buffer objects to a vertex array object
glBitmap.3G draw a bitmap
glBlendColor.3G set the blend color
glBlendEquation.3G specify the equation used for both the RGB blend equation and the Alpha blend equation
glBlendEquationSeparate.3G set the RGB blend equation and the alpha blend equation separately
glBlendFunc.3G specify pixel arithmetic
glBlendFuncSeparate.3G specify pixel arithmetic for RGB and alpha components separately
glBlitFramebuffer.3G copy a block of pixels from one framebuffer object to another
glBlitNamedFramebuffer.3G alias for glBlitFramebuffer.3G
glBufferData.3G creates and initializes a buffer object's data store
glBufferStorage.3G creates and initializes a buffer object's immutable data store
glBufferSubData.3G updates a subset of a buffer object's data store
glCallList.3G execute a display list
glCallLists.3G execute a list of display lists
glCheckFramebufferStatus.3G check the completeness status of a framebuffer
glCheckNamedFramebufferStatus.3G alias for glCheckFramebufferStatus.3G
glClampColor.3G specify whether data read via glReadPixels() should be clamped
glClear.3G clear buffers to preset values
glClearAccum.3G specify clear values for the accumulation buffer
glClearBuffer.3G clear individual buffers of a framebuffer
glClearBufferData.3G fill a buffer object's data store with a fixed value
glClearBufferSubData.3G fill all or part of buffer object's data store with a fixed value
glClearColor.3G specify clear values for the color buffers
glClearDepth.3G specify the clear value for the depth buffer
glClearIndex.3G specify the clear value for the color index buffers
glClearNamedBufferData.3G alias for glClearBufferData.3G
glClearNamedBufferSubData.3G alias for glClearBufferSubData.3G
glClearStencil.3G specify the clear value for the stencil buffer
glClearTexImage.3G fills all a texture image with a constant value
glClearTexSubImage.3G fills all or part of a texture image with a constant value
glClientActiveTextureARB.3G select active texture unit
glClientWaitSync.3G block and wait for a sync object to become signaled
glClipControl.3G control clip coordinate to window coordinate behavior
glClipPlane.3G specify a plane against which all geometry is clipped
glColor.3G set the current color
glColor3b.3G alias for glColor.3G
glColor3bv.3G alias for glColor.3G
glColor3d.3G alias for glColor.3G
glColor3dv.3G alias for glColor.3G
glColor3f.3G alias for glColor.3G
glColor3fv.3G alias for glColor.3G
glColor3i.3G alias for glColor.3G
glColor3iv.3G alias for glColor.3G
glColor3s.3G alias for glColor.3G
glColor3sv.3G alias for glColor.3G
glColor3ub.3G alias for glColor.3G
glColor3ubv.3G alias for glColor.3G
glColor3ui.3G alias for glColor.3G
glColor3uiv.3G alias for glColor.3G
glColor3us.3G alias for glColor.3G
glColor3usv.3G alias for glColor.3G
glColor4b.3G alias for glColor.3G
glColor4bv.3G alias for glColor.3G
glColor4d.3G alias for glColor.3G
glColor4dv.3G alias for glColor.3G
glColor4f.3G alias for glColor.3G
glColor4fv.3G alias for glColor.3G
glColor4i.3G alias for glColor.3G
glColor4iv.3G alias for glColor.3G
glColor4s.3G alias for glColor.3G
glColor4sv.3G alias for glColor.3G
glColor4ub.3G alias for glColor.3G
glColor4ubv.3G alias for glColor.3G
glColor4ui.3G alias for glColor.3G
glColor4uiv.3G alias for glColor.3G
glColor4us.3G alias for glColor.3G
glColor4usv.3G alias for glColor.3G
glColorMask,_glColorMaski.3G enable and disable writing of frame buffer color components
glColorMask.3G enable and disable writing of frame buffer color components
glColorMaterial.3G cause a material color to track the current color
glColorPointer.3G define an array of colors
glColorSubTable.3G respecify a portion of a color table
glColorTable.3G define a color lookup table
glColorTableParameter.3G set color lookup table parameters
glColorTableParameterfv.3G alias for glColorTableParameter.3G
glColorTableParameteriv.3G alias for glColorTableParameter.3G
glCompileShader.3G Compiles a shader object
glCompressedTexImage1D.3G specify a one-dimensional texture image in a compressed format
glCompressedTexImage2D.3G specify a two-dimensional texture image in a compressed format
glCompressedTexImage3D.3G specify a three-dimensional texture image in a compressed format
glCompressedTexSubImage1D.3G specify a one-dimensional texture subimage in a compressed format
glCompressedTexSubImage2D.3G specify a two-dimensional texture subimage in a compressed format
glCompressedTexSubImage3D.3G specify a three-dimensional texture subimage in a compressed format
glCompressedTextureSubImage1D.3G alias for glCompressedTexSubImage1D.3G
glCompressedTextureSubImage2D.3G alias for glCompressedTexSubImage2D.3G
glCompressedTextureSubImage3D.3G alias for glCompressedTexSubImage3D.3G
glConvolutionFilter1D.3G define a one-dimensional convolution filter
glConvolutionFilter2D.3G define a two-dimensional convolution filter
glConvolutionParameter.3G set convolution parameters
glCopyBufferSubData.3G copy all or part of the data store of a buffer object to the data store of another buffer object
glCopyColorSubTable.3G respecify a portion of a color table
glCopyColorTable.3G copy pixels into a color table
glCopyConvolutionFilter1D.3G copy pixels into a one-dimensional convolution filter
glCopyConvolutionFilter2D.3G copy pixels into a two-dimensional convolution filter
glCopyImageSubData.3G perform a raw data copy between two images
glCopyNamedBufferSubData.3G alias for glCopyBufferSubData.3G
glCopyPixels.3G copy pixels in the frame buffer
glCopyTexImage1D.3G copy pixels into a 1D texture image
glCopyTexImage2D.3G copy pixels into a 2D texture image
glCopyTexSubImage1D.3G copy a one-dimensional texture subimage
glCopyTexSubImage2D.3G copy a two-dimensional texture subimage
glCopyTexSubImage3D.3G copy a three-dimensional texture subimage
glCopyTextureSubImage1D.3G alias for glCopyTexSubImage1D.3G
glCopyTextureSubImage2D.3G alias for glCopyTexSubImage2D.3G
glCopyTextureSubImage3D.3G alias for glCopyTexSubImage3D.3G
glCreateBuffers.3G create buffer objects
glCreateFramebuffers.3G create framebuffer objects
glCreateProgram.3G Creates a program object
glCreateProgramPipelines.3G create program pipeline objects
glCreateQueries.3G create query objects
glCreateRenderbuffers.3G create renderbuffer objects
glCreateSamplers.3G create sampler objects
glCreateShader.3G Creates a shader object
glCreateShaderProgramv.3G create a stand-alone program from an array of null-terminated source code strings
glCreateTextures.3G create texture objects
glCreateTransformFeedbacks.3G create transform feedback objects
glCreateVertexArrays.3G create vertex array objects
glCullFace.3G specify whether front- or back-facing facets can be culled
glDebugMessageCallback.3G specify a callback to receive debugging messages from the GL
glDebugMessageControl.3G control the reporting of debug messages in a debug context
glDebugMessageInsert.3G inject an application-supplied message into the debug message queue
glDeleteBuffers.3G delete named buffer objects
glDeleteFramebuffers.3G delete framebuffer objects
glDeleteLists.3G delete a contiguous group of display lists
