General Commands
gdal_contour | Builds vector contour lines from a raster elevation model. |
gdal_create | Create a raster file (without source dataset) |
gdal_footprint | Compute footprint of a raster. |
gdal_grid | Creates regular grid from the scattered data. |
gdal_rasterize | Burns vector geometries into a raster. |
gdal_translate | Converts raster data between different formats. |
gdal_viewshed | Calculates a viewshed raster from an input raster DEM for a user defined point |
gdaladdo | Builds or rebuilds overview images. |
gdalbuildvrt | Builds a VRT from a list of datasets. |
gdaldem | Tools to analyze and visualize DEMs. |
gdalinfo | Lists various information about a GDAL supported raster dataset |
gdallocationinfo | Raster query tool. |
gdalmanage | Identify, delete, rename and copy raster data files. |
gdalmdiminfo | Reports structure and content of a multidimensional dataset |
gdalmdimtranslate | Converts multidimensional data between different formats, and perform subsetting. |
gdalsrsinfo | Lists info about a given SRS in number of formats (WKT, PROJ.4, etc.) |
gdaltindex | Builds a shapefile as a raster tileindex. |
gdaltransform | Transforms coordinates. |
gdalwarp | Image reprojection and warping utility. |
gnmanalyse | Analyses networks |
gnmmanage | Manages networks |
nearblack | Convert nearly black/white borders to black. |
ogr2ogr | Converts simple features data between file formats. |
ogrinfo | Lists information about an OGR-supported data source. |
ogrlineref | Create linear reference and provide some calculations using it. |
ogrtindex | Creates a tileindex. |
sozip | |