General Commands
gh | GitHub CLI |
gh-alias | Create command shortcuts |
gh-alias-delete | Delete set aliases |
gh-alias-import | Import aliases from a YAML file |
gh-alias-list | List your aliases |
gh-alias-set | Create a shortcut for a gh command |
gh-api | Make an authenticated GitHub API request |
gh-attestation | Work with artifact attestations |
gh-attestation-download | Download an artifact's attestations for offline use |
gh-attestation-trusted-root | Output trusted_root.jsonl contents, likely for offline verification |
gh-attestation-verify | Verify an artifact's integrity using attestations |
gh-auth | Authenticate gh and git with GitHub |
gh-auth-login | Log in to a GitHub account |
gh-auth-logout | Log out of a GitHub account |
gh-auth-refresh | Refresh stored authentication credentials |
gh-auth-setup-git | Setup git with GitHub CLI |
gh-auth-status | Display active account and authentication state on each known GitHub host |
gh-auth-switch | Switch active GitHub account |
gh-auth-token | Print the authentication token gh uses for a hostname and account |
gh-browse | Open repositories, issues, pull requests, and more in the browser |
gh-cache | Manage GitHub Actions caches |
gh-cache-delete | Delete GitHub Actions caches |
gh-cache-list | List GitHub Actions caches |
gh-codespace | Connect to and manage codespaces |
gh-codespace-code | Open a codespace in Visual Studio Code |
gh-codespace-cp | Copy files between local and remote file systems |
gh-codespace-create | Create a codespace |
gh-codespace-delete | Delete codespaces |
gh-codespace-edit | Edit a codespace |
gh-codespace-jupyter | Open a codespace in JupyterLab |
gh-codespace-list | List codespaces |
gh-codespace-logs | Access codespace logs |
gh-codespace-ports | List ports in a codespace |
gh-codespace-ports-forward | Forward ports |
gh-codespace-ports-visibility | Change the visibility of the forwarded port |
gh-codespace-rebuild | Rebuild a codespace |
gh-codespace-ssh | SSH into a codespace |
gh-codespace-stop | Stop a running codespace |
gh-codespace-view | View details about a codespace |
gh-completion | Generate shell completion scripts |
gh-config | Manage configuration for gh |
gh-config-clear-cache | Clear the cli cache |
gh-config-get | Print the value of a given configuration key |
gh-config-list | Print a list of configuration keys and values |
gh-config-set | Update configuration with a value for the given key |
gh-extension | Manage gh extensions |
gh-extension-browse | Enter a UI for browsing, adding, and removing extensions |
gh-extension-create | Create a new extension |
gh-extension-exec | Execute an installed extension |
gh-extension-install | Install a gh extension from a repository |
gh-extension-list | List installed extension commands |
gh-extension-remove | Remove an installed extension |
gh-extension-search | Search extensions to the GitHub CLI |
gh-extension-upgrade | Upgrade installed extensions |
gh-gist | Manage gists |
gh-gist-clone | Clone a gist locally |
gh-gist-create | Create a new gist |
gh-gist-delete | Delete a gist |
gh-gist-edit | Edit one of your gists |
gh-gist-list | List your gists |
gh-gist-rename | Rename a file in a gist |
gh-gist-view | View a gist |
gh-gpg-key | Manage GPG keys |
gh-gpg-key-add | Add a GPG key to your GitHub account |
gh-gpg-key-delete | Delete a GPG key from your GitHub account |
gh-gpg-key-list | Lists GPG keys in your GitHub account |
gh-issue | Manage issues |
gh-issue-close | Close issue |
gh-issue-comment | Add a comment to an issue |
gh-issue-create | Create a new issue |
gh-issue-delete | Delete issue |
gh-issue-develop | Manage linked branches for an issue |
gh-issue-edit | Edit issues |
gh-issue-list | List issues in a repository |
gh-issue-lock | Lock issue conversation |
gh-issue-pin | Pin a issue |
gh-issue-reopen | Reopen issue |
gh-issue-status | Show status of relevant issues |
gh-issue-transfer | Transfer issue to another repository |
gh-issue-unlock | Unlock issue conversation |
gh-issue-unpin | Unpin a issue |
gh-issue-view | View an issue |
gh-label | Manage labels |
gh-label-clone | Clones labels from one repository to another |
gh-label-create | Create a new label |
gh-label-delete | Delete a label from a repository |
gh-label-edit | Edit a label |
gh-label-list | List labels in a repository |
gh-org | Manage organizations |
gh-org-list | List organizations for the authenticated user. |
gh-pr | Manage pull requests |
gh-pr-checkout | Check out a pull request in git |
gh-pr-checks | Show CI status for a single pull request |
gh-pr-close | Close a pull request |
gh-pr-comment | Add a comment to a pull request |
gh-pr-create | Create a pull request |
gh-pr-diff | View changes in a pull request |
gh-pr-edit | Edit a pull request |
gh-pr-list | List pull requests in a repository |
gh-pr-lock | Lock pull request conversation |
gh-pr-merge | Merge a pull request |
gh-pr-ready | Mark a pull request as ready for review |