glDeleteProgram.3G Deletes a program object
glDeleteProgramPipelines.3G delete program pipeline objects
glDeleteQueries.3G delete named query objects
glDeleteRenderbuffers.3G delete renderbuffer objects
glDeleteSamplers.3G delete named sampler objects
glDeleteShader.3G Deletes a shader object
glDeleteSync.3G delete a sync object
glDeleteTextures.3G delete named textures
glDeleteTransformFeedbacks.3G delete transform feedback objects
glDeleteVertexArrays.3G delete vertex array objects
glDepthFunc.3G specify the value used for depth buffer comparisons
glDepthMask.3G enable or disable writing into the depth buffer
glDepthRange.3G specify mapping of depth values from normalized device coordinates to window coordinates
glDepthRangeArray.3G specify mapping of depth values from normalized device coordinates to window coordinates for a specified set of viewports
glDepthRangeIndexed.3G specify mapping of depth values from normalized device coordinates to window coordinates for a specified viewport
glDetachShader.3G Detaches a shader object from a program object to which it is attached
glDisable.3G alias for glEnable.3G
glDisableClientState.3G alias for glEnableClientState.3G
glDisableVertexArrayAttrib.3G alias for glEnableVertexAttribArray.3G
glDisableVertexAttribArray.3G alias for glEnableVertexAttribArray.3G
glDispatchCompute.3G launch one or more compute work groups
glDispatchComputeIndirect.3G launch one or more compute work groups using parameters stored in a buffer
glDrawArrays.3G render primitives from array data
glDrawArraysIndirect.3G render primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory
glDrawArraysInstanced.3G draw multiple instances of a range of elements
glDrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance.3G draw multiple instances of a range of elements with offset applied to instanced attributes
glDrawBuffer.3G specify which color buffers are to be drawn into
glDrawBuffers.3G Specifies a list of color buffers to be drawn into
glDrawElements.3G render primitives from array data
glDrawElementsBaseVertex.3G render primitives from array data with a per-element offset
glDrawElementsIndirect.3G render indexed primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory
glDrawElementsInstanced.3G draw multiple instances of a set of elements
glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance.3G draw multiple instances of a set of elements with offset applied to instanced attributes
glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex.3G render multiple instances of a set of primitives from array data with a per-element offset
glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance.3G render multiple instances of a set of primitives from array data with a per-element offset
glDrawPixels.3G write a block of pixels to the frame buffer
glDrawRangeElements.3G render primitives from array data
glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex.3G render primitives from array data with a per-element offset
glDrawTransformFeedback.3G render primitives using a count derived from a transform feedback object
glDrawTransformFeedbackInstanced.3G render multiple instances of primitives using a count derived from a transform feedback object
glDrawTransformFeedbackStream.3G render primitives using a count derived from a specifed stream of a transform feedback object
glDrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced.3G render multiple instances of primitives using a count derived from a specifed stream of a transform feedback object
glEdgeFlag.3G flag edges as either boundary or nonboundary
glEdgeFlagPointer.3G define an array of edge flags
glEdgeFlagv.3G alias for glEdgeFlag.3G
glEnable.3G enable or disable server-side GL capabilities
glEnableClientState.3G enable or disable client-side capability
glEnableVertexArrayAttrib.3G alias for glEnableVertexAttribArray.3G
glEnableVertexAttribArray.3G Enable or disable a generic vertex attribute array
glEnd.3G alias for glBegin.3G
glEndList.3G alias for glNewList.3G
glEvalCoord.3G evaluate enabled one- and two-dimensional maps
glEvalCoord1d.3G alias for glEvalCoord.3G
glEvalCoord1dv.3G alias for glEvalCoord.3G
glEvalCoord1fv.3G alias for glEvalCoord.3G
glEvalCoord2d.3G alias for glEvalCoord.3G
glEvalCoord2dv.3G alias for glEvalCoord.3G
glEvalCoord2f.3G alias for glEvalCoord.3G
glEvalCoord2fv.3G alias for glEvalCoord.3G
glEvalMesh.3G compute a one- or two-dimensional grid of points or lines
glEvalMesh1.3G alias for glEvalMesh.3G
glEvalMesh2.3G alias for glEvalMesh.3G
glEvalPoint.3G generate and evaluate a single point in a mesh
glEvalPoint1.3G alias for glEvalPoint.3G
glEvalPoint2.3G alias for glEvalPoint.3G
glFeedbackBuffer.3G controls feedback mode
glFenceSync.3G create a new sync object and insert it into the GL command stream
glFinish.3G block until all GL execution is complete
glFlush.3G force execution of GL commands in finite time
glFlushMappedBufferRange.3G indicate modifications to a range of a mapped buffer
glFlushMappedNamedBufferRange.3G alias for glFlushMappedBufferRange.3G
glFog.3G specify fog parameters
glFogf.3G alias for glFog.3G
glFogfv.3G alias for glFog.3G
glFogi.3G alias for glFog.3G
glFogiv.3G alias for glFog.3G
glFramebufferParameteri.3G set a named parameter of a framebuffer object
glFramebufferRenderbuffer.3G attach a renderbuffer as a logical buffer of a framebuffer object
glFramebufferTexture.3G attach a level of a texture object as a logical buffer of a framebuffer object
glFramebufferTextureLayer.3G attach a single layer of a texture object as a logical buffer of a framebuffer object
glFrontFace.3G define front- and back-facing polygons
glFrustum.3G multiply the current matrix by a perspective matrix
glGenBuffers.3G generate buffer object names
glGenFramebuffers.3G generate framebuffer object names
glGenLists.3G generate a contiguous set of empty display lists
glGenProgramPipelines.3G reserve program pipeline object names
glGenQueries.3G generate query object names
glGenRenderbuffers.3G generate renderbuffer object names
glGenSamplers.3G generate sampler object names
glGenTextures.3G generate texture names
glGenTransformFeedbacks.3G reserve transform feedback object names
glGenVertexArrays.3G generate vertex array object names
glGenerateMipmap.3G generate mipmaps for a specified texture object
glGenerateTextureMipmap.3G alias for glGenerateMipmap.3G
glGet.3G return the value or values of a selected parameter
glGetActiveAtomicCounterBufferiv.3G retrieve information about the set of active atomic counter buffers for a program
glGetActiveAttrib.3G Returns information about an active attribute variable for the specified program object
glGetActiveSubroutineName.3G query the name of an active shader subroutine
glGetActiveSubroutineUniform.3G query a property of an active shader subroutine uniform
glGetActiveSubroutineUniformName.3G query the name of an active shader subroutine uniform
glGetActiveUniform.3G Returns information about an active uniform variable for the specified program object
glGetActiveUniformBlock.3G query information about an active uniform block
