Library Functions
glAccum.3G | operate on the accumulation buffer |
glActiveShaderProgram.3G | set the active program object for a program pipeline object |
glActiveTexture.3G | select active texture unit |
glActiveTextureARB.3G | select active texture unit |
glAlphaFunc.3G | specify the alpha test function |
glAreTexturesResident.3G | determine if textures are loaded in texture memory |
glArrayElement.3G | render a vertex using the specified vertex array element |
glAttachShader.3G | Attaches a shader object to a program object |
glBegin.3G | delimit the vertices of a primitive or a group of like primitives |
glBeginConditionalRender.3G | start conditional rendering |
glBeginQuery.3G | delimit the boundaries of a query object |
glBeginQueryIndexed,_glEndQueryIndexed.3G | delimit the boundaries of a query object on an indexed target |
glBeginTransformFeedback.3G | start transform feedback operation |
glBindAttribLocation.3G | Associates a generic vertex attribute index with a named attribute variable |
glBindBuffer.3G | bind a named buffer object |
glBindBufferBase.3G | bind a buffer object to an indexed buffer target |
glBindBufferRange.3G | bind a range within a buffer object to an indexed buffer target |
glBindBuffersBase.3G | bind one or more buffer objects to a sequence of indexed buffer targets |
glBindBuffersRange.3G | bind ranges of one or more buffer objects to a sequence of indexed buffer targets |
glBindFragDataLocation.3G | bind a user-defined varying out variable to a fragment shader color number |
glBindFragDataLocationIndexed.3G | bind a user-defined varying out variable to a fragment shader color number and index |
glBindFramebuffer.3G | bind a framebuffer to a framebuffer target |
glBindImageTexture.3G | bind a level of a texture to an image unit |
glBindImageTextures.3G | bind one or more named texture images to a sequence of consecutive image units |
glBindProgramPipeline.3G | bind a program pipeline to the current context |
glBindRenderbuffer.3G | bind a renderbuffer to a renderbuffer target |
glBindSampler.3G | bind a named sampler to a texturing target |
glBindSamplers.3G | bind one or more named sampler objects to a sequence of consecutive sampler units |
glBindTexture.3G | bind a named texture to a texturing target |
glBindTextureUnit.3G | bind an existing texture object to the specified texture unit |
glBindTextures.3G | bind one or more named textures to a sequence of consecutive texture units |
glBindTransformFeedback.3G | bind a transform feedback object |
glBindVertexArray.3G | bind a vertex array object |
glBindVertexBuffer.3G | bind a buffer to a vertex buffer bind point |
glBindVertexBuffers.3G | attach multiple buffer objects to a vertex array object |
glBitmap.3G | draw a bitmap |
glBlendColor.3G | set the blend color |
glBlendEquation.3G | specify the equation used for both the RGB blend equation and the Alpha blend equation |
glBlendEquationSeparate.3G | set the RGB blend equation and the alpha blend equation separately |
glBlendFunc.3G | specify pixel arithmetic |
glBlendFuncSeparate.3G | specify pixel arithmetic for RGB and alpha components separately |
glBlitFramebuffer.3G | copy a block of pixels from one framebuffer object to another |
glBlitNamedFramebuffer.3G | alias for glBlitFramebuffer.3G |
glBufferData.3G | creates and initializes a buffer object's data store |
glBufferStorage.3G | creates and initializes a buffer object's immutable data store |
glBufferSubData.3G | updates a subset of a buffer object's data store |
glCallList.3G | execute a display list |
glCallLists.3G | execute a list of display lists |
glCheckFramebufferStatus.3G | check the completeness status of a framebuffer |
glCheckNamedFramebufferStatus.3G | alias for glCheckFramebufferStatus.3G |
glClampColor.3G | specify whether data read via glReadPixels() should be clamped |
glClear.3G | clear buffers to preset values |
glClearAccum.3G | specify clear values for the accumulation buffer |
glClearBuffer.3G | clear individual buffers of a framebuffer |
glClearBufferData.3G | fill a buffer object's data store with a fixed value |
glClearBufferSubData.3G | fill all or part of buffer object's data store with a fixed value |
glClearColor.3G | specify clear values for the color buffers |
glClearDepth.3G | specify the clear value for the depth buffer |
glClearIndex.3G | specify the clear value for the color index buffers |
glClearNamedBufferData.3G | alias for glClearBufferData.3G |
glClearNamedBufferSubData.3G | alias for glClearBufferSubData.3G |
glClearStencil.3G | specify the clear value for the stencil buffer |
glClearTexImage.3G | fills all a texture image with a constant value |
glClearTexSubImage.3G | fills all or part of a texture image with a constant value |
glClientActiveTextureARB.3G | select active texture unit |
glClientWaitSync.3G | block and wait for a sync object to become signaled |
glClipControl.3G | control clip coordinate to window coordinate behavior |
glClipPlane.3G | specify a plane against which all geometry is clipped |
glColor.3G | set the current color |
glColor3b.3G | alias for glColor.3G |
glColor3bv.3G | alias for glColor.3G |
glColor3d.3G | alias for glColor.3G |
glColor3dv.3G | alias for glColor.3G |
glColor3f.3G | alias for glColor.3G |
glColor3fv.3G | alias for glColor.3G |
glColor3i.3G | alias for glColor.3G |
glColor3iv.3G | alias for glColor.3G |
glColor3s.3G | alias for glColor.3G |
glColor3sv.3G | alias for glColor.3G |
glColor3ub.3G | alias for glColor.3G |
glColor3ubv.3G | alias for glColor.3G |
glColor3ui.3G | alias for glColor.3G |
glColor3uiv.3G | alias for glColor.3G |
glColor3us.3G | alias for glColor.3G |
glColor3usv.3G | alias for glColor.3G |
glColor4b.3G | alias for glColor.3G |
glColor4bv.3G | alias for glColor.3G |
glColor4d.3G | alias for glColor.3G |
glColor4dv.3G | alias for glColor.3G |
glColor4f.3G | alias for glColor.3G |
glColor4fv.3G | alias for glColor.3G |
glColor4i.3G | alias for glColor.3G |
glColor4iv.3G | alias for glColor.3G |
glColor4s.3G | alias for glColor.3G |
glColor4sv.3G | alias for glColor.3G |
glColor4ub.3G | alias for glColor.3G |
glColor4ubv.3G | alias for glColor.3G |
glColor4ui.3G | alias for glColor.3G |
glColor4uiv.3G | alias for glColor.3G |
glColor4us.3G | alias for glColor.3G |
glColor4usv.3G | alias for glColor.3G |
glColorMask,_glColorMaski.3G | enable and disable writing of frame buffer color components |
glColorMask.3G | enable and disable writing of frame buffer color components |
glColorMaterial.3G | cause a material color to track the current color |
glColorPointer.3G | define an array of colors |
glColorSubTable.3G | respecify a portion of a color table |
glColorTable.3G | define a color lookup table |
glColorTableParameter.3G | set color lookup table parameters |
glColorTableParameterfv.3G | alias for glColorTableParameter.3G |
glColorTableParameteriv.3G | alias for glColorTableParameter.3G |
glCompileShader.3G | Compiles a shader object |
glCompressedTexImage1D.3G | specify a one-dimensional texture image in a compressed format |
glCompressedTexImage2D.3G | specify a two-dimensional texture image in a compressed format |
glCompressedTexImage3D.3G | specify a three-dimensional texture image in a compressed format |
glCompressedTexSubImage1D.3G | specify a one-dimensional texture subimage in a compressed format |
glCompressedTexSubImage2D.3G | specify a two-dimensional texture subimage in a compressed format |
glCompressedTexSubImage3D.3G | specify a three-dimensional texture subimage in a compressed format |
glCompressedTextureSubImage1D.3G | alias for glCompressedTexSubImage1D.3G |
glCompressedTextureSubImage2D.3G | alias for glCompressedTexSubImage2D.3G |
glCompressedTextureSubImage3D.3G | alias for glCompressedTexSubImage3D.3G |
