bluez-libs-devel contains development libraries and headers for
use in Bluetooth applications.
Version: 5.79
See also: bluez, bluez-deprecated, bluez-hcidump, bluez-hid2hci, bluez-mesh, bluez-tools.
General Commands | |
isotest | ISO testing |
l2ping | Send L2CAP echo request and receive answer |
rctest | RFCOMM testing |
File Formats | |
org.bluez.Adapter | BlueZ D-Bus Adapter API documentation |
org.bluez.AdminPolicySet | BlueZ D-Bus AdminPolicySet API documentation |
org.bluez.AdminPolicyStatus | BlueZ D-Bus AdminPolicyStatus API documentation |
org.bluez.AdvertisementMonitor | BlueZ D-Bus AdvertisementMonitor API documentation |
org.bluez.AdvertisementMonitorManager | BlueZ D-Bus AdvertisementMonitorManager API documentation |
org.bluez.Agent | BlueZ D-Bus Agent API documentation |
org.bluez.AgentManager | BlueZ D-Bus AgentManager API documentation |
org.bluez.Battery | BlueZ D-Bus Battery API documentation |
org.bluez.BatteryProvider | BlueZ D-Bus BatteryProvider API documentation |
org.bluez.BatteryProviderManager | BlueZ D-Bus BatteryProviderManager API documentation |
org.bluez.Device | BlueZ D-Bus Device API documentation |
org.bluez.DeviceSet | BlueZ D-Bus DeviceSet API documentation |
org.bluez.GattCharacteristic | BlueZ D-Bus GattCharacteristic API documentation |
org.bluez.GattDescriptor | BlueZ D-Bus GattDescriptor API documentation |
org.bluez.GattManager | BlueZ D-Bus GattManager API documentation |
org.bluez.GattProfile | BlueZ D-Bus GattProfile API documentation |
org.bluez.GattService | BlueZ D-Bus GattService API documentation |
org.bluez.Input | BlueZ D-Bus Input API documentation |
org.bluez.LEAdvertisement | BlueZ D-Bus LEAdvertisement API documentation |
org.bluez.LEAdvertisingManager | BlueZ D-Bus LEAvertisingManager API documentation |
org.bluez.Media | BlueZ D-Bus Media API documentation |
org.bluez.MediaAssistant | BlueZ D-Bus MediaAssistant API documentation |
org.bluez.MediaControl | BlueZ D-Bus MediaControl API documentation |
org.bluez.MediaEndpoint | BlueZ D-Bus MediaEndpoint API documentation |
org.bluez.MediaFolder | BlueZ D-Bus MediaFolder API documentation |
org.bluez.MediaItem | BlueZ D-Bus MediaItem API documentation |
org.bluez.MediaPlayer | BlueZ D-Bus MediaPlayer API documentation |
org.bluez.MediaTransport | BlueZ D-Bus MediaTransport API documentation |
org.bluez.Network | BlueZ D-Bus Network API documentation |
org.bluez.NetworkServer | BlueZ D-Bus NetworkServer API documentation |
org.bluez.Profile | BlueZ D-Bus Profile API documentation |
org.bluez.ProfileManager | BlueZ D-Bus ProfileManager API documentation |
org.bluez.obex.Agent | BlueZ D-Bus OBEX Agent API documentation |
org.bluez.obex.AgentManager | BlueZ D-Bus OBEX AgentManager API documentation |
org.bluez.obex.Client | BlueZ D-Bus OBEX Client API documentation |
org.bluez.obex.FileTransfer | BlueZ D-Bus OBEX FileTransfer API documentation |
org.bluez.obex.Image | BlueZ D-Bus OBEX Image API documentation |
org.bluez.obex.Message | BlueZ D-Bus OBEX Message API documentation |
org.bluez.obex.MessageAccess | BlueZ D-Bus OBEX MessageAccess API documentation |
org.bluez.obex.ObjectPush | BlueZ D-Bus OBEX ObjectPush API documentation |
org.bluez.obex.PhonebookAccess | BlueZ D-Bus OBEX PhonebookAccess API documentation |
org.bluez.obex.Session | BlueZ D-Bus OBEX Client API documentation |
org.bluez.obex.Synchronization | BlueZ D-Bus OBEX Synchronization API documentation |
org.bluez.obex.Transfer | BlueZ D-Bus OBEX Transfer API documentation |
Miscellanea | |
hci | Bluetooth HCI protocol |
l2cap | L2CAP protocol |
rfcomm | RFCOMM protocol |