glGetActiveUniformBlockName.3G retrieve the name of an active uniform block
glGetActiveUniformName.3G query the name of an active uniform
glGetActiveUniformsiv.3G Returns information about several active uniform variables for the specified program object
glGetAttachedShaders.3G Returns the handles of the shader objects attached to a program object
glGetAttribLocation.3G Returns the location of an attribute variable
glGetBooleanv.3G alias for glGet.3G
glGetBufferParameteri64v.3G alias for glGetBufferParameteriv.3G
glGetBufferParameteriv.3G return parameters of a buffer object
glGetBufferPointerv.3G return the pointer to a mapped buffer object's data store
glGetBufferSubData.3G returns a subset of a buffer object's data store
glGetClipPlane.3G return the coefficients of the specified clipping plane
glGetColorTable.3G retrieve contents of a color lookup table
glGetColorTableParameter.3G get color lookup table parameters
glGetColorTableParameterfv.3G alias for glGetColorTableParameter.3G
glGetColorTableParameteriv.3G alias for glGetColorTableParameter.3G
glGetCompressedTexImage.3G return a compressed texture image
glGetCompressedTextureImage.3G alias for glGetCompressedTexImage.3G
glGetCompressedTextureSubImage.3G retrieve a sub-region of a compressed texture image from a compressed texture object
glGetConvolutionFilter.3G get current 1D or 2D convolution filter kernel
glGetConvolutionParameter.3G get convolution parameters
glGetDebugMessageLog.3G retrieve messages from the debug message log
glGetDoublev.3G alias for glGet.3G
glGetError.3G return error information
glGetFloatv.3G alias for glGet.3G
glGetFragDataIndex.3G query the bindings of color indices to user-defined varying out variables
glGetFragDataLocation.3G query the bindings of color numbers to user-defined varying out variables
glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv.3G retrieve information about attachments of a framebuffer object
glGetFramebufferParameteriv.3G query a named parameter of a framebuffer object
glGetGraphicsResetStatus.3G check if the rendering context has not been lost due to software or hardware issues
glGetHistogram.3G get histogram table
glGetHistogramParameter.3G get histogram parameters
glGetIntegerv.3G alias for glGet.3G
glGetInternalformat.3G retrieve information about implementation-dependent support for internal formats
glGetLight.3G return light source parameter values
glGetLightfv.3G alias for glGetLight.3G
glGetLightiv.3G alias for glGetLight.3G
glGetMap.3G return evaluator parameters
glGetMapdv.3G alias for glGetMap.3G
glGetMapfv.3G alias for glGetMap.3G
glGetMapiv.3G alias for glGetMap.3G
glGetMaterial.3G return material parameters
glGetMaterialfv.3G alias for glGetMaterial.3G
glGetMaterialiv.3G alias for glGetMaterial.3G
glGetMinmax.3G get minimum and maximum pixel values
glGetMinmaxParameter.3G get minmax parameters
glGetMultisamplefv.3G retrieve the location of a sample
glGetNamedBufferParameteri64v.3G alias for glGetBufferParameteriv.3G
glGetNamedBufferParameteriv.3G alias for glGetBufferParameteriv.3G
glGetNamedBufferPointerv.3G alias for glGetBufferPointerv.3G
glGetNamedBufferSubData.3G alias for glGetBufferSubData.3G
glGetNamedFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv.3G alias for glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv.3G
glGetNamedFramebufferParameteriv.3G alias for glGetFramebufferParameteriv.3G
glGetNamedRenderbufferParameteriv.3G alias for glGetRenderbufferParameteriv.3G
glGetObjectLabel.3G retrieve the label of a named object identified within a namespace
glGetObjectPtrLabel.3G retrieve the label of a sync object identified by a pointer
glGetPixelMap.3G return the specified pixel map
glGetPixelMapfv.3G alias for glGetPixelMap.3G
glGetPixelMapuiv.3G alias for glGetPixelMap.3G
glGetPixelMapusv.3G alias for glGetPixelMap.3G
glGetPointerv.3G return the address of the specified pointer
glGetPolygonStipple.3G return the polygon stipple pattern
glGetProgramBinary.3G return a binary representation of a program object's compiled and linked executable source
glGetProgramInfoLog.3G Returns the information log for a program object
glGetProgramInterface.3G query a property of an interface in a program
glGetProgramPipeline.3G retrieve properties of a program pipeline object
glGetProgramPipelineInfoLog.3G retrieve the info log string from a program pipeline object
glGetProgramResource.3G retrieve values for multiple properties of a single active resource within a program object
glGetProgramResourceIndex.3G query the index of a named resource within a program
glGetProgramResourceLocation.3G query the location of a named resource within a program
glGetProgramResourceLocationIndex.3G query the fragment color index of a named variable within a program
glGetProgramResourceName.3G query the name of an indexed resource within a program
glGetProgramStage.3G retrieve properties of a program object corresponding to a specified shader stage
glGetProgramiv.3G Returns a parameter from a program object
glGetQueryIndexediv.3G return parameters of an indexed query object target
glGetQueryObject.3G return parameters of a query object
glGetQueryiv.3G return parameters of a query object target
glGetRenderbufferParameteriv.3G query a named parameter of a renderbuffer object
glGetSamplerParameter.3G return sampler parameter values
glGetSeparableFilter.3G get separable convolution filter kernel images
glGetShaderInfoLog.3G Returns the information log for a shader object
glGetShaderPrecisionFormat.3G retrieve the range and precision for numeric formats supported by the shader compiler
glGetShaderSource.3G Returns the source code string from a shader object
glGetShaderiv.3G Returns a parameter from a shader object
glGetString.3G return a string describing the current GL connection
glGetSubroutineIndex.3G retrieve the index of a subroutine uniform of a given shader stage within a program
glGetSubroutineUniformLocation.3G retrieve the location of a subroutine uniform of a given shader stage within a program
glGetSynciv.3G query the properties of a sync object
glGetTexEnv.3G return texture environment parameters
glGetTexEnvfv.3G alias for glGetTexEnv.3G
glGetTexEnviv.3G alias for glGetTexEnv.3G
glGetTexGen.3G return texture coordinate generation parameters
glGetTexGendv.3G alias for glGetTexGen.3G
glGetTexGenfv.3G alias for glGetTexGen.3G
glGetTexGeniv.3G alias for glGetTexGen.3G
glGetTexImage.3G return a texture image
glGetTexLevelParameter.3G return texture parameter values for a specific level of detail
glGetTexLevelParameterfv.3G alias for glGetTexLevelParameter.3G
glGetTexLevelParameteriv.3G alias for glGetTexLevelParameter.3G
glGetTexParameter.3G return texture parameter values
glGetTexParameterfv.3G alias for glGetTexParameter.3G
glGetTexParameteriv.3G alias for glGetTexParameter.3G
glGetTextureImage.3G alias for glGetTexImage.3G
glGetTextureSubImage.3G retrieve a sub-region of a texture image from a texture object
glGetTransformFeedbackVarying.3G retrieve information about varying variables selected for transform feedback
glGetTransformFeedbackiv.3G query the state of a transform feedback object.