glConvolutionFilter1D.3G | define a one-dimensional convolution filter |
glConvolutionFilter2D.3G | define a two-dimensional convolution filter |
glConvolutionParameter.3G | set convolution parameters |
glCopyBufferSubData.3G | copy all or part of the data store of a buffer object to the data store of another buffer object |
glCopyColorSubTable.3G | respecify a portion of a color table |
glCopyColorTable.3G | copy pixels into a color table |
glCopyConvolutionFilter1D.3G | copy pixels into a one-dimensional convolution filter |
glCopyConvolutionFilter2D.3G | copy pixels into a two-dimensional convolution filter |
glCopyImageSubData.3G | perform a raw data copy between two images |
glCopyNamedBufferSubData.3G | alias for glCopyBufferSubData.3G |
glCopyPixels.3G | copy pixels in the frame buffer |
glCopyTexImage1D.3G | copy pixels into a 1D texture image |
glCopyTexImage2D.3G | copy pixels into a 2D texture image |
glCopyTexSubImage1D.3G | copy a one-dimensional texture subimage |
glCopyTexSubImage2D.3G | copy a two-dimensional texture subimage |
glCopyTexSubImage3D.3G | copy a three-dimensional texture subimage |
glCopyTextureSubImage1D.3G | alias for glCopyTexSubImage1D.3G |
glCopyTextureSubImage2D.3G | alias for glCopyTexSubImage2D.3G |
glCopyTextureSubImage3D.3G | alias for glCopyTexSubImage3D.3G |
glCreateBuffers.3G | create buffer objects |
glCreateFramebuffers.3G | create framebuffer objects |
glCreateProgram.3G | Creates a program object |
glCreateProgramPipelines.3G | create program pipeline objects |
glCreateQueries.3G | create query objects |
glCreateRenderbuffers.3G | create renderbuffer objects |
glCreateSamplers.3G | create sampler objects |
glCreateShader.3G | Creates a shader object |
glCreateShaderProgramv.3G | create a stand-alone program from an array of null-terminated source code strings |
glCreateTextures.3G | create texture objects |
glCreateTransformFeedbacks.3G | create transform feedback objects |
glCreateVertexArrays.3G | create vertex array objects |
glCullFace.3G | specify whether front- or back-facing facets can be culled |
glDebugMessageCallback.3G | specify a callback to receive debugging messages from the GL |
glDebugMessageControl.3G | control the reporting of debug messages in a debug context |
glDebugMessageInsert.3G | inject an application-supplied message into the debug message queue |
glDeleteBuffers.3G | delete named buffer objects |
glDeleteFramebuffers.3G | delete framebuffer objects |
glDeleteLists.3G | delete a contiguous group of display lists |
glDeleteProgram.3G | Deletes a program object |
glDeleteProgramPipelines.3G | delete program pipeline objects |
glDeleteQueries.3G | delete named query objects |
glDeleteRenderbuffers.3G | delete renderbuffer objects |
glDeleteSamplers.3G | delete named sampler objects |
glDeleteShader.3G | Deletes a shader object |
glDeleteSync.3G | delete a sync object |
glDeleteTextures.3G | delete named textures |
glDeleteTransformFeedbacks.3G | delete transform feedback objects |
glDeleteVertexArrays.3G | delete vertex array objects |
glDepthFunc.3G | specify the value used for depth buffer comparisons |
glDepthMask.3G | enable or disable writing into the depth buffer |
glDepthRange.3G | specify mapping of depth values from normalized device coordinates to window coordinates |
glDepthRangeArray.3G | specify mapping of depth values from normalized device coordinates to window coordinates for a specified set of viewports |
glDepthRangeIndexed.3G | specify mapping of depth values from normalized device coordinates to window coordinates for a specified viewport |
glDetachShader.3G | Detaches a shader object from a program object to which it is attached |
glDisable.3G | alias for glEnable.3G |
glDisableClientState.3G | alias for glEnableClientState.3G |
glDisableVertexArrayAttrib.3G | alias for glEnableVertexAttribArray.3G |
glDisableVertexAttribArray.3G | alias for glEnableVertexAttribArray.3G |
glDispatchCompute.3G | launch one or more compute work groups |
glDispatchComputeIndirect.3G | launch one or more compute work groups using parameters stored in a buffer |
glDrawArrays.3G | render primitives from array data |
glDrawArraysIndirect.3G | render primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory |
glDrawArraysInstanced.3G | draw multiple instances of a range of elements |
glDrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance.3G | draw multiple instances of a range of elements with offset applied to instanced attributes |
glDrawBuffer.3G | specify which color buffers are to be drawn into |
glDrawBuffers.3G | Specifies a list of color buffers to be drawn into |
glDrawElements.3G | render primitives from array data |
glDrawElementsBaseVertex.3G | render primitives from array data with a per-element offset |
glDrawElementsIndirect.3G | render indexed primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory |
glDrawElementsInstanced.3G | draw multiple instances of a set of elements |
glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance.3G | draw multiple instances of a set of elements with offset applied to instanced attributes |
glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex.3G | render multiple instances of a set of primitives from array data with a per-element offset |
glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance.3G | render multiple instances of a set of primitives from array data with a per-element offset |
glDrawPixels.3G | write a block of pixels to the frame buffer |
glDrawRangeElements.3G | render primitives from array data |
glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex.3G | render primitives from array data with a per-element offset |
glDrawTransformFeedback.3G | render primitives using a count derived from a transform feedback object |
glDrawTransformFeedbackInstanced.3G | render multiple instances of primitives using a count derived from a transform feedback object |
glDrawTransformFeedbackStream.3G | render primitives using a count derived from a specifed stream of a transform feedback object |
glDrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced.3G | render multiple instances of primitives using a count derived from a specifed stream of a transform feedback object |
glEdgeFlag.3G | flag edges as either boundary or nonboundary |
glEdgeFlagPointer.3G | define an array of edge flags |
glEdgeFlagv.3G | alias for glEdgeFlag.3G |
glEnable.3G | enable or disable server-side GL capabilities |
glEnableClientState.3G | enable or disable client-side capability |
glEnableVertexArrayAttrib.3G | alias for glEnableVertexAttribArray.3G |
glEnableVertexAttribArray.3G | Enable or disable a generic vertex attribute array |
glEnd.3G | alias for glBegin.3G |
glEndList.3G | alias for glNewList.3G |
glEvalCoord.3G | evaluate enabled one- and two-dimensional maps |
glEvalCoord1d.3G | alias for glEvalCoord.3G |
glEvalCoord1dv.3G | alias for glEvalCoord.3G |
glEvalCoord1fv.3G | alias for glEvalCoord.3G |
glEvalCoord2d.3G | alias for glEvalCoord.3G |
glEvalCoord2dv.3G | alias for glEvalCoord.3G |
glEvalCoord2f.3G | alias for glEvalCoord.3G |
glEvalCoord2fv.3G | alias for glEvalCoord.3G |
glEvalMesh.3G | compute a one- or two-dimensional grid of points or lines |
glEvalMesh1.3G | alias for glEvalMesh.3G |
glEvalMesh2.3G | alias for glEvalMesh.3G |
glEvalPoint.3G | generate and evaluate a single point in a mesh |
glEvalPoint1.3G | alias for glEvalPoint.3G |
glEvalPoint2.3G | alias for glEvalPoint.3G |
glFeedbackBuffer.3G | controls feedback mode |
glFenceSync.3G | create a new sync object and insert it into the GL command stream |
glFinish.3G | block until all GL execution is complete |
glFlush.3G | force execution of GL commands in finite time |
glFlushMappedBufferRange.3G | indicate modifications to a range of a mapped buffer |
