The Flight Gear project is working to create a sophisticated flight
simulator framework for the development and pursuit of interesting
flight simulator ideas. We are developing a solid basic sim that can be
expanded and improved upon by anyone interested in contributing
Version: 2024.1.1
General Commands | |
GPSsmooth | send NMEA-formatted GPS data to a FlightGear instance |
JSBSim | standalone version of the JSBSim open source flight dynamics model |
MIDGsmooth | send MIDG-formatted GPS data to a FlightGear instance |
UGsmooth | send UGear-formatted GPS data to a FlightGear instance |
fgcom | VoIP client for the FlightGear radio infrastructure |
fgelev | Compute FlightGear scenery elevation for a given list of points |
fgfs | the FlightGear flight simulator |
fgjs | FlightGear joystick utility |
fgviewer | An alternative FlightGear viewer application |
js_demo | Joystick demo application for FlightGear |
metar | demo METAR utility for FlightGear |
File Formats | |
fgfsrc | FlightGear command-line options file |