glGetUniformBlockIndex.3G retrieve the index of a named uniform block
glGetUniformIndices.3G retrieve the index of a named uniform block
glGetUniformLocation.3G Returns the location of a uniform variable
glGetUniformSubroutine.3G retrieve the value of a subroutine uniform of a given shader stage of the current program
glGetUniformfv.3G Returns the value of a uniform variable
glGetUniformiv.3G alias for glGetUniformfv.3G
glGetVertexArrayIndexed.3G retrieve parameters of an attribute of a vertex array object
glGetVertexArrayiv.3G retrieve parameters of a vertex array object
glGetVertexAttribIiv.3G alias for glGetVertexAttribdv.3G
glGetVertexAttribIuiv.3G alias for glGetVertexAttribdv.3G
glGetVertexAttribLdv.3G alias for glGetVertexAttribdv.3G
glGetVertexAttribPointerv.3G return the address of the specified generic vertex attribute pointer
glGetVertexAttribdv.3G Return a generic vertex attribute parameter
glGetVertexAttribfv.3G alias for glGetVertexAttribdv.3G
glGetVertexAttribiv.3G alias for glGetVertexAttribdv.3G
glGetnCompressedTexImage.3G alias for glGetCompressedTexImage.3G
glGetnTexImage.3G alias for glGetTexImage.3G
glHint.3G specify implementation-specific hints
glHistogram.3G define histogram table
glIndex.3G set the current color index
glIndexMask.3G control the writing of individual bits in the color index buffers
glIndexPointer.3G define an array of color indexes
glIndexd.3G alias for glIndex.3G
glIndexdv.3G alias for glIndex.3G
glIndexf.3G alias for glIndex.3G
glIndexfv.3G alias for glIndex.3G
glIndexi.3G alias for glIndex.3G
glIndexiv.3G alias for glIndex.3G
glIndexs.3G alias for glIndex.3G
glIndexsv.3G alias for glIndex.3G
glIndexub.3G alias for glIndex.3G
glIndexubv.3G alias for glIndex.3G
glInitNames.3G initialize the name stack
glInterleavedArrays.3G simultaneously specify and enable several interleaved arrays
glInvalidateBufferData.3G invalidate the content of a buffer object's data store
glInvalidateBufferSubData.3G invalidate a region of a buffer object's data store
glInvalidateFramebuffer.3G invalidate the content of some or all of a framebuffer's attachments
glInvalidateNamedFramebufferData.3G alias for glInvalidateFramebuffer.3G
glInvalidateNamedFramebufferSubData.3G alias for glInvalidateSubFramebuffer.3G
glInvalidateSubFramebuffer.3G invalidate the content of a region of some or all of a framebuffer's attachments
glInvalidateTexImage.3G invalidate the entirety a texture image
glInvalidateTexSubImage.3G invalidate a region of a texture image
glIsBuffer.3G determine if a name corresponds to a buffer object
glIsEnabled,_glIsEnabledi.3G test whether a capability is enabled
glIsEnabled.3G test whether a capability is enabled
glIsFramebuffer.3G determine if a name corresponds to a framebuffer object
glIsProgram.3G Determines if a name corresponds to a program object
glIsProgramPipeline.3G determine if a name corresponds to a program pipeline object
glIsQuery.3G determine if a name corresponds to a query object
glIsRenderbuffer.3G determine if a name corresponds to a renderbuffer object
glIsSampler.3G determine if a name corresponds to a sampler object
glIsShader.3G Determines if a name corresponds to a shader object
glIsSync.3G determine if a name corresponds to a sync object
glIsTexture.3G determine if a name corresponds to a texture
glIsTransformFeedback.3G determine if a name corresponds to a transform feedback object
glIsVertexArray.3G determine if a name corresponds to a vertex array object
glIslist.3G determine if a name corresponds to a display-list
glLight.3G set light source parameters
glLightModel.3G set the lighting model parameters
glLightModelf.3G alias for glLightModel.3G
glLightModelfv.3G alias for glLightModel.3G
glLightModeli.3G alias for glLightModel.3G
glLightModeliv.3G alias for glLightModel.3G
glLightf.3G alias for glLight.3G
glLightfv.3G alias for glLight.3G
glLighti.3G alias for glLight.3G
glLightiv.3G alias for glLight.3G
glLineStipple.3G specify the line stipple pattern
glLineWidth.3G specify the width of rasterized lines
glLinkProgram.3G Links a program object
glListBase.3G set the display-list base for glCallLists
glLoadIdentity.3G replace the current matrix with the identity matrix
glLoadMatrix.3G replace the current matrix with the specified matrix
glLoadMatrixd.3G alias for glLoadMatrix.3G
glLoadMatrixf.3G alias for glLoadMatrix.3G
glLoadName.3G load a name onto the name stack
glLogicOp.3G specify a logical pixel operation for rendering
glMap1.3G define a one-dimensional evaluator
glMap1d.3G alias for glMap1.3G
glMap1f.3G alias for glMap1.3G
glMap2.3G define a two-dimensional evaluator
glMap2d.3G alias for glMap2.3G
glMap2f.3G alias for glMap2.3G
glMapBuffer.3G map all of a buffer object's data store into the client's address space
glMapBufferRange.3G map all or part of a buffer object's data store into the client's address space
glMapGrid.3G define a one- or two-dimensional mesh
glMapGrid1d.3G alias for glMapGrid.3G
glMapGrid1f.3G alias for glMapGrid.3G
glMapGrid2d.3G alias for glMapGrid.3G
glMapGrid2f.3G alias for glMapGrid.3G
glMapNamedBuffer.3G alias for glMapBuffer.3G
glMapNamedBufferRange.3G alias for glMapBufferRange.3G
glMaterial.3G specify material parameters for the lighting model
glMaterialf.3G alias for glMaterial.3G
glMaterialfv.3G alias for glMaterial.3G
glMateriali.3G alias for glMaterial.3G
glMaterialiv.3G alias for glMaterial.3G
glMatrixMode.3G specify which matrix is the current matrix
glMemoryBarrier.3G defines a barrier ordering memory transactions
glMinSampleShading.3G specifies minimum rate at which sample shaing takes place
glMinmax.3G define minmax table
glMultMatrix.3G multiply the current matrix with the specified matrix
glMultMatrixd.3G alias for glMultMatrix.3G
glMultMatrixf.3G alias for glMultMatrix.3G
glMultiDrawArrays.3G render multiple sets of primitives from array data
glMultiDrawArraysIndirect.3G render multiple sets of primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory
glMultiDrawElements.3G render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements
glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex.3G render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements and an index to apply to each index
glMultiDrawElementsIndirect.3G render indexed primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory
glMultiTexCoord1dARB.3G alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G
glMultiTexCoord1dvARB.3G alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G
glMultiTexCoord1fARB.3G alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G
glMultiTexCoord1fvARB.3G alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G
glMultiTexCoord1iARB.3G alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G
glMultiTexCoord1ivARB.3G alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G
glMultiTexCoord1sARB.3G alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G
glMultiTexCoord1svARB.3G alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G
glMultiTexCoord2dARB.3G alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G
glMultiTexCoord2dvARB.3G alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G
glMultiTexCoord2fARB.3G alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G
glMultiTexCoord2fvARB.3G alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G
glMultiTexCoord2iARB.3G alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G
glMultiTexCoord2ivARB.3G alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G
glMultiTexCoord2sARB.3G alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G
glMultiTexCoord2svARB.3G alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G