glFlushMappedNamedBufferRange.3G | alias for glFlushMappedBufferRange.3G |
glFog.3G | specify fog parameters |
glFogf.3G | alias for glFog.3G |
glFogfv.3G | alias for glFog.3G |
glFogi.3G | alias for glFog.3G |
glFogiv.3G | alias for glFog.3G |
glFramebufferParameteri.3G | set a named parameter of a framebuffer object |
glFramebufferRenderbuffer.3G | attach a renderbuffer as a logical buffer of a framebuffer object |
glFramebufferTexture.3G | attach a level of a texture object as a logical buffer of a framebuffer object |
glFramebufferTextureLayer.3G | attach a single layer of a texture object as a logical buffer of a framebuffer object |
glFrontFace.3G | define front- and back-facing polygons |
glFrustum.3G | multiply the current matrix by a perspective matrix |
glGenBuffers.3G | generate buffer object names |
glGenFramebuffers.3G | generate framebuffer object names |
glGenLists.3G | generate a contiguous set of empty display lists |
glGenProgramPipelines.3G | reserve program pipeline object names |
glGenQueries.3G | generate query object names |
glGenRenderbuffers.3G | generate renderbuffer object names |
glGenSamplers.3G | generate sampler object names |
glGenTextures.3G | generate texture names |
glGenTransformFeedbacks.3G | reserve transform feedback object names |
glGenVertexArrays.3G | generate vertex array object names |
glGenerateMipmap.3G | generate mipmaps for a specified texture object |
glGenerateTextureMipmap.3G | alias for glGenerateMipmap.3G |
glGet.3G | return the value or values of a selected parameter |
glGetActiveAtomicCounterBufferiv.3G | retrieve information about the set of active atomic counter buffers for a program |
glGetActiveAttrib.3G | Returns information about an active attribute variable for the specified program object |
glGetActiveSubroutineName.3G | query the name of an active shader subroutine |
glGetActiveSubroutineUniform.3G | query a property of an active shader subroutine uniform |
glGetActiveSubroutineUniformName.3G | query the name of an active shader subroutine uniform |
glGetActiveUniform.3G | Returns information about an active uniform variable for the specified program object |
glGetActiveUniformBlock.3G | query information about an active uniform block |
glGetActiveUniformBlockName.3G | retrieve the name of an active uniform block |
glGetActiveUniformName.3G | query the name of an active uniform |
glGetActiveUniformsiv.3G | Returns information about several active uniform variables for the specified program object |
glGetAttachedShaders.3G | Returns the handles of the shader objects attached to a program object |
glGetAttribLocation.3G | Returns the location of an attribute variable |
glGetBooleanv.3G | alias for glGet.3G |
glGetBufferParameteri64v.3G | alias for glGetBufferParameteriv.3G |
glGetBufferParameteriv.3G | return parameters of a buffer object |
glGetBufferPointerv.3G | return the pointer to a mapped buffer object's data store |
glGetBufferSubData.3G | returns a subset of a buffer object's data store |
glGetClipPlane.3G | return the coefficients of the specified clipping plane |
glGetColorTable.3G | retrieve contents of a color lookup table |
glGetColorTableParameter.3G | get color lookup table parameters |
glGetColorTableParameterfv.3G | alias for glGetColorTableParameter.3G |
glGetColorTableParameteriv.3G | alias for glGetColorTableParameter.3G |
glGetCompressedTexImage.3G | return a compressed texture image |
glGetCompressedTextureImage.3G | alias for glGetCompressedTexImage.3G |
glGetCompressedTextureSubImage.3G | retrieve a sub-region of a compressed texture image from a compressed texture object |
glGetConvolutionFilter.3G | get current 1D or 2D convolution filter kernel |
glGetConvolutionParameter.3G | get convolution parameters |
glGetDebugMessageLog.3G | retrieve messages from the debug message log |
glGetDoublev.3G | alias for glGet.3G |
glGetError.3G | return error information |
glGetFloatv.3G | alias for glGet.3G |
glGetFragDataIndex.3G | query the bindings of color indices to user-defined varying out variables |
glGetFragDataLocation.3G | query the bindings of color numbers to user-defined varying out variables |
glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv.3G | retrieve information about attachments of a framebuffer object |
glGetFramebufferParameteriv.3G | query a named parameter of a framebuffer object |
glGetGraphicsResetStatus.3G | check if the rendering context has not been lost due to software or hardware issues |
glGetHistogram.3G | get histogram table |
glGetHistogramParameter.3G | get histogram parameters |
glGetIntegerv.3G | alias for glGet.3G |
glGetInternalformat.3G | retrieve information about implementation-dependent support for internal formats |
glGetLight.3G | return light source parameter values |
glGetLightfv.3G | alias for glGetLight.3G |
glGetLightiv.3G | alias for glGetLight.3G |
glGetMap.3G | return evaluator parameters |
glGetMapdv.3G | alias for glGetMap.3G |
glGetMapfv.3G | alias for glGetMap.3G |
glGetMapiv.3G | alias for glGetMap.3G |
glGetMaterial.3G | return material parameters |
glGetMaterialfv.3G | alias for glGetMaterial.3G |
glGetMaterialiv.3G | alias for glGetMaterial.3G |
glGetMinmax.3G | get minimum and maximum pixel values |
glGetMinmaxParameter.3G | get minmax parameters |
glGetMultisamplefv.3G | retrieve the location of a sample |
glGetNamedBufferParameteri64v.3G | alias for glGetBufferParameteriv.3G |
glGetNamedBufferParameteriv.3G | alias for glGetBufferParameteriv.3G |
glGetNamedBufferPointerv.3G | alias for glGetBufferPointerv.3G |
glGetNamedBufferSubData.3G | alias for glGetBufferSubData.3G |
glGetNamedFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv.3G | alias for glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv.3G |
glGetNamedFramebufferParameteriv.3G | alias for glGetFramebufferParameteriv.3G |
glGetNamedRenderbufferParameteriv.3G | alias for glGetRenderbufferParameteriv.3G |
glGetObjectLabel.3G | retrieve the label of a named object identified within a namespace |
glGetObjectPtrLabel.3G | retrieve the label of a sync object identified by a pointer |
glGetPixelMap.3G | return the specified pixel map |
glGetPixelMapfv.3G | alias for glGetPixelMap.3G |
glGetPixelMapuiv.3G | alias for glGetPixelMap.3G |
glGetPixelMapusv.3G | alias for glGetPixelMap.3G |
glGetPointerv.3G | return the address of the specified pointer |
glGetPolygonStipple.3G | return the polygon stipple pattern |
glGetProgramBinary.3G | return a binary representation of a program object's compiled and linked executable source |
glGetProgramInfoLog.3G | Returns the information log for a program object |
glGetProgramInterface.3G | query a property of an interface in a program |
glGetProgramPipeline.3G | retrieve properties of a program pipeline object |
glGetProgramPipelineInfoLog.3G | retrieve the info log string from a program pipeline object |
glGetProgramResource.3G | retrieve values for multiple properties of a single active resource within a program object |
glGetProgramResourceIndex.3G | query the index of a named resource within a program |
glGetProgramResourceLocation.3G | query the location of a named resource within a program |
glGetProgramResourceLocationIndex.3G | query the fragment color index of a named variable within a program |
glGetProgramResourceName.3G | query the name of an indexed resource within a program |
glGetProgramStage.3G | retrieve properties of a program object corresponding to a specified shader stage |
glGetProgramiv.3G | Returns a parameter from a program object |
glGetQueryIndexediv.3G | return parameters of an indexed query object target |
glGetQueryObject.3G | return parameters of a query object |
glGetQueryiv.3G | return parameters of a query object target |
