Package dhall-json

Convert between Dhall and JSON or YAML

Use this package if you want to convert between Dhall expressions and JSON or
YAML. You can use this package as a library or an executable:

* See the "Dhall.JSON" or "Dhall.JSONToDhall" modules if you want to use this
package as a library

* Use the 'dhall-to-json', 'dhall-to-yaml', or 'json-to-dhall' programs from
this package if you want an executable

The "Dhall.JSON" and "Dhall.JSONToDhall" modules also contains instructions for
how to use this package.

Version: 1.7.12

See also: dhall.

General Commands

dhall-to-json manual page for dhall-to-json 1.7.12
dhall-to-yaml manual page for dhall-to-yaml 1.7.12
json-to-dhall manual page for json-to-dhall 1.7.12