glMultiTexCoord3dARB.3G alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G
glMultiTexCoord3dvARB.3G alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G
glMultiTexCoord3fARB.3G alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G
glMultiTexCoord3fvARB.3G alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G
glMultiTexCoord3iARB.3G alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G
glMultiTexCoord3ivARB.3G alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G
glMultiTexCoord3sARB.3G alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G
glMultiTexCoord3svARB.3G alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G
glMultiTexCoord4dARB.3G alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G
glMultiTexCoord4dvARB.3G alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G
glMultiTexCoord4fARB.3G alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G
glMultiTexCoord4fvARB.3G alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G
glMultiTexCoord4iARB.3G alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G
glMultiTexCoord4ivARB.3G alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G
glMultiTexCoord4sARB.3G alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G
glMultiTexCoord4svARB.3G alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G
glMultiTexCoordARB.3G set the current texture coordinates
glNamedBufferData.3G alias for glBufferData.3G
glNamedBufferStorage.3G alias for glBufferStorage.3G
glNamedBufferSubData.3G alias for glBufferSubData.3G
glNamedFramebufferDrawBuffer.3G alias for glDrawBuffer.3G
glNamedFramebufferDrawBuffers.3G alias for glDrawBuffers.3G
glNamedFramebufferParameteri.3G alias for glFramebufferParameteri.3G
glNamedFramebufferReadBuffer.3G alias for glReadBuffer.3G
glNamedFramebufferRenderbuffer.3G alias for glFramebufferRenderbuffer.3G
glNamedFramebufferTextureLayer.3G alias for glFramebufferTextureLayer.3G
glNamedRenderbufferStorage.3G alias for glRenderbufferStorage.3G
glNamedRenderbufferStorageMultisample.3G alias for glRenderbufferStorageMultisample.3G
glNewList.3G create or replace a display list
glNormal.3G set the current normal vector
glNormal3b.3G alias for glNormal.3G
glNormal3bv.3G alias for glNormal.3G
glNormal3d.3G alias for glNormal.3G
glNormal3dv.3G alias for glNormal.3G
glNormal3f.3G alias for glNormal.3G
glNormal3fv.3G alias for glNormal.3G
glNormal3i.3G alias for glNormal.3G
glNormal3iv.3G alias for glNormal.3G
glNormal3s.3G alias for glNormal.3G
glNormal3sv.3G alias for glNormal.3G
glNormalPointer.3G define an array of normals
glObjectLabel.3G label a named object identified within a namespace
glObjectPtrLabel.3G label a sync object identified by a pointer
glOrtho.3G multiply the current matrix with an orthographic matrix
glPassThrough.3G place a marker in the feedback buffer
glPatchParameter.3G specifies the parameters for patch primitives
glPauseTransformFeedback.3G pause transform feedback operations
glPixelMap.3G set up pixel transfer maps
glPixelMapfv.3G alias for glPixelMap.3G
glPixelMapuiv.3G alias for glPixelMap.3G
glPixelMapusv.3G alias for glPixelMap.3G
glPixelStore.3G set pixel storage modes
glPixelStoref.3G alias for glPixelStore.3G
glPixelStorei.3G alias for glPixelStore.3G
glPixelTransfer.3G set pixel transfer modes
glPixelTransferf.3G alias for glPixelTransfer.3G
glPixelTransferi.3G alias for glPixelTransfer.3G
glPixelZoom.3G specify the pixel zoom factors
glPointParameter.3G specify point parameters
glPointSize.3G specify the diameter of rasterized points
glPolygonMode.3G select a polygon rasterization mode
glPolygonOffset.3G set the scale and units used to calculate depth values
glPolygonStipple.3G set the polygon stippling pattern
glPopAttrib.3G alias for glPushAttrib.3G
glPopClientAttrib.3G alias for glPushClientAttrib.3G
glPopDebugGroup.3G pop the active debug group
glPopMatrix.3G alias for glPushMatrix.3G
glPopName.3G alias for glPushName.3G
glPrimitiveRestartIndex.3G specify the primitive restart index
glPrioritizeTextures.3G set texture residence priority
glProgramBinary.3G load a program object with a program binary
glProgramParameter.3G specify a parameter for a program object
glProgramUniform1f.3G Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object
glProgramUniform1fv.3G alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G
glProgramUniform1i.3G alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G
glProgramUniform1iv.3G alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G
glProgramUniform1ui.3G alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G
glProgramUniform1uiv.3G alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G
glProgramUniform2f.3G alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G
glProgramUniform2fv.3G alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G
glProgramUniform2i.3G alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G
glProgramUniform2iv.3G alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G
glProgramUniform2ui.3G alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G
glProgramUniform2uiv.3G alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G
glProgramUniform3f.3G alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G
glProgramUniform3fv.3G alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G
glProgramUniform3i.3G alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G
glProgramUniform3iv.3G alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G
glProgramUniform3ui.3G alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G
glProgramUniform3uiv.3G alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G
glProgramUniform4f.3G alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G
glProgramUniform4fv.3G alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G
glProgramUniform4i.3G alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G
glProgramUniform4iv.3G alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G
glProgramUniform4ui.3G alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G
glProgramUniform4uiv.3G alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G
glProgramUniformMatrix2fv.3G alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G
glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv.3G alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G
glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv.3G alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G
glProgramUniformMatrix3fv.3G alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G
glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv.3G alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G
glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv.3G alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G
glProgramUniformMatrix4fv.3G alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G
glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv.3G alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G
glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv.3G alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G
glProvokingVertex.3G specifiy the vertex to be used as the source of data for flat shaded varyings
glPushAttrib.3G push and pop the server attribute stack
glPushClientAttrib.3G push and pop the client attribute stack
glPushDebugGroup.3G push a named debug group into the command stream
glPushMatrix.3G push and pop the current matrix stack
glPushName.3G push and pop the name stack
glQueryCounter.3G record the GL time into a query object after all previous commands have reached the GL server but have not yet necessarily executed.