glGetRenderbufferParameteriv.3G | query a named parameter of a renderbuffer object |
glGetSamplerParameter.3G | return sampler parameter values |
glGetSeparableFilter.3G | get separable convolution filter kernel images |
glGetShaderInfoLog.3G | Returns the information log for a shader object |
glGetShaderPrecisionFormat.3G | retrieve the range and precision for numeric formats supported by the shader compiler |
glGetShaderSource.3G | Returns the source code string from a shader object |
glGetShaderiv.3G | Returns a parameter from a shader object |
glGetString.3G | return a string describing the current GL connection |
glGetSubroutineIndex.3G | retrieve the index of a subroutine uniform of a given shader stage within a program |
glGetSubroutineUniformLocation.3G | retrieve the location of a subroutine uniform of a given shader stage within a program |
glGetSynciv.3G | query the properties of a sync object |
glGetTexEnv.3G | return texture environment parameters |
glGetTexEnvfv.3G | alias for glGetTexEnv.3G |
glGetTexEnviv.3G | alias for glGetTexEnv.3G |
glGetTexGen.3G | return texture coordinate generation parameters |
glGetTexGendv.3G | alias for glGetTexGen.3G |
glGetTexGenfv.3G | alias for glGetTexGen.3G |
glGetTexGeniv.3G | alias for glGetTexGen.3G |
glGetTexImage.3G | return a texture image |
glGetTexLevelParameter.3G | return texture parameter values for a specific level of detail |
glGetTexLevelParameterfv.3G | alias for glGetTexLevelParameter.3G |
glGetTexLevelParameteriv.3G | alias for glGetTexLevelParameter.3G |
glGetTexParameter.3G | return texture parameter values |
glGetTexParameterfv.3G | alias for glGetTexParameter.3G |
glGetTexParameteriv.3G | alias for glGetTexParameter.3G |
glGetTextureImage.3G | alias for glGetTexImage.3G |
glGetTextureSubImage.3G | retrieve a sub-region of a texture image from a texture object |
glGetTransformFeedbackVarying.3G | retrieve information about varying variables selected for transform feedback |
glGetTransformFeedbackiv.3G | query the state of a transform feedback object. |
glGetUniformBlockIndex.3G | retrieve the index of a named uniform block |
glGetUniformIndices.3G | retrieve the index of a named uniform block |
glGetUniformLocation.3G | Returns the location of a uniform variable |
glGetUniformSubroutine.3G | retrieve the value of a subroutine uniform of a given shader stage of the current program |
glGetUniformfv.3G | Returns the value of a uniform variable |
glGetUniformiv.3G | alias for glGetUniformfv.3G |
glGetVertexArrayIndexed.3G | retrieve parameters of an attribute of a vertex array object |
glGetVertexArrayiv.3G | retrieve parameters of a vertex array object |
glGetVertexAttribIiv.3G | alias for glGetVertexAttribdv.3G |
glGetVertexAttribIuiv.3G | alias for glGetVertexAttribdv.3G |
glGetVertexAttribLdv.3G | alias for glGetVertexAttribdv.3G |
glGetVertexAttribPointerv.3G | return the address of the specified generic vertex attribute pointer |
glGetVertexAttribdv.3G | Return a generic vertex attribute parameter |
glGetVertexAttribfv.3G | alias for glGetVertexAttribdv.3G |
glGetVertexAttribiv.3G | alias for glGetVertexAttribdv.3G |
glGetnCompressedTexImage.3G | alias for glGetCompressedTexImage.3G |
glGetnTexImage.3G | alias for glGetTexImage.3G |
glHint.3G | specify implementation-specific hints |
glHistogram.3G | define histogram table |
glIndex.3G | set the current color index |
glIndexMask.3G | control the writing of individual bits in the color index buffers |
glIndexPointer.3G | define an array of color indexes |
glIndexd.3G | alias for glIndex.3G |
glIndexdv.3G | alias for glIndex.3G |
glIndexf.3G | alias for glIndex.3G |
glIndexfv.3G | alias for glIndex.3G |
glIndexi.3G | alias for glIndex.3G |
glIndexiv.3G | alias for glIndex.3G |
glIndexs.3G | alias for glIndex.3G |
glIndexsv.3G | alias for glIndex.3G |
glIndexub.3G | alias for glIndex.3G |
glIndexubv.3G | alias for glIndex.3G |
glInitNames.3G | initialize the name stack |
glInterleavedArrays.3G | simultaneously specify and enable several interleaved arrays |
glInvalidateBufferData.3G | invalidate the content of a buffer object's data store |
glInvalidateBufferSubData.3G | invalidate a region of a buffer object's data store |
glInvalidateFramebuffer.3G | invalidate the content of some or all of a framebuffer's attachments |
glInvalidateNamedFramebufferData.3G | alias for glInvalidateFramebuffer.3G |
glInvalidateNamedFramebufferSubData.3G | alias for glInvalidateSubFramebuffer.3G |
glInvalidateSubFramebuffer.3G | invalidate the content of a region of some or all of a framebuffer's attachments |
glInvalidateTexImage.3G | invalidate the entirety a texture image |
glInvalidateTexSubImage.3G | invalidate a region of a texture image |
glIsBuffer.3G | determine if a name corresponds to a buffer object |
glIsEnabled,_glIsEnabledi.3G | test whether a capability is enabled |
glIsEnabled.3G | test whether a capability is enabled |
glIsFramebuffer.3G | determine if a name corresponds to a framebuffer object |
glIsProgram.3G | Determines if a name corresponds to a program object |
glIsProgramPipeline.3G | determine if a name corresponds to a program pipeline object |
glIsQuery.3G | determine if a name corresponds to a query object |
glIsRenderbuffer.3G | determine if a name corresponds to a renderbuffer object |
glIsSampler.3G | determine if a name corresponds to a sampler object |
glIsShader.3G | Determines if a name corresponds to a shader object |
glIsSync.3G | determine if a name corresponds to a sync object |
glIsTexture.3G | determine if a name corresponds to a texture |
glIsTransformFeedback.3G | determine if a name corresponds to a transform feedback object |
glIsVertexArray.3G | determine if a name corresponds to a vertex array object |
glIslist.3G | determine if a name corresponds to a display-list |
glLight.3G | set light source parameters |
glLightModel.3G | set the lighting model parameters |
glLightModelf.3G | alias for glLightModel.3G |
glLightModelfv.3G | alias for glLightModel.3G |
glLightModeli.3G | alias for glLightModel.3G |
glLightModeliv.3G | alias for glLightModel.3G |
glLightf.3G | alias for glLight.3G |
glLightfv.3G | alias for glLight.3G |
glLighti.3G | alias for glLight.3G |
glLightiv.3G | alias for glLight.3G |
glLineStipple.3G | specify the line stipple pattern |
glLineWidth.3G | specify the width of rasterized lines |
glLinkProgram.3G | Links a program object |
glListBase.3G | set the display-list base for glCallLists |
glLoadIdentity.3G | replace the current matrix with the identity matrix |
glLoadMatrix.3G | replace the current matrix with the specified matrix |
glLoadMatrixd.3G | alias for glLoadMatrix.3G |
glLoadMatrixf.3G | alias for glLoadMatrix.3G |
glLoadName.3G | load a name onto the name stack |
glLogicOp.3G | specify a logical pixel operation for rendering |
glMap1.3G | define a one-dimensional evaluator |
glMap1d.3G | alias for glMap1.3G |
glMap1f.3G | alias for glMap1.3G |
glMap2.3G | define a two-dimensional evaluator |
glMap2d.3G | alias for glMap2.3G |
glMap2f.3G | alias for glMap2.3G |
glMapBuffer.3G | map all of a buffer object's data store into the client's address space |
glMapBufferRange.3G | map all or part of a buffer object's data store into the client's address space |
glMapGrid.3G | define a one- or two-dimensional mesh |
glMapGrid1d.3G | alias for glMapGrid.3G |
glMapGrid1f.3G | alias for glMapGrid.3G |
glMapGrid2d.3G | alias for glMapGrid.3G |
glMapGrid2f.3G | alias for glMapGrid.3G |
glMapNamedBuffer.3G | alias for glMapBuffer.3G |
glMapNamedBufferRange.3G | alias for glMapBufferRange.3G |
glMaterial.3G | specify material parameters for the lighting model |
glMaterialf.3G | alias for glMaterial.3G |
glMaterialfv.3G | alias for glMaterial.3G |