gh-pr-reopen | Reopen a pull request |
gh-pr-review | Add a review to a pull request |
gh-pr-status | Show status of relevant pull requests |
gh-pr-unlock | Unlock pull request conversation |
gh-pr-update-branch | Update a pull request branch |
gh-pr-view | View a pull request |
gh-project | Work with GitHub Projects. |
gh-project-close | Close a project |
gh-project-copy | Copy a project |
gh-project-create | Create a project |
gh-project-delete | Delete a project |
gh-project-edit | Edit a project |
gh-project-field-create | Create a field in a project |
gh-project-field-delete | Delete a field in a project |
gh-project-field-list | List the fields in a project |
gh-project-item-add | Add a pull request or an issue to a project |
gh-project-item-archive | Archive an item in a project |
gh-project-item-create | Create a draft issue item in a project |
gh-project-item-delete | Delete an item from a project by ID |
gh-project-item-edit | Edit an item in a project |
gh-project-item-list | List the items in a project |
gh-project-link | Link a project to a repository or a team |
gh-project-list | List the projects for an owner |
gh-project-mark-template | Mark a project as a template |
gh-project-unlink | Unlink a project from a repository or a team |
gh-project-view | View a project |
gh-release | Manage releases |
gh-release-create | Create a new release |
gh-release-delete | Delete a release |
gh-release-delete-asset | Delete an asset from a release |
gh-release-download | Download release assets |
gh-release-edit | Edit a release |
gh-release-list | List releases in a repository |
gh-release-upload | Upload assets to a release |
gh-release-view | View information about a release |
gh-repo | Manage repositories |
gh-repo-archive | Archive a repository |
gh-repo-autolink | Manage autolink references |
gh-repo-autolink-list | List autolink references for a GitHub repository |
gh-repo-clone | Clone a repository locally |
gh-repo-create | Create a new repository |
gh-repo-delete | Delete a repository |
gh-repo-deploy-key | Manage deploy keys in a repository |
gh-repo-deploy-key-add | Add a deploy key to a GitHub repository |
gh-repo-deploy-key-delete | Delete a deploy key from a GitHub repository |
gh-repo-deploy-key-list | List deploy keys in a GitHub repository |
gh-repo-edit | Edit repository settings |
gh-repo-fork | Create a fork of a repository |
gh-repo-gitignore | List and view available repository gitignore templates |
gh-repo-gitignore-list | List available repository gitignore templates |
gh-repo-gitignore-view | View an available repository gitignore template |
gh-repo-license | Explore repository licenses |
gh-repo-license-list | List common repository licenses |
gh-repo-license-view | View a specific repository license |
gh-repo-list | List repositories owned by user or organization |
gh-repo-rename | Rename a repository |
gh-repo-set-default | Configure default repository for this directory |
gh-repo-sync | Sync a repository |
gh-repo-unarchive | Unarchive a repository |
gh-repo-view | View a repository |
gh-ruleset | View info about repo rulesets |
gh-ruleset-check | View rules that would apply to a given branch |
gh-ruleset-list | List rulesets for a repository or organization |
gh-ruleset-view | View information about a ruleset |
gh-run | View details about workflow runs |
gh-run-cancel | Cancel a workflow run |
gh-run-delete | Delete a workflow run |
gh-run-download | Download artifacts generated by a workflow run |
gh-run-list | List recent workflow runs |
gh-run-rerun | Rerun a run |
gh-run-view | View a summary of a workflow run |
gh-run-watch | Watch a run until it completes, showing its progress |
gh-search | Search for repositories, issues, and pull requests |
gh-search-code | Search within code |
gh-search-commits | Search for commits |
gh-search-issues | Search for issues |
gh-search-prs | Search for pull requests |
gh-search-repos | Search for repositories |
gh-secret | Manage GitHub secrets |
gh-secret-delete | Delete secrets |
gh-secret-list | List secrets |
gh-secret-set | Create or update secrets |
gh-ssh-key | Manage SSH keys |
gh-ssh-key-add | Add an SSH key to your GitHub account |
gh-ssh-key-delete | Delete an SSH key from your GitHub account |
gh-ssh-key-list | Lists SSH keys in your GitHub account |
gh-status | Print information about relevant issues, pull requests, and notifications across repositories |
gh-variable | Manage GitHub Actions variables |
gh-variable-delete | Delete variables |
gh-variable-get | Get variables |
gh-variable-list | List variables |
gh-variable-set | Create or update variables |
gh-workflow | View details about GitHub Actions workflows |
gh-workflow-disable | Disable a workflow |
gh-workflow-enable | Enable a workflow |
gh-workflow-list | List workflows |
gh-workflow-run | Run a workflow by creating a workflow_dispatch event |
gh-workflow-view | View the summary of a workflow |