Common utilities to mount and interact with a ceph storage cluster.
Comprised of files that are common to Ceph clients and servers.
Version: 19.2.1
System Administration | |
ceph | ceph administration tool |
ceph-authtool | ceph keyring manipulation tool |
ceph-conf | ceph conf file tool |
ceph-dencoder | ceph encoder/decoder utility |
ceph-diff-sorted | compare two sorted files line by line |
ceph-post-file | post files for ceph developers |
ceph-rbdnamer | udev helper to name RBD devices |
ceph-syn | ceph synthetic workload generator |
crushdiff | ceph crush map test tool |
mount.ceph | mount a Ceph file system |
rados | rados object storage utility |
radosgw-admin | rados REST gateway user administration utility |
rbd | manage rados block device (RBD) images |
rbd-replay | replay rados block device (RBD) workloads |
rbd-replay-many | replay a rados block device (RBD) workload on several clients |
rbd-replay-prep | prepare captured rados block device (RBD) workloads for replay |
rbdmap | map RBD devices at boot time |
rgw-orphan-list | list rados objects that are not indexed by rgw |
rgw-restore-bucket-index | try to restore a bucket's objects to its bucket index |