glRasterPos.3G specify the raster position for pixel operations
glRasterPos2d.3G alias for glRasterPos.3G
glRasterPos2dv.3G alias for glRasterPos.3G
glRasterPos2f.3G alias for glRasterPos.3G
glRasterPos2fv.3G alias for glRasterPos.3G
glRasterPos2i.3G alias for glRasterPos.3G
glRasterPos2iv.3G alias for glRasterPos.3G
glRasterPos2s.3G alias for glRasterPos.3G
glRasterPos2sv.3G alias for glRasterPos.3G
glRasterPos3d.3G alias for glRasterPos.3G
glRasterPos3dv.3G alias for glRasterPos.3G
glRasterPos3f.3G alias for glRasterPos.3G
glRasterPos3fv.3G alias for glRasterPos.3G
glRasterPos3i.3G alias for glRasterPos.3G
glRasterPos3iv.3G alias for glRasterPos.3G
glRasterPos3s.3G alias for glRasterPos.3G
glRasterPos3sv.3G alias for glRasterPos.3G
glRasterPos4d.3G alias for glRasterPos.3G
glRasterPos4dv.3G alias for glRasterPos.3G
glRasterPos4f.3G alias for glRasterPos.3G
glRasterPos4fv.3G alias for glRasterPos.3G
glRasterPos4i.3G alias for glRasterPos.3G
glRasterPos4iv.3G alias for glRasterPos.3G
glRasterPos4s.3G alias for glRasterPos.3G
glRasterPos4sv.3G alias for glRasterPos.3G
glReadBuffer.3G select a color buffer source for pixels
glReadPixels.3G read a block of pixels from the frame buffer
glReadnPixels.3G alias for glReadPixels.3G
glRect.3G draw a rectangle
glRectd.3G alias for glRect.3G
glRectdv.3G alias for glRect.3G
glRectf.3G alias for glRect.3G
glRectfv.3G alias for glRect.3G
glRecti.3G alias for glRect.3G
glRectiv.3G alias for glRect.3G
glRects.3G alias for glRect.3G
glRectsv.3G alias for glRect.3G
glReleaseShaderCompiler.3G release resources consumed by the implementation's shader compiler
glRenderMode.3G set rasterization mode
glRenderbufferStorage.3G establish data storage, format and dimensions of a renderbuffer object's image
glRenderbufferStorageMultisample.3G establish data storage, format, dimensions and sample count of a renderbuffer object's image
glResetHistogram.3G reset histogram table entries to zero
glResetMinmax.3G reset minmax table entries to initial values
glResumeTransformFeedback.3G resume transform feedback operations
glRotate.3G multiply the current matrix by a rotation matrix
glRotated.3G alias for glRotate.3G
glRotatef.3G alias for glRotate.3G
glSampleCoverage.3G specify multisample coverage parameters
glSampleMaski.3G set the value of a sub-word of the sample mask
glSamplerParameter.3G set sampler parameters
glScale.3G multiply the current matrix by a general scaling matrix
glScaled.3G alias for glScale.3G
glScalef.3G alias for glScale.3G
glScissor.3G define the scissor box
glScissorArray.3G define the scissor box for multiple viewports
glScissorIndexed.3G define the scissor box for a specific viewport
glSelectBuffer.3G establish a buffer for selection mode values
glSeparableFilter2D.3G define a separable two-dimensional convolution filter
glShadeModel.3G select flat or smooth shading
glShaderBinary.3G load pre-compiled shader binaries
glShaderSource.3G Replaces the source code in a shader object
glShaderStorageBlockBinding.3G change an active shader storage block binding
glStencilFunc.3G set front and back function and reference value for stencil testing
glStencilFuncSeparate.3G set front and/or back function and reference value for stencil testing
glStencilMask.3G control the front and back writing of individual bits in the stencil planes
glStencilMaskSeparate.3G control the front and/or back writing of individual bits in the stencil planes
glStencilOp.3G set front and back stencil test actions
glStencilOpSeparate.3G set front and/or back stencil test actions
glTexBuffer.3G attach a buffer object's data store to a buffer texture object
glTexBufferRange.3G attach a range of a buffer object's data store to a buffer texture object
glTexCoord.3G set the current texture coordinates
glTexCoord1d.3G alias for glTexCoord.3G
glTexCoord1dv.3G alias for glTexCoord.3G
glTexCoord1f.3G alias for glTexCoord.3G
glTexCoord1fv.3G alias for glTexCoord.3G
glTexCoord1i.3G alias for glTexCoord.3G
glTexCoord1iv.3G alias for glTexCoord.3G
glTexCoord1s.3G alias for glTexCoord.3G
glTexCoord1sv.3G alias for glTexCoord.3G
glTexCoord2d.3G alias for glTexCoord.3G
glTexCoord2dv.3G alias for glTexCoord.3G
glTexCoord2f.3G alias for glTexCoord.3G
glTexCoord2fv.3G alias for glTexCoord.3G
glTexCoord2i.3G alias for glTexCoord.3G
glTexCoord2iv.3G alias for glTexCoord.3G
glTexCoord2s.3G alias for glTexCoord.3G
glTexCoord2sv.3G alias for glTexCoord.3G
glTexCoord3d.3G alias for glTexCoord.3G
glTexCoord3dv.3G alias for glTexCoord.3G
glTexCoord3f.3G alias for glTexCoord.3G
glTexCoord3fv.3G alias for glTexCoord.3G
glTexCoord3i.3G alias for glTexCoord.3G
glTexCoord3iv.3G alias for glTexCoord.3G
glTexCoord3s.3G alias for glTexCoord.3G
glTexCoord3sv.3G alias for glTexCoord.3G
glTexCoord4d.3G alias for glTexCoord.3G
glTexCoord4dv.3G alias for glTexCoord.3G
glTexCoord4f.3G alias for glTexCoord.3G
glTexCoord4fv.3G alias for glTexCoord.3G
glTexCoord4i.3G alias for glTexCoord.3G
glTexCoord4iv.3G alias for glTexCoord.3G
glTexCoord4s.3G alias for glTexCoord.3G
glTexCoord4sv.3G alias for glTexCoord.3G
glTexCoordPointer.3G define an array of texture coordinates
glTexEnv.3G set texture environment parameters
glTexEnvf.3G alias for glTexEnv.3G
glTexEnvfv.3G alias for glTexEnv.3G
glTexEnvi.3G alias for glTexEnv.3G
glTexEnviv.3G alias for glTexEnv.3G
glTexGen.3G control the generation of texture coordinates
glTexGend.3G alias for glTexGen.3G
glTexGendv.3G alias for glTexGen.3G
glTexGenf.3G alias for glTexGen.3G
glTexGenfv.3G alias for glTexGen.3G
glTexGeni.3G alias for glTexGen.3G
glTexGeniv.3G alias for glTexGen.3G
glTexImage1D.3G specify a one-dimensional texture image
glTexImage2D.3G specify a two-dimensional texture image
glTexImage2DMultisample.3G establish the data storage, format, dimensions, and number of samples of a multisample texture's image
glTexImage3D.3G specify a three-dimensional texture image
glTexImage3DMultisample.3G establish the data storage, format, dimensions, and number of samples of a multisample texture's image
glTexParameter.3G set texture parameters
glTexParameterf.3G alias for glTexParameter.3G
glTexParameterfv.3G alias for glTexParameter.3G
glTexParameteri.3G alias for glTexParameter.3G
glTexParameteriv.3G alias for glTexParameter.3G
glTexStorage1D.3G simultaneously specify storage for all levels of a one-dimensional texture
glTexStorage2D.3G simultaneously specify storage for all levels of a two-dimensional or one-dimensional array texture