glMateriali.3G | alias for glMaterial.3G |
glMaterialiv.3G | alias for glMaterial.3G |
glMatrixMode.3G | specify which matrix is the current matrix |
glMemoryBarrier.3G | defines a barrier ordering memory transactions |
glMinSampleShading.3G | specifies minimum rate at which sample shaing takes place |
glMinmax.3G | define minmax table |
glMultMatrix.3G | multiply the current matrix with the specified matrix |
glMultMatrixd.3G | alias for glMultMatrix.3G |
glMultMatrixf.3G | alias for glMultMatrix.3G |
glMultiDrawArrays.3G | render multiple sets of primitives from array data |
glMultiDrawArraysIndirect.3G | render multiple sets of primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory |
glMultiDrawElements.3G | render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements |
glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex.3G | render multiple sets of primitives by specifying indices of array data elements and an index to apply to each index |
glMultiDrawElementsIndirect.3G | render indexed primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory |
glMultiTexCoord1dARB.3G | alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G |
glMultiTexCoord1dvARB.3G | alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G |
glMultiTexCoord1fARB.3G | alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G |
glMultiTexCoord1fvARB.3G | alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G |
glMultiTexCoord1iARB.3G | alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G |
glMultiTexCoord1ivARB.3G | alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G |
glMultiTexCoord1sARB.3G | alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G |
glMultiTexCoord1svARB.3G | alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G |
glMultiTexCoord2dARB.3G | alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G |
glMultiTexCoord2dvARB.3G | alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G |
glMultiTexCoord2fARB.3G | alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G |
glMultiTexCoord2fvARB.3G | alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G |
glMultiTexCoord2iARB.3G | alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G |
glMultiTexCoord2ivARB.3G | alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G |
glMultiTexCoord2sARB.3G | alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G |
glMultiTexCoord2svARB.3G | alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G |
glMultiTexCoord3dARB.3G | alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G |
glMultiTexCoord3dvARB.3G | alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G |
glMultiTexCoord3fARB.3G | alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G |
glMultiTexCoord3fvARB.3G | alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G |
glMultiTexCoord3iARB.3G | alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G |
glMultiTexCoord3ivARB.3G | alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G |
glMultiTexCoord3sARB.3G | alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G |
glMultiTexCoord3svARB.3G | alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G |
glMultiTexCoord4dARB.3G | alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G |
glMultiTexCoord4dvARB.3G | alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G |
glMultiTexCoord4fARB.3G | alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G |
glMultiTexCoord4fvARB.3G | alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G |
glMultiTexCoord4iARB.3G | alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G |
glMultiTexCoord4ivARB.3G | alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G |
glMultiTexCoord4sARB.3G | alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G |
glMultiTexCoord4svARB.3G | alias for glMultiTexCoordARB.3G |
glMultiTexCoordARB.3G | set the current texture coordinates |
glNamedBufferData.3G | alias for glBufferData.3G |
glNamedBufferStorage.3G | alias for glBufferStorage.3G |
glNamedBufferSubData.3G | alias for glBufferSubData.3G |
glNamedFramebufferDrawBuffer.3G | alias for glDrawBuffer.3G |
glNamedFramebufferDrawBuffers.3G | alias for glDrawBuffers.3G |
glNamedFramebufferParameteri.3G | alias for glFramebufferParameteri.3G |
glNamedFramebufferReadBuffer.3G | alias for glReadBuffer.3G |
glNamedFramebufferRenderbuffer.3G | alias for glFramebufferRenderbuffer.3G |
glNamedFramebufferTextureLayer.3G | alias for glFramebufferTextureLayer.3G |
glNamedRenderbufferStorage.3G | alias for glRenderbufferStorage.3G |
glNamedRenderbufferStorageMultisample.3G | alias for glRenderbufferStorageMultisample.3G |
glNewList.3G | create or replace a display list |
glNormal.3G | set the current normal vector |
glNormal3b.3G | alias for glNormal.3G |
glNormal3bv.3G | alias for glNormal.3G |
glNormal3d.3G | alias for glNormal.3G |
glNormal3dv.3G | alias for glNormal.3G |
glNormal3f.3G | alias for glNormal.3G |
glNormal3fv.3G | alias for glNormal.3G |
glNormal3i.3G | alias for glNormal.3G |
glNormal3iv.3G | alias for glNormal.3G |
glNormal3s.3G | alias for glNormal.3G |
glNormal3sv.3G | alias for glNormal.3G |
glNormalPointer.3G | define an array of normals |
glObjectLabel.3G | label a named object identified within a namespace |
glObjectPtrLabel.3G | label a sync object identified by a pointer |
glOrtho.3G | multiply the current matrix with an orthographic matrix |
glPassThrough.3G | place a marker in the feedback buffer |
glPatchParameter.3G | specifies the parameters for patch primitives |
glPauseTransformFeedback.3G | pause transform feedback operations |
glPixelMap.3G | set up pixel transfer maps |
glPixelMapfv.3G | alias for glPixelMap.3G |
glPixelMapuiv.3G | alias for glPixelMap.3G |
glPixelMapusv.3G | alias for glPixelMap.3G |
glPixelStore.3G | set pixel storage modes |
glPixelStoref.3G | alias for glPixelStore.3G |
glPixelStorei.3G | alias for glPixelStore.3G |
glPixelTransfer.3G | set pixel transfer modes |
glPixelTransferf.3G | alias for glPixelTransfer.3G |
glPixelTransferi.3G | alias for glPixelTransfer.3G |
glPixelZoom.3G | specify the pixel zoom factors |
glPointParameter.3G | specify point parameters |
glPointSize.3G | specify the diameter of rasterized points |
glPolygonMode.3G | select a polygon rasterization mode |
glPolygonOffset.3G | set the scale and units used to calculate depth values |
glPolygonStipple.3G | set the polygon stippling pattern |
glPopAttrib.3G | alias for glPushAttrib.3G |
glPopClientAttrib.3G | alias for glPushClientAttrib.3G |
glPopDebugGroup.3G | pop the active debug group |
glPopMatrix.3G | alias for glPushMatrix.3G |
glPopName.3G | alias for glPushName.3G |
glPrimitiveRestartIndex.3G | specify the primitive restart index |
glPrioritizeTextures.3G | set texture residence priority |
glProgramBinary.3G | load a program object with a program binary |
glProgramParameter.3G | specify a parameter for a program object |
glProgramUniform1f.3G | Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object |
glProgramUniform1fv.3G | alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G |
glProgramUniform1i.3G | alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G |
glProgramUniform1iv.3G | alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G |
glProgramUniform1ui.3G | alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G |
glProgramUniform1uiv.3G | alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G |
glProgramUniform2f.3G | alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G |
glProgramUniform2fv.3G | alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G |
glProgramUniform2i.3G | alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G |
glProgramUniform2iv.3G | alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G |
glProgramUniform2ui.3G | alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G |
