Package dbh-devel

Header files for disk based hash library

This package includes the static libraries and header files you will need
to compile applications for dbh.

Version: 5.0.16

Library Functions

dbh Dbh header file
dbh.h alias for dbh
dbh_close close or remove an open DBHashTable
dbh_create alias for dbh_open
dbh_destroy alias for dbh_close
dbh_erase erase/unerase records or prune/unprune entire branches
dbh_exit_fanout alias for dbh_sweep
dbh_exit_sweep alias for dbh_sweep
dbh_fanout alias for dbh_sweep
dbh_find Find the top level subtree FILE_POINTER
dbh_foreach_fanout alias for dbh_sweep
dbh_foreach_sweep alias for dbh_sweep
dbh_genkey generate cuantified or ordered keys
dbh_genkey2 alias for dbh_genkey
dbh_load load a DBHashTable record to memory
dbh_load_address alias for dbh_load
dbh_load_child alias for dbh_load
dbh_load_parent alias for dbh_load
dbh_macros Macros available in dbh
dbh_open open or create a new DBHashTable
dbh_open_ro alias for dbh_open
dbh_orderkey alias for dbh_genkey
dbh_prune alias for dbh_erase
dbh_regen_fanout alias for dbh_regen_sweep
dbh_regen_sweep make physical structure of the DBHashTable congruent with logical structure
dbh_set_data set the record data or record key
dbh_set_key alias for dbh_set_data
dbh_set_recordsize alias for dbh_set_size
dbh_set_size set maximum or current record size
dbh_settempdir alias for dbh_regen_sweep
dbh_sweep apply a function to all or part of the DBHashtable
dbh_unerase alias for dbh_erase
dbh_unprune alias for dbh_erase
dbh_update write data record or file header to disk
dbh_writeheader alias for dbh_update