glTexStorage2DMultisample.3G specify storage for a two-dimensional multisample texture
glTexStorage3D.3G simultaneously specify storage for all levels of a three-dimensional, two-dimensional array or cube-map array texture
glTexStorage3DMultisample.3G specify storage for a two-dimensional multisample array texture
glTexSubImage1D.3G specify a one-dimensional texture subimage
glTexSubImage2D.3G specify a two-dimensional texture subimage
glTexSubImage3D.3G specify a three-dimensional texture subimage
glTextureBarrier.3G controls the ordering of reads and writes to rendered fragments across drawing commands
glTextureBuffer.3G alias for glTexBuffer.3G
glTextureBufferRange.3G alias for glTexBufferRange.3G
glTextureParameter.3G alias for glTexParameter.3G
glTextureStorage1D.3G alias for glTexStorage1D.3G
glTextureStorage2D.3G alias for glTexStorage2D.3G
glTextureStorage2DMultisample.3G alias for glTexStorage2DMultisample.3G
glTextureStorage3D.3G alias for glTexStorage3D.3G
glTextureStorage3DMultisample.3G alias for glTexStorage3DMultisample.3G
glTextureSubImage1D.3G alias for glTexSubImage1D.3G
glTextureSubImage2D.3G alias for glTexSubImage2D.3G
glTextureSubImage3D.3G alias for glTexSubImage3D.3G
glTextureView.3G initialize a texture as a data alias of another texture's data store
glTransformFeedbackBufferBase.3G bind a buffer object to a transform feedback buffer object
glTransformFeedbackBufferRange.3G bind a range within a buffer object to a transform feedback buffer object
glTransformFeedbackVaryings.3G specify values to record in transform feedback buffers
glTranslate.3G multiply the current matrix by a translation matrix
glTranslated.3G alias for glTranslate.3G
glTranslatef.3G alias for glTranslate.3G
glUniform1f.3G Specify the value of a uniform variable for the current program object
glUniform1fv.3G alias for glUniform1f.3G
glUniform1i.3G alias for glUniform1f.3G
glUniform1iv.3G alias for glUniform1f.3G
glUniform1ui.3G alias for glUniform1f.3G
glUniform1uiv.3G alias for glUniform1f.3G
glUniform2f.3G alias for glUniform1f.3G
glUniform2fv.3G alias for glUniform1f.3G
glUniform2i.3G alias for glUniform1f.3G
glUniform2iv.3G alias for glUniform1f.3G
glUniform2ui.3G alias for glUniform1f.3G
glUniform2uiv.3G alias for glUniform1f.3G
glUniform3f.3G alias for glUniform1f.3G
glUniform3fv.3G alias for glUniform1f.3G
glUniform3i.3G alias for glUniform1f.3G
glUniform3iv.3G alias for glUniform1f.3G
glUniform3ui.3G alias for glUniform1f.3G
glUniform3uiv.3G alias for glUniform1f.3G
glUniform4f.3G alias for glUniform1f.3G
glUniform4fv.3G alias for glUniform1f.3G
glUniform4i.3G alias for glUniform1f.3G
glUniform4iv.3G alias for glUniform1f.3G
glUniform4ui.3G alias for glUniform1f.3G
glUniform4uiv.3G alias for glUniform1f.3G
glUniformBlockBinding.3G assign a binding point to an active uniform block
glUniformMatrix2fv.3G alias for glUniform1f.3G
glUniformMatrix2x3fv.3G alias for glUniform1f.3G
glUniformMatrix2x4fv.3G alias for glUniform1f.3G
glUniformMatrix3fv.3G alias for glUniform1f.3G
glUniformMatrix3x2fv.3G alias for glUniform1f.3G
glUniformMatrix3x4fv.3G alias for glUniform1f.3G
glUniformMatrix4fv.3G alias for glUniform1f.3G
glUniformMatrix4x2fv.3G alias for glUniform1f.3G
glUniformMatrix4x3fv.3G alias for glUniform1f.3G
glUniformSubroutines.3G load active subroutine uniforms
glUnmapBuffer.3G release the mapping of a buffer object's data store into the client's address space
glUnmapNamedBuffer.3G alias for glUnmapBuffer.3G
glUseProgram.3G Installs a program object as part of current rendering state
glUseProgramStages.3G bind stages of a program object to a program pipeline
glValidateProgram.3G Validates a program object
glValidateProgramPipeline.3G validate a program pipeline object against current GL state
glVertex.3G specify a vertex
glVertex2d.3G alias for glVertex.3G
glVertex2dv.3G alias for glVertex.3G
glVertex2f.3G alias for glVertex.3G
glVertex2fv.3G alias for glVertex.3G
glVertex2i.3G alias for glVertex.3G
glVertex2iv.3G alias for glVertex.3G
glVertex2s.3G alias for glVertex.3G
glVertex2sv.3G alias for glVertex.3G
glVertex3d.3G alias for glVertex.3G
glVertex3dv.3G alias for glVertex.3G
glVertex3f.3G alias for glVertex.3G
glVertex3fv.3G alias for glVertex.3G
glVertex3i.3G alias for glVertex.3G
glVertex3iv.3G alias for glVertex.3G
glVertex3s.3G alias for glVertex.3G
glVertex3sv.3G alias for glVertex.3G
glVertex4d.3G alias for glVertex.3G
glVertex4dv.3G alias for glVertex.3G
glVertex4f.3G alias for glVertex.3G
glVertex4fv.3G alias for glVertex.3G
glVertex4i.3G alias for glVertex.3G
glVertex4iv.3G alias for glVertex.3G
glVertex4s.3G alias for glVertex.3G
glVertex4sv.3G alias for glVertex.3G
glVertexArrayAttribFormat.3G alias for glVertexAttribFormat.3G
glVertexArrayBindingDivisor.3G alias for glVertexBindingDivisor.3G
glVertexArrayElementBuffer.3G configures element array buffer binding of a vertex array object
glVertexArrayVertexBuffer.3G alias for glBindVertexBuffer.3G
glVertexArrayVertexBuffers.3G alias for glBindVertexBuffers.3G
glVertexAttrib.3G Specifies the value of a generic vertex attribute
glVertexAttribBinding.3G associate a vertex attribute and a vertex buffer binding for a vertex array object
glVertexAttribDivisor.3G modify the rate at which generic vertex attributes advance during instanced rendering
glVertexAttribFormat.3G specify the organization of vertex arrays
glVertexAttribPointer.3G define an array of generic vertex attribute data
glVertexBindingDivisor.3G modify the rate at which generic vertex attributes advance
glVertexPointer.3G define an array of vertex data
glViewport.3G set the viewport
glViewportArray.3G set multiple viewports
glViewportIndexed.3G set a specified viewport
glWaitSync.3G instruct the GL server to block until the specified sync object becomes signaled
glXChooseVisual.3G return a visual that matches specified attributes
glXCopyContext.3G copy state from one rendering context to another
glXCreateContext.3G create a new GLX rendering context
glXCreateGLXPixmap.3G create an off-screen GLX rendering area
glXDestroyContext.3G destroy a GLX context
glXDestroyGLXPixmap.3G destroy a GLX pixmap
glXFreeContextEXT.3G free client-side memory for imported context
glXGetClientString.3G return a string describing the client
glXGetConfig.3G return information about GLX visuals
glXGetContextIDEXT.3G get the XID for a context.