glProgramUniform2uiv.3G | alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G |
glProgramUniform3f.3G | alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G |
glProgramUniform3fv.3G | alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G |
glProgramUniform3i.3G | alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G |
glProgramUniform3iv.3G | alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G |
glProgramUniform3ui.3G | alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G |
glProgramUniform3uiv.3G | alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G |
glProgramUniform4f.3G | alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G |
glProgramUniform4fv.3G | alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G |
glProgramUniform4i.3G | alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G |
glProgramUniform4iv.3G | alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G |
glProgramUniform4ui.3G | alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G |
glProgramUniform4uiv.3G | alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G |
glProgramUniformMatrix2fv.3G | alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G |
glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv.3G | alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G |
glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv.3G | alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G |
glProgramUniformMatrix3fv.3G | alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G |
glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv.3G | alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G |
glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv.3G | alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G |
glProgramUniformMatrix4fv.3G | alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G |
glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv.3G | alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G |
glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv.3G | alias for glProgramUniform1f.3G |
glProvokingVertex.3G | specifiy the vertex to be used as the source of data for flat shaded varyings |
glPushAttrib.3G | push and pop the server attribute stack |
glPushClientAttrib.3G | push and pop the client attribute stack |
glPushDebugGroup.3G | push a named debug group into the command stream |
glPushMatrix.3G | push and pop the current matrix stack |
glPushName.3G | push and pop the name stack |
glQueryCounter.3G | record the GL time into a query object after all previous commands have reached the GL server but have not yet necessarily executed. |
glRasterPos.3G | specify the raster position for pixel operations |
glRasterPos2d.3G | alias for glRasterPos.3G |
glRasterPos2dv.3G | alias for glRasterPos.3G |
glRasterPos2f.3G | alias for glRasterPos.3G |
glRasterPos2fv.3G | alias for glRasterPos.3G |
glRasterPos2i.3G | alias for glRasterPos.3G |
glRasterPos2iv.3G | alias for glRasterPos.3G |
glRasterPos2s.3G | alias for glRasterPos.3G |
glRasterPos2sv.3G | alias for glRasterPos.3G |
glRasterPos3d.3G | alias for glRasterPos.3G |
glRasterPos3dv.3G | alias for glRasterPos.3G |
glRasterPos3f.3G | alias for glRasterPos.3G |
glRasterPos3fv.3G | alias for glRasterPos.3G |
glRasterPos3i.3G | alias for glRasterPos.3G |
glRasterPos3iv.3G | alias for glRasterPos.3G |
glRasterPos3s.3G | alias for glRasterPos.3G |
glRasterPos3sv.3G | alias for glRasterPos.3G |
glRasterPos4d.3G | alias for glRasterPos.3G |
glRasterPos4dv.3G | alias for glRasterPos.3G |
glRasterPos4f.3G | alias for glRasterPos.3G |
glRasterPos4fv.3G | alias for glRasterPos.3G |
glRasterPos4i.3G | alias for glRasterPos.3G |
glRasterPos4iv.3G | alias for glRasterPos.3G |
glRasterPos4s.3G | alias for glRasterPos.3G |
glRasterPos4sv.3G | alias for glRasterPos.3G |
glReadBuffer.3G | select a color buffer source for pixels |
glReadPixels.3G | read a block of pixels from the frame buffer |
glReadnPixels.3G | alias for glReadPixels.3G |
glRect.3G | draw a rectangle |
glRectd.3G | alias for glRect.3G |
glRectdv.3G | alias for glRect.3G |
glRectf.3G | alias for glRect.3G |
glRectfv.3G | alias for glRect.3G |
glRecti.3G | alias for glRect.3G |
glRectiv.3G | alias for glRect.3G |
glRects.3G | alias for glRect.3G |
glRectsv.3G | alias for glRect.3G |
glReleaseShaderCompiler.3G | release resources consumed by the implementation's shader compiler |
glRenderMode.3G | set rasterization mode |
glRenderbufferStorage.3G | establish data storage, format and dimensions of a renderbuffer object's image |
glRenderbufferStorageMultisample.3G | establish data storage, format, dimensions and sample count of a renderbuffer object's image |
glResetHistogram.3G | reset histogram table entries to zero |
glResetMinmax.3G | reset minmax table entries to initial values |
glResumeTransformFeedback.3G | resume transform feedback operations |
glRotate.3G | multiply the current matrix by a rotation matrix |
glRotated.3G | alias for glRotate.3G |
glRotatef.3G | alias for glRotate.3G |
glSampleCoverage.3G | specify multisample coverage parameters |
glSampleMaski.3G | set the value of a sub-word of the sample mask |
glSamplerParameter.3G | set sampler parameters |
glScale.3G | multiply the current matrix by a general scaling matrix |
glScaled.3G | alias for glScale.3G |
glScalef.3G | alias for glScale.3G |
glScissor.3G | define the scissor box |
glScissorArray.3G | define the scissor box for multiple viewports |
glScissorIndexed.3G | define the scissor box for a specific viewport |
glSelectBuffer.3G | establish a buffer for selection mode values |
glSeparableFilter2D.3G | define a separable two-dimensional convolution filter |
glShadeModel.3G | select flat or smooth shading |
glShaderBinary.3G | load pre-compiled shader binaries |
glShaderSource.3G | Replaces the source code in a shader object |
glShaderStorageBlockBinding.3G | change an active shader storage block binding |
glStencilFunc.3G | set front and back function and reference value for stencil testing |
glStencilFuncSeparate.3G | set front and/or back function and reference value for stencil testing |
glStencilMask.3G | control the front and back writing of individual bits in the stencil planes |
glStencilMaskSeparate.3G | control the front and/or back writing of individual bits in the stencil planes |
glStencilOp.3G | set front and back stencil test actions |
glStencilOpSeparate.3G | set front and/or back stencil test actions |
glTexBuffer.3G | attach a buffer object's data store to a buffer texture object |
glTexBufferRange.3G | attach a range of a buffer object's data store to a buffer texture object |
glTexCoord.3G | set the current texture coordinates |
glTexCoord1d.3G | alias for glTexCoord.3G |
glTexCoord1dv.3G | alias for glTexCoord.3G |
glTexCoord1f.3G | alias for glTexCoord.3G |
glTexCoord1fv.3G | alias for glTexCoord.3G |
glTexCoord1i.3G | alias for glTexCoord.3G |
glTexCoord1iv.3G | alias for glTexCoord.3G |
glTexCoord1s.3G | alias for glTexCoord.3G |
glTexCoord1sv.3G | alias for glTexCoord.3G |
glTexCoord2d.3G | alias for glTexCoord.3G |
glTexCoord2dv.3G | alias for glTexCoord.3G |
glTexCoord2f.3G | alias for glTexCoord.3G |
glTexCoord2fv.3G | alias for glTexCoord.3G |
glTexCoord2i.3G | alias for glTexCoord.3G |
glTexCoord2iv.3G | alias for glTexCoord.3G |
glTexCoord2s.3G | alias for glTexCoord.3G |
glTexCoord2sv.3G | alias for glTexCoord.3G |
glTexCoord3d.3G | alias for glTexCoord.3G |
glTexCoord3dv.3G | alias for glTexCoord.3G |
glTexCoord3f.3G | alias for glTexCoord.3G |
glTexCoord3fv.3G | alias for glTexCoord.3G |
glTexCoord3i.3G | alias for glTexCoord.3G |
glTexCoord3iv.3G | alias for glTexCoord.3G |
glTexCoord3s.3G | alias for glTexCoord.3G |
glTexCoord3sv.3G | alias for glTexCoord.3G |
