Package cryptobone

Secure Communication Under Your Control

The Crypto Bone is a secure messaging system that makes sure a user's
email is always encrypted without burdening the user with the message
key management. Based on a GUI and a separate daemon, both ease-of-use
and security are assured by a novel approach to encryption key management.

While the message keys are secured by a daemon running on the Linux machine,
additional protection can be achieved by using an external device for storing
encryption keys. This external device can be another Linux computer dedicated
to this task or a Beagle Bone or a Raspberry Pi. (

Version: 1.7

System Administration

activate-cryptobone A setup tool to tie one specific user to the Crypto Bone
cbcontrol cbcontrol
cryptobone Secure Communication Under Your Control
cryptoboned The Crypto Bone Daemon
external-cryptobone Administration tool to change firewall settings and sshd configurations
external-cryptobone-admin Administration tool for an external Crypto Bone device to store message keys