glXGetCurrentContext.3G return the current context
glXGetCurrentDisplay.3G get display for current context
glXGetCurrentDrawable.3G return the current drawable
glXImportContextEXT.3G import another process's indirect rendering context.
glXIntro.3G Introduction to OpenGL in the X window system
glXIsDirect.3G indicate whether direct rendering is enabled
glXMakeCurrent.3G attach a GLX context to a window or a GLX pixmap
glXQueryContextInfoEXT.3G query context information
glXQueryExtension.3G indicate whether the GLX extension is supported
glXQueryExtensionsString.3G return list of supported extensions
glXQueryServerString.3G return string describing the server
glXQueryVersion.3G return the version numbers of the GLX extension
glXSwapBuffers.3G exchange front and back buffers
glXUseXFont.3G create bitmap display lists from an X font
glXWaitGL.3G complete GL execution prior to subsequent X calls
glXWaitX.3G complete X execution prior to subsequent GL calls
gl_ClipDistance.3G provides a forward-compatible mechanism for vertex clipping
gl_CullDistance.3G provides a mechanism for controlling user culling
gl_FragCoord.3G contains the window-relative coordinates of the current fragment
gl_FragDepth.3G establishes a depth value for the current fragment
gl_FrontFacing.3G indicates whether a primitive is front or back facing
gl_GlobalInvocationID.3G contains the global index of work item currently being operated on by a compute shader
gl_HelperInvocation.3G indicates whether a fragment shader invocation is a helper invocation
gl_InstanceID.3G contains the index of the current primitive in an instanced draw command
gl_InvocationID.3G contains the invocation index of the current shader
gl_Layer.3G contains the selected layer of a multi-layer framebuffer attachment
gl_LocalInvocationID.3G contains the index of work item currently being operated on by a compute shader
gl_LocalInvocationIndex.3G contains the local linear index of work item currently being operated on by a compute shader
gl_NumSamples.3G contains the total number of samples in the framebuffer
gl_NumWorkGroups.3G contains the number of workgroups that have been dispatched to a compute shader
gl_PatchVerticesIn.3G contains the number of vertices in the current patch
gl_PointCoord.3G contains the coordinate of a fragment within a point
gl_PointSize.3G contains size of rasterized points, in pixels
gl_Position.3G contains the position of the current vertex
gl_PrimitiveID.3G contains the index of the current primitive
gl_PrimitiveIDIn.3G contains the index of the current primitive
gl_SampleID.3G contains the index of the sample currently being processed
gl_SampleMask.3G specifies the sample coverage mask for the current fragment
gl_SampleMaskIn.3G contains the computed sample coverage mask for the current fragment
gl_SamplePosition.3G contains the location of the current sample within the current fragment
gl_TessCoord.3G contains the coordinate of the vertex within the current patch
gl_TessLevelInner.3G contains the inner tessellation levels for the current patch
gl_TessLevelOuter.3G contains the outer tessellation levels for the current patch
gl_VertexID.3G contains the index of the current vertex
gl_ViewportIndex.3G contains the index of the viewport to be used in viewport transformation and scissoring
gl_WorkGroupID.3G contains the index of the workgroup currently being operated on by a compute shader
gl_WorkGroupSize.3G contains the size of the workgroup operated on by a compute shader
gluBeginCurve.3G delimit a NURBS curve definition
gluBeginPolygon.3G delimit a polygon description
gluBeginSurface.3G delimit a NURBS surface definition
gluBeginTrim.3G delimit a NURBS trimming loop definition
gluBuild1DMipmapLevels.3G builds a subset of one-dimensional mipmap levels
gluBuild1DMipmaps.3G builds a one-dimensional mipmap
gluBuild2DMipmapLevels.3G builds a subset of two-dimensional mipmap levels
gluBuild2DMipmaps.3G builds a two-dimensional mipmap
gluBuild3DMipmapLevels.3G builds a subset of three-dimensional mipmap levels
gluBuild3DMipmaps.3G builds a three-dimensional mipmap
gluCheckExtension.3G determines if an extension name is supported
gluCylinder.3G draw a cylinder
gluDeleteNurbsRenderer.3G destroy a NURBS object
gluDeleteQuadric.3G destroy a quadrics object
gluDeleteTess.3G destroy a tessellation object
gluDisk.3G draw a disk
gluErrorString.3G produce an error string from a GL or GLU error code
gluGetNurbsProperty.3G get a NURBS property
gluGetString.3G return a string describing the GLU version or GLU extensions
gluGetTessProperty.3G get a tessellation object property
gluLoadSamplingMatrices.3G load NURBS sampling and culling matrices
gluLookAt.3G define a viewing transformation
gluNewNurbsRenderer.3G create a NURBS object
gluNewQuadric.3G create a quadrics object
gluNewTess.3G create a tessellation object
gluNextContour.3G mark the beginning of another contour
gluNurbsCallback.3G define a callback for a NURBS object
gluNurbsCallbackData.3G set a user data pointer
gluNurbsCallbackDataEXT.3G set a user data pointer
gluNurbsCurve.3G define the shape of a NURBS curve
gluNurbsProperty.3G set a NURBS property
gluNurbsSurface.3G define the shape of a NURBS surface
gluOrtho2D.3G define a 2D orthographic projection matrix
gluPartialDisk.3G draw an arc of a disk
gluPerspective.3G set up a perspective projection matrix
gluPickMatrix.3G define a picking region
gluProject.3G map object coordinates to window coordinates
gluPwlCurve.3G describe a piecewise linear NURBS trimming curve
gluQuadricCallback.3G define a callback for a quadrics object
gluQuadricDrawStyle.3G specify the draw style desired for quadrics
gluQuadricNormals.3G specify what kind of normals are desired for quadrics
gluQuadricOrientation.3G specify inside/outside orientation for quadrics
gluQuadricTexture.3G specify if texturing is desired for quadrics
gluScaleImage.3G scale an image to an arbitrary size
gluSphere.3G draw a sphere
gluTessBeginContour.3G delimit a contour description
gluTessBeginPolygon.3G delimit a polygon description
gluTessCallback.3G define a callback for a tessellation object
gluTessEndPolygon.3G delimit a polygon description
gluTessNormal.3G specify a normal for a polygon
gluTessProperty.3G set a tessellation object property
gluTessVertex.3G specify a vertex on a polygon
gluUnProject.3G map window coordinates to object coordinates
gluUnProject4.3G map window and clip coordinates to object coordinates