glTexCoord4d.3G | alias for glTexCoord.3G |
glTexCoord4dv.3G | alias for glTexCoord.3G |
glTexCoord4f.3G | alias for glTexCoord.3G |
glTexCoord4fv.3G | alias for glTexCoord.3G |
glTexCoord4i.3G | alias for glTexCoord.3G |
glTexCoord4iv.3G | alias for glTexCoord.3G |
glTexCoord4s.3G | alias for glTexCoord.3G |
glTexCoord4sv.3G | alias for glTexCoord.3G |
glTexCoordPointer.3G | define an array of texture coordinates |
glTexEnv.3G | set texture environment parameters |
glTexEnvf.3G | alias for glTexEnv.3G |
glTexEnvfv.3G | alias for glTexEnv.3G |
glTexEnvi.3G | alias for glTexEnv.3G |
glTexEnviv.3G | alias for glTexEnv.3G |
glTexGen.3G | control the generation of texture coordinates |
glTexGend.3G | alias for glTexGen.3G |
glTexGendv.3G | alias for glTexGen.3G |
glTexGenf.3G | alias for glTexGen.3G |
glTexGenfv.3G | alias for glTexGen.3G |
glTexGeni.3G | alias for glTexGen.3G |
glTexGeniv.3G | alias for glTexGen.3G |
glTexImage1D.3G | specify a one-dimensional texture image |
glTexImage2D.3G | specify a two-dimensional texture image |
glTexImage2DMultisample.3G | establish the data storage, format, dimensions, and number of samples of a multisample texture's image |
glTexImage3D.3G | specify a three-dimensional texture image |
glTexImage3DMultisample.3G | establish the data storage, format, dimensions, and number of samples of a multisample texture's image |
glTexParameter.3G | set texture parameters |
glTexParameterf.3G | alias for glTexParameter.3G |
glTexParameterfv.3G | alias for glTexParameter.3G |
glTexParameteri.3G | alias for glTexParameter.3G |
glTexParameteriv.3G | alias for glTexParameter.3G |
glTexStorage1D.3G | simultaneously specify storage for all levels of a one-dimensional texture |
glTexStorage2D.3G | simultaneously specify storage for all levels of a two-dimensional or one-dimensional array texture |
glTexStorage2DMultisample.3G | specify storage for a two-dimensional multisample texture |
glTexStorage3D.3G | simultaneously specify storage for all levels of a three-dimensional, two-dimensional array or cube-map array texture |
glTexStorage3DMultisample.3G | specify storage for a two-dimensional multisample array texture |
glTexSubImage1D.3G | specify a one-dimensional texture subimage |
glTexSubImage2D.3G | specify a two-dimensional texture subimage |
glTexSubImage3D.3G | specify a three-dimensional texture subimage |
glTextureBarrier.3G | controls the ordering of reads and writes to rendered fragments across drawing commands |
glTextureBuffer.3G | alias for glTexBuffer.3G |
glTextureBufferRange.3G | alias for glTexBufferRange.3G |
glTextureParameter.3G | alias for glTexParameter.3G |
glTextureStorage1D.3G | alias for glTexStorage1D.3G |
glTextureStorage2D.3G | alias for glTexStorage2D.3G |
glTextureStorage2DMultisample.3G | alias for glTexStorage2DMultisample.3G |
glTextureStorage3D.3G | alias for glTexStorage3D.3G |
glTextureStorage3DMultisample.3G | alias for glTexStorage3DMultisample.3G |
glTextureSubImage1D.3G | alias for glTexSubImage1D.3G |
glTextureSubImage2D.3G | alias for glTexSubImage2D.3G |
glTextureSubImage3D.3G | alias for glTexSubImage3D.3G |
glTextureView.3G | initialize a texture as a data alias of another texture's data store |
glTransformFeedbackBufferBase.3G | bind a buffer object to a transform feedback buffer object |
glTransformFeedbackBufferRange.3G | bind a range within a buffer object to a transform feedback buffer object |
glTransformFeedbackVaryings.3G | specify values to record in transform feedback buffers |
glTranslate.3G | multiply the current matrix by a translation matrix |
glTranslated.3G | alias for glTranslate.3G |
glTranslatef.3G | alias for glTranslate.3G |
glUniform1f.3G | Specify the value of a uniform variable for the current program object |
glUniform1fv.3G | alias for glUniform1f.3G |
glUniform1i.3G | alias for glUniform1f.3G |
glUniform1iv.3G | alias for glUniform1f.3G |
glUniform1ui.3G | alias for glUniform1f.3G |
glUniform1uiv.3G | alias for glUniform1f.3G |
glUniform2f.3G | alias for glUniform1f.3G |
glUniform2fv.3G | alias for glUniform1f.3G |
glUniform2i.3G | alias for glUniform1f.3G |
glUniform2iv.3G | alias for glUniform1f.3G |
glUniform2ui.3G | alias for glUniform1f.3G |
glUniform2uiv.3G | alias for glUniform1f.3G |
glUniform3f.3G | alias for glUniform1f.3G |
glUniform3fv.3G | alias for glUniform1f.3G |
glUniform3i.3G | alias for glUniform1f.3G |
glUniform3iv.3G | alias for glUniform1f.3G |
glUniform3ui.3G | alias for glUniform1f.3G |
glUniform3uiv.3G | alias for glUniform1f.3G |
glUniform4f.3G | alias for glUniform1f.3G |
glUniform4fv.3G | alias for glUniform1f.3G |
glUniform4i.3G | alias for glUniform1f.3G |
glUniform4iv.3G | alias for glUniform1f.3G |
glUniform4ui.3G | alias for glUniform1f.3G |
glUniform4uiv.3G | alias for glUniform1f.3G |
glUniformBlockBinding.3G | assign a binding point to an active uniform block |
glUniformMatrix2fv.3G | alias for glUniform1f.3G |
glUniformMatrix2x3fv.3G | alias for glUniform1f.3G |
glUniformMatrix2x4fv.3G | alias for glUniform1f.3G |
glUniformMatrix3fv.3G | alias for glUniform1f.3G |
glUniformMatrix3x2fv.3G | alias for glUniform1f.3G |
glUniformMatrix3x4fv.3G | alias for glUniform1f.3G |
glUniformMatrix4fv.3G | alias for glUniform1f.3G |
glUniformMatrix4x2fv.3G | alias for glUniform1f.3G |
glUniformMatrix4x3fv.3G | alias for glUniform1f.3G |
glUniformSubroutines.3G | load active subroutine uniforms |
glUnmapBuffer.3G | release the mapping of a buffer object's data store into the client's address space |
glUnmapNamedBuffer.3G | alias for glUnmapBuffer.3G |
glUseProgram.3G | Installs a program object as part of current rendering state |
glUseProgramStages.3G | bind stages of a program object to a program pipeline |
glValidateProgram.3G | Validates a program object |
glValidateProgramPipeline.3G | validate a program pipeline object against current GL state |
glVertex.3G | specify a vertex |
glVertex2d.3G | alias for glVertex.3G |
glVertex2dv.3G | alias for glVertex.3G |
glVertex2f.3G | alias for glVertex.3G |
glVertex2fv.3G | alias for glVertex.3G |
glVertex2i.3G | alias for glVertex.3G |
glVertex2iv.3G | alias for glVertex.3G |
glVertex2s.3G | alias for glVertex.3G |
glVertex2sv.3G | alias for glVertex.3G |
glVertex3d.3G | alias for glVertex.3G |
glVertex3dv.3G | alias for glVertex.3G |
glVertex3f.3G | alias for glVertex.3G |
glVertex3fv.3G | alias for glVertex.3G |
glVertex3i.3G | alias for glVertex.3G |
glVertex3iv.3G | alias for glVertex.3G |
glVertex3s.3G | alias for glVertex.3G |
glVertex3sv.3G | alias for glVertex.3G |
glVertex4d.3G | alias for glVertex.3G |
glVertex4dv.3G | alias for glVertex.3G |
glVertex4f.3G | alias for glVertex.3G |
glVertex4fv.3G | alias for glVertex.3G |
glVertex4i.3G | alias for glVertex.3G |
glVertex4iv.3G | alias for glVertex.3G |
glVertex4s.3G | alias for glVertex.3G |
glVertex4sv.3G | alias for glVertex.3G |
glVertexArrayAttribFormat.3G | alias for glVertexAttribFormat.3G |
glVertexArrayBindingDivisor.3G | alias for glVertexBindingDivisor.3G |
glVertexArrayElementBuffer.3G | configures element array buffer binding of a vertex array object |
glVertexArrayVertexBuffer.3G | alias for glBindVertexBuffer.3G |
glVertexArrayVertexBuffers.3G | alias for glBindVertexBuffers.3G |
glVertexAttrib.3G | Specifies the value of a generic vertex attribute |
glVertexAttribBinding.3G | associate a vertex attribute and a vertex buffer binding for a vertex array object |
glVertexAttribDivisor.3G | modify the rate at which generic vertex attributes advance during instanced rendering |
glVertexAttribFormat.3G | specify the organization of vertex arrays |
glVertexAttribPointer.3G | define an array of generic vertex attribute data |
glVertexBindingDivisor.3G | modify the rate at which generic vertex attributes advance |
