Package cantera-common

Common files needed for all Cantera interfaces

Cantera is a suite of object-oriented software tools for solving problems
involving chemical kinetics, thermodynamics, and/or transport processes.
Cantera can be used for simulating time-dependent or steady reactor
networks and one-dimensional reacting flows. Thermodynamic models for
ideal gases, aqueous electrolytes, plasmas, and multiphase substances
are provided.

This package includes programs for parsing and converting chemical
mechanisms, a set of common mechanism files, and several sample problems.

Version: 3.1.0

General Commands

ck2yaml convert Chemkin-II-format mechanisms to Cantera YAML input files
cti2yaml convert legacy CTI-format mechanisms to Cantera YAML input files
ctml2yaml convert legacy CTML-format mechanisms to Cantera YAML input files
yaml2ck convert Cantera YAML input files to Chemkin-format mechanisms