Package docbook-utils

Shell scripts for managing DocBook documents

This package contains scripts are for easy conversion from DocBook
files to other formats (for example, HTML, RTF, and PostScript), and
for comparing SGML files.

Version: 0.6.15

General Commands

db2dvi alias for jw
db2html alias for jw
db2ps alias for jw
db2rtf alias for jw
docbook2html alias for jw
docbook2man alias for jw convert DocBook RefEntries to man pages
docbook2rtf alias for jw
docbook2tex alias for jw
docbook2texi alias for jw convert DocBook Booksto Texinfo documents
docbook2txt alias for jw
jw (Jade Wrapper) converts SGML files to other formats
sgmldiff Find differences in the markup of two SGML files


backend-spec interface between jw and its backends
frontend-spec interface between jw and its frontends