glVertexPointer.3G | define an array of vertex data |
glViewport.3G | set the viewport |
glViewportArray.3G | set multiple viewports |
glViewportIndexed.3G | set a specified viewport |
glWaitSync.3G | instruct the GL server to block until the specified sync object becomes signaled |
glXChooseVisual.3G | return a visual that matches specified attributes |
glXCopyContext.3G | copy state from one rendering context to another |
glXCreateContext.3G | create a new GLX rendering context |
glXCreateGLXPixmap.3G | create an off-screen GLX rendering area |
glXDestroyContext.3G | destroy a GLX context |
glXDestroyGLXPixmap.3G | destroy a GLX pixmap |
glXFreeContextEXT.3G | free client-side memory for imported context |
glXGetClientString.3G | return a string describing the client |
glXGetConfig.3G | return information about GLX visuals |
glXGetContextIDEXT.3G | get the XID for a context. |
glXGetCurrentContext.3G | return the current context |
glXGetCurrentDisplay.3G | get display for current context |
glXGetCurrentDrawable.3G | return the current drawable |
glXImportContextEXT.3G | import another process's indirect rendering context. |
glXIntro.3G | Introduction to OpenGL in the X window system |
glXIsDirect.3G | indicate whether direct rendering is enabled |
glXMakeCurrent.3G | attach a GLX context to a window or a GLX pixmap |
glXQueryContextInfoEXT.3G | query context information |
glXQueryExtension.3G | indicate whether the GLX extension is supported |
glXQueryExtensionsString.3G | return list of supported extensions |
glXQueryServerString.3G | return string describing the server |
glXQueryVersion.3G | return the version numbers of the GLX extension |
glXSwapBuffers.3G | exchange front and back buffers |
glXUseXFont.3G | create bitmap display lists from an X font |
glXWaitGL.3G | complete GL execution prior to subsequent X calls |
glXWaitX.3G | complete X execution prior to subsequent GL calls |
gl_ClipDistance.3G | provides a forward-compatible mechanism for vertex clipping |
gl_CullDistance.3G | provides a mechanism for controlling user culling |
gl_FragCoord.3G | contains the window-relative coordinates of the current fragment |
gl_FragDepth.3G | establishes a depth value for the current fragment |
gl_FrontFacing.3G | indicates whether a primitive is front or back facing |
gl_GlobalInvocationID.3G | contains the global index of work item currently being operated on by a compute shader |
gl_HelperInvocation.3G | indicates whether a fragment shader invocation is a helper invocation |
gl_InstanceID.3G | contains the index of the current primitive in an instanced draw command |
gl_InvocationID.3G | contains the invocation index of the current shader |
gl_Layer.3G | contains the selected layer of a multi-layer framebuffer attachment |
gl_LocalInvocationID.3G | contains the index of work item currently being operated on by a compute shader |
gl_LocalInvocationIndex.3G | contains the local linear index of work item currently being operated on by a compute shader |
gl_NumSamples.3G | contains the total number of samples in the framebuffer |
gl_NumWorkGroups.3G | contains the number of workgroups that have been dispatched to a compute shader |
gl_PatchVerticesIn.3G | contains the number of vertices in the current patch |
gl_PointCoord.3G | contains the coordinate of a fragment within a point |
gl_PointSize.3G | contains size of rasterized points, in pixels |
gl_Position.3G | contains the position of the current vertex |
gl_PrimitiveID.3G | contains the index of the current primitive |
gl_PrimitiveIDIn.3G | contains the index of the current primitive |
gl_SampleID.3G | contains the index of the sample currently being processed |
gl_SampleMask.3G | specifies the sample coverage mask for the current fragment |
gl_SampleMaskIn.3G | contains the computed sample coverage mask for the current fragment |
gl_SamplePosition.3G | contains the location of the current sample within the current fragment |
gl_TessCoord.3G | contains the coordinate of the vertex within the current patch |
gl_TessLevelInner.3G | contains the inner tessellation levels for the current patch |
gl_TessLevelOuter.3G | contains the outer tessellation levels for the current patch |
gl_VertexID.3G | contains the index of the current vertex |
gl_ViewportIndex.3G | contains the index of the viewport to be used in viewport transformation and scissoring |
gl_WorkGroupID.3G | contains the index of the workgroup currently being operated on by a compute shader |
gl_WorkGroupSize.3G | contains the size of the workgroup operated on by a compute shader |
gluBeginCurve.3G | delimit a NURBS curve definition |
gluBeginPolygon.3G | delimit a polygon description |
gluBeginSurface.3G | delimit a NURBS surface definition |
gluBeginTrim.3G | delimit a NURBS trimming loop definition |
gluBuild1DMipmapLevels.3G | builds a subset of one-dimensional mipmap levels |
gluBuild1DMipmaps.3G | builds a one-dimensional mipmap |
gluBuild2DMipmapLevels.3G | builds a subset of two-dimensional mipmap levels |
gluBuild2DMipmaps.3G | builds a two-dimensional mipmap |
gluBuild3DMipmapLevels.3G | builds a subset of three-dimensional mipmap levels |
gluBuild3DMipmaps.3G | builds a three-dimensional mipmap |
gluCheckExtension.3G | determines if an extension name is supported |
gluCylinder.3G | draw a cylinder |
gluDeleteNurbsRenderer.3G | destroy a NURBS object |
gluDeleteQuadric.3G | destroy a quadrics object |
gluDeleteTess.3G | destroy a tessellation object |
gluDisk.3G | draw a disk |
gluErrorString.3G | produce an error string from a GL or GLU error code |
gluGetNurbsProperty.3G | get a NURBS property |
gluGetString.3G | return a string describing the GLU version or GLU extensions |
gluGetTessProperty.3G | get a tessellation object property |
gluLoadSamplingMatrices.3G | load NURBS sampling and culling matrices |
gluLookAt.3G | define a viewing transformation |
gluNewNurbsRenderer.3G | create a NURBS object |
gluNewQuadric.3G | create a quadrics object |
gluNewTess.3G | create a tessellation object |
gluNextContour.3G | mark the beginning of another contour |
gluNurbsCallback.3G | define a callback for a NURBS object |
gluNurbsCallbackData.3G | set a user data pointer |
gluNurbsCallbackDataEXT.3G | set a user data pointer |
gluNurbsCurve.3G | define the shape of a NURBS curve |
gluNurbsProperty.3G | set a NURBS property |
gluNurbsSurface.3G | define the shape of a NURBS surface |
gluOrtho2D.3G | define a 2D orthographic projection matrix |
gluPartialDisk.3G | draw an arc of a disk |
gluPerspective.3G | set up a perspective projection matrix |
gluPickMatrix.3G | define a picking region |
gluProject.3G | map object coordinates to window coordinates |
gluPwlCurve.3G | describe a piecewise linear NURBS trimming curve |
gluQuadricCallback.3G | define a callback for a quadrics object |
gluQuadricDrawStyle.3G | specify the draw style desired for quadrics |
gluQuadricNormals.3G | specify what kind of normals are desired for quadrics |
gluQuadricOrientation.3G | specify inside/outside orientation for quadrics |
gluQuadricTexture.3G | specify if texturing is desired for quadrics |
gluScaleImage.3G | scale an image to an arbitrary size |
gluSphere.3G | draw a sphere |
gluTessBeginContour.3G | delimit a contour description |
gluTessBeginPolygon.3G | delimit a polygon description |
gluTessCallback.3G | define a callback for a tessellation object |
gluTessEndPolygon.3G | delimit a polygon description |
gluTessNormal.3G | specify a normal for a polygon |
gluTessProperty.3G | set a tessellation object property |
gluTessVertex.3G | specify a vertex on a polygon |
gluUnProject.3G | map window coordinates to object coordinates |
gluUnProject4.3G | map window and clip coordinates to object coordinates |