Bluetooth applications that have bee deprecated by upstream. They have been replaced by funcationality in the core bluetoothctl and will eventually be dropped by upstream. Utilities include: - ciptool - gatttool - hciattach - hciconfig - hcidump - hcitool - meshctl - rfcomm - sdptool
Version: 5.79
See also: bluez, bluez-hcidump, bluez-hid2hci, bluez-libs-devel, bluez-mesh, bluez-tools.
General Commands | |
ciptool | Bluetooth Common ISDN Access Profile (CIP) |
hciattach | attach serial devices via UART HCI to BlueZ stack |
hciconfig | Configure Bluetooth devices |
hcidump | Parse HCI data |
hcitool | Configure Bluetooth connections |
rfcomm | RFCOMM configuration utility |
sdptool | control and interrogate SDP servers |